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to Automatic control systems

Dep't: Mechanical Engineering
course Code: Meng-5272
Wollega University
Nekemte, Ethiopia
April14, 2021

to Automatic control systems

08/21/2021 2

 Define the basic features and configuration of control systems.

 Describe the open loop and closed loop control systems

 Learn control system applications

 Describe a general process for designing a control system

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1.2.Control system

1.2.1. System

 A combination of components or subsystem which act to together and

perform a certain goal.

 Systems interact with their environment across a separating boundary.

1.2.2. Control system

 It is a system which provides an output or responses for a given input.

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Figure 1.1
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 The interaction is defined in terms of variables:

System inputs

System outputs


Environmental disturbances

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 The desired systems response will be find after interconnection of

different components.

Mechanical model

Figure 1.2
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Figure 1.3

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1.2.3. Basic Control system Components

Plant: is a physical object to be controlled.

i.e. Mechanical devices, heat furnace, car, chemical reaction.

Controlled variable: is the variable controlled by automatic control

system or out put

Expected value: the desired value of controlled variable on requirement

or input.

Controller : unit which compute the required control signal.

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Actuator: a mechanical device which takes energy by media of air,

electricity, liquid and converts which into motion.

Sensor: measure and detect the system information which input to

observer or control instrument.

 Summing Junction /point: represented by addition/ subtraction of


 Incoming signal lies either a “ + ” or “ -”

 Output signal is show with an outgoing arrow 10

Disturbance: the unexpected factors disturbing the normal relationship

b/n controlling and controlled parameter variations.

08/21/2021 Figure-1.4 11
1.2.4. Control System Classification

• Single input and single • Time- variant

output(SISO) • Time- invariant

• Multiple input and multiple • Analog

output(MIMO) • Digit

• Linear • Process control

• Non-linear • Sequential control

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1.2.5.Control System Design

1. Determine a physical system 4. Use schematic to obtain a block

and specifications from the diagram. Signal flow diagram or

requirements state-space representation.

2. Draw a detail layout of physical 5. If it is multiple blocks, reduce the

system. block diagram to a single block

3. Transform the physical system or closed loop system.

into a schematic 6. Analyze ,design, and requirements

and specifications
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1.3. Basic Control System

 The open loop system and the closed loop system.

 They can both be represented by block diagrams.

A block diagram uses blocks to represent processes, while arrows are

used to connect different input, process and output parts.

In a cruise control system this would be an electrical signal

corresponding to the desired output speed.

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1.3.1. Open loop control system

• This systems in which the output has no effect on the control action.

• The output neither measured nor feedback for comparison with input.

• For each reference input, there corresponds a fixed operating

conditions; the accuracy of the system depends on a calibration.

• While the disturbances, it will not perform the desired tasks

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Figure -1.5
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Open loop systems :

 Simple construction and ease of maintenance

 Less expensive than a closed loop system

 No stable problem


 Recalibration is required time to time

 Sensitive to disturbances

 Less accurate

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1.3.2. Closed loop control system

• It usually known as feed back control systems.

• It compare the actual out put with the expected value

• It will take action based upon the differences or error occur


• This idea of taking action is tremendously powerful and

• The feedback is a key in the discipline of closed loop

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Figure -1.6
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Figure -1.7
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Advantage Disadvantage

 Reduce disturbance effects.

 Cause instability if carelessly used.
 Make the system insensitive to
 Couple noise from sensor at

 Stabilize an unstable system. dynamic system.

 Define the relation of out put and  Increase the overall complexity of


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1.3.3. Comparison of Open and closed loop system

Closed loop control

Open loop control
 Complex structure
 Simple structure.
 High cost

 Low cost.  Ability to correct error

 High accuracy and resistance to

 Easy to regulate.
 Low accuracy and resistance to  Selecting parameter is

disturbances. critical(may cause stability


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1.3.4. Control Application Area

 Used in general industry

 In military and virtual every modern vehicles.

 Applicable in SCADA and industrial Automation systems.

 In industrial Automation to regulate how devices operate in real time.

 At traffic lights control system.

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to Automatic Regulation
control systems

08/21/2021 25
Mathematical Modeling of Physical
Dep't: Mechanical Engineering
course Code: Meng-5272
Wollega University
Nekemte, Ethiopia
April14, 2021

Mathematical Modeling of Physical


08/21/2021 27

o Understanding the concept of mathematical modeling.

o Showing the types of mathematical modeling.

o Describing the variables, Elementary laws and interconnection laws.

o Obtaining system model of parallel and series combinations.

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2.2. Modeling of mechanical systems

2.2.1. Concept of Mathematical Modeling

• It describes the pattern of physical systems.

• It reveals the relation of parameters, performances and dynamic

behavior of a systems.

• The derivation of a model is up on the fact of the dynamic systems.

• The ability to analyzing and performing depend on mathematical


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2.2.2. Types of mathematical modeling

The mathematical modeling reveal a. External model: show the

the pattern of the system using: relation of input and output.

1. Static modeling : the motion i.e. Differential equations and

pattern if free of time transfer functions

dependency b. Internal model: relation of

2. Dynamic modeling: the motion input, output and the internal

pattern is time dependance. variables.

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2.2.3. Element Law

1. Mass:

From newton second law force acting on

a mass equal to time rate a change of momentum.


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••  From the two variable the second order derivative will be:

2. Friction:
• A mass depicted on Sliding under oil film has a laminar flow subjected
to viscosity friction. “B” the unit of N-S/m and 2 - 1


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• Considering dashpot at initial velocity zero (v1=0);

• The change will be:


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• Second order derivative:


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3. Stiffness:

• A mechanical element undergoes the deformation relation exist between

elongation and force.

