Mahatma Gandhi Once Said

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The famous Mahatma Gandhi

once said: “We look forward to

the time when the Power of Love
will replace the Love of Power.
Then will our world know the
blessings of peace…”

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was an Indian activist who was the leader of the
Indian independence movement against British rule. Employing nonviolent civil
disobedience, Gandhi led India to independence and inspired movements for civil
rights and freedom across the world. Wikipedia
Born: 2 October 1869, Porbandar, India
Full name: Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Assassinated: 30 January 1948, New Delhi, India
Movement: Indian independence movement
In Kauswagan the ALS recent strategy is exemplified and
proved successful. Being the most improved municipality in
the province of Lanao del Norte and perhaps in the whole
Mindanao Island because of its unique transformations from
the War torn stature into a municipality of Beauty, Bounty,
and Power today.
In the early 70’s, the municipality experienced a
devastated past when our Maranao and Christian settlers dis-
integrated because of the presence of fanatic groups of both
tribes that killed several lives, destroyed and burned houses
and properties of both Maranao and Christian settlers. These
dark days were again experienced in the year 2000 when the
MILF troops occupied Poblacion area and some portion of
Barangay Kawit Oriental that brought almost 300 persons,
male and female, children and adult held hostages for several
hours in the Municipal Hall by members of MILF.
The captives were later on rescued by Philippine Marines
troops that led to enormous encounters that wiped out almost all
MILF camps of Mindanao. The declaration of all out war against all
terrorist by then President Joseph E. Estrada in the grounds of the
Kauswagan Central Elementary Schools of Poblacion was indeed
applauded. When the municipality tried to emerge from the
rubbles of war, again another tragic and painful event happened
when some members of MILF attacked the helpless civilians in
Barangay Tacub and Libertad that took several lives and burning of
homes in the two coastal Barangays. Mass evacuations and the
deterioration of peace and order, distrust, biases continued to
The most affected aspect in those atrocities of war
and conflicts is the delivery of basic services, and
education is the primary hostage. An illiteracy rate
goes up rapidly because of mass evacuations that
affect the education system. During the 70’s and
2000, where mass evacuation is experienced, 100%
of the education system in the municipality was
disrupted. When classes resumed, more than one
half of the school children in all levels missed to
return back to school. This contributed to the rise in
the poverty incidence and the rise in the illiteracy
rate of Kauswagan.
When the Arnado administration was sworn to
office in the year 2010, it was quick in analyzing the
roots of conflicts and concreted a blue print for
sustainable and development through people’s
participation and convergence. This administration
believes primarily that education is the right tool to
create a new shift of paradigm in the peace and
development perspective of the municipality. Thus, in
the first few months of the administration, Mayor
Arnado did not waste time in showing to the people
that they are part of the aspirations, visions and hopes
to bridge the gaps, eradicating the walls that divide
among our Maranao and Christian settlers in the area.
Peace paths workshops had been initiated in the 13 Barangays mobilizing
the municipal officials and employees in conducting participatory workshops
in the Barangays where the Barangay constituents themselves identified the
root causes of conflicts, identification of needs, and proposing priority
projects in the Barangay levels. In that workshop a new agenda for peace
and development had been conceptualized and that gave birth to SIKAD PA -
AND PEACE AGENDA. On the first year of implementation, year 2011 WE
Established an Alternative Learning System in the area in cooperation with
the DEP ED, other private funding institutions , and government agencies
and LGU and were able to conduct livelihood skills training program and
graduate several hundreds of SMAW, Pipefitters, Electrical Installation and
Maintenance Food handlers, Carpentry, Masonry, Food Producers, Dress
Making, Curtain Making, Cosmetology, Culinary Cookery, Massage Therapy,
Household Services, Housekeeping services, and several other community
based courses. TESDA was able to do their part in the literacy program in
the NCII level of learning. In this convergence program, the municipality was
able to champion in the literacy framework thus several graduates landed
good jobs both local and abroad.
•Barangays also do their part in the leanings and literacy programs
by being partners in the DEP ED in the literacy program for the
young in the day care program and the Accreditation and
Equivalency (A&E) for the out of school youth/adult education.
Parents had been organized into a learning team while doing
feeding program under the BLT of Jollibee Foundation and the
World Food Program, parents do their part in educating some
parents in the fundamentals of reading and writing and arithmetic
while helping in the feeding program in school. This is a generous
and laudable gesture of commitments in the Barangay level to
educate the illiterate in the area.
