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1. Introduction
2. History
3. Functions of sealer
4. Ideal requirements of sealer
5. Classification
6. Gutta-percha-based root canal sealers
7. Zinc oxide-eugenol-based root canal sealers
8. Calcium hydroxide-based root canal sealers
• 9. Formaldehyde-based root canal sealers
• 10. Glass ionomer-based root canal sealers
• 11. Resin-based root canal sealers
• 12. Silicon-based root canal sealers
• 13. New sealers
• 14. Mixing of sealer
• 15. Placement of sealer
• 16. Sealer efficacy
• 17. Tissue Tolerance
• 18. Conclusion
• 19. References
• The use of sealer during root canal
obturation enhances the possible
attainment of an impervious seal and
serves as filler for canal irregularities and
minor discrepancies between the root
canal and core filling material
• 1931 – ZOE cement was developed as a root
canal sealer by Rickert.
• 1936 – Grossman’s non-staining ZOE formula
appeared as a sealer that afforded more
working time.
• 1952 – Biocalex –Bernord
• 1955 –Scheufele introduced resin based
Diaket as a sealer.
• 1955 – Wach cement – Dr Edward Wach.
• 1960 – Wichterle and Lim introduced a Plastic
Material Hydron.
• 1961 – Tubliseal was introduced with a slight
modification to Rickert’s formula to eliminate
staining properties.
• 1965 – Nyborg and Tullin gave a formula of
• 1973 – N2 - Sargenti
• 1976 – Pittford recommended endodontic
glass ionomer Ketac-Endo as a root canal
Cementing the core
Fills the discrepancies between the filling material and
the dentin wall.
Form a bond between the filling material and the
dentin walls
Radiopacity which discloses the presence of auxiliary
canals, resorptive areas, root fractures and the
shape of the apical foramen.
Lubricant which aids in the seating of GP
The ideal root canal cement should (Grossman 1940)
 provide an excellent seal when set
 should be tacky when mixed to provide adequate
adhesion among it , the canal walls and the filling
 be radiopaque so that it can be visualized in the
 be non staining
 particles of powder should be very fine so that they can
mix easily with the liquid
 be dimensionally stable
 be easily mixed and introduced into the canal
 be easily removed when necessary
 insoluble to tissue fluids
 bactericidal or discourage bacterial growth
 slow setting to ensure sufficient working time
 tissue tolerant , that is non irritating to the
periradicular tissues
 should not provoke an immune response in
periradicular tissues
 non mutagenic nor carcinogenic
1. Based on their composition a.
Eugenol based b. Non-Eugenol
based c. Medicated
• Eugenol based group is further sub-divided
into a. Silver containing –
Kerr sealer, Procosol b. Silver free – Procosol
non-staining, Grossman’s sealer,
Tubliseal, Wach’s paste.
• Non-Eugenol sealers: a. Diaket
b. AH-26 c.
Kloroperka and Eucapercha d. Nogenol
e. Hydron f.
Endofil g. Glass Ionomer
h. Calcium phosphate i.
Cyanoacrylates and j.
• Medicated: N2,
SPAD, Iodoform
paste Diaket
Rieblers paste Ca(OH)2
paste Mynol cement and
2. According to Grossman: a. Zinc
oxide cement b. Calcium hydroxide
cement c. Paraformaldehyde cement
d. Pastes
3. According to Clark: a.
Absorbable: Kerr sealer
(Rickert) Grossman’s sealer
Roth root canal cement
Tubliseal, Tubliseal EWT, Sealapex
b. Non-Absorbable Diaket
AH Plus Ketac
4. According to Ingle: Cements
5. According to Harty: a. Zinc
Oxide eugenol based b. Resin based
c. Gutta percha based
d. Dentin adhesive materials e.
Medicated cements
6. Nicholus classified the most commonly used
sealers according to alphabetical order. a.
AH-26 b. Diaket
c. Endomethasone d.
Grossman’s cement e. Kerr Root
canal system f. Kerr Tubliseal
g. Kloropercha h. N2
i. Wach’s cement
1. Chlorpercha 2. Kloroperka
N-O 3. Eucapercha
 Mixing white gutta percha 9% with chloroform
 Premixed sealer
 Has no adhesive properties
Kloropercha (Nygard –Ostby)
 Powder liquid mixture
 Powder :
Canada balsam -19.6
Resin – 11.8%
Gutta percha – 19.6%
Zinc oxide – 49%
Chloroform -100 %
 Zinc oxide is added to reduce shrinkage, also increases
 Shrinkage of 7.5% is seen
 Chloroform evaporates leading to loss of volume and
“dropping “ of filling into the periapical area
 Chloroform is toxic
 By Buckley
 Eucalyptol is used
 Takes longer than chloroform
 Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action
 Segment of gutta percha held over alcohol lamp for 20 to
30 sec
 Eucapercha dissolves and turns into a cloudy mass
Indications: ledge formation, perforation, unusual
curvatures, in cases in which the apical foramen cannot
be successfully sealed
• Disadvantages: Difficult to
avoid overfilling of the canal If extruded, acts
as an irritant initially.

