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CLP-300 Series

1. Driver
2. Engine firmware
3. Kernel firmware
4. Hardware
5. Mechanics
6. EP Process
CLP-300 Series

• Windows Smart Panel

• Windows PSU

• Linux printer driver

1. Windows Common Installer (Refer to daVinci textbook)

2. Windows SPL Driver (Refer to daVinci textbook)

3. Windows Smart Panel

4. Windows PSU

5. Mac printer driver (Refer to daVinci textbook)

6. Linux printer driver

I. What is Smart Panel?
II. Architecture
1) Architecture
2) Smart Panel Program Architecture
3) Smart Panel Block Diagram
III. User Interface
1) Smart Panel Tray Icon
2) Launching Smart Panel
3) Smart Panel
4) Options
5) Toner Order
6) Printer Setting
7) Driver Setting
I. What is Smart Panel

• The Smart Panel is a program that will periodically monitor and inform

the user of the status of the printer.

• The Smart Panel also provides some links to make user set the printer

and printer driver setting such as Printer Setting Utility, Printer Driver

Setting user interface.

• The Smart Panel is basically able to communicate through USB and

Network, and it depends on the model.

•The Smart Panel is automatically launched when the user prints a

document and it is closed when the printing job is completed, and Smart

Panel is showed up on the screen when an error occurs while printing

II. Architecture
2.1 Architecture


Printer Driver

Language Monitor

tu s
Smart Panel

USB Driver SNMP Manager

II. Architecture

2.3 Smart Panel Program Architecture

C:\Program Files\SamSung\model 1\Spanel
Model 1
Jobmon.dat Troubleshooting
Data Files Guide
ssmsrvc.dat .\help\*.chm

Data Files Printing I/O Module

Smart Paenl
Setup files Information
ssmsrvc.exe Spiomgr.dll
ssmmgr.dat spanel.exe
./sm.inf lang\*.trs Usbio.dll
./setlang\*.trs Smart Panel
User Option
Windows Folder\Company Name\PanelMgr
Smart Panel
Launch manager launch
Call (Tray Icon)
C:\Program Files\SamSung\model 2\Spanel
Model 2
SPaddon.exe code.dat
Jobmon.dat Troubleshooting
Language ssmsrvc.dat Data Files
Monitor lang\*.trs .\help\*.chm

Windows System Folder

Printing Spiomgr.dll
Smart Paenl I/O Module
OEMID + LM[?].dll Information Usbio.dll
ssmsrvc.exe Secsnmp.dll
OEMID + LM[?].smt spanel.exe
Smart Panel
Option Job Monitor

SMOption.exe Jobmon.exe

II. Architecture

2.3 Smart Panel Block Diagram Model 1

Data Files Guide

Smart Paenl I/O Module

Smart Panel

Balloon Type User Interface Window Type User Interface

Smart Panel Controller

XML Parser Polling Manager Data File Manager Information

XML Language Control Status

Network USB IO Network IO File File Code
USB IO Parser Spooler API
MS IO Parser Parser Praser
USB SNMP Language Control XML
HTTP USB Driver Code File
Driver Library File File status file
III. Smart Panel User Interface

3.1 Smart Panel tray icon and its menu

Smart Panel
(Tray Icon)
III. Smart Panel User Interface
3.2 Launching smart panel
Smart Paenl

Smart Panel
(Tray Icon)
III. Smart Panel User Interface
3.3 Smart Panel
Model 1

Data Files Guide

Smart Paenl I/O Module

Smart Panel
III. Smart Panel User Interface
3.4 Smart Panel Options
Model 1

Data Files Guide

Smart Paenl I/O Module

Smart Panel
III. Smart Panel User Interface
3.5 Toner order
III. Smart Panel User Interface
3.6 Troubleshooting Guide
III. Smart Panel User Interface
3.7 Printer Setting
III. Smart Panel User Interface
3.8 Driver Setting
CLP-300 Series

• Windows Smart Panel

• Windows PSU

• Linux printer driver


I. What is PSU?
II. Using PSU
a) Information
b) Setting
c) Graphic
d) Check
e) Network
f) About
g) Restoring to Default Settings
III. Troubleshooting
I. What is PSU

• PSU stands for Printer Settings Utility.

• PSU lets you view and change printer settings from

your computer’s screen.

• PSU window allows you to access all the information

you need when using your printer.

• When you finish changing the settings, click send.

II. Using PSU

2.1 Information

II. Using PSU

2.1 Information

1. Configuration Print
– Prints the current configuration of printer

2. Test Print
– Prints the Demonstration Page. The demo

page allows you to check to see if your

printer is printing properly

II. Using PSU

2.2 Setting

II. Using PSU

2.2 Setting

1. Power Save

– Determine how long it will take for the printer to go from

standby to low power mode.

