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Software development


Topics Included
SDLC Adopted

Requirement methodology source / person

Basic Design criteria

Testing and maintenance methods

Issues involve related to implementation

SDLC Adopted
We Adopted the Extreme Programming for development of software

The following stages will come in extreme programming:-

We have chosen the Extreme Programming due to following reasons :-

• responsiveness to changing customer requirements.

• to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints where new customer

requirements can be adopted.

• this software development needs continuous feedback from customer.

• programming in pairs to reduce maximum errors in the time of code

development .

• avoiding programming of features until they are actually needed.

Requirement Methodology
•The program computes net pay

•The program record all the payroll data for subsequent processing

•The program should prepare pay cheques

•The program should prepare a payroll ledger

•The program should maintain data on a sequential payroll file

• Non-statutory deductions such as union dues and pension plans to be made

• Year-to-date total should contain earnings, federal tax, pension plan, and
union dues

• Payroll data are employee number, employee name, pay rate, and union
member flag
Methodology used

1. Interviews

2. Prototyping
Basic Design


Relational database strings
Other issues related to
1. How the program saves data
2. How errors are detected and the error messages that should appear
3. What happens when we try overwriting data that already exists on the list
4. Is the software user friendly?
5. Is the Graphic User Interface elegant ?
6. The platform the software should run on

Solutions: -

We were able to answer and resolve these issues after meetings and discussions
with the entire
Thank you
Presented by
Anjum sagar
Ankita mishra
Anurag das
Anushree khare
Arpan kumar

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