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 Asking for an appointment

 Discussing the date and the time for an appointment

Group 3

1. Asking for an appointment

Tự giới thiệu hoặc nêu nguồn giới thiệu

A: - You were - recommended to us by Mr. X of A Co. and….?

- introduced

- Our manager Mr. Y - planning to be in… tomorrow and….?

- visiting …next week and …

- We saw your advertisement in the ( newspaper) and …

- We are regular clients of your company and ….

 Đặt vấn đề
- our manager has got a matter he’d very much like to discuss with you/
A: Mr. Z

- … there are some details he’d very much like to talk about with you/ Mr.

- …. Mr. Z, our manager, was very interested in your offer/ produces/


- … our manager, Mr. Y would very much like to focus some details with
Mr. Z
 Hỏi ý kiến về một cuộc hẹn

A: Do you think it would be possible - for you/ them to meet?

- to arrange a meeting?
- to arrange an appointment?

B: - Yes, of course
- Certainly
- Yes, I think so.

 Cần giới thiệu tên hoặc tên công ty.

- My name is Somchai from R.T..

- I'm calling from Graphic.

 Tự giới thiệu hoặc nêu nguồn giới thiệu (qua một người nào đó,
qua báo chí, quảng cáo, ...)

- You were recommended to us by Mr. X of A Co. and our manager has

got a matter he'd very much like to discuss with you.

- Our manager Mr. Y is planning to be in ... tomorrow and there are

some details he'd very much like to talk about with you.
- We saw your advertisement in the Nation, and Mr. Y, our manager, was
very interested in your offer/products/services.
- We are regular clients of your company and our manager Mr. Y would
very much like to discuss some details with Mr. Z..

 Hỏi ý kiến về một cuộc hẹn một cách lịch sự:

- Do you think it would be possible for you/them to meet?

- Do you think it would be possible to arrange a meeting?
- Do you think it would be possible to arrange an appointment?

- Hello, I am Somchai.

 Chỉ giới thiệu tên mà không có tên công ty.

- I will come to see you this afternoon?

- I must see you tomorrow.
- I want to talk with you about something.
- Can I come see you?
- How about coming to my office to talk about some business?

 Đây là những cách nói không lịch sự.


2. Discussing the date and the

time for an appointment
 Hỏi ngày và giờ cho cuộc hẹn:

A: What - day would it suit - You ?

- time - Mr. …?
 Để nghị ngày và giờ cụ thể:

B:- Would - the day after tomorrow - be all right?

- tomorrow afternoon - suit you?

- How about - Next Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/ …?

- The tenth of next month?
- Two o’clock?
- The morning/afternoon?
- …………….
Positive answers Negative answers

- I will have time every - I’m sorry, but I will be at a trade

morning next week. fair in London that week.

- I’m free all day on Thursday. - I’m afraid I can’t meet on Monday.

- Wednesday at 3 pm is perfect. - I’m busy all day Friday.

Tentative answers

- It might be possible. I’ll have to

check my calendar.

- If my other meeting is canceled,

then yes.

- If I can get an early train, then it’s


- I’m afraid next Wednesday is not possible. How about Thursday instead?

- Would Tuesday at 10 be possible?

- Perhaps we could meet up after lunch.

- Thursday might be difficult. I would prefer Friday if that’s alright with you.

- I can’t manage the 16th. What about the following week on the 22 nd?

- Fine! I look forward to seeing you at your company, next Friday at 2

- So, I’ve added November 12th at 3 pm to my calendar. See you
- Okay, that’s great! See you next Tuesday.
- So that’s fixed. See you tomorrow at midday.
- Great! We can start our meeting at 9 pm.

 - What day would it suit you?
- What time would it suit Mr. Brown?
- How about the day after tomorrow?
- Would tomorrow afternoon suit you?
- How about next Monday?
- How about the tenth of next month?

 - I'm afraid Mr. Cash won't be in - on Monday and Wednesday.

- I'm sorry, but Mr. Brooks will be away from Monday to Wednesday.
- I'm afraid Mrs. Goodman can't manage the afternoon.

 - That would suit us fine.

- That would suit Mr. Travis perfectly.
- That would be all right.
 When would be suitable to you?
Câu này không đúng trong tiếng Anh chuẩn.

 ... not tomorrow, but the day after.

Khi muốn nói ngày mốt, phải nói the day after tomorrow.

• Can you tomorrow afternoon?

DON’T SAY - Do you want to meet next Monday?
- Are you available the tenth next month?

 No, he cannot on Monday and Wednesday.

- No, he is not here Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

 O.K.
Very good.
That would be good.
 Nicole has contacted Mr. Stein's office in order to
make an appointment.

Hello, my name is Nicole

Daniels. Is this Mr. Stein's office?
Hello, Ms. Daniels. Yes it is. How may I help

I'd like to make an appointment with

Mr. Stein. We talked a week ago about
the possibility of a business partnership I understand. Let me see. Mr. Stein
and he told me to call and make an seems to have quite a busy schedule
appointment for this week. for this week. The earliest time he
could meet would be on Wednesday
at 4 pm. Would that be ok for you?
I'm afraid I have another
business meeting at that
time. Would it be possible to set
an appointment for any other
day? How about Thursday at 3
pm? Would that suit you?

That would be perfect.

Okay, Ms. Daniels. I have

scheduled the appointment for
Thursday, 3 pm. We will be
waiting for you.
 Peter has contacted Mr. Hibberd's office in order
to make an appointment.

Mr Hibberd’s office!

Good morning, Can I speak to Brian

Hibberd, please?

I’m afraid he’s in a meeting until

lunchtime. Can I take a message?

Well, I’d like to arrange an

appointment to see him, please.   It’s
Peter Jefferson here.
Could you hold on for a minute, Mr
Jefferson. I’ll just look in the diary.
So when’s convenient for you?

Some time next week if possible. I gather he’s

away the following week.

Yes, that’s right, he’s on holiday

for a fortnight.

Well, I need to see him before he goes

away. So would next Wednesday be okay?

Wednesday . let me see . he's out of the

office all morning. But he's free in the
afternoon, after about three.
Three o'clock is difficult. But I could
make it after four.

So shall we say 4.15 next

Wednesday, in Mr Hibberd's

Yes, that sounds fine. Thanks very much.

Okay, then. Bye.

Do you have any questions?

If you have any questions,

you could message me after class.

not now

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