Figure-2.5 35

• From the Hooks law:

• The relation between the parameters:


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2.2.4. Interconnection Law

1. D’Alembert’s Law

 It is the restatement of Newton second law at constant mass for a

governing law rate of momentum.

 The motion is constrained to fixed direction from i value.

 When the force will be rewritten on equilibrium position.

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2. The law of reaction force

 The reaction force will be find after equal magnitude opposite direction

of the exerted force and stiffness force.

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2.2.5. Obtaining The System Model

1. Free Body Diagram

Example: 2.1

• Draw the free-body diagram and apply D’Alembert’s law to write a

modeling equation for the system. The mass is assumed to move

horizontally on frictionless bearings, and the spring and dashpot are

linear. fa(t) applied force, X(t) displacement, and V(t) is an intermediate

variable not exist at the final differential equation.

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a. Translational system

b. Free body diagram and Element laws


08/21/2021 40

Replacing “ ”

Example: 2.2
• Draw the FBD for the two mass system shown and use D’Alembert’s law
to write the two differential equations .

a. Translational system
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b. Free body diagram and Element laws

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2. Parameters Combination

 If two spring and dashpot attached to the same body on both direction.

a. When the two springs have the same unstretched length

• The coefficient of single spring Keq written as:

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 Hence,

b. When the K1 and K2 are replaced by single spring with dashpot.

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3. Series Combination

o If the elements joined one of each while not connected to common

junction on both side.

Example: 2.3

Draw the FBD of mass “m” and for massless junction “A”. Show the

equation as X1 while the “A” is depend on the “m” X1 and X2 proportional.

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In terms:

08/21/2021 46

Then, the stiffness and friction,

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2.3. Equation of Electrical Network

• Due to the electrical circuit at high frequency considered as lumped

element, by simple ordinary differential equation combining the

elements and laws solved.

• To be know as Lumped element the inductance or capacitance let the

energy to be store at high frequency rather than transmitting along the

wire length.

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2.3.1 Resistor •   unit is ohm().


• An element of algebraic

relation of voltage and current

across the terminal.

• Where the voltage drop is due

to the proportion of the

resistance magnitude.

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2.3.2. Capacitor 2.3.3. Inductor

• An element of algebraic relation

 An element of algebraic relation
of voltage and derivative of
to voltage and the charge. flux linkage.

 Where the charge is the integral • The linear inductor’s voltage is

given by faradays law with a
of current and flow from +ve to
unit of Henries(H).

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2.3.4. Inter connection Law

 Counter clock wise

a. Kirchhoff's voltage Law

 The sum of algebraic of voltage  Reverse direction

across the elements which make

the loop equal to zero.

 The summation of the voltage

along the loop.


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b. Kirchhoff’s Current Law • For the three element:

• Since not possible to accumulate

every net charge at any node,

the current will be the algebraic

sum at any node equal to zero.

• The summation will be:


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c. Nodal method of electric • Then applying Kirchhoff's

Network analysis current law exception of for

• The voltage will be determined

reference node.
by assuming one reference node
• The rule of Integro-differential
and other node.
• It uses the expression of element
1. The number of equation equal
current in terms of node
the number of unknowns.
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2. One equation will be written b. The node voltage at other end

for each node. of each branch multiplied by

3. Each equation Include:

the admittance connected

a. The node voltage multiplied by

between two nodes.
the sum of the admittance
Note: the second term is positive.
which connected to the node.

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2.3.5 Analogue Relationship

• The differential equation of physical system will be written by stating

and applying basic governing laws to specific devices.

• The differential equation for different physical system may have the

same form.

• Whereby ANALOG is the same of corresponding variables and

parameters in different system represent the differential equations.

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Table 2.1: Analog variables

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Example: 2.4
• There transfer function will be Apply the Kirchhoff’s law and
ohm’s law to write the modeling
written: equation. Where Ui(t) and Uo(t) are
input and out put voltage; R1, R2
a. and C are constant.




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• Using nodal method analysis

• By eliminating i1(t), i2(t) and i(t) Figure-2.13

Example: 2.5
• Using nodal method analysis

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• Eliminating i1(t), i2(t) and i3(t)

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o Defining the Transfer Function.

o Understanding the relation of polynomial and TF.

o Describing the series and parallel connection.

o Clarifying the function of block diagram.

o Explaining the signal block diagram.

o Understanding the mason gain function.

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2.4 Transfer Function

2.4.1. Definition

 Every block diagram has the transfer function in specific,

 Where, the transfer function is the ratio of Laplace transform.

 It is the ratio of output to input Laplace transform at zero condition.

 Where the Fo(s) and Fi(s) Laplace transform output and input.

 Whereby the Transfer function is the algebraic function of “s”.

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• The general nth- order output and input.

• Assuming t=+0, the initial condition will be Zero.

• Using the algebraic equation of “s”, the remaining term:

• The system transform function is rational transform of “s”.

• The Y(s) out put is the product of Rational transform of “s” to X(s)
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• Transfer function will be:

2.4.2. Properties
1. Independent of input system; the characteristics not modified by input
signal(even if at working time).
2. All initial conditions are assumed to be Zero or at rest.
3. Describe only the time-invariant linear systems, the parameters not
change; little change.
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4. It’s unit related to the ratio of input to output system’s type; not

Example: 2.6.
• Write the below differential equation to Transfer function:

1. 2.

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2.4.3. Rational Polynomial form of Transfer function

• When the frequency of input is high no output; thus the expression:

• Where :The Z1, Z2, …are know zores and they are the roots of Y(S).

:The P1, P1…are known Poles and they are the roots of X(s).


:(S-Zi) zores factor, and (S-Pi) poles factor

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••  Zi and Pi may be the real or complex and the complex number will be
written by: Zi=

• Hence, the two conjugate roots find in the conjugate pairs:

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 When the conjugate pairs will be find from second order derivatives.

