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The Dog and his Reflection

A dog had a piece of meat and
was walking home with it in his
mouth. He had to cross a bridge
under a running stream. He
looked into the water saw another
The other dog he saw was
actually his reflection.
Thinking that this was
another dog, the dog
decided he wanted the dog’s
meat as well as his own. He
He began to growl to scare
the other dog into giving up
his piece of meat. When the
dog growled his mouth
opened and his meat fell into
the running water. The dog
did not only get the “other”
1. What did the dog have in
his mouth?
2. Where is the dog going?
b. park
3. What did he see in the
a.A dog
b.A cow
c.A goat
4. What did the dog want?
a.The other dog’s bone
b.The other dog’s meat
c.The other dog’s toy
5. What happened to the
meat when he growled?
a.The other dog got
b.He got the meat.
c.He dropped his meat.
6. What lesson can we learn
from the story?
The Fox and
the Crow
One bright morning as the
Fox was following his sharp
nose through the wood in
search of a bite to eat, he
saw a Crow on the limb of a
This was by no means the first
Crow the Fox had ever seen.
What caught his attention this
time and made him stop for a
second look, was that the lucky
Crow held a bit of cheese in
"No need to search any
farther," thought sly
Master Fox. "Here is a
dainty bite for my
Up he trotted to the foot of
the tree in which the Crow
was sitting, and looking up
admiringly, he cried,
"Good-morning, beautiful
The Crow, her head cocked
on one side, watched the
Fox suspiciously. But she
kept her beak tightly closed
on the cheese and did not
"What a charming
creature she is!" said
the Fox. "How her
feathers shine! What
a beautiful form and
what splendid
Such a wonderful Bird
should have a very lovely
voice, since everything
else about her is so
perfect. Could she sing
just one song, I know I
Listening to these
flattering words, the
Crow forgot all her
suspicion, and also her
breakfast. She wanted
very much to be called
So she opened her beak
wide to utter her
loudest caw, and down
fell the cheese straight
into the Fox's open
"Thank you," said
Master Fox sweetly, as
he walked off.
"Though it is cracked,
you have a voice sure
enough. But where are
The Goose and
the Golden Eggs
Once a farmer went to the nest of his
goose and found there an egg, all
yellow and shiny. When he picked it
up, it was heavy as a rock. 1 He was
about to throw it away because he
thought that someone was playing a
trick on him. But on second thought,
he took it home, and discovered to his
He sold the egg for a handsome
sum of money. Every morning the
goose laid another golden egg, and
the farmer soon became rich by
selling the eggs.
As he grew rich, he also grew
greedy. “Why should I have to wait to
get only one egg a day?” he thought.
“I will cut open the
When the goose heard the
farmer’s plan, she flew away
to a nearby farm. So when the
farmer came out the next day,
do you know what he found in
the goose’s nest? Nothing.
1. Where did the story
2. Who laid golden eggs?
3. How heavy was the
golden egg?
a.As a pillow
b.As a goose
c.As a rock
4. How did the farmer
get rich?
a.By selling the golden
b.By selling the goose
c.By cooking the eggs
5. What did the farmer
thought of doing to get all
the golden eggs?
6. Why did the goose fly
away to the nearby farm?
7. What would happen to
the farmer?

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