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SEMESTER: 3RD Shafi Muhammad
Tayabba Attari
Samra Noor
Sabreen Abbasi
Sahzaib Raza
• Pragmatism is the practical approach to problems.
• Greek word “pragma "which means activity or the
work done.
• Pragmatist believe that reality is constantly changing
and that we learn best through applying our
experiences and thoughts to problems, as they arise.
Pragmatism is an educational philosophy that
says that education should be about life and
growth. That is, teachers should be teaching
students things that are practical for life and
encourage them to grow into better people.
Many famous educators, including John Dewey,
were pragmatists.
Pragmatism offers us a theory of meaning, a
theory of truth of knowledge, and a theory of
reality - Gomes. B. Prett
The root of the word pragmatism is a Greek
word meaning work. According to pragmatism,
the truth or meaning of an idea or a proposition
lies in its observable practical consequences
rather than anything metaphysical. It can be
summarized by the phrase whatever works, is
likely true. Because reality changes, whatever
works will also change.


Those things or principles are true which satisfy
the needs requirements aspirations and
objectives of human beings and cater the
welfare of man
Modern science is based upon experimental
method. The fact that can be ascertained by
experiment is true. No truth is final, truth is
known only to the extent it is useful in practice.
The pragmatists use this criterion of truth in
every field of life. The human problems can be
solved only through experiment.
Power or capacity of a human being is valuable
and important which enables him to adjust with the
environment or which makes him able to change
his environment according to his needs and
• No ultimate value
• Give emphasis on experiment
• A practical philosophy
• Human development according to environment
• Deep faith in democracy
• Faith in flexibility
• Importance of activity
• Emphasis on the Principle of Utility
• Importance of Man Power
• Revolt against Traditionalism.
• In the present world pragmatism has influenced
education tremendously. It is a practical and utilitarian
• It makes activity the basis of all teaching and learning.
It is activity around which an educational process
• According to pragmatism, education is not the dynamic
side of philosophy as advocated by the idealists.
• Education creates values and formulates ideas which
constitute pragmatic philosophy.
• pragmatism has brought democracy in education. That
is why it has advocated self-government in school. The
children must learn the technique of managing their own
affairs in the school and that would be a good preparation
for life.
• Education is preparation for life. Pragmatism makes a
man socially efficient
Curriculum and Pragmatism
Pragmatism includes all experience of the child
that he has received in the classroom or the
playground in the library or any other social
relationship. Principles
• Principle of Utility:
Subjects and experience should be included in the
curriculum which are useful to the present needs and
future expectations of the children.
• Principle of Experience: Curriculum should have
variety of learning experience.
• Principle of interest: Curriculum should be based on
interest and aptitude of students.
• Principle of integration Deals with integration of
subject and activities. Pragmatism wants to construct
flexible dynamic and integrated curriculum
Pragmatism and Teacher:
• A teacher should be adult and train
• Pragmatism regard as a helper guide and philosopher.
• Teachers should focus on experimenting an teacher should
encourage student to focus on experiment
• Teacher should be imaginative in his efforts.
• Teacher should be believe in democratic values.
• Teacher should not be overshadow the personality of a pupil.
Characteristics Of Teacher:
• Well dressed
• Confident
• Sufficient Knowledge
• Helper
• Good personality
• Polite
• Equality
Pragmatism and Student:
The pragmatism is an educational philosophy that says education should be
teaching students the things that are practical for life; encourages them to grow
into better people; to emerge as good student into community and society. Many
renowned educators including John Dewey, William James, W.H Kirkpatrick, J.L
Childratners and many more were pragmatists.
Pragmatism and school:
School for Dewey is a social organization designed to provide social experience
to the learners. School mimics the organization of society itself. Accordingly, in a
school learners gain real experiences of actual life which develops in them a sense
of duty towards society . It is not only a center of education but a center of
community. School is a true representative of a society.
Pragmatism and methods of teaching:
The methods of teaching advocated by pragmatism are as follows;
• Learning by doing
• Provision of real life situations
• Project methods
Learning method:
Pragmatism believes in experimenting with methods of teaching. These
method of teaching are devised by teachers in the light of real life
Education is not teaching but to encourage learning through self-efforts
and creative activity, and knowledge is not obtained by book but by
actually doing things
Provision of real life situations:
Pragmatism stresses on action rather then reflection. The learner has to be
put into the real situation which results in purposeful creative activity and
problematic acts.
Project method:
Project method is the most important contribution of referred as “problematic act
carried to completion in its natural things”.
The learner is given a real and purposeful activity to carry out.
In doings so the learner acquire principles, skills and methods incidentally.
Educational implications of pragmatism:
• Fused both psychological and sociological aspects of
• Importance to child centered education.
• Social discipline.
• Develop problem solving mind.
• Flexible board based curriculum
• Teachers as a guide and companion to people.
• Principle of utility and social goodness.
Pragmatism stand for the practical approach. In
short pragmatism is an attitude and a way of
living. Pragmatism is characteristic of current
educational thoughts and it is representative of
progressive trends in education. Educational
pragmatism say that The child must be given
education freedom to Express and develop

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