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What is Georgian Architecture?
Georgian Architecture is very broad term and can be used to describe a
variety of styles, here are the three most common accepted definitions.

● It is a name given to a wide set of different architectural styles

regardless of their origin that were developed in the georgian period.
● Georgian Architecture is a set of architectural styles developed in the
Georgian period based mostly on Classical architecture from Rome and
● The architecture style developed by english architects Inigo Jones,
Christopher Wren and James Gibbs.
Timeline of Georgian Era
The Georgian period is between 1714 to 1830 the duration of the rule of
the four hanoverian kings of England, King, George first through

The six most important factors that affected georgian architecture

● The start of the industrial and Agrarian revolution
● Growth of the evangelical movement in England
● Mercantilism in British colonies
● The start of urbanization of England
● Art movements
This is the period in European history in the 15th to 16th century where
Europe began to move out of the Middle ages into “Modernity”. This is due to
the surge of literature and art. Which help to educate the populus leading to
the enlightenment period of the Georgian era.
Renaissance Architecture
This is the first revival of ancient greek and roman architecture. It was started
in Italy and then quickly spread to the rest of Europe, very much heavily
influence the architecture styles of the region.
What are the Characteristics of Georgian
● Rigid Symmetry in building portions as well as windows
and doors
● Material used are usually brick, stone or stucco
● Very Ornamented
● Embellished entrance
● More focus on aesthetics
● Built for colder climates
● Hip roofs sometimes with dormers
Georgian Architecture time period

● Early Georgian: 1714 - 1745

● Mid-Georgian: 1745 - 1760
● Late Georgian: 1760 - 1800
● Rengency: 1800 - 1830
Styles of Georgian Architecture

There are many different styles that can be categorized as georgian

architecture depending on the definition you use these are the most
commonly accepted.

Palladianism Neoclassicism

Regency Greek Revival

This is a european style of architecture developed by Andrea Palladio 1508 -
1580. His work was heavily influenced by roman and greek architecture.
Making his work based symmetry, perspective and values of the classical
temple architecture. It was Inidgo Jones who introduced this style to England
in the early Georgian era.
A style of architecture created in France in the mid-1700. It is very ornamented
and theatrical style that combines asymmetry, scrolling curves, gliding, white
and pastel colours as well as sculpted molding and frescoes. It came to
England in Mid Georgian era
It was a art movement seeking to return from the rococo style and naturalistic
ornamentation of curves to a more classical style similar to that Andrea
Palladio. With his focus on classical temple architecture.
Greek Revival
Is a architect movement of the late Georgian era seeking to revive the style of
ancient Greek architecture It was started in the USA and soon travel to
Europe. It makes use mostly of the doric and Ionic orders mostly.
This form of architecture or art style/Movement is an imitation of chinese
artwork by Europeans and became very popular during georgian era among
the wealthy. It was mostly commonly used in garden architecture and
pleasure pavilions.
The regency style is revival style borrowing from Mid East, Asia, Egypt and
adding to classical Roman and Greek architecture.
Types of Buildings

Churches Village and towns

Hotels Clubs
Schools Hospital Museums
Country houses
Due to the growth of the evangelical movement, many protestants churches
started to pop up around England. They were most anglican, the increase in
population as played a role in this. Also the church Building act of 1818 was
created to help meet the demand by directing public funds towards the building
church, something that was usually done by catholic church.
St.Martin-in-the-fields by James Church of St. George in the East Christ Church by
Gibbs by Nicholas Hawksmoor Nicholas Hawksmoor

Trelawny Parish Courthouse South Carolina Courthouse

Country Houses
The increase wealth in England due the wealth flooding in from
colonies, industrial and Agrarian revolution allowed for the very rich to
purchase country homes in the English Countryside and other
Countries around the world.

Architect: Francis Terry

Famous Georgian Architects
❏ Christopher Wren
❏ James Gibbs
❏ Inigo Jones
❏ John Nash
❏ Robert Adams
❏ Thomas Archer
❏ William Talman
❏ Colen Campbell
❏ Nicholas Hawksmoor
● Curl, J.S. (1993). Georgian Architecture. Newton Abbot, Devonn: David &
● Curl, J.S. (2011), English Heritage. Georgian architecture in the British Isles,
1714-1830. Swindon: English Heritage.
● John Newenham Summerson & Howard Montagu Colvin. (2010) Georgian
London. New Haven: Yale University Press.
● Avery, D.(2003) Georgian & Regency Architecture. London: Chaucer.
● Harold Donald Eberlein & Duke V. (1976) American Architecture. New York;
Da Capo Press.

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