Example: 2.7

 A system of with transfer function:

Where the zeros and poles are;

S1=-2,S2=-3, and S3=-1+j S4=-1-j

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2.4.4.Transfer function of elements in Series Connection

 Using the mathematical operator of TF system the below series

connection will be simplified.

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2.4.5.Transfer function of elements in Parallel Connection

 Using the mathematical operator of TF system the below series

connection will be simplified.

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Example: 2.8
 Evaluate the given Block diagram Y(s)/U(s) and Z(s)/U(s) to TF then
show in the Rational function of “s”.

 Starting from parallel connection

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 Then the block diagram looks like:

 For series connection

 Y(s)/U(s) and Z(s)/U(s)

+ =

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o Hence,

o The final parallel combination to single block.

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2.4.6.Transfer function for typical Link

• Some typical transfer function in Mechanical Engineering their physical

structure and principles are different.

• Link is kind of mechanism doesn’t represent a components made up of

units or parts.

• It used in complex analysis and researching systems.

General form:

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a. Proportional Link
• Taking Laplace transform re arranging the TF will be:

It is applicable:
• In speed gear system input/out put.
• In Lever system input and output.
• In Output voltage and rotated angle of potentiometer.
• In Output and input electric amplifier.

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b. Integral link
• The differential Equation:

• TF will be:

Example: 2-9

From the schematic diagram of the hydro cylinder, the cross section A, and

the input flow is q(t), the output is the velocity V(t) of the cylinder piston .

Find TF.
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• The velocity of piston

• The TF is find using the Laplace transform

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c. Inertia Link
• The differential equation:

• Laplace form will be:

• By re arranging the equation the TF:

• Where “T” time constant and “K” constant of element.

Example: 2.10

For the intermediate i(t), C and R, and Ui(t), Uo(t) find the TF.
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• Using Kirchhoff’s law the passive circuit

Differential equation will be:

• By Cancelling current i(t) by rearranging:

• Where the Laplace transform of above :

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d. Differential link
About three differential links are exist:
1. Ideal differential link
2. First order differential link
3. Second order differential link

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Where, T is the constant time, is damping ratio.

Example: 2.11
 For constant C and R ; i(t)intermediate function find the TF.
 Using Kirchhoff’s and ohm’s law

the differential equation will be:

 By Cancelling current i(t) by rearranging: Figure:2-16

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 Where the TF electrical Link:

Note: If the value of Ts=RC is very small, it will be neglected and the link
will be ideal differential link.
e. Oscillation Link
• The differential Equation

• The Laplace Transform

08/21/2021 82
• The Laplace and TF differential:

2.5. Function Block Diagram

2.5.1. Block
• It is statement of its operation.
• It indicates what happen to the input information after transmission.
• The illustration of Simple amplifier a shown as block.

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 In the block diagram summing junction and point will be shown as

circle with arrows into and out symbol.
 The arrow identified by plus and minus sign, showing +ve and –ve
 Where by signal out of summing point is the algebraic sum of signal into

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a. Pick/Tie point
 It is used while more than one signal flow direction is necessary.
 It is node or junction where no summing point (+ve and -ve) is done.
 Provide extra path through the signal flow with out affecting its
Table:2.2 Connection Block Diagram

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1. The forward path not repeated signal flow from input to output.

2. The product on expression G(s)

link will be:

3. Feed back the signal flow move

from output to input.

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4. The product of every link with

expression H(s):

5. Open loop is ratio of primary feedback to error:

6. Closed loop will be:

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••  When the H(s)=1 unit feed back system:

• The relation of open loop and closed loop with selection of unit –ve
feed back:

• Where G(s) and is the open loop and closed loop TF respectively.

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2.5.2. Simplification of Function Body Diagram

a. Moving Tie points:

• Moving the points forward or backwards.

• When the system G is front and back of the tie point; R=B

• Front position: R=B, where by Back position: R*G*1/G=B => R=B

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Example: 2.12
• Show the feed back loop system of series and parallel combination.

• Taking the inner feed back path to the output point “A” and the inner
feed back transfer function

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b. Moving summing point

 With the references of block diagram

:On RHS.

08/21/2021 92

Example: 2.13
 By the right and keeping the left hand side summing junction remodel
the block diagram.


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 The transfer function:

c. General Feed Case

 For a given error E(s) an feed back

Signal B(s).

 From the Laplace transform

08/21/2021 94

 The final closed loop TF system


 Whereby the open loop TF is independent of loop open.

 The steps for simplifying block diagram.

1. Combine all series

2. Parallel combination
3. Close all inner loops and
4. Move summing junction and Tie point to left or right.
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 Simplify the block diagram to get TF.

 Reduce the projected

// connection.

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 Solve the inner closed loop

Then, TF:
 Apply to feed back loopback substitution:

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d. Multi inputs
 At several input the achievement will be:

1. Set all but one input to zero.

2. Determine single input to output of TF
3. Repeat step two for other
4. Add all TF for all output value.
Example: 2.15
 Determine the output C two input R and D.
 The closed loop TF for R set to zero.

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or Figure-2.20

Again, by setting D to zero:


Total summation:
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2.6. Signal Flow diagram

 It is an alternative pictorial representation to block diagram.

 All signal/variables shown by dot called nodes like x1,x2,x3…
 The related variables joined lines called directed branch.
 Each node has associated transmittance which link xi to xj with zero
transmittance from xj to xi .
 Input variable is source node (x1, X5.)..
 Output variable is sink node(x4).
 Pass from source to sink node without passing through any node((x1-X2).
 Branch forming loop is closed loop transmittance(b , c).

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1. Signal at the node is the sum of the transmittance to the node.
2. Transmittance simple related to TF
3. The transmittance connected input/output node both are unity
4. The same rule of block diagram apply; transmittance maybe –ve.