2. Auto Continue

– This item determines whether or not the printer continues

printing when it detects paper not matched to your paper


3. Altitude Adjustment

– Optimize the print quality according to altitude

II. Using PSU

2.3 Graphic

II. Using PSU

2.3 Graphic

1. Manual Color Adjustment

– Allows you to manually adjust the

color contrast for each cartridge

II. Using PSU

2.4 Check

II. Using PSU

2.4 Check

1. Check items
– Display the printed number using

items (Read Only)

II. Using PSU

2.5 Network

II. Using PSU

2.5 Network

1. Config Network
– Set IP option using local PC

2. Network Configuration Print

– Prints the current network configurati

on of printer
II. Using PSU
.6 About
II. Using PSU

2.7 Restoring to Default Settings

To restore to default values (except network setting)
of the printer, click the ‘Printer Default’ button.
III. Troubleshooting

Can’t communicate with the machine

Check if the cable is properly connected with the

Be sure to your machine is turned on.

Connection Priority
USB  IEEE 1284(Parallel port)

When your PC is connected with USB and Parallel

cable, PSU will be communicated with USB only.

To use with Parallel cable, connect only Parallel

cable to your PC.

CLP-300 Series

• Windows Smart Panel

• Windows PSU

• Linux printer driver

• Introduction to Samsung Linux Driver
– Elements of Linux Printing
– Typical Printing Systems
– Linux Print Package
– Structure of LPP Printing
– Front-end Linux LPR
– Filters
– I/O Backend
– Installer
– Configuration Tool
• Trouble Shooting
– Install/Uninstall Problem
– N/W printing problem
– USB problem
– Directory Accessibility
– Log messages
– Ghostscript check
– CUPS version check
– Printing from Text editors
Elements of Linux Printing
• Application
• All applications generate Postscript document to pri
• Lpr
• Interface command for printing.
• Request printing job to LPD server daemon.
• Filters
• Converts the postscript documents to appropriate pr
inting languages. (PS, PCL, GDI)
• I/O to device
• parallel, USB, N/W,…etc.
Typical Printing Systems
• Line Printer Spooler is created by Berkeley
Software Distribution.
• Classic unix printing system.
• LPRng
• Enhancement of lpr. Job moving among qu
• Based on IPP. Using single daemon.
• Can print Text, Image, and HP-GL/2 docu
Samsung Linux Driver
• Components
• Installer : GUI/Semi-graphical
• Linux LPR : feature selection UI
• linux-config : configuring printers
• Ghostscript : rasterizing utility
• Printing Systems : automatic detection
– If there is no printing system on the user’s PC, I
nstaller Installs CUPS printing system.

• Linux Printing Solution

• LPP(Linux Print Package) is a solution pack
age of printing.
Structure of LPP Printing

PStoPS Ghostscript GDI filter I/O Backend

texttoPS PStoPS Ghostscript I/O Backend


PStoPS I/O Backend
Front-end Linux LPR
• Properties
Front-end Linux LPR
• Properties
Front-end Linux LPR
• Properties
Front-end Linux LPR
• Properties
– texttops, imagetops, hpgltops
• Each file format is converted to PS
– PStoPS
• N-up, Image, Orientation, Collate, and Pag
e selection
– Ghostscript
• PS will be converted to PCL or raw bitmap
– pjlhdr/pclprint/gdiprint
– I/O Backend
• Smbprint, ippprint, socketprint
I/O Backend
• Local Devices
• /dev/lp0, /dev/usb
• File, Special device (kernel driver module)
• Remote LPD
• port 631
• Socket
• port 9100
• Samba
• Shared Printer attached to MS Windows PC.
• Detecting Environment
• OS: Version, Library, X-Window
• Priniting System
• Copying
• Check & Rescue
• Uninstall
Configuration Tool
• linux-config
Configuration Tool
• Add Printer Wizard
Install/Uninstall Problem
• Autorun
• Autorun feature does NOT always work.
• If the user’s linux OS doesn’t support this f
eature or if the user disables it, autorun will
not work.
• Finding CD
• Be a ‘root’ user
– $ su
– Password:
– # whoami
– Root
Install/Uninstall Problem
• Mount CD-ROM
– # mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom
– # ls –l /mnt/cdrom
• Execute installer manually
– #/mnt/cdrom/autorun
• If graphical installer is not executed
• Enable access to X-server from other users
– $ xhost + (You must command as login user.)
– access control disabled, clients can connect fro
m any host
• After that, be a root user and follow above
Install/Uninstall Problem
• If uninstaller can’t remove directories
• Remove ‘core’ files using ‘force’ option.
– # ls /usr/local/linuxprinter
– # rm –rf /usr/local/linuxprinter

• If previous configuration makes LPP

got confused
• Remove all the configuration files
– # rm –rf /root/.linux*
– # rm /etc/linuxprint.cfg
N/W printing problem
• Acceptance setup from server
• BSD LPR system : /etc/hosts.lpd
– Add the ip address or names of client PC to allo
w them to print.
– Only one between ip or name should be added.

• LPRng system : /etc/lpd.perms

– Uncomment “ACCEPT” lines, and add “#” char
acter to make “REJECT” lines as comment.
N/W printing problem
• CUPS system : /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
– Add allow list to this file.