•In doing this LITERACY PROGRAM with convergence
efforts among all sectors and the government with
the private sectors, the municipality was able to come
a good result and up to present the ALS continue to
visit and encourage the out of school youth/adult to
enrol in the ALS program in coordination with the
respective Barangay councils.
Peace is what the Kauswaganons are dreaming of. After
being the site of many wars between the Armed Forces of the
Philippines (AFP) and the rebel forces of the MILF, Kauswagan
is now considered one of the most transformed, well-
developed and peaceful municipalities in the province of Lanao
del Norte and perhaps in the whole Mindanao. This is because
of its unique transformations from the War-torn Municipality
into a Municipality of Beauty, Bounty, and Power today.
In response to the 2018 Regional Search for ALS Mobile
Teacher, a summary of accomplishments, through the efforts
of the District ALS Mobile Teacher, Mr. Julius Caesar S. Gasco II,
as being identified to prove its performance of his dedication
in the implementation of the ALS programs and projects.
II. Program Implementation
1. Basic Literacy Program
The Division of Lanao del Norte has geared into
developing a non-formal Alternative Learning System (ALS)
for out of school youth and adults who are unable to avail of
the educational opportunities of formal schooling due to
financial constraints. This quest is further expressed in
Article XIV, section 2 of the 1987 Philippine constitution
which states that “The state shall encourage non-formal,
informal indigenous learning systems, as well as self-
learning systems, independent, and out of school youth
study programs particularly those that respond to community
needs and provide adult citizens, the disabled, and out of
school youth with training in civics, vocational efficiency, and
other skills.”
Cognizant of the efforts of the LGUs to uphold the
Education for all (EFA) goals and in consonance with the
provision of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
entered into by the Dep.Ed, through the Alternative Learning
System, the ALS Division of Lanao del Norte, introduced to
establish a community learning center (CLC) in thirteen
barangays in the municipality of Kauswagan, as an
educational intervention in the acquisition of basic literacy
skill of the ALS learners in the community. A plan of
invigorating the program in the next series is on the offing.
Anchoring on the continuous commitment of the barangays
involved in shelling out ₱6,000.00 from their budget for the
honorarium of the literacy volunteer in their respective
barangays. The OSY/OSA who benefited from the project
has functionally become interactive in their respective
ALS could be able to boldly pursue producing graduates and
passers in the ensuing periods. The program series could
continue for one year, until which the learners could take the
examination for Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E) or an option
in order for them to qualify to enroll in TESDA NC II or Kauswagan
community based skills training program initiated by the local
government unit in full participation of ALSwithin the constituents
of the municipality of Kauswagan,
The District of Kauswagan has gained momentum as it opens
another milieu of development. From school year 2015 to 2018
has proved to be successful and beneficial to the participants or
learners when the district was able to produce 90% passers who
now enjoy the fruits of their labor. To attest my efficiency and
dedication to ALS program, Means of verification of my
achievements/accomplishments to wit are:
2. Livelihood skills training
Background and Rationale
Livelihood awareness has become significantly important due to our present
economic difficulties. The high price of commodities has made life difficult for the
consumers. People have more varied and complex needs nowadays. Many OSY
and OSA have dropped out of school due to poverty, over age, distance of
residence to school and many more. For these they were unlucky, they could not
land on a job because of lack of education, qualifications for work include
diploma /certificates which job seekers could not produce.
To help solve the problem on unemployment and underemployment, the ALS
implementers in Kauswagan District offer literacy cum livelihood and skills training
in order to equip the learners with employable skills. In short these are
technical/vocational courses like Electrical Installation & Maintenance,Culinary
Commercial Cooking, Massage therapy, Housekeeping Services, Computer
Literacy, Pipefitting, SMAW, Carpentry and Masonry to augment their family
income. This is hosted by the ALS funded by the LGU by providing equipment and
materials allocated from the 20 percent municipal development fund and the
GNPower Kauswagan consistently from 2016 up to present year 2018. In the
pursuit of achieving the ALS Vision & Mission of Kauswagan District the ALS Mobile
has laid down Plan of Action. This Plan of Action is considered essential to the
implementation of the key areas of concern, to include the objectives, strategies,
person involved, time frame, source of funds and expected outputs.
To strengthen and sustain the programs, Project Proposals
are indorsed to show good result and transparency for the
project implementation.
In Kauswagan, the ALS implementers who are largely
responsible for molding the character of the present
generation has witnessed the good results of the efforts in
implementing the following Concept Programs.