1. Kerr Pulp Canal Sealer 2.

Procosol – Silver cement 3.
Procosol – Silver free (Non-staining) 4.
Tubliseal 5. Grossman’s sealer
6. Wach’s cement 7.
Zinc Oxide-Non-Eugenol-based Sealer
Kerr Pulp Canal Sealer
Developed in 1931 as Rickert’s sealer
Developed as an alternative to Gutta-percha
Was introduced as Kerr pulp canal sealer in 1951.
 zinc oxide powder- 41.21 parts
 precipitated silver – 30 parts
 White resin – 16 parts
 thymol iodide- 12.79 parts
 oil of cloves-78 parts
 Canada balsam – 22 parts
 Vertical condensation of warm gutta percha
when large bulk of sealer is needed
 when lateral canals are anticipated, for
has staining qualities , needs to be removed
from crown.
Advantage: great bulk , so can be pushed into voids and
Disadvantage: presence of silver makes the sealer
extremely staining if material enters the tubules or
enters the crown
 Excellent lubrication.
 Working time of 30 min
 L:P ratio : 1:1
 Germicidal action
Mixed with a heavy spatula until homogeneity is
Because of the presence of silver, some granular
appearance remains even after spatulation.
Procosol –Silver Cement (Grossman 1936)
-Rapid setting of Rickerts formula lead to
development of Grossman’s formula in 1936,
known as ProcoSol radiopaque silver cement.
 Zinc oxide -45 parts
 Silver (precipitated) -17 parts
 Hydrogenated resin – 36 parts
 Magnesium oxide -2 parts
 Eugenol -90 parts
 Canada Balsam -10 parts
- Precipitated silver lead to staining , lead to
the development of ProcoSol nonstaining
root canal cement
 Zinc oxide , reagent 40 parts
 Staybelite resin 30parts
 Bismuth subcarbonate 15 parts
 Barium sulfate 15 parts
 Sodium borate, anhydrate 1 part (extends the
setting time)
 Eugenol or oil of pimenta leaf
Advantages: plasticity , slow setting time in the
absence of moisture, good sealing potential
because of the small volumetric change on
 Cement hardens in app 2 hours at 37 degree
and 100% relative humidity
 Setting time in canal is less
 Begins to set in root canal within 10 to 30 min
because of the moisture present in dentin
Tubliseal (Kerr, 1961)

Zinc oxide – 57.4%
Oleo resins- 21.25%
Bismuth trioxide – 7.5%
Oils – 7.5%
Thymol iodide – 3.75%
Modifier – 2.6%
Polymerized resin
 When extreme lubrication is needed, as in slightly
short master cone, before apical surgery.
 Irritating to periapical tissues, not to be used if
overfill probable with normal periapical tissue.
 Sets very rapidly when wet

