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TOPIC : Corporate Social

1) Woodland Pvt Ltd company
2) Parle Products private limited

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What is Corporate Social Responsibility ?
 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a self-regulating business model that helps
a company be socially accountable to itself, its stakeholders, and the public. By
practicing corporate social responsibility, also called corporate citizenship, companies
can be conscious of the kind of impact they are having on all aspects of society,
including economic, social, and environmental.
 To engage in CSR means that, in the ordinary course of business, a company is
operating in ways that enhance society and the environment, instead of contributing
negatively to them.
1. Woodland Pvt Ltd company

 Woodland's parent company, Aero Group, has been a well known name in the
outdoor shoe industry since the early 50s. Founded in Quebec, Canada, it entered the
Indian market in 1992. Before that, Aero Group was majorly exporting its leather shoes
to Russia. After the division of Russia into various states known as the USSR, the group
decided to launch some of its products in India. Hence, the first hand-stitched leather
shoe was launched, which took the entire shoe market by storm. That shoe made the
brand 'Woodland’.
• Woodland social environment

 Woodland Group takes its corporate and social responsibilities seriously. They strive to do the right
thing for clients, people, the communities in which they work and the wider world.

The range of biodegradable and eco-friendly footwear has been certified by the Footwear Design &
Development Institute, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India
 Organic Cotton T- shirts:
Free of toxins and pesticides, Woodland’s ProPlanet T-shirts are made of 100% organic cotton. We are
committed to minimizing our ecological footprint throughout all phases of the production process and
are working towards making our production line more eco-friendly.
 Pure Green T-shirts:
These pure green T-shirts are made from recycled PET (plastic) bottles. The plastic bottles are
sterilized and processed into fiber strands. These strands are knitted together to create a fabric, which is
used to produce 100% recycled T-shirts.
 Biodegradable Shoes & Sandals:
This sturdy & stylish biodegradable range of footwear has been manufactured with a
view of putting the least amount of pressure on the environment. The materials used are
free of any harmful chemical substances. The outer sole and heel is made of crepe rubber
(natural raw rubber) and the upper body is made of vegetable tanned leather, which has
also been utilized in the lining of the shoe. Cellulose has been used to make the insole, toe
puffs and the counters.
• Woodland Committed to the environment

Environmental management encompasses all aspects of his business. Primarily, aim to minimise
greenhouse gas emissions, consumption of energy and resources and production of waste. 
 Transport
Aiming for one of the most fuel-efficient fleets in the marketplace by investing in adopting viable,
proven technologies. 
 Logistics Operations
Through driver education, planning, vehicle monitoring and software tools, minimising transport miles,
avoiding congestion and reducing fuel consumption.  
 Packaging
In addition to reducing tertiary/bulk packaging, also happy to work with customers on product
packaging design. This will cut waste, reduce freight costs and help customers reduce their carbon
 People
Through education and motivation, people  are making a significant difference to the environmental
impact of the Storage, Distribution and Administrative areas of the business. 
● Woodlands sustainability development

A strong supporter of sustainability in the fashion and apparel

world. Woodland believe that every brand is responsible towards the
society it operates in and must give back to the community as it grows
and succeeds.
 Use of Eco-Friendly Raw Materials, Packaging and Processes
Always use environment-friendly products like organic cotton,
recycled rubber, etc. to manufacture our products along with designing
and constructing products to perform better and last longer. Every
product’s hangtags, as well as our business cards, are printed on
certified 100 percent post-consumer recycled paper. To reduce the total
amount of paper used in the marketing materials of our brand, and the
energy consumed to make and recycle them, we have consciously made
a decision to move towards more electronic billing, publishing
and communication.
 Association with WWF(well where funds)

Woodland supported the WWF India Conservation

initiative previously as well where funds were raised to donate solar
lanterns to over 120 household in three villages in Central India’s
Satpuda Maikal landscape. Patwahi, Chiklabadi and BanglaDadar are
some of the small villages situated in the most remote parts of two
wildlife corridors providing passage for wildlife to move between Kanha
and Pench Tiger Reserve and Kanha and Achanakmar Tiger Reserve in
Madhya Pradesh.
 Association with GHE(Global Himalayan Expedition)

