Non Operating Room Anesthesia (NORA)

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Desember 2018

Ambulatory, Nonoperating Room, & office –Based

(Diterjemahkandari: ButterworthJF.MackeyDC,.WasnickJD.,Morgan&Mikhail‘sClinicalAnesthesiology.Edisi6th.2018.McGrawHill:Philadelphia

Evan Kristiono
Dr. Syafruddin Gaus Ph.D,Sp.An-KMN-KNA
Latar Belakang
• Anestesi diluar kamar operasi(atau keluar dari kamar operasi
anestesi) mengacu pada pasien rawat inap dan pasien operasi
rawat jalan yang menjalani anestesi.
• di luar kamar operasi tradisional.
• Kondisi pasien sangat bervariasi
• individu klaustrofobik yang membutuhkan anestesi untuk Magnetic
resonance imaging (MRI) hingga pasien kondisi kritis yang
membutuhkan endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography.

1. Granja C, Lopes A, Moreira S, et al. Patients’ recollections of experiences in the intensive care unit may affect their quality of life. Crit Care. 2005;9(2):96-109.
2. 2. Gelinas C. Management of pain in cardiac surgery ICU patients: have we improved over time?. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2007;23(5):298-303.
3. Zetterlund P, Plos K, Bergbom I, et al. Memories from intensive care unit persist for several years - a longitudinal prospective multi-centre study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2012;28(3):159-167.
4. Russell S. An exploratory study of patients’ perceptions, memories and experiences of an intensive care unit. J Adv Nurs. 1999;29(4):783-91.
5. Cullen L, Greiner J, Titler MG. Pain management in the culture of critical care. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2001;13(2):151-66.
6. Chanques G, Viel E, Constantin JM, et al. The measurement of pain in intensive care unit: comparison of 5 self-report intensity scales. Pain. 2010;151(3):711-21.
Latar Belakang
• Anestesi di luar kamar operasi anestesi membutuhkan penyedia anestesi
untuk bekerja di lokasi terpencil di rumah sakit, di mana kemudahan akses
ke peralatan pasien dan anestesi terbatas
• Staf di lokasi tersebut mungkin tidak terbiasa dengan persyaratan
untukpengiriman anestesi yang aman.
• American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) merekomendasikan infrastruktur
fisik dan operasional untuk menjamin keamanan kegiatan anestesi.

1. Granja C, Lopes A, Moreira S, et al. Patients’ recollections of experiences in the intensive care unit may affect their quality of life. Crit Care. 2005;9(2):96-109.
2. 2. Gelinas C. Management of pain in cardiac surgery ICU patients: have we improved over time?. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2007;23(5):298-303.
3. Zetterlund P, Plos K, Bergbom I, et al. Memories from intensive care unit persist for several years - a longitudinal prospective multi-centre study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2012;28(3):159-167.
4. Russell S. An exploratory study of patients’ perceptions, memories and experiences of an intensive care unit. J Adv Nurs. 1999;29(4):783-91.
5. Cullen L, Greiner J, Titler MG. Pain management in the culture of critical care. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2001;13(2):151-66.
6. Chanques G, Viel E, Constantin JM, et al. The measurement of pain in intensive care unit: comparison of 5 self-report intensity scales. Pain. 2010;151(3):711-21.
Kemajuan anestesi dan pembedahan
diluar kamar operasi
• Sebagian besar pasien dilakukan admisi pada hari operasi (difasilitasi oleh
contohnya, laparoscopy, sehingga prosedur pembedahan kurang invasif
• Anestesi dengan menggunakan obat dengan durasi pendek serta
• Penanganan nyeri dan mual pasca anestesi yang berkembang
• Biaya lebih ringan dibandingkan prosedur konvensional
• Pasien dapat menjalani tanpa admisi ke rumah sakit, sebagai pasien rawat

1. Granja C, Lopes A, Moreira S, et al. Patients’ recollections of experiences in the intensive care unit may affect their quality of life. Crit Care. 2005;9(2):96-109.
2. 2. Gelinas C. Management of pain in cardiac surgery ICU patients: have we improved over time?. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2007;23(5):298-303.
3. Zetterlund P, Plos K, Bergbom I, et al. Memories from intensive care unit persist for several years - a longitudinal prospective multi-centre study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2012;28(3):159-167.
4. Russell S. An exploratory study of patients’ perceptions, memories and experiences of an intensive care unit. J Adv Nurs. 1999;29(4):783-91.
5. Cullen L, Greiner J, Titler MG. Pain management in the culture of critical care. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2001;13(2):151-66.
6. Chanques G, Viel E, Constantin JM, et al. The measurement of pain in intensive care unit: comparison of 5 self-report intensity scales. Pain. 2010;151(3):711-21.
Kemajuan anestesi dan pembedahan
diluar kamar operasi

1. Granja C, Lopes A, Moreira S, et al. Patients’ recollections of experiences in the intensive care unit may affect their quality of life. Crit Care. 2005;9(2):96-109.
2. 2. Gelinas C. Management of pain in cardiac surgery ICU patients: have we improved over time?. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2007;23(5):298-303.
3. Zetterlund P, Plos K, Bergbom I, et al. Memories from intensive care unit persist for several years - a longitudinal prospective multi-centre study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2012;28(3):159-167.
4. Russell S. An exploratory study of patients’ perceptions, memories and experiences of an intensive care unit. J Adv Nurs. 1999;29(4):783-91.
5. Cullen L, Greiner J, Titler MG. Pain management in the culture of critical care. Crit Care Nurs Clin North Am. 2001;13(2):151-66.
6. Chanques G, Viel E, Constantin JM, et al. The measurement of pain in intensive care unit: comparison of 5 self-report intensity scales. Pain. 2010;151(3):711-21.

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