Packaging: two tubes , accelerator and base

 Mixing: mix equal lengths to creamy consistency
 Easy to mix
 Non staining
 Allows maximal condensation and packing
 Is white in color with good contrast
 Good lubricating qualities
 ease of preparation
 High rate of flow, thinner film
 Irritating to periapical tissues, causing
considerable periapical sensitivity when
used on teeth where pulp was vital and
the periapical tissue normal before
 Rapid set in the presence of moisture
Grossman’s cement
• Introduced by Grossman 1974.
• Most widely used sealer.
• Powder and liquid should be mixed to a smooth
creamy consistency.
• Powder:Zinc Oxide – 42% Stabelite Resin -
27% Bismuth subcarbonate – 15% Barium
sulphate – 15% Sodium borate (anhydrous) –
• Liquid: Eugenol – 100%
• Test to Check the consistency a. String out
test: should string out at least an inch before
breaking (when cement spatula is lifted from
the mix). b. Drop test: suspended mix should
cling to the inverted spatula blade for 10-15
seconds before dropping.
• Properties: Good sealing
potential because of small volumetric
change on setting. Resorbs gradually if
extruded apically. Reversible inhibitory
effect on nerve tissue.
• Disadvantages: It is a weak
unstable material. Decomposed by
water through a continuous loss of
eugenol. Not a good choice for
Wach’s cement (1925 – 1955)
 Zinc oxide 10g
 bismuth subnitrate -3.5 g
 bismuth subiodide -0.3 g
 magnesium oxide – 0.5g
 tri calcium phosphate-2 g
 Canada balsam 20 ml
 oil of cloves- 6ml,
 eucalyptol 0.5 ml
 beechwood creosote -0.5 ml.
Indications: all lateral condensation methods,
especially when chance of overfilling is present
Adhesive , good for lateral compaction in small
canals, softens gutta percha ,
Contraindication: when heavy lubrication is needed ,
as with short master cone.

Advantage: smooth consistency without a heavy body

Canada balsam makes the sealer tacky
Disadvantage: odor of liquid
 medium working time, less lubricating qualities
 Minimal periapical sensitivity
 Increasing the thickness of sealer lessens its
lubricating effect, thus when an overfilling
appears possible , a maximal degree of thickness
should be employed.
 Useful in small curved canals of minimal caliber,
 Has light body , so does not deflect the small
master gutta percha cones used to fill these
 Its is very sticky , due to Canada balsam, so paste
will remain on reamer until its spun off in the
apical portion,
 Base is zinc oxide , barium sulfate , vegetable oil
 Accelerator is : hydrogenated rosin, methyl
abietate, lauric acid, chlorothymol, salicyclic
 Developed to overcome the irritating quality of
 Did not set hard, but remained rubbery , water
sorption was high.
 More biocompatible than ZOE cements.

1. Sealapex 2. CRCS
3. Apexit 4.
Calcium Phosphate-based Sealers
(Apetite Sealers) 5. Bioseal
6. Capseal I and II
• It is a zinc oxide-based calcium hydroxide root canal
sealer containing polymeric resin.
• Available as a two-paste system.
• Base:
Calcium hydroxide (25%)
Zinc oxide
Butyl benzene
Zinc stearate
• Catalyst:
Barium sulphate
Titanium dioxide
Isobutyl salicylate
Aerosil R 972.
• Available in Two forms:
Sealapex regular
Sealapex EWT
• Properties:
Has good therapeutic effect
Extruded material resorbs in four months.
Osteogenic potential.
• Disadvantages:
Takes a long time to set (3 weeks in 100% humidity)
Absorbs more water and expands while setting
Has poor cohesive strength
• It is the first sealer of the Ca(OH)2 group.
• It is basically a Zinc oxide eugenol/Eucalyptol sealer to which Ca(OH)2
has been added for its osteogenic effect.
Calcium Hydroxide
Zinc oxide
Bismuth dioxide
Barium sulfate

