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How To Create An AWARE Event

Action Map
How To Use This Guide:
AWARE Event Creation Process

Step By Step walkthrough contains

links to relevant resources as needed

Email templates, brainstorming

sheets, and relevant website links

Process based on successful AWARE

Community Events

Visit our AWARE Teaching Hub for all

Instructor and Student Materials. All
AWARE materials are free.
How To Plan an AWARE Event Part I

1 2 3 4 5

Create Your Idea. Set Roles and Permits and Collaborate. Training Expectations.
Fine tune your Responsibilities. Permissions. Local businesses, What is needed from
conservation goals. Determine who is the Determine safe debris sponsors, or training side. Make
Align the Dive Center best fit for each removal process/Any restaurants to help sure to include proper
with this process. process, training local service, or increase scope of time management for
opportunity and more. permits needed. event. this.

Idea Creation Roles and Responsib Permits and Permiss Local Collaboration Training
ilities ions
How To Plan an AWARE Event Part II

6 7 8 9 10

Set the Date. Share and Have a Safe Event. Celebrate and Follow Plan Next Date,
Ensure all parties are Communicate. Make sure proper Up. Repeat.
aligned at time of Use Social Media supervision is Make sure participants Use existing
event. Begin to channels, share to considered. Identify understand the goal, foundation of planning
prepare MyOcean Event Action local risks and had fun safely, and to prepare for next
communications, and Map, PADI Dive weather. Include an then encourage future event!
determine final Adventures App. appropriate briefing. participation.
resources needed. Consistency is key.

Confirm The Date Share With Commun Execute Safely Follow Up Properly Repeat Process!
Project AWARE® Week 2020
September 19-27
Project AWARE® Week 2020
• Theme: Carry the Torch for Ocean Protection – Be a PADI Torchbearer

• AWARE Week 2020 will run from 19 – 27 September to inspire action

for ocean protection and encourage everyone to sign up the
community of PADI Torchbearers standing up for the ocean.

• AWARE Week actions will be based on the Torchbearer 5 framework -

5 days 5 Actions for Torchbearers during AWARE Week and year-
The Value and Role of the PADI Torchbearer


A torchbearer is cares deeply about healing the planet, above and below the
surface. They believe there a better and more responsible way for humanity
to live in balance with nature.

The power of the individual Torchbearer lies in the collective voice of the
Torchbearer community and the ability of the PADI brand to mobilize this
community to take focused and measurable action for humanity and the

It is our responsibility to ensure that every PADI Torchbearer believes they

have an essential role to play in the movement to save the ocean, through
both behavioral changes and collective action.
PA D I To r c h b e a r e r 5

1 Stand Up
for the Ocean
We will speak up and use our voices to drive positive change. We will lend our support to environmental campaigns,
sign petitions, attend key events, write to our representatives and engage in conversation with our local communities. As
the world moves forward, we will continue to be the ever-louder voice of the ocean.


We will take direct responsibility for ocean health and act as stewards for the places we love, both above and below the

Responsibility CARBON
surface. We are driven by the common understanding thatNEUTRALITY
all life on Earth is connected and that our actions have a direct
impact on the natural world. We will serve as role models in our communities and amplify the movement for the
betterment of people and planet.

We recognize that every dive is an opportunity to collect vital data that can be used to create future protection measures

Dive with a for the ocean. We will participate in conservation programs and
CITIZEN contribute to citizen science through activities that
Purpose preserve underwater habitats and biodiversity vital to human and planetary health, helping the local communities where
we dive.

We will restore balance by reducing our own carbon emissions at work and at home. We will help the ocean and coastal

4 Reduce Our
Carbon Footprint
communities manage the effects of human-induced climate change by working with key partners to recover and protect
seagrass meadows, mangrove forests and salt marshes.

5 Make Sustainable We will reject single-use plastic, support genuine eco travel and voluntourism, make sustainable food choices, dive with eco-
friendly operators when possible and support businesses that are taking an innovative approach to sustainability. Our
Choices example will influence those around us, paving the way for systemic change.
Monday September 21st
Community Goal 1: Stand Up For The Ocean
OBJECTIVE: Help advance the protection of Mako Sharks
Long-term objective: Advance the protection of all marine ecosystems, ensuring that marine
conservation issues are consistently presented as a public priority to key decision makers.