 Where X(s) and Y(s) are source and sink node, G(s) TF.

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Figure 2.22
Note: The –ve sign on signal flow shows the negative feedback
Example: 2.16
 Change the given block diagram to signal flow diagram.

Figure:2.23 BDG
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Figure-2.24 SFD
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2.7.Mason Gain Formula

•  The input –output relation derived from simplified complex diagram.

 The original signal diagram used to do so using Mason gain formula.
 Mason gain state, the net transmittance “P”, from source input to sink
 Where:

1. K-number of open path from source to sink.

2. Pk - the transmittance Kth open path.
3. 1-(sum of all loop transmittance)+(sum of products of loop
transmittances of non-touching loops taken in pairs ) –(sum of similar
product taken three at a time) + etc.

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•4. - the value of calculated for the path of the graph not touching the open
Note: Generally
1. All the forward path transmittance
2. All loop transmittance
3. All the non touching loop transmittance
4. Whether all the loop and transmittance touching and not.
Example: 2.17
 Get the transfer function of block diagram

08/21/2021 105

1. Forward paths=3 and forward path
transmittances are P1=G1G2G3G4G5,
P2=G1G6G4G5, and P3=G1G2G7.
2. Feed back loops =4 and feed back
loop transmittances L1=-G4H1, L2=-G2G3G4G5H2, L3=-G6G4G5H2,
3. Non-touch feedback loops are L1 and L4
1-( L1 +L2+ L3+ L4) + L1 L4(non-touch).

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•4.   All feed back loops touch the forward path P1,hence, =1
5. All feed back loops touch the forward path P2 , hence, =1
6. The feed back loops L1 doesn’t touch the forward path P3 , hence, =1-

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n and

08/21/2021 108
Time response analysis of control systems
Dep't: Mechanical Engineering
course Code: Meng-5272

Wollega University
Nekemte, Ethiopia
April14, 2021

Time response analysis of control


08/21/2021 110

o Understanding about test signals

o Describing the 1st and 2nd order system response

o Clarifying the 1st and 2nd order system time domain analysis

o Explaining the time response specification

o Understanding the steady state error

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3.2. Introduction

 The system will be analyzed by fundamental and method system

1. Fundamental system analysis:
 It will be processed by confirming mathematical modeling system and
transfer function system.
2. Method system analysis
• It will cover the response analysis method of time domain and frequency
• Time response control system shows the change of out put system with a
time, under input signals.
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 The time response function:

 It is the solution of differential equation of control system
 It consists transient response and steady state response.

a. Transient response:
• The process at output variables change from initial to steady state of
input signals.
• It reflects the dynamic characteristics of the system.

b. Steady state response:

o It is when the output value stable as time tend to infinity of input
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• When output value converge while the tends to infinity.

Note: The difference between steady state response and desired output
value used to measure the accuracy of the system.

• The time response curve with

subjected to unit steps signals

• At settling time the output

reaches the steady state system

Figure 3.1
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3.3. Test signals

• It will be introduce at different input signals 1st order system.

3.3.1.Unit step response

• For unit step signal r(t)=1, the Laplace Transform, and substituting for

• Using Laplace transform inversion time response will be find:

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3.3.2.Unit Ramp response

 The unit ramp the r(t), Laplace transform.

 Taking Laplace Inversion, the time response will be:

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  Impulse response
o For the unit Impulse of signals the Laplace transform

o Taking Laplace Inversion, the time response will be:

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Accordingly, the graph will be:

Figure 3.2

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o If the input signal is not unit signal and at same time, the numerator of
FOS of a TF is K.

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Hence, the time response will be:

Example: 3.3
For the unit open loop of negative feedback given find the time response
subjected to unit step input signal.

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• The solution still first order with K=0.95, r=1, and =0.01
• The time response of Unit step input signals

Example 3.4

Find the time response of step unit while X(s)=0.8/s

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The solution still first order with K=0.95, r=1, and =0.8
The time response of Unit step input signals

Example: 3.5
The differential equation of control system, find the impulse and unit step
input signals where the initial conditions are zero.

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Referring deferential equation of Laplace and TF will be:

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3.4. System Response of 1st and 2nd Order System

3.4.1. Response of 1st Order System

• Describe the first order differential equation.
• The general TF between input and output;

Example 3.1.
• Find the FOS of mechanical and electrical system

Figure 3.3
08/21/2021 124

1. Mechanical FO system
• Force at Point “A”

• Laplace Transform

2. Electrical FO system
o Applying Kirchhoff’s and ohms law

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3.4.2. Response of 2nd Order System

• It is second order differential equation; here using the passive electrical

Figure 3.4
• The input applied voltage Ui and output voltage pass through capacitor
• After applying the Kirchhoff's and Ohm’s law.
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Here, by eliminating variables I yield TF

08/21/2021 127

• The general for second order system will be:

• Where the function block diagram for SOS:

08/21/2021 128

• By substituting the unit step using partial fraction method

• The two roots of characteristics equation(CE) from its denominator

 The value of the system will be determined after different “Zita” value.

08/21/2021 129

 The roots will be:

 Using the unit step signal input

08/21/2021 130

Table 3.1 Second order response as function of damping

08/21/2021 131

08/21/2021 132

 The root,
 The damped natural frequency
 By substituting a unit step signal input into general SOS equation.

08/21/2021 133

• Considering the interval of (0.1, 0.8)

where it works stably and rapidly. While

the value of Zita lies (0,1) it is convergent.
• The smallest Zita value the more it oscillate.
• Better Zita about 0.707.


Figure 3.5

08/21/2021 134

• Substituting both equation


o Then,

Figure 3.6
08/21/2021 135

• The root

• By substituting a unit step signal input into general SOS equation.

