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Reducing Students’ Anxiety To

Speaking English


NIM : TE. 161691
A. The Background of The Study
English becomes the most essential language in the world. Almost all the people
from many different countries around the world use it to communicate.
According to Departemen Pendidikan Nasional (2003: 43) “English is a tool of
communication among peoples of the world to get trade, social cultural, science, and
technology goals.
Emotions are important in the classroom since it has impact on learning. Emotions
have the potential to energize students’ thinking and also have the potential to interfere
with learning. Negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, and sadness have the potential
to distract students’ learning efforts. One of the emotional states that make such process
become difficult is anxiety. Anxiety can be divided such as feeling of tension, worry, and
anxiety will impede students’ ability to perform successfully in a foreign language
Based on this explanation, the abouv is anxiety is one of the biggest influences
experienced by many students in speaking English. one of the factors that cause anxiety
in speaking English that makes students feel anxious when they make mistakes in
speaking English, both speech in front of the class and when interacting with other
B. The Scope of The Study
This study focuses on the cause problem to
Reducing Students’ Anxiety to Speak English as
parceived by students, at the eight grade of MTS
An-Nur Tangkit.
C. Research Problem
1. What are the causes of students’ anxiety to
speak English?
2. How the students’ anticipates to reduce their
anxiety to speak english?
D. Purpose of The Study
The purpose of the study is to fainding out the
causes of students’ anxiety to speak english at the
eight grade of MTS An-Nur Tangkit.
E. The Significance of The study

1. As source of information for further research on Speaking

Anxiety in
English Foreign Language.
2. As a source of information for further research in Speaking
3. For the student research hope that student are more motivated to
practice their speaking in English Foreign Language
4. For lecturer research hoping the teacher can know and
understand what
the student’s anxiety in speaking and then the lecturer can improve
their creativity in teaching process so that the goal of the learning
be achieved.
F. Limitation of The Study
In this research, the researcher focused on the
cause of students’ anxiety to speak english at the
eight grade of MTS An-Nur Tangkit.
A. Anxiety
1. The Nature of Anxiety

Furthermore, anxiety arises as a respon particular situation. (Paser

and Smith, 2009, p.787) “anxiety as a state of tension and apprehension
as a natural response to perceived threat”. It means that people are
naturally feels anxious when they are threatened. While according to
Ormrod (2011) anxiety is a feeling of uneasiness and apprehension
concerning a situation with an uncertain outcome”(p.401). Furthermore,
according to Barlow, as cited in Passer and smith (2009) ”Anxiety
responses consist of emotional component, feeling of tension; cognitive
component, worry, phsysiological responses, increased hearth rate and
blood pressure; and behavioral responses, avoidance of certain
From the definition above, it can be concluded that anxiety is a feeling
of being threatened, of apprehension, tension, and worry as a respone to
a particular situation or something that might happen in the future.
2. Types of Anxiety
Two of the most wellknown is state anxiety and trait
anxiety. Anxiety that happen when faced with specific
situations is called state anxiety. Most people experienced
state anxiety which also known as a normal anxiety.
According to Ormrod (2011), “state anxiety is temporary
feeling of anxiety elicited by a threatening situation.” It is
anxiousness or tension at a particular moment in response
to some external stimulus.
However, in certain cases, anxiety comes more intense
and lasted for long. This kind of anxiety is pattern of
responding with anxiety is called trait anxiety. According to
(Passer and Smith, 2009, p.546) “trait anxiety is pattern of
responding with anxiety even in nonthreatening
B. Anxiety and Speaking English
1. Speaking Anxiety