<Location />
Order Deny, Allow
Deny From All
Allow From
Allow From 168.214.13.*

N/W printing problem
• Restart server daemon
• LPR/LPRng System
– # /etc/init.d/lpd restart
– or
– # /etc/rc.d/init.d/lpd restart

• CUPS System
– # /etc/init.d/cups restart
– or
– # /etc/rc.d/init.d/cups restart
N/W printing problem
• Check if the server allows to print
– Enter the following commands as root in one single li
– If you do not have netcat, install the package "netcat".

# echo -en "\002$QUEUE\n"

| netcat -w $TIMEOUT -p 721 $HOST 515
| tr '\000' '0'

– replace $QUEUE with the queue on the remote host

– replace $TIMEOUT with '2' for a two seconds timeout
– replace $HOST with the name or IP of the remote host

– If you receive a single '0' the remote host accepts a print job from yo
ur local machine.
– Otherwise you may get an error message.
N/W printing problem
– If you don't receive a single '0' or if you get an e
rror message the remote lpd doesn't accepts a
print job from your local host.

# echo -e "\004$QUEUE”
| netcat -w $TIMEOUT -p 722 $HOST 515

– to get a long status message about the queue o

n the remote host.
N/W printing problem
• Printing to Windows shared printers
• Check if samba-client is installed.
– # rpm –qa|samba, # rpm –qa|grep smbclient
– # smbclient //server/’shared printer name’

• N/W status check

– # ping print server ip address
– # lsmod : List loaded kernel modules.
– # modprobe n/w driver module : Insert the drive
r module.
– # ifup eth0 : This will bring up ethernet adaptor.
USB problem
• If can’t print to USB devices
# lsmod
Module size Used by
printer 6084 0 (unused)
usb-uhci 22872 0 (unused)
usbcore 55680 0 [printer usb-uhci]

• If there is no printer module,

# modprobe printer

# ls –l /dev/usb/lp0
crw-r--r-- 1 root 180, 0 Jun 25 04:30 /dev/usb/lp0

• If there is not lp0 device,

# mknod /dev/usb/lp0 c 180 0
Directory Accessibility
• Check Accessibility
• Printing daemon should be accessible to all
the files and directory related to printing.
– /dev/lp0 or /dev/usb/lp0
– User defined destination (or file)
– /etc/printcap, /var/spool/lpd, /var/spool/lpd/lp

• How to fix
– # chmod 777 filename or directory (not recomm
– # checkpc –f ( LPRng Only)
Log messages
• Change into debug mode
– Add debug option to /etc/linuxprint.cfg

<xml version=“1.0”?>
<linux root=“/usr/local/linuxprinter” system=“bsd”> <option na
me=“debug” value=“yes”/>


• Location of log files

– /tmp/lpp-filter.dbg
– /var/log/cups/error_log (CUPS only)
Ghostscript check
• Check if Ghostscript work properly
• Ghostscript is main part of LPP when using
PCL or GDI printers.
• If GS can’t render the PS document correctl
y, printed output will be corrupted.

» # gs –v : checking GS version
» # gv : check if gs can rend
er the PS document. This will look like a prev
CUPS version check
• Older CUPS problems
• CUPS which is older than 1.1.10 includes m
any bugs.
• LPP provides CUPS as rpm packages and u
pgrade or install recent CUPS automatically
if needed.

# rpm –q cups

If the installed cups is older than 1.1.10

# rpm –Uvh /mnt/cdrom/cups/each linux/cups*
Printing from Text editors
• Direct printing from text editors
• Text editor generate simple ascii text format
• Print command should be changed for the t
ext output to be changed into Postscript do
cument by using enscript

– lpr %s -> enscript %s

• This problem is caused because LPP can’t

recognize data type when it is transferred fr
om standard input pipeline.
CLP-600 Series

Engine firmware
EDC Mode
 Enterence
• After Power – On . Execute EDC Program

 Keys

Key Discription
Exit Close program
Update LCD Update value (ex : sensor value)
Menu Move to the top menu
Left/Right arrow Move test item
Enter Start testing or select Sub-item
Upper level Stop testing or the upper menu
 Menu Organization

Motor Test Solenoid Test Sensor Test LSU/Fuser Test HVPS Test

Main Motor Dev Clutch Charger

Y Relay Regi. Sensor LSU Motor T1
M Relay Exit Sensor LSU Power T2
C Relay Waste Box Laser Diode T2 REVERSE
K Relay Cover PTL Dev DC
Y Toner Tray1 Empty Fuser Dev AC Vpp
M Toner Dev AC
C Toner
K Toner
Regi Clutch
T2 Clutch
ITB Clutch
Tray1 Clutch


Pick Up Roll
• Motor Test

Item Discription

Main Motor If motor lock signal is normal, "Successed" message will be displayed.
When motor lock signal is abnormal , “failed" message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, “off” message will be displayed.
 Solenoid Test Cont.
Item Discription

Dev Clutch When “select” key is pushed, ”Dev Clutch ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”Dev Clutch Off” message will be displayed.
Y Relay When “select” key is pushed, ”Y Relay ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”Y Relay Off” message will be displayed on.
M Relay When “select” key is pushed, ”M Relay ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”M Relay Off” message will be displayed.
C Relay When “select” key is pushed, ”C Relay ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”C Relay Off” message will be displayed.
K Relay When “select” key is pushed, ”K Relay ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”K Relay Off” message will be displayed.