08/21/2021 136

• The root

• By substituting a unit step signal input into general SOS equation.

08/21/2021 137

Example: 3.2

Comparing the closed loop transfer function with general

08/21/2021 138



3.5.Time Response Specifications

3.5.1. Performance specification of 1st order system

o The FOS time domain of Unit step input signal system is given by:

o The terminologies in FOS rise time, settle time , and time constant

a. Time constant
 It is transient response time specification of FOS since it related to output
08/21/2021 139

Hence, time constant of at unit step input signals

b. Rise Time Tr
o It is time for the curve rising from 0.1 to 0.9 of final value

08/21/2021 140

• The rise time

Figure 3.7

08/21/2021 141

c. Settling Time Ts
• At the time the response of curve comes to and settles

of final value; 5% also used.

• Let C(t)=0.98 and C(t)=0.95

Example: 3.4.
• For the a unit step 1st order response curve find the closed loop of TF.

The general equation of closed loop

08/21/2021 142

•The  time constant 0.1 while time tend to infinite C(=10

Using the gain k system k . r=10

The closed loop TF of this system


08/21/2021 143

3.5.2.Performance specification of 2nd order system

• The swiftness of 2nd order system will be measured by rise time and peak
• The time rise is useful index for underdamped system time the with over
shot of 0% -100%.
• The performance specification of SOS %overshot PO, and settling time
1. Rise Time Tr
• It is when the curve first rise to the final value; the second order rise

08/21/2021 144
• At maximum value:

• By rearranging,

08/21/2021 145

• By letting

c. Peak Time Tp
 It is when the curve comes to the maximum peak value (MTp).
 Whereby the Maximum peak value is the peak value of out put response
at the peak time.
 The second order peak Time Tp:

08/21/2021 146

• It is the time derivative C(t) equal to 1 which C’(t)=0

d. Percentage Overshoot PO
 Its defined by

08/21/2021 147

 fv-final value response even if the magnitude of input.

-It’s value for 2nd order system with unit step input fv=1
 But, for MTp

08/21/2021 148



08/21/2021 149

e. Settling Time Ts
• For the 2nd order system when Zita is between 0 to 1 the out put response
will be converged to in put signal.
• Then the system reach steady state due to the threshold or input-output
• The error for the final value to be chosen as threshold.
• Replacing for Ts-Tp into MTp

• However, the Ts will remain with response of

08/21/2021 150



Example: 3.5
Comparing the closed loop transfer function with the generalized form

08/21/2021 151



08/21/2021 152


Example: 3.6
When the step input signal of 2N amplitude is subjected to mechanical
vertical translation system. Find the value of mass m, damping constant B,
and spring constant k.
The closed loop:
08/21/2021 153



08/21/2021 154

According to response curve


Damping ratio:

08/21/2021 155

From peak time, natural frequency

The transform of closed loop TF with general form of second order system

Then like general formula

08/21/2021 156



08/21/2021 157
Time response
analysis of

and Control

08/21/2021 158
Stability of control systems

Dep't: Mechanical Engineering

course Code: Meng-5272
Wollega University
Nekemte, Ethiopia
April 14, 2021

Stability of control systems

08/21/2021 160

o Studying the Routh-Hurwitz stability Criteria

o Describing Root locus Techniques

o Defining Nyquist plot

08/21/2021 161

⸎ The stability analysis control system is essential for linear control system.
⸎ Their stability system is constricted by its input value.
⸎ It is stability if its response is bounded, smooth and converge,
⸎ where as fluctuation , deviates without time constraints it is unstable.
⸎ The graph is stable because it have negative real parts.

08/21/2021 162

 Stability graph shown-Fig.4.2a- for damping oscillation (1) and
converging curve (2).
 un stability graph shown-Fig.4.2b- for constant oscillation(1) and
diverging curve(2).
 Stability for output is near to steady state.
 Output can be recovered by disturbance removal.

08/21/2021 163

4.3. Condition for stability
The transfer function of Fig.4.3. BD will be written as:

08/21/2021 164

The eigen equation and homogeneous the equation will be:

The general equation written as:


08/21/2021 165

Where: k-number of real roots
2r-number of complex
Si- andi- are less than zero for t=
By considering both the real number poles and complex poles:

The relevant conclusion and condition for the above:

1. All the poles are in the LHS of s-plane except imaginary axis
2. TF closed loop , the characteristic root must co -satisfy:
a. No nil solution
b. No conjugate pure complex root

i.e. Res=0, because its constant amplitude oscillation curve.

08/21/2021 166

c. All the real roots are negative

d. All the real parts of conjugate complex roots are negative.
Based on the above two aspects expression :
 TF of Open loop unit negative feed back system:

Where, T>0 ,K>0 and 1-4TK>0

TF of closed loop unit negative feed back system:

• Its characteristic equation :

08/21/2021 167

Its eigen value: negative value

4.5.Routh Hurwitz stability criteria

• It used to determine the stability with out actually solving root of the
• The poles of closed loop will be identified to determine stability of feed
back control system.
• It is the rigorous method.

08/21/2021 168

1. Precondition for Routh Hurwitz stability criteria

Based on the two figures the characteristic equation is:

08/21/2021 169

Accordingly ,two condition will be stated:

1. All the coefficient of the C.E. not equal to zero
i.e. an, an-1,……… a1, a0
2. All the coefficients sign should be same.
2. Full condition for Routh Hurwitz stability criteria
While the Fig. 4.3. C.E. expressed in Routh array schedule:

08/21/2021 170

08/21/2021 171

 The 1st row is the coefficient of all even or odd terms of “s” descending
 The 2nd row is the coefficient of all even and odd terms of “s”
descending order.
The other order will be find by those to two rows:

08/21/2021 172

The other order will be find by those to two rows:

08/21/2021 173

• The new rows obtained from previous two rows, n+1.