• Properties:
Takes 3 days to set fully in dry/humid
Has good therpeutic effect Quite stable,
shows very little water resorption Causes chronic
inflammation if extruded periapically
Easily disintegrates in the tissue
• Disadvantages: Has poor
cohesive strength.
• Available as a Two-Paste System:
Calcium hydroxide : 31.9%
Zinc oxide : 5.5%
Calcium oxide : 5.6%
Silicon oxide : 8.1%
Zinc stearate : 2.3%
Hydrogenized colophony : 31.5%
Tricalcium phosphate :4.1%
Polydemethylsiloxane :2.5%
Trimethyl hexanedioldisalicylate : 25%
Bismuth carbonate basic : 18.2%
Bismuth oxide : 18.2%
Silicon dioxide :15%
1,3-Butanedioldisalicylate :11.4%
Hydrogenized colophony :5.4%
Tricalcium phosphate :5.%
Zinc stearate :1.4%
• Properties:
Seals better than sealapex
Good biocompatibility.
Calcium Phosphate-bases Sealers ( Apatite
• Apatite Root Sealer Type I:
Alpha-tricalcium phosphate
Polyacrylic acid
• Apatite Root Sealer Type II:
Alpha-Tricalcium phosphate
Polyacrylic acid
• Properties:
Has some amount of inflammation due to the
presence of polyacrylic acid and is more
severe with ARS II.
Capseal I and II
• Is biocompatible
Tetracalcium phosphate (basic)
Dicalcium dihydrate (acidic)
Portland cement
Zirconium oxide
Sodium phosphate solution (pH 7.4)
• Capseal II – White Portland Cement

1. N2
2. Endomethasone
4. Riebler’s paste
N2 (Sargenti 1973)
 Zinc oxide - 69%
 Lead tetroxide-12%
 Paraformaldehyde 6.5%
 Bismuth subcarbonate 5%
 Bismuth subnitrate 2%
 Titanium dioxide 2%
 Barium sulphate 2%
 Hydrocortisone 1.2%
 Prednisolone 0.21%
 Phenylmercuric borate 0.09%
• Liquid
Introduced by Sargenti and Ritcher in 1954.
American counterpart RC2B.
 Contains lead and mercury which are major systemic poisons
 Loses volume when exposed to fluid due to presence of
 Coagulation necrosis in 3 days time, which can’t undergo
repair due to formaldehyde impregnation
 Irreversibly affects nerve endings in tissue area, thereby
masking inflammation process
 Paraformaldehyde is included to obtain
release of formaldehyde gas for antiseptic
and fixative action
 Corticosteriods for suppressing inflammatory
 lead as an oxide, which by increasing the
opacity gives the illusion of the materials
compactness, and contribute to the extreme
hardness and slow solubility of the final set.
• In recent formulae, lead oxide and organic
mercury are missing because of toxicity.
• Formulation very similar to N2
• Pink antiseptic powder mixed with eugenol.
 Di –iodothymol 25 g
 Trioxymethylene (paraformaldehyde) -2.2g
 Hydrocortisone acetate – 1 g
 Dexamethasone 0.01g
 Excipient 71.79 g

• Eugenol
• it’s a resorcinol –formaldehyde resin
• supplied as powder and two liquids
• Zinc oxide – 72.9%
• Barium sulphate -13%
• Titanium dioxide – 6.3%
• Paraformaldehyde – 4.7%
• Hydrocortisone acetate- 2%
• Calcium hydroxide – 0.94%
• Phenyl mercuric borate 0.16%
Liquid (clear)
• Formaldehyde 87%
• Glycerin 13%
Liquid LD (red)
• Glycerin 55%
• Resorcinol 25%
• Hydrochloric acid 20%

• Equal parts of the two liquids mixed with powder.

• Essential reaction to form resin is between resorcinol and
 An acidic pH is needed for this reaction, this is
provided by HCl.
 Large amount of zinc oxide is to control the pH and so
prolong the setting time
 inclusion of HCl is not harmful ,pH at the time of
mixing was 5.2 and rose to 6.2 after 2 hrs , due to the
neutralizing effects of Zinc oxide
 setting time of SPAD is 24 hrs, during this period there
is free unreacted formaldehyde,.
 solubility of SPAD is 4 % after 24 hrs.
Tissue response:
 Pulpal necrosis, periapical inflammations and
Toxicologic studies:
 Systemic absorption of lead and paraformaldehyde
 Heavy metal ions- disseminated throughout the
 Irrevisible damage to nerve endings
• Used as a sealer or to completely obturate the
• Recommended for pulpotomies in deciduous
• Biocompatible
• Radiopaque.
Riebler’s paste
• Resin type of sealer containing formaldehyde.
Zinc oxide
Barium sulfate