As a brand, woodland believe in the philosophy of

sustainable mountain development and ecology preservation of higher
altitude areas. This incited the brand for a partnership with Global
Himalayan Expedition (GHE), an initiative focussed towards providing
clean energy and education access to remote Himalayan communities.
• Social changes

 Initiatives undertaken in association with environmentally-conscious NGOs and partners to promote

eco friendly initiatives in the community.
 Communicating, educating and motivating them to seize the opportunities to reduce environmental
opportunities: Woodland engage in multiple initiatives and campaigns right from in-store experiential
activities to online campaigns, associations with like-minded organisations, educational institutes and NGOs
for tree plantation with schools, bicycle rides with local communities, encouraging people with discount/gift
as an acknowledgment to increase the use of solar products.
 Continuously improving the manufacturing process to reduce the water consumption and preserve
natural resources: Woodland undertake multiple educational campaigns and innovative ideas to promote an
eco-friendly world. Woodland partnered with Asia’s largest musical festival – Sunburn – for ‘Leave No Trace’
campaign, to spread awareness on preserving eco balance. The campaign ensured to spread the message of
a pollution-free environment and the Proplanet ensured that all waste items were collected and transported
for recycling processes, leaving no trace behind. Woodland aim to spread awareness and contribute to the
society through as many mediums as possible. Woodland re very happy and proud to help the society in as
many ways as possible. We created an installation from reused material and collected vast amount of plastic
in the form of plastic bottles. The same plastic was used for our eco-friendly collection of t-shirts.

Since 1929, Parle Products, with its wide platter of biscuits and
sweets is also actively engaged in changing and uplifting the social face of India. As
part of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, Parle is keenly involved in the
overall development of the younger generation, with a focused endeavour to build
the New Face of India and spread happiness and joy all over.
 Parle -G or Parle Glucose Biscuits , manufactured by Parle Products Private Limited, is 
one of the most popular biscuit in india. Parle-G is one of the oldest brand names as
well as the best selling biscuit brand in India. The factory was shut down on 30 July
2016. For decades, the product's most popular white and yellow wrapper made of wax
paper (wax paper) remained the hallmark on which a little girl was
featured. Counterfeit companies have been trying to sell almost identical package
designs and similar names but lower quality products.
PARLE -G CSR social environment

 CSR s embedded in the business philosophy of Parle-G. At Parle-G, the business operations and
processes are designed in a way that they do not become an obstacle or a burden in the way of
people’s and the environment’s wellbeing. At the same time, these processes and designs boost
business growth. The systematic design of operations at Parle-G enables the management to
ensure that the organization achieves sustainable business growth by reducing attached risk factors
as well as through community building goals and ambitions. Parle-G strives to increase its social
impact and influence on the environment and in people’s lives- by focusing on three big goals. 
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 Values at Parle-G
Parle-G works for CSR through the CSV approach. This is made easier to
incorporate in the company systems because of the core values practised at Parle-G. These
Respect – for every one
● Trust
● Integrity
● Honesty
● Accountability
CSR goals at Parle-G

 Improving livings standards for communities through increasing employment

 Enhancing the health and wellbeing of communities engaging with Parle-G
 Reducing environmental footprint

Parle-G works towards reducing its environmental footprint by ensuring that it

allows the legislation regarding carbon production and release. Also, Parle-G works
towards designing operational processes that reduce water and land pollution. All
products manufactured and distributed by Parle-G come with a disposal method to reduce
wastage, and increase recycling. 
Creating shared value (CSV) at Parle-G

 How to maximize value creation?

 Nutrition
 Water
 Air cleansing
 Rural development

Parle-G strives to develop communities where it operates. This includes rural

communities and settlements from where Parle-G gets its raw materials and inputs as well
as labour. Parle-G created varied employment and livelihood opportunities for these
communities to help them raise their living standards and quality of life.
Commitments made by Parle-G

 For individuals and families

● Living healthier lives
● Having nutritional knowledge

 For communities
● Rural development
● Promoting diversity

 For the planet

● Protecting water
● Protecting natural resources
● Safeguarding the environment
Sustainable development by Parle-g

