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Name:-Tamal Tapas Maity

Roll no.48
Topic:-Etiology of Precocious Puberty
Precocious Puberty

Precocious puberty is
when a child's body begins
changing into that of an
adult (puberty) too soon

When puberty begins
before age 8 in girls and
before age 9 in boys, it is
considered as precocious
Etiology of Precocious Puberty

Etiology of precocious puberty can be divided into
two factors
1.Gonadotropin Dependent
(Central precocious puberty) and
2.Gonadotropin Independent
(Peripheral Precocious puberty)
1)Central Precocious Puberty

Central precocious puberty (CPP) occurs when the brain secretes gonadotropins
at an abnormally young age.

They signal the gonads, located in girls’ ovaries and boys’ testicles, to produce
sex hormones responsible for the physical changes associated with puberty.

It’s often not clear what causes central precocious puberty,but In some cases,
though, central precocious puberty may be associated with:-
1) Brain or spinal tumor
2) Injury to the brain or spinal cord
3) Fluid buildup in the brain at birth
4) Hypothyroidism
2)Peripheral Precocious puberty

Peripheral precocious puberty (PPP) is less common than CPP

Unlike CPP, PPP isn’t stimulated by the pituitary gland’s premature release of

It results from the early production of the hormones androgen and estrogen in other
parts of the body.

The early production of androgen and estrogen may be caused by:
1) Tumors in the pituitary or adrenal glands
2) Ovarian cysts in girls
3) Testicular tumors in boys
4) McCune-Albright syndrome, an uncommon genetic disorder that can cause problems
with hormone production.
Other forms of Precocious Puberty

Two less-serious types of precocious puberty can also develop.

One is called Premature thelarche, which causes mild breast development in
girls. The development is limited and can eventually disappear until normal
puberty occurs.

The other form of precocious puberty is Premature adrenarche. It occurs when
the adrenal glands secrete androgen at an especially young age. The result is a
small amount of pubic hair growth and the start of adult body odor. However, no
other features of puberty develop until the expected age-range for puberty.

Treatment for these two types of precocious puberty is not necessary.

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