• One element in last two rows with other rows evaluated to zero.
• The 1st column of elements : an, an+1, b1,c1,d1,e1 of Routh arrays.
• For stability system, no sign transformation on the 1st column of array.
• For closed loop: sign transformation is equal to number of root at 1st
• If sign transformation exist, its un stability system.
Example: 4.1.
Identify the stability of given closed loop of TF system by RHS.

08/21/2021 174

The characteristics equation :

Then, using eigen equation

1. All coefficients are free of zero/ non zero
2. The coefficients are with same positive sign, that meet the precondition
of RHS.

08/21/2021 175

• No iteration in sign and no root in positive in the 1st column. Thus, the
feed control system is stability.
• Evaluate the stability by finding ‘K’ of the given open loop unit negative
feed back control system

 From the closed loop system and the characteristics equation:

 The 1st ‘s’ order is greater than zero, K>0 to satisfy precondition.

08/21/2021 176

Routh array:

According to RHS, K>0 from the characteristics equation.

Which is 0<k<6

• Relative stability by knowing how to close to y-axis the roots.

• Then, implemented by translating y-axis to the left to check un stability

• To be stability should have –a root s=u-a after shifted from a to –ve.

08/21/2021 177

• By frequency domain stability margin(relative stability) to imaginary axis.

• The minimum absolute distance ‘a’ is value of real parts
• Hence, the characteristics root LHS show s = -a with stability margin

Example 4.2.
Open loop TF unit negative feed back control system, find ‘k’ at all real parts
08/21/2021 178

are less than -1 or a=1, how if less than -2?

The characteristics equation:

By substituting s=u-a, let s=u-1 hence,

Check precondition, and Routh array:

(18k-10>0) ,k>5/9

08/21/2021 179

If the closed loop C.E real part is less than -1 the range of ‘k’ :

While s=u-2 at a=2

o The concluded real parts of C.E is not less than zero since the
precondition 2nd (sign) is not fulfilled , perhaps it should be stability.
o Hence, the real parts of C.E and stability margin ‘a’ is [-2,-1].

08/21/2021 180

Assignment .3.2.
The open loop of unit feed back control system conclude the stability and the
draw when k=6 and k=15

 The closed loop Transfer function and the characteristics equation:
08/21/2021 181

Routh array

Hence, using the 1st and zero order while k=6,k=15 :

Concluded as, the at k=6 stable in both order whereas un stable at 1st order of

08/21/2021 182
 The closed loop TF and Characteristics Equation:

 Routh arrays:


While the root is open interval (-1,0) due to not satisfy precondition on k=6
and k=15 respectively it is un stable system.
08/21/2021 183

  Special cases for Routh Hurwitz stability criteria
1. If the 1st column entity in some where the row is zero and others non
The calculation stopped because the denominator can’t be zero perhaps
small infinite positive number replace zero.
Example: 4.4.
The evaluate the stability for given characteristics Equation of closed loop
TF using RHS.

08/21/2021 184

Routh Array:

Perspective of the 1st column to the 3rd row show zero that should be replaced
with to continue.

08/21/2021 185

Concluded as, the sign of 1st column to the 3rd row shift from positive(1r & 2r)
to negative (3r) and again to positive , which is fluctuation. Hence, it is un
4.5.3 All elements in some rows are zero
It reveals the systematic characteristics roots.
1. Two absolute real root with opposite sign, that response divergent and un
stable system.

08/21/2021 186

Figure-4.6 Two absolute real root

2. A pairs of conjugate complex root on imaginary axis and a pair real
absolute value , and opposite in sign; Response divergent and unstable

Figure-4.7 Two absolute real root and conjugate complex root

08/21/2021 187

3. A pair of conjugate pure imaginary roots. Reponses constant amplitude

oscillation with special frequency ; it is critical stable system.

Figure-4.8 Conjugate pure imaginary

. The combination of all above roots
 Perhaps it helps as to continue the Routh array calculation; it was
terminated due to all elements of the row is zero.

08/21/2021 188

 Continued by taking auxiliary equation of even order and descending.

 Then, perform derivative to new lower order and substituted for zero
 Finally, new Routh array evaluated for getting eigenvalue

Example 4.5
• Identify the given characteristics equation of closed loop TF

• Routh array:

08/21/2021 189

• Hence, the auxiliary equation will be taken from the above row of zero’s
o The upper row with descending order of the zero element row:

o Taking the derivatives of the A(s) equation:

o Substituting the coefficients of derivate for the zero row elements

08/21/2021 190

After substitution the Routh array :

• Conclusion is since no sign change on 1st column no positive root or no

conjugate complex root with real parts.
• But taking the equation that has been derivate the two pair complex
pure root is find.
08/21/2021 191

roots: S1,2 = S3,4 =
• As pair of complex root the system is critical stable but the fact is un stable
with constant oscillation response.
Example: 4.6
Determine the value of ‘k’ and ‘’ of the function block diagram while the
system oscillates constantly at =2rad/s.

08/21/2021 192

• The characteristics equation:

• where,

k(s+1)=ks + k
Routh array:

• If the 1st order ‘s’ element all zero it’s a pair of conjugate pure
imaginary roots
• But using the Even number order ; auxiliary equation will be:

08/21/2021 193

The root

 For a given frequency =2rad/s

 By equating two equation:

 From 1st ‘s’ order Routh array:


08/21/2021 194

The simultaneous solution of two equation gives,

Quiz 3.1.
Use RHS to find the root of the given closed loop TF

• Routh array:

08/21/2021 195

o Since, the 1st column of 2nd row element is zero small positive infinity will
be used.
o Because the sign change is occur ,the system is un stable with two roots.