 The CSR and CSV approach at Parle-G is closely guided by the sustainable
development goals chalked out by the United Nations. Through working on the
attainment of the SDGs, Parle-G, and many other companies work together to create a
peaceful and harmonious future that has sustainable resources and environment.    
 Through connecting Parle-G’s goals and commitments with the SDGs, the
company has created avenues of channelling a positive impact on society through its
operations and business as a whole.
● No poverty
 Parle-G creates opportunities for skill enhancement and vocational training
 Parle-G also provides equal employment opportunities to all labours from the local communities
 Parle-G promotes and supports small business ventures through inclusive business support and
funding – especially for women who are micro-entrepreneurs in the community
● Zero hunger
 Parle-G works towards implementing a model of less food wastage and food loss – in the
manufacturing as well as the supply chain process
 Parle-G provides subsidized products in communities that are living below the poverty line, as
well as in communities where it is operational and has industrial units and sites
 Parle-G has developed recycling plants in local communities to ensure that there is no food
wasted during consumption, and it is recycled into other products needed for a sustainable
●Clean water and sanitation
 Parle-G strives to ensure high water efficiency and water sustainability in all business
operations and processes
 Parle-G advocates and also internally implements positive water policies
 Infrastructure developed by Parle-G in different rural communities and settlements
ensures authorized sewage networks and lines to avoid dumping in freshwater reserves
● Life on land
 Parle-G works towards establishing the green supply chain
 Parle-G ensures that no Green spaces are destroyed for its business and industrial
purposes, and also works towards creating healthy green spaces through numerous
 Parle-G places a high emphasis on maintaining regular health check-ups for all
community members – free of cost, and also focuses on animal welfare for farmers
●Good health and well being
 Parle-G works towards improving the living standards and quality of life of communities
it engages with
 For farmers, Parle-G has also improved farm economics
 Parle-G works towards protecting the children in the supply chain processes, as well as
creates diverse livelihood opportunities for adults
● Quality education
 Parle-G provides a hands-on learning opportunity for young adults from local
communities through internship opportunities
 Parle-G also sponsors various scholarship programs for different grade levels in
communities where it is operations
 Parle-G has inaugurated primary schools in three different regions where it has
operations – in rural settlements – as a step towards achieving quality education for all.
Social changes:Parle-G

 Rural development
Parle-G allies with farmers and other partners to obtain the high quality raw material. In doing so, the company
ensures that it invests in the wellbeing in the development of its partners and related communities through educational
opportunities as well as various training programs and infrastructure development.
 Responsible sourcing
Parle-G participates in responsible sourcing. All its partners throughout the supply chain and for raw materials have
been tested against set ethical backgrounds to ensure that all raw sources and materials are obtained from partners doing
sustainable business.
 Animal welfare
In all its sourcing, Parle-G ensures that no animals are harmed. Parle-G makes sure that all animals are fed high quality
fodder, and that they are kept in a clean and safe environment. In addition, Parle-G also provides safe breeding grounds for
animals and regularly authorizes veterinary check-ups for all animals in partner farms.
 Human rights
Parle-G is also particularly careful to ensure that all human rights are upheld in its business operations. This includes
no child labour, and inclusive diversity, amongst other things. Also, the business operations of Parle-G also include high
dependence on local workers for labor and management – making sure all local and global human rights are followed thoroughly.
 Water, sanitation and hygiene
During the manufacturing process and value additions, Parle-G maintains an emphasis on water,
sanitation and hygiene. All plants and manufacturing units operated by Parle-G have an authorized sanitation
system in place which ensures minimal water wastage. Besides, all industrial waste is disposed of off through
authorized channels only – ensuring that no natural water body and water source is harmed or polluted.
 Natural resource stewardship
Parle-G is also an active pioneer of natural resource stewardship. Parle-G has devised ways to ensure
that natural resources are sustainably used for industrial operations, and are not damaged during business
processes. Parle-G shares this knowledge publicly for the overall welfare of the environment and the planet.
 Women empowerment
During its manufacturing process, the Parle-G also ensures to employ women labour in various
managerial and operational level jobs. These women are usually from local communities and are trained for new
skill development and enhancement. In doing so, Parle-G ensures that women are equipped with the confidence
and decision making abilities s that they advance not only in their professional but also in their personal and social

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