Consumer Message:
“This year, we hope you’ll join us to stand up for the protection of sharks, one of the most vulnerable marine species on the
planet. Last year, Project AWARE helped elevate the diver voice, securing an unprecedented vote to protect Mako sharks
and rhino rays (wedgefishes and giant guitarfishes) under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora. This year, we will be continuing that campaign to hold governments accountable. We're promoting
and tracking support from Atlantic fishing nations to tackle one of the world's most pressing shark conservation crises: the
dangerous decline of Atlantic shortfin makos. If your country is not on the Mako Champions Map, you can help change that

AWARE WEEK Action: Is your country missing from the Mako Champions map? You can help change
that.  Join the mission to protect Makos:
Tuesday September 22nd
Community Goal 2: Assume Responsibility
OBJECTIVE: Create better habits above and below the surface
Long-term objective: Create behavioral shifts and attitudinal shifts driven by a deeper appreciation
of the fact that all life on Earth is connected.
Consumer Message:
“This year, we are driven by the common understanding that all life on Earth is connected and that our actions have a direct
impact on the natural world.  As divers, we’re drawn to develop a deeper understanding of the ocean’s ecosystems so we
can understand key ocean threats, identify ways to take action and give tips to be a responsible ocean adventurer.”

AWARE WEEK Action: Sharpen your understanding with the “Top 10 Tips for Divers to Protect the
Ocean Planet” pledge and sign up for the fins off Project AWARE Specialty. 
Wednesday September 23rd
Community Goal 3: Dive with a Purpose
OBJECTIVE: Increase interest and participation in “Every Dive A Survey Dive”
Long-term objective: Continue to build evidence to advance marine debris policy. Increase interest
and participation in citizen science and understanding of ‘diving with a purpose.’

Consumer Message:
“This year, we recognize that every dive is an opportunity to collect vital data that can be used to create future protection
measures for the ocean. By downloading the Dive Against Debris® App and reporting what you find, you join the largest
underwater citizen science movement on the planet. You can directly inform marine debris research, thereby mitigating the
impacts of pollution on the ocean planet.”

AWARE WEEK Action: Make Every Dive a Survey Dive, Adopt a Dive Site™ and sign up for the Dive
Against Debris® Specialty. Donate to receive the Project AWARE limited edition PADI card.
Thursday September 24th
Community Goal 4: Reduce our Carbon Footprint
OBJECTIVE: Increase awareness and donation to The Ocean Foundation’s Seagrass Grow Program.
Long-term objective: Drive large-scale conservation and re-planting of seagrass and mangroves,
improving the ocean’s climate change mitigation capacity.
Consumer Message:
“This year, we pledge to do our part in fighting human-induced climate change by mitigating our own carbon footprint by
planting  seagrass and mangroves. Coastal sea beds are the most powerful CO2 and carbon filters on the planet, storing
upwards of 50% of the CO2 that is trapped by the ocean and providing the foundations of life in the ocean.”

AWARE WEEK Action: Take steps to reduce your own carbon footprint and consider contributing to
the conservation and restoration of seagrass meadows and mangrove swamps by donating to The
Ocean Foundation’s Seagrass Grow Program.
Friday September 25th
Community Goal 5: Make Sustainable Choices
OBJECTIVE: Understand Our Purchasing Power (every purchase we make, or don’t make, is a
chance to advocate for a brighter future).
Long-term objective: Contribute to a wider understanding of purchasing power as an effective tool
for change, driving business to products and services that support a healthy future.
Consumer Message:
“This year, we understand that our choices directly impact the ocean and the behaviour of  those around us. We choose to
shine a light on what’s possible, choosing to opt for products and services that support a healthy future for our  planet,
inspiring others to do the same.”

AWARE WEEK Action: For one week, choose to be especially mindful of what you are supporting
with every purchase you make, and share those that are supporting a brighter future (Link to PADI
Gear Eco Bundle)
Thank You, And Stay Connected!


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