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• Course Outline
• Online Classroom Rules
• Students’ Expectations
• Teacher’s Expectations
PATH FIT 1 - Movement
Competency Training
Course Description:
This course reintroduces the fundamental
movement patterns that consist of non-
locomotor and locomotor skills, which are
integrated with core training to meet the
demands of functional fitness and sports
performance. Emphasis will be on exercise
regression progression for the enhancement
of fitness and the adaptation of movement
competencies to independent physical activity
pursuits. In conjunction with fitness concepts,
exercise and healthy eating principles,
periodic evaluation of one’s level of fitness
and physical activity, as well as eating
patterns will be conducted to monitor one’s
progress and achievement of personal fitness
and dietary goals.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Participate in moderate to vigorous physical
activities in accordance (MVPAs) in accordance
with national and global recommendations on
physical activities for health.
2. Adapt movement competencies to
independent physical activity pursuits that are
health-enhancing and personally rewarding.
3. Monitor progress and evaluate achievement of
personal fitness and dietary goals.
4. For sports, apply basic tactics (e.g.
defense,offense, transition) in game situations.
5. Practice empathy, fair play, show respect for
differing abilities through interpersonal
communication skills and emotional regualtion
during physical activity participation.
Please always be reminded
with our Online
Classroom Rules..
Online Classroom Rules!
1. Create a quite & comfortable study space.
2. Be on time!
3. Come prepared.
4. Mute your microphone & turn your camera on.
5. Pay attention.
6. Don’t play with your computer or other devices.
7. Be respectful!
8. Have fun & be creative.
9. Ask questions.
10. Share your ideas.
11. Finish your home work on time.
12. Participate.
13. Use technology appropriately.
14. Be proud of your work.
Different Learning
Learning Modality
There shall be three (3) learning modality that will be
(a) Blended Learning;
(b) Full/Pure Online Learning; and
(c) Learning packets.

a. Blended Learning – is a learning modality where

students receive instruction from
the faculty in a physical classroom and/or by the use of
technology, e.g. email,
messenger, SMS or Learning Management System.
b. Full/Pure Online Learning – is a learning modality where
students receive
instruction through the use of technology only, e.g. email,
messenger, SMS, or
Learning Management System. Students are no longer
required to come to
c. Learning Packets – is a learning modality where students
are given learning
modules. This mode is intended for students/learners who
have no gadgets, no
internet connectivity, and no telecommunication signal.
I. Blended Learning
A. LECTURE / Theory (100%)
a. Traditional/Objective Assessment (45%)
Attendance – 5%
Quizzes/Essays– 10%
Assignment – 5%
Major Examination – 25%
b. Outcome/Performance Assessment (55%)
Written report (research, library paper, case study,
Feasibility study, presentation package) – 20%
Exhibits (video recorded output) -10%
Oral Reports -10%
Project (paintings, models, prototype, lesson plan) – 15%
Portfolios (optional)
B. LABORATORY / Skills (100%)
Lab activity/ies – 60%
Projects (prototype/s) – 20%
Attendance – 5%
Competency skills – 15%

Note: for courses with laboratory the total grade will be

computed as follows:
Lecture / Theory - 50%
Laboratory / Skills – 50%
II. Full/Pure online
a. Traditional/Objective Assessment (45%)
Attendance – 5%
Quizzes/Essays – 10%
Assignment – 5%
Major Examination – 25%
b. Outcome/Performance Assessment (55%)

Written report (Research, library paper, case study,

Feasibility study, presentation package) – 20%
Exhibits (video recorded output) -10%
Oral Reports -10%
Project (paintings, models, prototype, lesson plan) – 15%
Portfolios (optional)

Lab activity/ies – 60%
Projects (prototype/s) – 20%
Attendance – 5%
Competency skills – 15%
III. Learning Packets
(Period: Prelim, Midterm, Semi-final)
A. Traditional/Objective Assessment (45%)
Portfolio (quizzes, essay, assignments, activities) – 20%
Major Examination – 25%
B. Outcome / Performance Assessment (55%)
Written report (research, library paper, case study,
Feasibility study) – 25%
Exhibits (video recorded output) – 10%
Project (paintings, models, prototype, lesson plan) – 20%
(Period: Final)
A. Traditional/Objective Assessment (35%)
Portfolio (quizzes, essay, assignments, activities) – 15%
Major Examination – 20%
B. Outcome / Performance Assessment (45%)
Written report (research, library paper, case study,
Feasibility study) – 25%
Exhibits (video recorded output) – 10%
Project (paintings, models, prototype, lesson plan) – 10%
C. Summative test – 20%
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