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Ethical Case Study of

Chairman Ben and

Professor Jenny

Ana Armstead-Speaker
Human Resource Trainer
IDEA University
Chairman Ben and Professor Jenny
Part-time, African-American Professor Jenny, who was preparing for her upcoming course, is interrupted by Caucasian, Department Chairman Ben, who
informs her that colleague Stan's wife has had a stroke and that Stan will be taking the term off to help her and their children. Stan's absence leaves the
University with a staff shortage. This semester, Stan was supposed to teach Biopsychology (Biopsy). Chair Ben wants Professor Jenny to substitute for
Stan, however, Jenny is reluctant to step in because she has never taught the course and is unfamiliar with Biopsy. As an undergraduate, she only took
one Biopsy class. Chair Ben assures her that she does not have to be concerned because she can get all of the required course content and syllabi from
Stan, and she will do an excellent job teaching the course.
Chair Ben further tells Jenny that they cannot fail the 15 graduate students who are required to take the class in order to graduate. Jenny expresses her
uncertainty to Ben, who assures her again that she will be great. He threatens her with a veiled warning that if she refuses, her ambition to become a full-
time professor, after Professor Lee retires, will be jeopardized. Chair Ben concludes the discussion by informing Jenny that he needs her response by
3:00 pm today.
During a coffee break, Jenny confides in her colleague Rhonda that she is unsure if she should teach Biopsy due to her lack of expertise. Rhonda
responds by expressing to Jenny, "Why do we (women) always come to the rescue?” Jenny notes that other full-time professors were not overburdened
with work; Chair Ben did not request any of the male professors to teach Stan's course, why not? Rhonda advises Jenny that it's a "good old boys club,"
and if a male lecturer had been given the task, he would have been offered compensation. Jenny says no such offer was made to her.
Video of Chair Ben and Jenny
Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Jenny’s Ethical Dilemma
APA Sec 2: Competence - Boundaries of Competence
Not qualified to teach Biopsychology
No previous contact with or training for Biopsychology class
Only one undergraduate class in Biopsychology
Unconfident about teaching class
Chair Ben offers no prior training
Chairman Ben’s Ethical Dilemma
APA Sec. 2: Competence – Sec. 2.05 Delegation of Work APA Sec. 3: Human Relations – Sec. 3.04 Avoiding
to Others Harm
Delegates teaching Biopsy to part-time, Allows an unqualified/untrained teacher to
untrained, unqualified teacher instead of teach Biopsy
finding a competent professor or teaching the class
himself as a last resort. Jeopardizes licensures/certifications

APA Sec. 3: Human Relations – Sec. 3.08 Exploitative APA Sec. 4: Privacy and Confidentiality – 4.01
Relationships Maintaining Confidentiality
Threatens not to endorse for the full-time professor Divulges another colleague’s personal
position circumstances

Does not consider the value of privacy
Compare and Contrast -
Deontology and Utilitarianism
Deontology Utilitarianism
The morality of a behavior is determined by its The morality of a behavior is determined by its
conformity to moral standards. consequences.
Compassionate /empathetic consideration, point of Intuitions were shown to be strongly linked to the need
view, and religious belief were all directly linked to for reasoning.
Despite the practical implications of subsequent acts, The number of positive or negative outcomes for others
fundamental moral principles are definitive and determines if an action is ethical or unethical.
Tends to take equal civil/human rights into account. Subjective evaluation of other’s emotions.
Ethical Decision-Making with the Fisher’s Model
Ethical Decision-Making with the Fisher’s Model
Multicultural Issues
 Young, African-American woman
 Part-time professor
 Working environment of “old boys club”
 No compensation for teaching additional class
Jenny and Chair Jenny and Chair Chair Ben offers Confront why Chair
Ben have Ben consider the position to Ben leverages full-
conversation about harm to the grad qualified, time position to
her competency in students competent sway Jenny
Biopsy and professor
violations to APA
Jenny and Chair Jenny accepts Unheeded concerns
Ben devise position based on merit higher level
alternative training and supervisory
solutions coaching consultation
• American Psychological Association [APA]. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct.

• Conway, P., & Gawronski, B. (2013). Deontological and utilitarian inclinations in moral decision making: A process dissociation approach. Journal of

Personality and Social Psychology, 104(2), 216–235.

• Fisher, C. B. (2017). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists (4th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage

Publications, Inc.


• Hennig, M., & Hutter, M. (2019). Revisiting the divide between deontology and utilitarianism in moral dilemma judgment: A multinomial modeling

approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 118(1), 22–56.

• Johnson, M.K. (2020). Making a decision on ethical decision-making models (Publication No. 7818) [Doctoral dissertation, Utah State University].

Digital Commons.

• Multiculturalism Case Study Scenario 1. (2021). Capella University.
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