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Business plan

Name: S.Jayagokul.
Reg No: 19BCC0020.
A supermarket business enterprise is a large, very complex structure, involving many component entities:
• An array of repeat customers grouped in various local areas.
• A chain of retail stores.
• Various transportation systems.
• A set of warehouse distribution centers.
• An array of product suppliers under contract.

A supermarket is a business enterprise that provides a service.

It does not produce a physical product of its own in the usual sense.
Instead, it adds value by acquiring existing products from remotely-
located suppliers, assembling them in regional warehouses, distributing
them to local stores, and finally selling the supplier’s products to local
Market Research
• The demographic and psychographic composition of the supermarkets and groceries stores cut
across all genders. So, all male and female above 18 years with the financial means hence come
under the demographic composition for supermarkets.
• In essence, the target market for the supermarket can’t be restricted to just a group of people,
but all adults who reside in the target location and who have the purchasing power are
considered as target customers. So, the opening of supermarket and groceries store business
should make your target demographics all encompassing.
• Supermarket business will also include corporate executives, students, migrants, entrepreneurs,
business people, military men and women, sports men and women, tourists, and every adult in
the neighborhood where the supermarket will be located.
The Company
SJ Supermarkets are a chain of stores which will be located in the northern part of Vellore which has
more number of schools and colleges thereby making a handful of (students) customers. Our model of
supermarkets will be spread around the city of Vellore to take advantage of the population by taking
care of their needs. These stores are licensed and will be well stocked at all times.

We have entered into an agreement with manufacturers and major suppliers that enables us stock goods
with attractive profit margins. Stocked goods will consist of mainly of consumables with highly
attractive prices well within the reach of all shoppers.

We consider our workforce and clients as our most prized assets. This is because a well motivated
workforce will give their best to the provision of excellent services which in turn brings in more
clients. We as a business are prepared to invest in making our system one of the most efficient in the
retail industry.

• To provide unique design and attract customers with effective and

efficient operations.
• Employee training to ensure that systematic delivery process will
be undertaken by employees and offer their full potential in
satisfying the customers.
• Marketing strategies aimed to build a solid base of loyal customers,
as well as maximizing the sales of our products.
Vision and Mission
Vision Statement Mission Statement
We understand that the retail At SJ Supermarket ,we are establishing
industry is very competitive. We are a model of retail business that caters for
not coming in to just make the the needs of customers. “Needs” as used
numbers. We seek to establish a here refers to providing true value for
supermarket brand that will soon money expended. As the “customer’s
become a household name in friend,” we will be dealing with
Vellore within a few years. customers and manufacturers that offer
both value and quality.
Our Products and Services

At SJ Supermarkets we offer a variety of goods and

services. These consumables are the most demanded
in the marketplace. They consist of everyday stuff
such as groceries, clothing, fruits and vegetables,
dairy products, a cold store, beverages, beauty
products, healthcare products and a pharmacy.
Only reputable manufacturers and suppliers will be
used. Feasibility studies conducted by us have
identified these partners. We have entered into talks
with them a have secured supply approvals at highly
competitive prices.
Financial Aspects
• Legal formalities – Rs.50,000
• Deposit- Rs.15,00,000.
• Rent- Rs.90,000.
• Furniture- Rs.1,50,000.
• Equipment- Rs.2,50,000…AC, refrigeration, stereo, Computer.
• Interiors- Rs.3,00,000…lights, wall painting, tiles and
• Advertisement-Rs.80,000.
• Salaries- Rs.3,00,000.
• Bills and maintenance- Rs.40,000/per month.
• Startup Capital- Rs.20,00,000.
• Monthly expenses- Rs.1,20,000.
SWOT Analysis
Our location, staff experience and
We have identified our weakness as a new business.
professionalism and quality of services are
This is in the area of financial capacity. There are
some of our strong points. These also include
retail giants who are much bigger and stronger
other value added services such as the
financially. This poses a problem to our business as
provision of excellent deals. These qualities
they can offer goods at much lower prices and still
make our business one of the most attractive
be profitable.
and promising in the retail industry.
Opportunities Threats are common in the life of a business. At
Mabel Supermarkets Inc. we have identified
We are taking advantage of our location to
economic recession as one of the main threats to our
maximize our profits. Our location offers a
business. During such times, people are left with
whole lot of opportunities in terms of
little or no disposable incomes which directly affect
potential client patronage. We are exploiting
their shopping behaviour.
this to ensure that we convert this
opportunity to real gains.
Location Of Business
My business will be
located in the north
side of Vellore near
katpadi in
Gandhinagar where
there is a huge ground
of customers mainly of
students from around
colleges, business
people and employees
of nearby companies
which will provide a
handful of customers
Sales Projection Marketing Strategy
Feasibility studies conducted by our
experts have revealed the huge profit We will be adopting a wide range of
potentials available to us. This marketing strategies to ensure that our
forecasts spanned a 3-year period business is very visible. This will include
using available data within the the use of virtual platforms made
industry. It reveals the following; possible by the internet. They consist of
a comprehensive website which is easy
First Financial Year $500,000.00 to navigate, social media channels, print
Second Financial Year $1,100,000.00 and electronic media, word of mouth
Third Financial Year $2,300,000.00 marketing  as well as road shows to
promote our business.
Competitive Advantage
The retail industry is one that thrives on innovation geared towards customer
satisfaction. To be relevant in the industry, we need to innovate.

Our greatest advantage lies in the experience of our workforce who have been
participants in the industry for a significant amount of time. Their experiences and
expertise is brought to bear on the efficient running of our supermarket.

To provide the best services, the workforce will need to be well motivated. We are
providing a great working environment that encourages employee growth and

Thank you

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