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By Dr. Laiba Zia

◦ Emerged in 2006 .
◦ Internet driven movement.
◦ Essential Characteristics of 4th
wavers : queer , sex-positive , trans-
inclusive , body-positive , against
rape culture and digitally driven.

◦ #MeToo Movement :
◦ The driving force behind the 4th wave feminism
was the #MeToo Movement by Tarana Burke ,
which was launched in 2006 in the United
States to assist survivors of sexual violence,
especially females of color.
◦ . The
campaign gained widespread attention beginning in 2017, after it
was revealed that film mogul Harvey Weinstein had for years sexually
harassed and assaulted women in the industry with impunity. Victims
of sexual harassment or assault around the world—and of all ethnicities
—began sharing their experiences on social media, using the hashtag
#MeToo. The movement grew over the coming months to bring
condemnation to dozens of powerful men in politics, business,
entertainment, and the news media.

◦ American actress Alyssa Milano posted on Twitter :

"If all the women who have been sexually harassed
or assaulted wrote 'Me too' as a status, we might give people
a sense of the magnitude of the problem" .
◦ Widespread media coverage and discussion of sexual
harassment, particularly in Hollywood, led to high-profile
firings, as well as criticism and backlash.

◦ Nirbhaya Case – Delhi, India:

In December 2012 a
young woman was brutally
gang-raped in a bus in India and
subsequently died, sparking
local protests and international
Women’s March in the USA :
◦  Donald Trump’s defeat of Hillary Clinton in the U.S. presidential election in 2016.
◦ Trump had made a number of inflammatory remarks about women, and the day after
the election a grandmother went on Facebook to propose a march on Washington,
D.C. The suggestion quickly gained traction and became a call for social change
especially in regard to gender equality. Known as the Women’s March, it grew to
include demonstrations across the United States and around the world. The protests
took place on January 21, 2017, the day after Trump’s inauguration, and as many as
4.6 million people attended the various events in the United States, making the
Women’s March perhaps the largest single-day demonstration in that country’s

◦ Positive Aspects :
◦ Can carry the ,message across the world within a minute .
◦ Broad based Activism – people from every socio-economic ,
cultural , Ethnic backgrounds can participate .
Negative Aspects :
◦ Dependence on technology . ( Censorship issues)
◦ Only educated people can use it .
◦ Issues such as fake news , cyber harassment , leaked photographs ,
blackmailing etc.
◦ The 4th wave feminists are less pragmatic.
◦ “It’s no surprise that a generation of women who were brought up being told
that they were equal to men, that sexism, and therefore feminism, was dead,
are starting to see through this. And while they’re pissed off, they’re also
positive, bubbling with hope. One obvious outcome of being brought up to
believe you’re equal is that you’re both very angry when you encounter
misogyny, but also confident in your ability to tackle it.”
― Kira Cochrane, 
All the Rebel Women: The Rise of the Fourth Wave of Feminism

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