Routh array:

Due to the 1st column of the 3rd row element is zero auxiliary equation is used.

08/21/2021 196

4th order ‘s’ row:

Derivatives of A(s):

New Routh array:

08/21/2021 197

• Since the 1st column has sign change the root of RHS is un stable and it
has two pairs root imaginary pure root and real pure root:
• Calculated from

Imaginary= Real part=

08/21/2021 198
Frequency response method of control
Dep't: Mechanical Engineering
course Code: Meng-5272
Wollega University
Nekemte, Ethiopia
April14, 2021

Frequency response method of

control systems

08/21/2021 200

• Understanding the frequency response

• Defining the frequency response from Pole-Zero Plot

• Explaining the frequency response for series elements

• Stating the bode plot

• Understanding the experimental determination of TF

08/21/2021 201

5.2.Frequency Response
• It provides the investigation of the dynamic behavioral control system
• Used in the domain of analysis and design control system.
• It defined as steady state response of system subjected to a harmonic
input signals.
• Where by the signal name is sine wave signal, whose
Euler’s form and

Laplace transform

08/21/2021 202

Hence, the system response to sign- wave input signal compute by combining
the response to
Where the linear system represented by transfer function form,

Assuming different real number poles, the G(s) at s=jw yields a complex
number .
It represented by amplitude and phase in polar coordinates

08/21/2021 203

By computing the response of Laplace transform using a partial fraction.

08/21/2021 204

• Thereby the system response sine input compute

• The system steady state response

• The sine wave input signal forces to the sine wave at the output signal
have the same frequency response for linear system.

08/21/2021 205

Figure 5.1
• Frequency characteristics function: when the transfer function G(s)
evaluated at s=jw and G(jw).

08/21/2021 206


G(jw)-real and imaginary Figure 5.2
frequency characteristics.
Re(w)- real part and Im(w)- Imaginary part
|G(jw)|=A(w)-Amplitude and(w)=phase
 The amplitude and phase of G(jw) for linear system.

08/21/2021 207

|y(t)|- the amplitude of frequency response output
|i(t)|-the amplitude of sine wave input signal,
y(w)-the phase of frequency response output
i(w)-the phase of sine wave input signal
• The amplitude frequency characteristics indicates whether the
amplitude of response out amplified or reduced.
• The phase frequency characteristics shows the response out signal
exceeds ((w)>0 or postpones ((w)<0 to the sine wave input signal.
08/21/2021 208

Example: 5.1
Determine the G(jw) of the transfer function

Changing s=jw and splitting into real and imaginary part

08/21/2021 209

Where, the real, imaginary parts , the amplitude and phase:

Example: 5.2
Use G(jw) to find the amplitude and phase of G(jw) from the transfer function

08/21/2021 210

Applying the computation rule of complex number, the phase and amplitude:

Example: 5.3

Determine the frequency response output

08/21/2021 211


According to the sine wave formula f(x) = asin(wx + c) thereby

Substituting for w=1

08/21/2021 212

The gain and phase frequency response out of system

5.3 Bode plot

5.3.1. Bode diagram
• It is known logarithm of frequency of characteristics diagram.
• It consists of Gain/amplitude and phase characteristics diagram.
• The logarithm scale usually used for the frequency axis w and gain of
08/21/2021 213

  the logarithm transfer for the frequency characteristics of any link

1. ln |G(jw)|-real part; logarithm amplitude frequency characteristic.
2. (w)-imaginary part; logarithm phase frequency characteristic.
3. Practically, lg(logarithm amplitude frequency characteristics) used
instead of ln.
4. The unit of L(w) is decibel dB with a unit of dB
5. The y-coordinate shows a unit linear dB of amplitude L(w)=20lg |G(jw)|

08/21/2021 214

6. The x-axis represent the value of w with a units of rad/s.

08/21/2021 215

5.3.2. Coordinating Dividing

• Divided by decibel unit L(w) linearly.
• The L(w) labeled on y-axis and w a labeled in x-coordinated
• For a purpose of simply plotting and compacting the amplitude chx.

08/21/2021 216

5.3.3. Slope of the Asymptote

• It when the change of decibel of L(w) when frequency w increase 10 times.

• If the w1 =10 and w2= 100, the distance between w1 and w2 is a decade(dec)

• If the increases 10 times(decade) and the decays 20 decibel

• Where, the slope asymptote is 20dB/dec.

08/21/2021 217

Example: 5.4
For the logarithm amplitude characteristics of the link L(w)=-20lgw, when w
changes from w1 to 10w1, find the amplitude values of two frequency.
a. L(w1)= -20lgw1
b. L(10w1)= -20lg10w1= -20lgw1-20
Where the amplitude Values decay change by:
L(10w1)-L(w1)= -20
Where by the slope of the asymptote
= -20dB/dec
08/21/2021 218

5.3.4. Asymptote of the logarithm Amplitude characteristics curve

Example: 5.5
Let the amplitude characteristics of the link

08/21/2021 219

• Where, the logarithm amplitude chx curve represented by

L(w)=20lg5 L(w)=20lg5/T-20lgw
5.3.6. Break Frequency

• It is where the two asymptotes intersect; with the signal of wT.

from the above example it will be:

08/21/2021 220

Where, the break frequency:

5.3.7. Amplitude cross frequency
• It is where the logarithm Amplitude characteristics curve L(w) and X-

coordinate w are intersecting; with the signal of wc .

• It will be solved from the high frequency and L(w)=0

• Where amplitude crossing frequency

08/21/2021 221

5.3.8. Phase crossing frequency

• The frequency where the logarithm phase characteristics curve and the

line of -180 intersect ;with signal of wg.

