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Lesson 2:

The Divine Origin of the

1. Understand that the Church finds its
origin in God.
2. Bear witness to Jesus as the founder
of the Church; and
3. Pray that the body of Christ may be
Characteristics of the
1. Immutable
- The immutability of the Church means
that no one can change her essential
aspects. This implies that the doctrines of
the Church and their meanings are
- The Church keeps the deposit of faith
intact. She is likewise faithful to the Sacred
2. Indefectible
- The Church indefectibility means the following:
• The Church will never perish. (destroyed)
• The Church will never fail in her mission. (salvific
• The Church can never undergo any constitutional
change, in her faith, morals, doctrine and
3. Perennial
- The Church can be persecuted, but she
cannot perish or be destroyed.
- She will be present on earth until the
end of the time ---- she will attain her
fullness in heaven --- because Jesus Christ
will be with her always, as he promised.
From Sacred Scriptures, Jesus founding His

“And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon

this rock I will build my church, and the gates
of the netherworld shall not prevail against
it. I will give you the keys to the kingdom of
heaven; and whatever you loose on earth
shall be loosed in heaven” (Mt. 16:18-19)
When Christ entrusted the keys of the
Church to Peter, He had avowed that the
gates of hell would not prevail against His
Church (cf. Mt 16:18)
The Church will be indestructible no
matter what. Her enemies would not be
able to put her down because she is
divinely instituted.
Stages of the Covenants of
God with Humanity
1. Time of the Patriarchs
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, God initially
made an alliance with Abraham which
became the seed of a new and deeper
relationship of the entire humanity with God.
Abraham was appointed as the “Father of
many nations” and the “Father of those who
believe”, thus all generations on earth would
be blessed in Him.
2. Time of Moses
The chosen people recognized Yahweh
as the one and true God, their mighty Lord
and protector. God gave the Ten
Commandments to his people at Mt. Sinai
to show the messianic orientation of the
3. Time of the Prophets
God manifested religious nature of the
covenant as well as its fulfillment in the
Messiah. The Israelites were called “The
people of the promise” and “The people of
believers” on the basis of the faith that God
would fulfill His will for them. In return,
God demanded absolute faith from them.
“The New Covenant was established
by the Messiah, through Him, the new
People of God, the Church of Christ,
would be formed”
Christ Founded the Church
The Architect in Me
Imagine yourself creating a
design or a plan on how your
life will be lived.
Guided questions:
• What will be the important events in
your life plan?
• Who will be the best contributors in this
life plan? Why?
• How will you make your life worthwhile?
Lesson 3:
The Apostolic Foundation
of the Church
1. Understand that the Catholic Church is
built upon the apostles.
2. Bear witness to the teachings of the
apostles; and
3. Pray that the successors of the apostles
will continue the work of the apostles
“Just trace the apostolic
succession of those who
claim that theirs is true
CHRIST founded the Church as
visible organization with central
authority and constituted Church’s

Catholic Faith
Catholic Teachings
• The Church is visible institution.
• Jesus built His Church on the apostles,
especially on Peter.
“And I say to you, you are Peter, and
upon this rock I will build my church” (Mt
Apostles’ Mission
• Preaching task (Mt. 13:52; Mt. 4:34)
• Power of binding and loosing (Mt. 16:19)
• Forgiving sins (Jn. 20:23)
• Baptizing (Mk. 28:19)
• Mandate to preach His Gospel (Mk.
“As the Father has sent
so I send you” (Jn.
Marks of
1.Apostolic Mission

The Church is the fulfillment of the

mission of the apostles who had been
commissioned by Jesus when He said:
“Go into the world and proclaim the
gospel to every creature” (Mk. 16:15)
2. Apostolic in character
It means that her organization is
basically and essentially the same as that
of the Church mentioned in the Acts of the
The Church has her bishops, priests, and
3. Apostolic in Teachings

The Church guards and proclaims

the teachings (Acts 2:42) and the
words taught by the apostles with the
assistance of the Holy Spirit.
4. Apostolic in descent
It means that the Church is built and
remains on the foundation of the
apostles with Christ Himself as the
capstone. (cf. Ripley, 2002)
Be a Modern
Day Apostles!

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