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Tanmay Anandrao Sawant

Sasmira Business School

Topic:- No sex please we’re Japanese
No sex please we’re Japanese

1) The Japanese birth rate is been decreasing in the huge term as it’s population
is been decreased by almost 90%. Surprisingly, this troubling transformation is
the result of modern Japanese views on sex & procreation.
2) This not isolated occurrence the documentary investigates the root behind
Japan’s historically low birth rate & how this distressing takes place in country.
3) The investigator also stopped at the Tokyo the Japan’s most populous
epicentre hasn’t been immune hasn’t been immune to the crises. Although the
city welcomes close to quarter of new million birth each year.
4) The documentary has done an exceptional job of detailing the diminishing birth
rate spell disaster for the longevity of any country. Work force & economic
dividend, industries crumble &entire population eventually dies off.
No sex please we’re Japanese

5) A new generation of Japanese men have no longer possess the level of

ambition to date, marry or reproduce as they did once.
6) Either they are too common interested to maintaining a tireless work ethic or
they are refer to risk adverse comfort dating virtual girlfriend.
7) That figure has undergoes a steady decline as the average age of
new mother continues to rise.

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