Sulfuric acid
Glass-Ionomer Sealers
1. Ketac-Endo
• Pitt Ford recommended the use of GIC.
• Film thickness – 22 micro meter
• Exhibits adequate working and setting time
• Less technique sensitive
• No shrinkage upon setting
• Radiopaque
• Chemically adheres to the dentin (makes the root
resistant to fracture).
• Provides a stable apical seal
• Polyacrylic acid may chelate with zinc oxide of
gutta-percha cones by forming a bridge (zinc
• Good biocompatibility in bones and tissues.
• Extruded sealer is highly resistant to
resorption by tissue fluids and becomes an
implant in the periapical tissues
• Minimal antimicrobial activity
• Difficult to remove during re-treatment.
1. Ketac-based Resin sealers:
• Diaket

2. Epoxy-based Resin sealers:

• AH-26
• AH-Plus
• AH-Plus jet Root canal sealer
3. Methacrylate-based Sealers:
• Endo-Rez
• Fibrefill Root Canal Sealer
• Epiphany Root Canal Sealer
Ketac-based Resin Sealers
• Diaket:
Introduced by Schmidt in 1951
Zinc oxide
Bismuth phosphate
Dihydroxy dichlorophenylmethane
Caproic acid
Copolymers of vinyl acetate, vinyl chloride, vinyl isobutylether
 Polyketone compound with vinyl polymers that mixed
with zinc oxide and bismuth phosphate forms a
adhesive sealer
 Sets quickly in root canal
 Volume stability is good
 Solubility is low
 Powder liquid ratio : 1:2
 Gross overfilling caused modification of apical
cementum and alveolar bone
 Has a tendency to be encapasulated by fibrous
 Adheres well to dentin
Epoxy-based Resin Sealers
• AH-26:
-Schroeder , 1957
Was initially used in Europe to completely fill the
canal but now used extensively as a sealer.
 Silver powder – 10%
 Bismuth oxide 60%
 Hexamethylene tetramine -25%
 Titanium oxide – 5%
 Bisphenoldiglyicdyl ether -100%
Packaging: Powder and liquid
Mixing: mixed to a creamy consistency
 Good flow
 Seals well to dentin walls
 Sufficient working time
 Toxicity in the first 24 hrs due to release of
 Strong adhesive & contracts on hardening
 Schroder – well tolerated by tissues. Tends to
disintegrate into fine granules which are
 Hardens slowly at body temperature in 36 to
48 hrs
 Its not sensitive to moisture, will set under
 Will not set if hydrogen peroxide is present
 Sets slowly in 24 to 36 hrs
 Mixed cement should be warmed on glass
slab over alcohol flame to make it less viscous
 Sold world wide as therma seal
 Allergenic /mutagenic potential
 possible formaldehyde release
 silver containing
• Available as a paste-paste form
• Epoxide paste: Diepoxide
Calcium tungstate
Zirconium oxide Aerosil
• Amine Paste 1-Adamantane
amine N,N’-dibenzyl-5-oxa-
nonandiamine-1,9 TCD-diamine
Calcium tungstate Zirconium
oxide Aerosil
Silicon oil
 Added new amines to maintain the natural
color of tooth
 Working time of 4 hrs , setting time of 8
hrs, half the film thickness, and half the
solubility of regular AH26.
 Non mutagenic , no release of
formaldehyde, radiopaque, can be used
with all techniques
AH-Plus Jet Root Canal Sealer
• Greater efficiency with no mixing required
• It is preloaded, double-barrel syringe, which
provides controlled homogenous mixing of
both pastes directly on the mixing pad or by
using its adjustable intraoral tip for precision
• A superior seal is achieved with excellent
radiopacity and low shrinkage.
Methacrylate-based Sealers
• Is based on urethane dimethacrylate
• Hydropohilic, chemical set material
• Supplied in a TwoSpense mixing and delivery
• Composition: Zinc oxide Barium sulphate
Resins Pigments In a matrix of urethane
dimethacrylate resin
• Has radiopacity similar to gutta-percha cones
• Can be used along with dentin bonding agents
• Excellent sealing properties
• Good adaptation to the root canal walls in the
presence of moisture
• Effective penetration of material into the
dentinal tubules
• Remains soft and plastic for a long period of