5.4.Bode diagram for Typical links

5.4.1. Proportional Link
• For the TF of proportion link; the frequency characteristics will be:

• The logarithm amplitude characteristics

08/21/2021 222

• Logarithm phase characteristics

• For the gain of several links in series is equal to the product of those links

K=K1 K2 K3 K4…………….. Kn.

• The logarithm amplitude of the system is equal to the sum of the logarithm
gain of each link.

08/21/2021 223

5.4.2. Integral link

• For given TF, the frequency characteristics function will be:

• The logarithm amplitude and phase characteristics :

Example: 5.6.
• For w= 0.1rad/s, 20lg|G(jw)|= -20lg0.1=20dB; A(0.1,20)
• For w=1rad/s, 20lg|G(jw)|= -20lg1=0dB; B(1,0)
• For w=10rad/s, 20lg|G(jw)|= -20lg10= -20dB; c(10,-20)

08/21/2021 224

Figure 5.4
Example: 5.7.
For the TF of control system, plot the bode diagram.

08/21/2021 225

The frequency characteristics function:
Logarithm amplitude and phase characteristics

For the N integral, slope asymptote -20NdB/dec ; c(1,0)
For the N integral, slope asymptote -20NdB/dec; c(1, 20lgk)
• Then, phase will be horizontal line the vertical distance -90N to x-axis

08/21/2021 226

• According to two point A and B the, slope.

5.4.3 Ideal Differential

From the TF, the frequency characteristics function :

08/21/2021 227

The logarithm amplitude phase characteristics :

Using w=0.1 logarithm amplitude characteristics 20lg|G(jw)|= -20dB
w=1, logarithm amplitude characteristics 20lg|G(jw)|=0dB
The curve amplitude and phase of the idea differential link is an oblique line
and horizontal.

08/21/2021 228

Figure 5.5
5.4.4. Inertial link
For the TF, the frequency characteristics function

08/21/2021 229

The amplitude characteristics of inertial link

The logarithm amplitude and phase characteristics :

While w<<1/T, it is low frequency curve

When w>>1/T, it is high frequency curve

08/21/2021 230

Whereby the break frequency wT

While wT=1/T

Mean while the amplitude crossing frequency wc

But for Inertial link

08/21/2021 231

5.4.6. Differential Link

a. First order differential link
For TF of the 1st order differential link, the frequency characteristics
function will be:

The amplitude of characteristics of FOD

The logarithm of amplitude and phase characteristics

08/21/2021 232

Using the w<<1/T and w>>1/T, the low and high frequency will be find

08/21/2021 233

b. Second order differential link

For TF given, the frequency of 2nd order differential link
The logarithm of amplitude and phase characteristics will be:

b. Second order Oscillation link

For TF given, the frequency of 2nd order oscillation link

08/21/2021 234

The amplitude characteristics will be:

The logarithm of amplitude and phase characteristics will be:

Note: not only relate with “w” also with but Zita considered as
remedy asymptote.
When w<<1/T it is low frequency curve and changed to straight line and
coincides x-axis.

08/21/2021 235

•   w>>1/T it is high frequency curve and changed to oblique line and

with the slope of -40dB.

Figure 5.6
It will be plot with variation range of (w) is (-18 also (w, (w))
08/21/2021 236

When w=1/T the error of precise logarithm amplitude characteristics and

asymptote is:

08/21/2021 237

o The relationship of logarithm phase frequency characteristics of 2nd

order differential and oscillation link are same .
o Differ only about their logarithm characteristics is signal, minus.

08/21/2021 238

5.5. Open loop Bode diagram of control system

 Why so many typical links of bode diagram is drawn?

1. To plot an open loop bode of control system

2. To get closed loop characteristics control system
The general formula of open loop TF for control system:

• N-number of integral link
08/21/2021 239

• p-number of inertial link

• q-number of 2nd order oscillation link
• m-number of 1st order differential link
• n-number of 2nd order differential link

The Logarithm of amplitude frequency characteristics:

08/21/2021 240

The logarithm phase frequency characteristics:

Here are steps to plot:

1. Transfer open loop TF into time constant form
2. Confirm the proper scale for coordinates i.e. x-axis

3. Find the wT each links and figure out on axis.

4. Evaluate 20lgk(dB) according to open loop gain K. “Even as

Proportional link”
08/21/2021 241

5. For the low frequency asymptote,

a. For proportion link plot horizontal line with the amplitude of 20lgK.
b. For integral link plot oblique line passing (1,0) with of slope -20NdB/dec.
c. For both Proportion and Integral link exist in low frequency asymptote,
plot an oblique line passing (1,20lgK) with slope of -20NdB/dec.
6. For high frequency asymptote,

i. For inertial link change slope of asymptote, wT to -20pdB/dec.

ii. For SOO link, change slope of asymptote, wT to -40pdB/dec.

iii. For FOD link, change slope of asymptote, wT to +20mdB/dec.

08/21/2021 242

iv. For SOD link, change slope of asymptote, wT to +40ndB/dec.

7. Remedy the asymptote to get precise logarithm amplitude characteristics

8. Plot the logarithm phase characteristics diagrams for every link superpose
to the same frequency to get the final open loop logarithm phase chx. diag.
Example: 5.8
Consider the open loop TF of the control system, plot open loop bode diagram
for this control system.

08/21/2021 243

Changing to general form into time constant form

Substituting “jw” into “s” the frequency characteristics

08/21/2021 244

  while, the phase frequency characteristics

• Th proportional link k=7.5, 20lgk=17.5dB

• The break frequency from small to big are 1.414 for SOOL, 2IL,3FODL.
• The intersection of low frequency and break frequency coordinate


08/21/2021 245

The logarithm and phase characteristics diagram

08/21/2021 246
method of
systems and

08/21/2021 247
Thank you
08/21/2021 248

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