Y Toner When “select” key is pushed, ”Y Toner ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”Y Toner Off” message will be displayed.
M Toner When “select” key is pushed, ”M Toner ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”M Toner Off” message will be displayed.
C Toner When “select” key is pushed, ”C Toner ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”C Toner Off” message will be displayed.
K Toner When “select” key is pushed, ”K Toner ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ”K Toner Off” message will be displayed.
 Solenoid Test

Item Discription

Regi Clutch When “select” key is pushed, ” REGI Clutch ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ” REGI Clutch Off” message will be displayed.
T2 Clutch When “select” key is pushed, ” T2 Clutch ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ” T2 Clutch Off” message will be displayed.
ITB Clutch When “select” key is pushed, ” ITB Clutch ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ” ITB Clutch Off” message will be displayed.

Tray1 Clutch When “select” key is pushed, ” Tray1 Clutch ON” message will be displayed.
“Upper Level” is pushed, ” Tray1 Clutch Off” message will be displayed.
 Sensor Test

Item Discription

Regi. Sensor If actuator is checked by sensor, "Without Paper" message will be displayed.
if not, "With Paper" message will be.
Exit Sensor If actuator is checked by sensor, "Without Paper" message will be displayed.
if not, "With Paper" message will be.
Waste Box If waste Box exists , “Installed“ message will be displayed.
If not, “Not Installed“ message will be.

Cover If cover is opened, " Opened“ message will be displayed.

If not, "Closed" message will be.
Tray1 Empty If paper exists in the tray, "With Paper" will be displayed.
If not, "Without Paper" message will be.
 LSU/ Fuser Test

Item Discription

LSU Motor If LSU motor lock signal is normal, "Successed" message will be displayed.
When LSU motor lock signal is abnormal , “failed" message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, “off” message will be displayed.
LSU Power When “select” key is pushed, “LSU Power On” message will be displayed.
If not, “LSU Power Off" message will be.
Laser Diode When “select” key is pushed, “Laser Diode On” message will be displayed.
If not, “Laser Diode Off” message will be.
PTL When “select” key is pushed, “PTL On” message will be displayed .
If not, “PTL Off” message will be.
Fuser When “select” key is pushed, “Fuser On” message will be displayed.
If not, “Fuser Off” message will be.
 HVPS Test
Item Discription

Charger When “select” key is pushed, “DUTY : x%*” message will be displayed.
And then Left/Right arrow is selected, x% is increased or decreased.
And “DUTY : x%” message will be displayed. * is disappeared.
And then “select” key is pushed, x%*” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, * is disappeared.
T1 When “select” key is pushed, “DUTY : x%*” message will be displayed.
And then Left/Right arrow is selected, x% is increased or decreased.
And “DUTY : x%” message will be displayed. * is disappeared.
And then “select” key is pushed, x%*” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, * is disappeared.
T2 When “select” key is pushed, “DUTY : x%*” message will be displayed.
And then Left/Right arrow is selected, x% is increased or decreased.
And “DUTY : x%” message will be displayed. * is disappeared.
And then “select” key is pushed, x%*” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, * is disappeared.
T2 REVERSE When “select” key is pushed, “T2 REVERSE On” message will be displayed .
If not, “T2 REVERSE Off“ will be.
 HVPS Test

Item Discription

Dev DC When “select” key is pushed, “DUTY : x%*” message will be displayed.
And then Left/Right arrow is selected, x% is increased or decreased.
And “DUTY : x%” message will be displayed. * is disappeared.
And then “select” key is pushed, x%*” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, * is disappeared.
Dev AC Vpp When “select” key is pushed, “DUTY : x%*” message will be displayed.
And then Left/Right arrow is selected, x% is increased or decreased.
And “DUTY : x%” message will be displayed. * is disappeared.
And then “select” key is pushed, x%*” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, * is disappeared.
Dev AC When “select” key is pushed, “DUTY : x%*” message will be displayed.
And then Left/Right arrow is selected, x% is increased or decreased.
And “DUTY : x%” message will be displayed. * is disappeared.
And then “select” key is pushed, x%*” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, * is disappeared.

 HVPS Duty table(example)

Item Discription
Charger Duty : 50% -> “-789V”, Range : -81V ~ -1689V
T1 Duty : 50% -> “1159V”, Range : 122V ~ 2188V
T2 Duty : 50% -> “2552V”, Range : 264V ~ 4730V
Supply DC Duty : 50% -> “-269V”, Range : -1V ~ -591V
AC, Vpp Duty : 50%-> “1210V” , Range : 800V ~ 2160V

 Maintenance

Item Discription

Fuser When “select” key is pushed, “Initialized” message will be displayed.