1. To place much emphasis on value development. The Mobile

Teacher with the help of somebarangay chairmen invited
resource speakers to conduct during the learning sessions on
valuableinsights on values, responsible learning and good
behavior topics. This is conducted in the A&E sessions. “Nasa
tao ang gawa, nasa Dios angawa.”
2. Encourage the learners to enroll the A&E program and be able to
pass the yearly
National achievement test.
3. Give skills to the OSY/OSA those age 18 years and above and
competencies suited for immediate employment;
4. In doing these LITERACY PROGRAMS with convergence efforts
among all
sectors and the government with the private sectors, the ALS of
District was able to come up with the following outputs;
a. Decline in the poverty incidence from 79.8 % of 2009 to 47.5 % of
b. Decrease in the illiteracy rate and increasing literacy by almost
c. Increase in the job placements both local and abroad;
d. Build up a strong and dynamic community where Muslims and
Christians now are
working as one;
e. Most Outstanding Mobile Teacher in Kauswagan District
yearly from 2011 to 2017
Six (6) consecutive years;
f. Most Outstanding Mobile Teacher in the Division of Lanao
Del Norte into four (4)
consecutive years 2013, 2014, 2016; 2018.
g. Hall of Fame Award in the Municipality of Kauswagan,
Lanao Del Norte
h. Outstanding Performance Rating in Kauswagan District in
three consecutive,
years from 2015, 2016, 2017;
i. Regional 2018 Most Outstanding Mobile Teacher
j. Facilitated several skills training that sent employment both
locally and abroad.
k. Approved proposed budget for 2019 activity ALS
operation of the (13) thirteen
Barangays in collaboration with the LGU Kauswagan.
l. Kauswagan become one of the model municipalities in the Region,
Division or
Nationwide. Again for the second time chosen as themost outstanding
Implementer Class B Municipality 2014, 2015, and CHAMPIONfor
National literacy 2018 held thereat Supreme Hotel, Baguio City, dated4th
September, 2018.wereALS is one of the big contributorsin the
component to the literacy program.
m. Kauswagan established ALSCommunity Learning Center at Barangay
Bagumbayan, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte using its local SEF and LGU
Funds forinitial operations;
n. Kauswagan is the recipient of the Diwa Party-List. Allocating a budget
to establish Community Learning Center year 2015 by 1st quarter.
o. ALS Kauswagan is now considered, one of the most TRANSFORMED,
WELL-DEVELOPED, that hundreds of ALS learners or several graduates
landed good jobs, self-employed, employed at GNPower Kauswagan, in
local industries, andalso working abroad.
Today, Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte has emerged to be the well-
developed municipality, not only in terms of literacy, but most importantly
in both physical and economic. The establishment of the GNPower
Kauswagan has brought great development that made Kauswagan a
tourist spot that people from all over converge and venture for economic
These transformations were materialized because of the strong
cooperation of all the people in the community with the full support and
cooperation of all the barangays, the LGU Kauswagan, stakeholders,
mentors, the Kauswagan Coalition Churches Ministry (KCCM) and other
concerned individuals and groups working hand in hand to rise from the
ashes of war into a municipality of Beauty, Bounty and Power. Believing
that the Municipality of Kauswagan has made literacy as one of the top
Agenda for governance whose officials have the passion to help the
dislocated youths, improve more effectively and efficiently the literacy of
its people to promote inclusive growth, develop the quality of life among
its constituents, and sustained peace and development in the area. The
able leadership ofJulius Caesar S. Gasco II, a man of action with the
guidance of the Almighty God made all things availed.
WE THEREFORE nominate………….


and HON. ALICE B. PALA, Committee on Education
Schools Division Superintendent
Witnessing during the validation for the
2018 Search for Outstanding National Literacy LGU
through the auspices of ALS Kauswagan District and
with the God guidance our Municipality of Kauswagan
an became a CHAMPION National Literacy Award held
there at Supreme Hotel, Baguio City.
Recently received the PAM Award as
Most Outstanding Mobile Teacher 2018
given last December 22, 2018 held at Limketkai,
Cagayan De Oro City.

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