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• Mercur- I vs IIM A (niche) followers – Fb 3339 vs 8948; Insta 1294 vs 1265;

Linkedin 621 vs 459; Twitter 23 vs 73. Events – 5 (Branded, Pitch Please,
Stick or Switch, Tag-It and Mardi Gras) vs 7 (Speaker Series, Prarambh,
Confluence Events, Quiz, Ad Contest, Marketing Games, Case contest.)
• Mercur- I vs IIM B (Mash) followers – Fb 3339 vs 4989; Insta 1294 vs 7227;
Linkedin 621 vs 297; Twitter 23 vs 404. Events - 5 vs 3 (Disruptive
Marketeer, Karigir, Mash it Up).
• Mercur- I vs IIM C (MarC) (followers – Fb 3339 vs 1988; Insta 1294 vs 1030;
Linkedin 621 vs 328. Events – 5 v 6 (Marketing God of Joka, Mandi, MarC
League, Markos Social Solitaire, Marketing Mantra, AdSense).

• Mercur- I vs IIM K (mPower) - Fb 3339 vs 3843; Insta 1294 vs 1290;

Linkedin 621 vs 298; Twitter 23 vs 43. Events 5 v 3  seminars with
industry experts, case competitions, quizzes).
• Mercur- I vs IIM N (MARX) - Fb 3339 vs 2002; Insta 1294 vs 859;
Linkedin 621 v 2274 ; Twitter 23 vs 322. Events 5 v 3 ( Insight,
Grafico, Guest Lectures).
Event: Marksharas

• Marketing style damsharas.

• Participants can ease of their stress by engaging in a fun activity.
• Value addition will not only be the stress-relief part, but also
participants can get acquainted with different brands and products
from various organizations.
• This will also enhance the cognitive thinking and creativity
because of guesswork and quick thinking.
Marksharas: Plan

• Participants can form a group of 4.

• Each participant will be awarded points based on correct guess of
the brand.
• Time factor may be considered in case of a tie.
• Top 2 teams on the points table will move to the finals.
• For final round, anyone from club can act and teams will be
allowed to guess if possible.
• Team who guessed first wins. Prize 1st 2000, 2nd 1000 3rd 500.

Ever since I was a kid, I realized I had a niche for curiosity. I used to question anything and
everything, and I could come up with ideas that people couldn’t even think of. This curiosity of
things led me to pursue engineering and subsequently I joined the marketing and PR team of my
college. I loved working there and I managed to sell a lot of tickets for the same and was
awarded as the best team. This led me to pursue and MBA because I liked working in teams and
being creative and I believe that a niche club like Mercur-I would be the perfect fit for me.

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