8-Common Deficiency Desease

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-is a form of malnutrition

resulting from inadequate
supply of certain nutrients in the
body for a long period of time.
- A severe deficiency
disease caused by
absolute lack of protein
for a long period of time.
Symptoms are retarded
growth, general weakness,
edema or swelling of the
face, pigmentation or
discoloration of the skin
and hair.
To prevent or treat this
disease we should eat
protein rich foods such as
small fish, meat, poultry,
eggs, milk, cheese, dried
beans and nuts.
– A severe deficiency
condition resulting from
lack of protein and calories
over an extended period of
Symptoms are emaciation
of the body or much loss
of weight, a shrunken face,
general weakness and
stunted growth.
To prevent this disease we
should eat a diet with
adequate amount of calories
from carbohydrates, fats and
– It is the enlargement of the
thyroid glands due to lack of
iodine. Iodine is needed by
thyroid glands, which
produce thyroxin hormones.
These hormones affect
your mental and physical
development and maintain
good health throughout
To prevent this disease we
should eat seafood,
seaweeds, shellfish, squid,
vegetables that grow near the
sea and iodized salt.
- This is the softening or
deformation of bones due to
lack of calcium, phosphorous
and vitamin D.
Calcium and phosphorous are
responsible for the hardening
of the bones. Vitamin D from
sunlight is needed so that
calcium and phosphorous can
function well.
Bowlegs and knock
knees are examples of
poor bone structure due
to calcium deficiency.
To prevent this disease we
should eat a diet with adequate
amount of calcium and
phosphorous such as milk,
cheese, dried beans, lean meats,
organ meats, eggs and leafy
Vitamin D comes from
sunlight, fish liver oil,
dried fish and those
foods which is exposed
to sun.
– A severe deficiency disease
caused by lack of Vitamin B1 or
thiamine. It is characterized by
edema in the face, head and feet,
lack of appetite, fatigue,
constipation and palpitation of the
To prevent this disease we
should eat foods rich in
thiamine such as rice, corn,
wheat or bread, dried beans,
peas, nuts, liver, heart, kidney,
yeast and rice bran.
– A severe deficiency disease
caused by absolute lack of niacin
or nicotinic acid. It is characterized
by 3D’s namely diarrhea,
dermatitis or skin eruptions and
dementia or insanity.
To prevent this disease we
should eat foods which is
rich in niacin such as liver,
yeast, milk, cheese, dried
beans, nuts, peas, fish and
– A severe deficiency in
vitamin A. It is
characterized by poor
vision, night blindness and
dry eyelids.
It also results to dry
hair, poor skin and
low resistance to
To prevent this disease
we should eat green
leafy and yellow
vegetables and organ
meats such as liver.
– A severe deficiency
disease that results
from lack of vitamin C
or ascorbic acid.
Symptoms are swelling and
bleeding of the gums, week
bones and teeth, poor skin,
slow healing of wounds and
poor resistance against
To prevent this disease we
should eat foods rich in
Vitamin C such as guavas,
bananas, mangoes, apple,
strawberries guyabano,
orange and papaya.
I. Identify the Common
Deficiency Disease
shown in the following
II. Identify what is ask on the following statement?

1. What is the other name for Vitamin B1?

2. What nutrient is lacking if you have goiter?

3. What do you call to a deficiency disease characterized by poor vision, dry hair, poor skin
and low resistance to infection?

4-6- What does 3D’s stands for?

7. What is the lacking nutrient for Scurvy?

8. What food should you eat to avoid Rickets?

9. What deficiency disease results to emaciation or much loss of weight, shrunken face,
weakness and stunted growth?

10. What do you call to a form of malnutrition resulting from inadequate supply of nutrients?
11. What deficiency disease will result to absolute lack of protein for a long period of time?

12. What deficiency disease causes softening and deformation of the bones?

13. What disease will form if there is an absolute lack of calories from carbohydrates, fats
and protein?

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