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PHAR216 Environmental

and Nutritional Diseases

Instr. Övgü İşbilen
Air pollution
Toxic exposure
Sun light and radiation
Self induced
Indoor vs. Outdoor

East Coast
Increased UV
Air Pollution
Great scale
In door
Out door
10,000 – 20,000 liters
Particle size
5-10 microns bronchi
1-2 microns alveoli
Dealing with the Agent
Cough reflex
If too small
Can’t remove
Scarring and alveolar
Proteolytic damage
Activation of
inflammatory enzymes
Decreased inhibition
Small airways
Loss of surface area for
gas exchange
Lung Changes of Emphysema

Hypersensitivity type I
Air passages
Permanent small
airway narrowing
Many allergens
Mold spores
Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

Interstitial tissue
Molds and chemicals
Injury to alveolar
lining cells
Scarring secondary to
inhaled particulates
Cotton fibers
Lung Cancer

Tobacco smoke
Secondhand tobacco
Industrial agents
Tobacco Smoke
Types of injury
 Carcinogens
 Cell irritants & damage
 Poisons
 Drug related
 Multiple cancers
 Atherosclerosis
 Penile dysfunction
 Emphysema
 Bronchitis
Tobacco related tumors

Squamous cell
carcinoma of lung
Bladder cancer
Gastric cancer
Pancreatic cancer

Absorption variable
Brain & peripheral n.
Bone marrow
Kidney tubules
Long bone growth
centers in children
Silicates and other Particulates
Sand on the streets
Silica Scar
Alcohol Related

Ethanol & others

May help lipid metab.
Cellular toxin
Acute & Chronic
CNS depressant
Depresses inhibitions
Liver cell injury
Acute fatty liver
Fat soluble vitamins
Metabolism of ethanol
Drug Abuse

Crack Cocaine
Dissecting aorta
IV drugs
Respiratory death
Social and economic

Inhibits uptake of
Dissection of aorta
Aortic Dissection
Pulmonary Edema
Pulmonary Edema
Physical Agents
Mechanical injury
Incised wounds
Penetrating wounds
Thermal Injury
Radiation effects
Nutritional Diseases
Too little nutrient
Isolated deficiency is rare
Too much nutrient
“With French Fries?”
How did it come to happen
Dietary related
Refined out of diet
Absorption problem
Protein deficit, Kwashiorkor
Second child
Skin and hair

Lack of calories
Loss of
subcutaneous fat
Muscular atrophy

6 miles of capillaries
Insulin resistance
DM type II
High serum lipids
FatVitamin Deficiencies
soluble vitamins
K, A, D, & E
Problems of absorption
Pancreatic insufficiency
Liver disease
Multiple deficiencies
Water soluble vitamins
Dietary absence
GI related
Vitamin A
Bitot’s Spot
Epithelial Changes
Epithelial Changes
Night Blindness
Vitamin D
Vitamin D Deficincy

Skin in most adults

Renal and liver steps
Fish oils
Rickets in children
Osteomalacia in adults
Excess leads to
Renal stones
Vitamin K Deficiency
B Complex

Water soluble
Green vegetables
Deficiency states
Refinement of food
Thiamine Deficiency, Beri Beri
Thiamine Deficiency, CNS
Physical abn.
Mamillary body
Niacin, Pellagra

3 D’s of Pellagra
Commercial Message
In keeping with fat soluble vitamins.
Fish oil supplements and the like.
The John West Red Salmon Company
Vitamin C
Citrus and vegies
Water soluble free radical scavenger
Helps absorb Fe and Cu (in reduced state)
Collagen metabolism
 Hydroxylation of lysine and proline
 Scurvy
Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency
Vitamin C deficiency

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