Communication apprehension plays large role in foreign

language anxiety since interpersonal interactions are the major
care in foreign language class. In foreign language class
students are required to communicate with the target language
by ways of speaking and listening. Their limited capabilities in
the target language may derive students into a communication
apprehension. Communication apprehension exist because
students think that they will have difficulty of understanding
others in listening and making oneself understood in speaking.
They also proposed that, (Passer and Smith, 2009, p54)
“foreign language anxiety as a distinct complex of self-
perception, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors related to classroom
language learning arising from the uniqueness of the language
learning process.
2. Impact of Speaking Anxiety
Basically, uneasiness feeling such anxiety will disturb
students in no doubt. It absolutely affects students‟ speaking
effort and performance. Anxious students will think less clearly
and probably make more mistakes. Moreover, to perform a task
they have to work harder because anxiety makes them worry
and distracts their learning process.
According to (Ormrod, 2011, p.402) “anxiety can interfere
with several aspects of cognition in speaking process. Anxious
student may be disturbed in paying attention to what needs to
be learned, processing information effectively, retrieving
information, and demonstrating skill that have previosly been
Based on the description above, it could be said that the
existence of speaking anxiety can affect the fluency of learner’s
speech and learning in general.
C. Strategies to Reduce Students’ Anxiety
Language anxiety, being a student
psychological construct, has been found to make a
huge difference in learning to speak a foreign
language. Many studies on language anxiety have
suggested a variety of strategies to successfully
reducing students’ anxiety. Interestingly, all the
subjects who have been involved in the process of
English language learning and teaching for many
years seemed to have given enough thought to the
ways of reducing students anxiety.
D. Previous Research
Isnaini An Analysis Of Students’ Speaking Anxiety Students
Of English Foreign Language (Efl) At The Fifth Semester English
Department Of Uin Raden Intan Lampung Academic Year
2018/2019 in his investigation, Speaking is the action of convey
information or expressing the idea and feelings in spoken English.
Ulandari Students’ Strategies for Reducing Anxiety In
Speasking English : A Case Study At Eighth Grade of Al-Azhar
Junior Hogh School Jambi (2018) Students’ is a real problem that
majority of students face in learning English as a foreign language
before fluency isachieved.
Romadhon An Analysis of Students’ Speaking Anxiety At
The Eleventh Grade Students’ of Islamic Senior High School 1
Olak Kemang Jambi (2016) To find the factors of students’
speaking anxiety and their strategies to deal with their speaking

A. Research Design
In this research, the researcher used qualitative
approach and case study approach qualitative
research is a concern with developing explanations
of social phenomena (Hancock, ockleford, and
windridge, 2009, p.07).
Qualitative method was chosen because this study
aims at providing an insight into the case oflanguage
anxiety in the eight grade of MTS An-Nur Tangkit,
specifically anxiety to Speaking English.
B. Research Subject
In this research the researcher used purposive
sampling technique. The type of purposive
sampling that a researcher may decide to use
depends on the purpose of the study. it means in
this research, researcher was chosen the subject
according to the need and purpose of the research.
C. The Setting of The Study
The setting of the study in An-Nur Tangkit. It
consisted of interviews, observation and
D. Source of Data
The data source was found in the eighth grade
of MTS An-Nur Tangkit, namely class 8A, 8B and
8C. Class 8A with a total of 23 students, class 8B
totaling 23 students and class 8C totaling 22
students. The school students are participants in
this study. Students are instructed to respond to
interview questions given. Student responses
aimed at identifying factors that influence student
anxiety in speaking English.
E. Data Collection Techniques
a. Observation

In this technique of collecting data, the researcher

observation to recognize how the condition of
students what they feel anxious when speaking
english foreign language in learning process. There
for the researcher observe to find the data.
b. Interview
Interview is kind of verbal communications,
which aims to obtain information. Interview is
collection information by asking a number of
questions orally to be answered orally also.
The question’s interview for Students:
a. Please tell me something about how you felt during English
b. Do you think English is difficult to learn?
c. What bothers you the most in English class?
d. Do you like speaking English in class?
e. What makes you anxious in English?
f. What makes it difficult for you to speak English?
g. What do you think about the people in your class if the tone
of speech does a problem in speaking English?
h. Is your teacher involved in your feelings, good / bad about
English class ?
i. How do you overcome your anxiety in speaking English?
j. Do you have ideas about how to make English classes easy to
The question’s interview for Teacher:
a. How the process learning and influence of over
selfprediction toward fear ?
b. How about student’s irrational faith ?
c. How about student’s fear to threat ?
d. How about student’s emotion while face the
subject ?
e. How about student’s body reaction ?
f. How about student’s desire in speaking without
self-efficacy ?
c. Documentation
In this process, aims to document each stage of
the reseach process carried out.
F. Data Collection Instrument
Interview was the primary tool in gathering data.
It is considered as one of the most familiar tools in
qualitative research. (Hostein & Gubrium, 2002).
Through interviews, respondents may also share
experiences in context and “the meanings they hold”
(Hollway & Jefferson, 2005). For the purpose of the
study, structured interview was conducted using
interview questions firmly guided by the objectives
of the study. To file interaction between the
researcher and the participants, the use of audio or
video recording media was most appropriate.
G. Data Collection Procedure
The researcher set with participants a mutually
comfortable time in order to minimize distractions
which may contribute to invalid data. An
audiorecording device and the questionnaire were
the tools used by the researcher.
H. Conclusion Drawing and Verification
Conclusion drawing involves stepping back to
consider what analyzed data mean and to assess
their implication for the research question. In this
phase, the writer drew meaning from the data in a
display. Verification is linked to conclusion
drawing, entails revising the data as many times as
a necessary to cross-check verifies these emergent

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