When “Upper Level” is pushed, “Off” message is disappeared.
Transfer When “select” key is pushed, “Initialized” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, “Off” message is disappeared.
Pick Up Roll When “select” key is pushed, “Initialized” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, “Off” message is disappeared.
ITB When “select” key is pushed, “Initialized” message will be displayed.
When “Upper Level” is pushed, “Off” message is disappeared.
Error list and recovery
 Paper Empty / Paper Mismatch
 Load specified paper in the tray 1
• Paper does not exist in the tray1
• Load Paper, When you still want to continue printing
 Paper mismatch in the tray 1
• Paper is mismatched
• Press stop key for a while, When you still want to continue printing

 Cover Open
 Cover Open
• Cover is opened
• Close the door, When you still want to continue printing

 Waster Tank Full or not installed

 Waste Tank Full
• Toner of Waste toner box is full
• Empty or Insert the waste toner box
 Paper Jam
 Paper Jam at the tray1
• Paper is not picked up
• Cover Open /Close, When you still want to continue printing

 Paper Jam inside printer

• There is a paper inside printer
• After cover Open , Paper must be removed, and then close the cover

 Paper Jam at the paper exit area

• There is a paper at exit area
• After cover Open , Paper must be removed, and then close the cover
 Motor Lock Error
– Motor does not run or runs abnormal speed
– Motor or Main board must be checked
 LSU Motor Lock Error
– LSU motor does not run or runs abnormal speed
– Hsync is not detected
– LSU or Main board must be checked
 Transfer Belt Error
– ITB home sensor is not checked for a normal time
– ITB must be checked
 Fuser Over Heat error
– Temperature of fuser is high
– Fuser or Main board must be checked
 Fuser Low Heat error
– Temperature of fuser is low
– Fuser or Main board must be checked
 Dev. Home error
– Home of Development is not checked or checked at the abnormal time
– Clutch of Development or Main board must be checked

 ADC not Confirm Error

– Signal of confirmation for ADC is not detected
– Main board must be checked
CLP-300 Series

Kernel firmware
Revision History

• V0.9 : 2005.11.07 : Initial Release – LIM Young Kak

• V1.0 : 2005.11.10 : revision
Overview - I
• Model
– CLP-300 : USB port support
– CLP-300N : USB & Network support
• Print method
– Multi-pass printing (Y->M->C->K)
• Printing speed
– 4/16 ppm (Color/Mono)
– CLP-500 (5/20 ppm), CLP-510 (6/24 ppm)
• Resolution in printing
– Best mode 1200 x 1200 dpi
– Normal mode 1200 x 600 dpi
– Draft mode 600 x 600 dpi
• Duplex mode support
– Using Manual Duplex
Overview - II
• Supported I/O port
– USB (CLP-300/CLP-300N)
– Network (CLP-300N)
• Memory size
– CLP-300 : 32MBytes
– CLP-300N : 64MBytes
• Panel
– LED panel support (without LCD)
– C/M/Y/K/status 5 LED
– STOP 1 Key
– C/M/Y/K Toner
– Deve unit
Overview - III
– Type : CHORUSm (ARM 920T core)
– Speed : 300MHz
– Bus speed : 100MHz
– One chip solution (HPVC, I/O, JBIG, network …)

• Real-Time OS
– pSOS (V2.5)

• Network configuration (CLP-300N only)

– Embedded Network (CHORUSm CPU)
ROM Image
• ROM image
CLP-300 CLP-300N
ROM Size 2.0M bytes 4.0M bytes
Boot 128K bytes 128K bytes
Kernel 1.2M bytes 1.5M bytes
Emulation 128K bytes 128K bytes
Network N/A 2.0M bytes
Null 0.544K bytes 244K bytes

• ROM release
– Boot image
– ROM image (except boot image)
F/W update
• USB, Network port are used to update
• Network applications (SWAS, SWS) use network port

• Send ROM file via USB, network port in Ready state

• Special mode update
1. STOP key press and Power ON
2. Change Status LED to Orange color
3. Again Press STOP key
4. Change status LED to Green Color
 enable F/W update
5. Send ROM file from host

– Notice :
In special mode update, kernel waste header information for
CLP-300/CLP-300N. You have to check F/W ROM file with
printer set (This mode is ONLY service mode, not user mode)
Information print - I
• Demo page
– Press STOP Key for 2sec
– Blinking Green LED (status LED) 1 time per 1 sec

• Configuration page
– Press STOP Key for 5sec
– Blinking Green LED (Status LED) 2 times per 1sec
– Configuration page
• System configuration page
• Network configuration page (CLP-300N Only)
– CLP-300N model
• System and network configuration page are printed in printer
Information print - II
• System configuration contents
– Version information
– Memory Size
– Consumables life information
– System configuration information
( PSU (Printer Setting Utility) can set printer configuration )
• Consumables Life Information
– Total Page Count (Color / Mono)
– Fuser Life
– Transfer Roller Life

