Human Resource Management: By: Umer Asif

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Human Resource


By: Umer Asif


Training and developing

• Process of Adaption that takes place as
individuals attempt to learn the values and norms
of work roles
Assumptions of employee
• Socialization strongly influences employee
performance and organizational stability

• Organizational stability also increases through


• New members suffer from anxiety

• Socialization does not occur in a vacuum

• Individuals adjust to new situations

The Socialization Process
• Pre-arrival stage
• Stage recognizes that individual arrives in an organization
with a set of organizational values, attitudes and

• Encounter stage
• The socialization stage where individuals confront the
possible dichotomy between their organizational
expectations and reality

• Metamorphosis stage
• Stage during which the new employee just work out
inconsistencies discovered during the encounter stage
The purpose of New employee
• Orientation
• Activities that introduce new employees to the
organization and their work units

• Organizational culture
• System of sharing meanings within the organization that
determined how employees act

• CEO role in orientation

• HRM role in orientation

The Employee handbook
• The booklet describing important aspects of
employment and employee needs to know
Employee training
• Training
• Present oriented training that focus on individuals
current job

• Development
• Future oriented training that focuses on employee
personal growth
Determining training needs
Employee Training methods
• On the Job trainings

• Job rotation
• Apprenticeship (skilled training, theory/practice)
• Internships

• Off the job trainings

• Classroom lectures
• Multimedia learnings
• Simulations (Case analysis/exercises)
• Vestibule learning (Learning through some equipment)
Employee Development
• Job rotation
• Assistant to positions
• Committee assignment (watching and
investigating others)
• Lecture courses
• Adventure trainings
Organizational development
• OD
Part of HRM that addresses system wide change
in the organization

• Change Agent
• Individuals responsible for fostering the change
effort and assisting employees in adapting to changes

• The Calm Waters Metaphor

• The White-Water Rapids Metaphor
The Calm Waters Metaphor
• Kurt Lewin’s Change process
The White-Water Rapids
• The uncertainty surrounding change in a dynamic
environment is significant. Just a White-Water
Rapids Metaphor deals with continuously changing
water currents, organizational members facing
rapid and uncertain change must adjust quickly and
react properly to unexpected events.
Organizational development
• Survey Feedback
• Intergroup development (helping members of
various groups to become a team)
Evaluating training and
development effectiveness
• Kirk Patricks Model
• Evaluates benefits of training skills that are hard to
quantify such as attitudes and behaviors
Performance based evaluation measures

• Post training performance method

• Evaluating training programs based on how well employees can
perform their jobs after training
• Pre-Post training performance method
• Evaluating training programs based on the difference in
performance before and after training
• Pre-Post training performance with control group method
• Evaluating training by comparing pre and post training results
with individuals
International training and
development issues
• Cross cultural trainings
• Employees from different cultures

• Development
• Need to use international developed standards
Case study Related to Chapter
• Introduction/Background
• Problem/Issues
• Analysis/Implementation
• Solutions/Recommendations

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