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Mr. Dhien

The Key to Good Writing

Integrated English Skill
(Chapter XV)
What is a Paragraph?

 A group of sentences with a common


 A natural division in writing

 They introduce, develop and expand on

the topic being discussed
When do we start a new Paragraph?
 To introduce a new idea

 To introduce a change of time or place

 When somebody says something

Where will I see paragraphs?
 In newspapers

 In magazines

 In letters

 In stories
How can I link paragraphs?

 By using linking words and phrases

 To show contrast – on the other hand
 To add ideas to – as well as, in addition
 To show chronological order – firstly, after
that, later, then
 To show agreement
Look at these pieces of writing.
Where do you think the paragraphs should be?
When I was 16 years old
I went to college. I didn’t
like it very much because
there were too many
people about. I got lost
in the corridors and I
couldn’t find my locker.
After a few days I started
to get used to it. I was
given a map to find my
way around. Now I have
been there for over a
year. Some new
students are coming in
next week. I shall be
helping to show them
around. That’s progress!
When I was 16 years old
I went to college. I didn’t
like it very much because
there were too many
people about. I got lost
in the corridors and I
couldn’t find my locker.
After a few days I started
to get used to it. I was
given a map to find my
way around.
Now I have been there
for over a year. Some
new students are coming
in next week. I shall be
helping to show them
around. That’s progress!
The three parts of a individual
Imagine you have been asked to write a paragraph about your favourite
sport, how would you go about this?

Paragraphs can be made up of 3 parts.
A paragraph will follow a specific order.
1. The topic sentence
2. The supporting details
3. The concluding sentence
The three major parts of a
paragraph? Part one

 The TOPIC sentence- the first

part of the paragraph.
 It conveys the overall point of the
 It also helps the reader to know
what the paragraph will be about.
The three major parts of a
paragraph? Part two

 The supporting details- this part

of the paragraph gives more
information about the main part
through the use of examples.
 They simply give….more details.
The three major parts of a
paragraph? Part three

 The CONCLUDING sentence-is a

reflection on the main point.
 It is a closing sentence
 It prepares the reader for a
smooth transition to the next
paragraph if there is one.
 Read the following paragraph and decide-
 Which is the topic sentence?
 What are the three examples in the
supporting part of the paragraph?
 Which is the concluding sentence?
Example paragraph
There are three reasons as to why I prefer jogging to other sports.
reason is that jogging is a cheap sport. I can practice it anywhere
without the need for any type of equipment. Another reason I prefer
jogging is that it is good for my heart. When I run I feel like I am
making my heart healthy! Finally, I prefer this sport because it is safe,
unlike horse riding for example. For all of these reasons I consider
jogging the best form of exercise.
 Write a paragraph of your own about your
favourite types of exercise. Make sure
your paragraph contains the three parts
explained to you in this presentation. I’m
waiting for your paragraph next meeting
That’s all…..

See….. You…..

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