– Total Image Count

– Imaging Unit Life
– Transfer Belt Life
– Toner Image Count (C/M/Y/K)
– Non-Volatile RAM
– SPI (Serial port interface)

• Purpose
– To store Printer system and network configuration

• Size
– CLP-300 : 4KBytes (24C32)
– CLP-300N : 8KBytes (24C64)
Setup in Status Monitor (SM)
• Power Save
– 15/30/45/60/120(minutes) / OFF
– Power save OFF mode is the same with 120 minutes
• Auto Continue
– If auto continue set to ON, Printer automatically paper out
after 30 sec in paper mismatch state
• Altitude
– High / Low
– Engine F/W change
voltage condition as altitude
• Color
– Color density
Consumables alarm state

• Alarm shortage
90 ~ 100 % 100 ~ 120 % 120 % ~
Toner Toner Low Toner Empty Toner Exhaust
Imaging Unit Low Empty N/A

Transfer Belt Low Empty N/A

Fuser Low Empty N/A

Tray1 Roller N/A Empty N/A

• CRUM definition
– Customer Replaceable Unit Monitor
– Normally, CRUM means CRUM memory

• Gogh CRUM
– Toner 4ea , Deve Unit 1ea

• Size
– 256 Bytes ( 34C02 )

• Type
– I2C Drive type
• Memory Map
address 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 size

0x00(0x80) Supplier(Vender) ID 8 bytes

0x08(0x88) S A M S U N G 7 bytes

0x10(0x90) Supplier(Vender) ID (back-up) 8 bytes

0x18(0x98) I/R C/M/Y/K/O/P capacity company ID

0x20(0xA0) Model ID(CLP300N) 8 bytes

0x28(0xA8) Product Date ( 7 bytes

serial number of Toner Cartridge
16 bytes

0x40(0xC0) Toner Dot Count 8 bytes

0x48(0xC8) Exhausted

0x50(0xD0) 1st Printed page count 1st Print page after Low state 8 bytes

0x58(0xD8) 2nd Printed page count 2nd Print page after Low state 8 bytes

0x60(0xE0) 등가 count (OPC motor on time) 4 bytes


0x70(0xF0) Installed date(yyyymmdd) 8 bytes

0x78(0xF8) Expiration date(yyyymmdd) 8 bytes

• Model Name
– Product model information
 mismatch case : Invalid Message
• Supplier ID
– Match model name, ex) CC300EXP, CK300CHN (country cod
 mismatch case : Invalid Message
• Serial Number
– Unique Serial Number

• Company ID
– Product comany code : SAMSUNG, XEROX
• MFG Date
• Capacity
– Color – 1K, Black – 2K

• Exhaust Flag
– Exhaust flag is set in toner exhaust state

• Page Count
– Page count information for Toner and OPC (Deve)

• Dot Count
– Dot count information for Toner
• Toner Life management
– Using Dot Count information

• Toner Life
– LOW TONER : 90% used
– EMPTY TONER : 100% used
– Exhaust TONER : 120% used
-> Hard stop
Error List - I
• Display in Status Monitor window
• Consumables Life
– Toner Low (90%)
– Toner empty (100%)
– Replace Toner Cartridge

– Replace transfer belt soon (90%)

– Replace transfer belt (100%)
– Replace fuser soon (90%)
– Replace fuser (100%)
– Replace imaging unit soon (90%)
– Replace imaging unit (100%)

– Replace Pickup tray 1 roller (100%)

Error List - II
• Invalid toner
– Invalid Yellow (M/C/K) toner kit
• Not install
– Yellow (M/C/K) toner cartridge is not installed

• Service call error

– Fuser Low (Over) heat error
– LSU error
– Transfer belt error
– Dev. Home error
– Motor Lock error
Error - III
• Paper
– Paper Jam at the tray1
– Paper Jam inside printer
– Paper Jam at the paper exit area

– Paper mismatch in the tray 1

– Load specified paper in the tray 1

CLP-300 Series


I. Outline

II. Composition & Function

III. Schematic

IV. Trouble shooting



1. Understanding the basic structures

and function of Hardware

2. Checking & building ability to

Trouble Shooting
Ⅱ. Composition & Function
System Configuration

.Model CLP-300 CLP-300N

Processor Chorus M (SoC) Chorus M(SoC)

SDRAM:. 32MB 64M

Flash ROM 2MB 4MB

EEPROM 8KB(24C64) 8KB(24C64) 4K : N/W, 4K : System

Compatibility:. GDI(SPL-color) GDI(SPL-color)

Interfaces:. USB2.0 USB2.0, LAN Embedded N/W With MII

User.Interfaces Only LED panel Only LED panel

Ⅱ. Composition & Function
Block Diagram of CLP-300 Series
Ⅱ. Composition & Function
H/W Configuration