• Improves performance even in the presence
of moisture.
• Has good coronal and middle third sealing
ability but poor apical third sealing
• Has a shelf life on only 18 months.
Fibrefill Root Canal Sealer
• Composition resembles that of dentin-bonding agents.
• Mixture of resins
• Treated barium borosilicate glasses
• Barium sulphate
• Silica
• Calcium hydroxide
• Calcium phosphates
• Stabilizers
• Pigments
• Benzoyl peroxide
Used in combination with a self-cured primer.
Epiphany Root Canal Sealer
• Is a dual-curing, hydrophilic resin sealer
• Used with Resilon core materials
• Dispensed from a double barrel, automix
syringe ease of use
accurate mixing
• 17% EDTA is used to remove the smear layer
followed by rinsing with either 2%
chlorhexidine/saline (NaOCl is not used as it
disrupts the dentin bond)
• Composition: Resin Core material
Resin matrix Mixture of
BisGMA Ethoxylated BisGMA
UDMA Hydrophilic
dysfunctional methacrylates
• Fillers (70% by weight) Calcium
hydroxide Barium sulphate
Barium glass Silica
• Composition: Epiphany Primer
Sulphonic acid-terminated functional
monomer HEMA
Water Polymerization
Properties of Resilon:
• Bonds to both the epiphany primer and resilon
obturating material
• Can be light cured for an immediate coronal seal
• Self-cures apically in 25 minutes
• Shrinks on polymerization (2-3%)
• Highly radiopaque
• Easy to remove
• Non-mutagenic and non-cytotoxic
• Biocompatible
• Less irritating than epoxy resin or ZOE sealers
• Resilon and epiphany improves the fracture
resistance of the roots ( through the formation
of a monobloc ).
 Greenberg –pressure syringe to extrude cement
into a canal
 Krakow and Berk popularized the idea
 Goldman introduced
 Rapid setting hydrophilic plastic material used as
a root canal sealer without the use of a core.
 Grossman defined it as a polymer of hydroxyl-
ethyl methacrylate
 Biocompatible material that conforms to the
shape of the root canal because of its plasticity.
 Canal must be dry , it sets in the root
canal in 10 min
 Requires a special syringe and a needle
 Precaution: it is injected as an unset
material and the polymers that hasten its
set can cause tissue toxicity resulting in
inflammation with macrophage activity.
 Can cause paraesthesia
Silicon-based Root canal sealers
1. Lee Endofill 2. Roekoseal
3. Gutta flow
Lee Endofill
• Injectable silicon resin which is pale pink in
• Sets to a rubbery solid
• Can be used either as a sealer (with gutta-
percha) or to completely fill the canal (paste
filler) using a precision syringe.
• Hydroxyl terminated dimethyl polysiloxane
• Undecylenic acid
• Benzyl alcohol
• Hydrophobic amorphous silica
• Bismuth subnitrate
• Tetraethyl orthosilicate
• Polydimethyl siloxane
• Ease of preparation
• Setting time can be adjusted from 10-60 min.
• Has a low viscosity prior to setting
• Allows good adaptation
• Biocompatible
• Easy to remove
• Cannot be used in the presence of hydrogen peroxide or sodium
• Canal must be absolutely dry
• Shrinks on setting.
• Is a polydimethyl siloxane-based root canal
• Extremely low film thickness of only 5
• Excellent flow propertiesflows into the smallest
dentinal tubules
• Does not shrink excellent seal against bacteria
• Eugenol-free
• Polydimethyl siloxane
• Silicon oil
• Paraffin-based oil
• Hexachloroplatinic acid (catalyst)
• Zirconium dioxide (radiopaque material)
Gutta flow
• With gutta flow, an attempt has been made to
incorporate the filling qualities of gutta-percha in the
• Gutta-perc ha is milled to a low grain size and is mixed
into the components of the silicon sealer.
• Polydimethyl siloxane
• Silicon oil
• Zirconium oxide
• Gutta-percha
 Bis –GMA( difficult to remove)
 Isopropyl cyanoacrylate
 Polyamide varnish
 Dentin bonding agents –good sealers because
of their ability to halt microleakage
