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FOMO and Social Stress

FOMO – (“Fear Of Missing Out”)

It is defined as a fear of regret, that one might miss an opportunity

for social interaction.
A social anxiety stemmed from the belief that others are having fun,
while the person experiencing the anxiety is not present.
It is characterized by a desire to stay continually connected with
what others are doing.

People suffering from FOMO may not know exactly what they are missing but
can still fear that others are having a much better time or doing something better
than they are, without them.

Example:- not knowing about a conversation, missing a TV show, not attending a wedding, party or a novel

Causes:- FOMO was documented after people’s lives became easy to access causing long term deficit for
psychological satisfaction in terms of social experiences.

FOMO led to negative social and emotional experiences, such as boredom and loneliness. It negatively
impacts mood and life satisfaction, reducing self-esteem and affects mindfulness.
FOMO-sufferers may increasingly seek access to others' social lives, and consume an escalating amount of
real-time information.
Social media platforms that are associated with FOMO include Snapchat, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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