Main Board
Ⅱ. Composition & Function

Main B’D Configuration

Engine Control
Mechanical Part Electrical Part
(Motor & Actuator) (HVPS & Sensors)
I/O & PWM Port

DATA (31:0) SD_DATA (31:0)

ROM SD_ADDR (31:0)


Chip Chip

NVRAM 1.2V Switching
CLP-300 Series Main B’D
Ⅱ. Composition & Function

Main B’D Configuration (Con’t)

CPU : Chorus M (SoC)

Memory : Different from N/W (factory Option)
- RAM : 64MB (CLP-300N), 32MB(CLP-300)
- ROM : 4MB (CLP-300N), 2MB(CLP-300)
- NVRAM : 8KB (4K : N/W Parameter (MAC Address))
Peripherals :
- USB 2.0
- 10/100 Based N/W (MII Interface Phy Chip Used)
I/O :
- Digital I/O Port : Basic I/O, PWM : Motor & HVPS Control
- UART : Debug Only
- I2C : NVRAM & CRUM Interface (EEPROM : 24C64, 34C02)
- Analog I/O Port (ADC : Sensor Interface, DAC : LD Power Control)
Ⅱ. Composition & Function

Chorus M Architecture
CPU Core : ARM920 T 300Mhz (I-Cache : 16KB, D-Cache : 16KB)
SDRAM Controller : 5 Bank, 100Mhz System Bus
ROM Controller : 4 Banks ( 1 Bank Used)
NAND FLASH Controller : 8/16 Bits interface (Not used)
I/O Controller : 6 Banks
DMA Controller : 6 Channel
HPVC : Dual / Single Beam
PVC : Dual / Single Beam (Not Used )
UART : 5 Channels (Debug 1 Channel used only)
Interrupt : 6 External, 26 Internal
TIMER : 6 System Timer (S/W use Only)
Ⅱ. Composition & Function

Memory Interface
- Nor Flash used (2MB(W/O N/W, 4MB (W N/W) )
- Interface With Chorus M ROM Controller
- Size : 32MB, 64MB (With N/W)
- Interface with Chorus M RAM Controller
- Size : 8KB
- Interface With Chorus M I2C Controller
- Size : 256B
- Interface With Chorus M I2C Controller via Deve Joint B’D
Ⅱ. Composition & Function

I/O Interface
High Speed USB 2.0

N/W Embedded
- Chorus M With MII Interface

- High Voltage Control With Duty
- Main Motor Clock

I2C Interface
Ⅱ. Composition & Function

Power Flow
- Type III (Standard)
- +24V : For use Mechanical Part (Motor & Actuator (Solenoid, Clutch))
- +5V : Logic, Analog, Sensor,

Main B’D
- Supply From SMPS +5V
- Power Supply with two Regulator (3.3V : LDO, 1.2V : Switching Regulator)
- 3.3V : I/O Operating (Digital & Analog)
- 1.2V : Chorus M Core Voltage

- High Voltage Source for EP Condition
- Supply From SMPS +24V
- Controlled By PWM Pulse & I/O
Ⅱ. Composition & Function

CRUM Interface




Ⅲ. Schematic
Chorus M (1)
Ⅲ. Schematic
Chorus M (2)
Ⅲ. Schematic
Power & Clock

Regulator : 3.3V & 1.2V

Clock Source
- Main : 12Mhz
- Video : 12Mhz
Ⅲ. Schematic
Flash Memory

Flash Memory Size

Ⅲ. Schematic

Ⅲ. Schematic
USB Interface

USB 2.0 High Speed

Clock Source : 12Mhz
Ⅲ. Schematic
Embedded Network

Embedded N/W (10/100M)

Green LED : Activity
Orange LED : Link
Ⅲ. Schematic
I2C & Panel Interface

I2C Address
Ⅲ. Schematic
LSU Interface
Motor Control Signal
- Clock, Enable, Ready
LD Beam Control
- Video, S/H, Hsync
Ⅲ. Schematic
Sensor & Fuser Circuit Sensor : Photo Interrupt
Fuser : Linearization & Protection
Ⅲ. Schematic
Actuator Driving & Interface Circuit
Ⅲ. Schematic
SMPS & HVPS Interface , Interlock S/W
Ⅲ. Schematic
Ⅲ. Schematic
HVPS (Charger)
Ⅲ. Schematic
HVPS (Supply)
Ⅲ. Schematic
HVPS (Intermediate Transfer & Reference Voltage)
Ⅲ. Schematic
HVPS (Transfer)
Ⅲ. Schematic
HVPS (Developer High Voltage Switch)
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Vertical Line and Band
1. Straight thin black vertical line occurs in the printing.
[Description ] 2. Dark black vertical band occur in the printing.

1. LSU
[Wrong Part] 2. Developer

1. Damaged develop roller in the Developer.

Deformed Doctor-blade or cleaningblade.
[Check and Cause] 2. Scratched surface of the discharge roller in the developer.
3. Partly depression or deformation on the surface of the transfer roller.

