Heart Disease Prediction

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K. J.

Somaiya Institute of Engineering & Information Technology, Mumbai

Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering 

Academic Year 2020-21 

Pre synopsis Project Presentation




Outline of Pre Synopsis Project Presentation
⮚ Introduction
⮚ Proposed Project/Model/Idea statement
⮚ Objective
⮚ Literature Survey
⮚ Social/Medical/Agricultural/Industry relevance
⮚ Software and Hardware requirements
⮚ System design idea
⮚ Future Scope
⮚ Applications
⮚ References
⮚ Introduction

⮚ Heart Disease prediction is one of the most complicated tasks in medical field. In the modern
era, approximately one person dies per minute due to heart disease.
⮚ An estimated 17 million people die of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) every year. Although such
diseases are controllable, their early prognosis and a patient’s evaluated risk are necessary to
curb the high mortality rates it presents.
⮚ Data science plays a crucial role in processing huge amount of data in the field of healthcare. As
heart disease prediction is a complex task, there is a need to automate the prediction process to
avoid risks associated with it and alert the patient well in advance.
⮚ Common cardiovascular diseases include coronary heart disease, cardiomyopathy, hypertensive
heard disease, heart failure, etc. Common causes of heart diseases include smoking, diabetes,
lack of physical activity, hypertension, high cholesterol diet, etc.
⮚ Proposed Project/Model/Idea statement

➢ The proposed model is a rule based model to compare the accuracies of applying rules to the
individual results of support vector machine, decision trees, and logistic regression on the
Cleveland Heart Disease Database in order to present an accurate model of predicting heart

➢ The proposed system will fetch the data from the dataset which is classified based on patients
having heart disease or not according to features in it. This proposed system can use the data to
create a model which tries to predict if a patient has heart disease.

➢ From the data we are having, it should be classified into different structured data based on the
features of the patient’s heart. From the availability of the data, we have to create a model which
predicts the patient disease using SVM, Decision Trees and Logistic regression algorithm. We
have to import & read the datasets, the data should contain different variables like age, gender,
chest pain, blood pressure.
⮚ Objective

⮚ The proposed work makes an attempt to detect these heart diseases at early stage
to avoid disastrous consequences.

⮚ We proposes a rule based model to compare the accuracies of applying rules to

the individual results of support vector machine, decision trees, and logistic
regression on the Cleveland Heart Disease Database in order to present an
accurate model of predicting heart disease.

⮚ The methodology aims to accomplish of two goals: the first is to primarily

present a predictive framework for heart disease, and the second is to compare
the efficiency of merging the outcomes of multiple models as opposed to using a
single model.
⮚ Literature Survey

⮚ Prediction of heart disease using data mining techniques has been an ongoing effort
for the past two decades.

Most of the implemented techniques are SVM, neural networks, regression, decision
trees, etc. on multiple databases of patients from around the world.

One of the bases on which our project differ are the selection of parameters on which
the methods have been applied.

Comparing the accuracies across data sets with different parameters arrives at
different results which do not provide a just basis for comparison. More recently, the
statistically identified risk factors to be age, blood pressure, cholesterol, smoking,
total cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, hereditary, obesity, lack of physical activity,
⮚ Social/Medical/Agricultural/Industry relevance

⮚ Data mining has found extensive applicability in the healthcare industry such as
in classifying optimum treatment methods, predicting disease risk factors, and
finding efficient cost structures of patient care.

⮚ Research using data mining models have been applied to diseases such as
diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular diseases, AIDS, etc.

⮚ It enables significant knowledge, eg, relationships between medical factors

related to heart disease and patterns, to be established.

⮚ This project system if implemented and operated correctly, can help solve many
health related issues and help in social well being.
⮚ Social/Medical/Agricultural/Industry relevance

⮚ Available electronic medical records of patients quantify symptoms, body

features, and clinical laboratory test values, which can be used to perform
biostatistics analysis aimed at highlighting patterns and correlations
otherwise undetectable by medical doctors.

⮚ Machine Learning is used across many spheres around the world. The
healthcare industry is no exception. It can play an essential role in predicting
presence/absence of Locomotor disorders, Heart diseases and more. Such
information, if predicted well in advance, can provide important insights to
doctors who can then adapt their diagnosis and treatment per patient basis.

⮚ Machine learning, in particular, can predict patients’ survival from their data
and can individuate the most important features among those included in
their medical records.
➢ Hardware Requirements
➢ x86 64-bit CPU (Intel / AMD architecture)
➢ 4 GB RAM.
➢ 5 GB free disk space
➢ Software Requirements
➢ Modern Operating System:
➢ Windows 7 or 10
➢ Mac OS X 10.11 or higher, 64-bit
➢ Linux: RHEL 6/7, 64-bit (almost all libraries also work in Ubuntu)
➢ Supported Browsers (Desktop)
➢ Python 3.5
➢ Data Set
➢ Heart_disease_uci
⮚ Future Scope and Challenges

⮚ Further work involves development of the system using the different methodologies
and thus training and testing the system.

⮚ Future work may also involve the development of a tool to predict the risk of disease
of a prospective patient. The framework can also be extended for use on other models
such as neural networks, ensemble algorithms, etc.

⮚ Today’s, world most of the data is computerized, the data is distributed and it is not
utilizing properly. By Analyzing the available data we can also use for unknown
patterns. The primary motive of this research is the prediction of heart diseases with
high rate of accuracy.

⮚ For predicting the heart disease we can use logistic regression algorithm, naive bayes,
sklearn in machine learning. The future scope of the paper is the prediction of heart
diseases by using advanced techniques and algorithms in less time complexity.
⮚ System design idea
⮚ System design idea

⮚ This approach is divided into six modules involving preprocessing, training, testing with
individual models, application of rules, and finally, comparison of results and the prediction of
heart disease.
⮚ Each of the three models has been trained using different methods.
➢ Support Vector Machine : A support vector machine is a type of model used to analyze data
and discover patters in classification and regression analysis.
➢ Decision Trees : A decision tree is a tool that uses classification or regression to predict a
response to data.
➢ Logistic Regression : Logistic regression is a type of regression analysis in statistics used for
prediction of outcome of a categorical dependent variable from a set of predictor or
independent variables.
⮚ Rule based systems are essentially decision trees that use a small number of attributes for
decision making.C-Rules are of the form of if-else ladders.These rules will account the result of
each of the individual methods based on weight of the model which is dependent on the accuracy,
specificity and sensitivity attained.
⮚ Applications

⮚ The health care industry produces a huge amount of data. This data is not always
made use to the full extent and is often underutilized. Using this huge amount of
data, a disease can be detected, predicted or even cured.
⮚ Using machine learning techniques, the heart disease can be predicted. The medical
data such as Blood pressure, hypertension, diabetes, cigarette smoked per day and so
on is taken as input and then these features are modelled for prediction. This model
can then be used to predict future medical data.
⮚ Changing the parameters of the dataset, this system can also be modified to predict
other health issues like lung disease,etc.
➢ References

➢ International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)


➢ Analysis of Heart Disease Prediction using Various Techniques


➢ Data Set
➢ Heart_disease_uci
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