Problems with dentin bonding agents:
 preparation of dentin to remove smear
 radiopacity , metal salts need to be added,
which can affect polymerization
 placement to ensure total, porosity free
 removal in the event of failure
 Root canal cement is mixed on a sterile glass
slab with a sterile spatula.
 Slab is sterilized by an alcohol scrub and is
dried and the spatula is passed through an
open flame two or three times. Small
increments of powder are added to the liquid
while one spatulates it to a smooth creamy
mix. Spatulation time depends on the number
of drops of liquid used, a min per drop
 Completed mix can be tested for proper
consistency by raising the flat blade of the
spatula up form the mixed mass. The
cement should “string out” for at least an
inch before breaking.
 Another test is the suspended mix should
cling to the inverted spatula blade for 10 to
15 sec before dropping from the spatula
 Reamer : is twirled counterclockwise,
pumped and wiped against the walls
 Absorbent paper points or gutta percha :
 Lentulo spiral: in a handpiece
Disadv: locking in canal, “whipping up” of
cement in canal causing it to set prematurely
 Ultrasonic file without use of a coolant
 Hovland and Dumsha
 “Although all root canal sealers leak to some
extent –there is probably a critical level of
leakage that is unacceptable for healing and
therefore result in endodontic failure. This
leakage may occur at the interface of the
dentine and sealer , at the interface of the
solid core and sealer, through the sealer
itself ,of by dissolution of the sealer”
 All sealers leak. Some leak more than others
mostly through dissolution.
 The greater the sealer/periradicular tissue ,
the faster dissolution takes place
Zinc oxide and Eugenol:
 All ZOE sealers dissolve in fluid releasing
eugenol which is irritating.
 Zinc oxide is also toxic due to the effect of
zinc ions.
 CRCS was the least cytotoxic followed by
AH26 ,
 Paraformaldehyde most toxic
 Ketac Endo most biocompatible.
 In vivo tissue tolerance examination:
 Erausquin and Muruzabal – found that
ZOE was highly irritating to the
periradicular tissues and caused necrosis
of bone and cementum.
 Least irritating was Diaket and AH-26 .
 Diaket becomes encapsulated
 AH-26 was resorbed
• R. Gerosa et al conducted a study to assess
the cytotoxicity of pure eugenol, by diluting it
to various concentrations in alcohol. They
concluded that pure eugenol is toxic for
human gingival fibroblasts, and eugenol in an
alcohol, solution at concentrations of <1.9
micrometer is non-cytotoxic.
• According to Brett I. Cohen PhD., Mark K.
Pgnillo who conducted an invitro study to
determine the cytotoxicity of two root canal
sealers (AH 26 & AH Plus), both were
considered cytotoxic.
• An invitro study to evaluate the relative cyto
compatibiity of three endodontic materials:
calcium hydroxide, a calcium oxide based
compound and zinc oxide eugenol based
compound was concluded by Martine Guigand,
DDS, Pascal Pellen – Mussi, DDS. The results
showed that, after 168 hrs all of the fibroblasts in
contact with zinc oxide based compounds were
dead. Fibroblasts in contact with calcium oxide
based sealers, showed cell proliferation of 115%
and those in contact with calcium hydroxide had
a cell proliferation of 108%.
• A comparative study of tissue toxicity of 4
endodontic sealers – zinc oxide eugenol,
Tubliseal, Sealapex and Endofloss by Meen
Mittal et al and concluded that no
inflammatory response was seen after 3
months, after injecting the sealers
subcutaneously into rats.
 Pathways of the pulp , Cohen , (4th ,5th,
6th, 7th , 8th edition)
 Endodontics , Ingle (4th ,5th edition)
 Endodontic therapy , Weine(5th and 6th
 Endodontics in clinical practice , Harty(3rd
&4th Edition)
 Journal references

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