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A Quantitative Study on

Which Information
Source is Preferred by
PPCHA Grade 11

Kruschev Acedera Paul Catindig

Khrysz Rivera Michael Santos
Julia Ting
Background of the Study + Scope
and Limitations
The tool a person uses for gathering information is extremely important, whether it’s an online or offline
source, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. This study will be conducted to determine
which source the PPCHA Grade 11 students prefer.

This study focuses on which source of information between online and offline sources is preferred by the
Grade 11 SHS students of PPCHA. The data collection will be conducted with 25 randomly selected
Grade 11 students of Phil. Pasay Chung Hua Academy.

This study will not cover other problems related to the sources of information, and will only determine
which source is preferred. Each respondent was given the same questionnaire to answer. The results of this
study will be applicable only to these respondents and will not be used for students who do not belong to
the population of the study. The main source of data will be the questionnaire, which was prepared by the
Interpretation of the Data
According to the results of the survey conducted by the researchers, 92% of Grade 11 students rely
on online sources for gathering information. Upon further analysis of the data, 32%-36% of
respondents answered that it takes 30-60 minutes for them to gather information offline using 1-2
books, and 80% answered that it takes only 2 sites in less than 30 minutes using online sources,
making offline sources the more time-consuming and tedious option. 92% of the participants chose
Google as their primary source of information.

'Which platform do you have an easier time looking for info?'

From the data gathered and analyzed, the following are the findings of the study:

A huge percentage of the respondents use the internet either “most of the time” or “all of the time” as their source of
information. There was only a handful of students who use books as a source of information. Students who use books as
a source perhaps have no quick access to the internet unlike 80% of the respondents, or perhaps they just find it easier
and more reliable than the internet where there can be false information.

Students usually use the web because the information needed can quickly be found at the press of a button. Unlike
with books, where you have to find certain book and read through the pages.

Most of the respondents answered that they usually spent less than 30 minutes looking for information. On the other
hand, they answered that it usually took 30 to 60 minutes for them to find information when using books. Google is the
most used platform in researching online while encyclopedia is the preferred method for offline research.
Conclusion and Recommendations
On the basis of the findings and conclusions of the study, Based on the survey of the study on Which Information Source
the researchers recommend the following: PPCHA Grade 11 Students Prefer, the following conclusions were

Future researchers will have additional information and

Majority of the students chose the internet as their preferred
could improve the study. source of information over offline sources. The internet has been
very accessible in urban places due to the fact that everyone, even
The school could buy new books for the library
kids, have their personal phones or they have easy access to
so that it may attract some students in which
computer shops. The Philippines has multiple internet cafes because
they could explore new ways on how to obtain
of how profitable it can be, if there was no pandemic. Life has been
information without using the internet.
easier as the years go by. Technology hasn't stopped improving ever
since, as we are in the era wherein every day, there could be
upgrades and improvements to the old tools and machines we use.
The teachers may teach the students on how to
re-construct and built their own sentences to
avoid lazily copy-pasting from the internet.
Thank you for listening!

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