1. If causes 1 and 2 occur in the developer unit, replace the

[Solution] developer and try to print out.
2. Replace the transfer roller if occurred as No. 3.

Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Vertical White Line
[Description ] White vertical voids in the image.
[Wrong Part] 1.LSU
1. Foreign matter stuck onto the window of internal lenses of LSU mirror.
2. Foreign matter or toner particles between the developer roller and
blade. (In case the life of the developer has been expired, white lines
or light image occur in front of the image.)
[Check and Cause]
3. It may occur when Burr and foreign substances are on the window of
the developer frame.
4. If the fuser is defective, voids occur periodically at the top of a black
1. Foreign matter stuck onto the window : Clean the LSU window with
recommended cleaner(IPA) Clean the window with a clean cotton
2. Foreign matter in the LSU : Open the cover of LSU and clean with a
cotton swab on the surface of the reflex mirror.
3. No 3. : Remove the foreign matter and burr of the exposure window.
(Developer cartridge)
4. No. 4. : Open the front cover and check ribs that corresponds to the
position of the voids. Remove if found.
5. If the problems are not solved, replace the developer cartridge.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Light Image
[Description ] 1. The printed image is light, with no ghost.

1. Developer
[Wrong Part]
1. Develop roller is stained when the toner of developer cartridge is
almost consumed.
2. Ambient temperature is below than 10°C.
[Check and Cause] 3. Bad contact caused by the toner stains between the high voltage
terminal in the HVPS and the one in the set.
4. Abnormal output from the HVPS.

1. Replace the developer cartridge and try to print out.

2. Wait 30 minutes after printer is powered on before you start printing.
3. Clean up the contaminated area by the toner.
4. Replace the HVPS if the problems are not solved by the above four
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Dark Image or black
[Description ] The printed image is dark.

[Wrong Part] 1. HVPS

1. No charge voltage in the HVPS board.

2. Charge voltage is not turned on due to the bad contacts between power
supply in the side of the Developer and charge terminal of HVPS.
[Check and Cause]

1. Clean the high voltage charge terminal.

2. Check the state of the connector which connects the engine board and
3. Replace the HVPS if not solved by the above direction 1 and 2.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Background
[Description ] Light dark background appears in whole area of the printing.

[Wrong Part]
2. Developer
1. Does character exist less than 2% per a page, and hasn’t it been used
long time?
2. Does recycle paper be used?
[Check and Cause] 3. Has the life span of the developer ended?
4. Is the movement(Up and Down) of the transfer roller smooth?
5. Is the HVPS normal?

1. The toner cartridge is basically designed to print 3,000 sheets with

5% image. If it prints more than 3,000 sheets (around 5,000 sheets)
with 2% image, a background can be occurred.
2. The B/S is not guaranteed if using recycle paper.
3. Replace the developer when the life span of it has been ended.
4. Clean the bushing part of the transfer roller.
5. If the problem is still not solved, replace the developer.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error JAM 0
1. Paper is not exited from the cassette.
[Description ]
2. Jam-0 occurs if the paper feeds into the printer.
1. Sensor
2. Solenoid
[Wrong Part]
3. Pick-up roller
4. Main B’D
1. Check the Solenoid by using EDC mode.
2. Check if the pad is loose due to bad sealing of the side-pad.
3. Check the surface of the roller-pickup for foreign matter.
[Check and Cause]
4. If the paper feeds into the printer rand Jam 0 occurs, perform EDC to
check feed-sensor of the engine board.

1. Replace the solenoid.

2. Replace the side-pad Assembly L or R, if necessary.
3. Clean with soft cloth dampened with IPA(Isopropyl Alcohol) or water.
4. Replace the Main B’D and/or Sensor.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error JAM 1
1. Recording paper is jammed in front of or inside the fuser.
[Description ] 2. Recording paper is stuck in the discharge roller and in the fuser just
after passing through the Actuator-Feed.
1. Sensor
[Wrong Part]

1. If the recording paper is jammed in front of or inside the fuser.

2. If the recording paper is stuck in the discharge roller and the fuser just
after passing through the Actuator-Feed, Feed Actuator may be
[Check and Cause]

1. Replace the SMPS.

2. Reassemble the Actuator-Feed and Spring-Actuator if the returning is
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Multi-Feeding
[Description ] Multiple sheets of paper are fed at once.

1. Sensor
[Wrong Part]
2. Solenoid
1. Solenoid malfunction(the solenoid does not work properly)
2. Pad-Friction is contaminated with foreign matter.(oil...)
3. The face of paper is blended.
[Check and Cause]

1. Replace the solenoid if necessary.

2. Clean the pad friction with soft clothe dampened with IPA(Isopropyl
3. Use the smooth paper.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Not function of the gear of the fuser due to melting away

[Description ] The motor breaks away from its place due to gear melting away.

1. Fuser
[Wrong Part] 2. Main PBA

Check the operation of Fuser Erasing Lamp

[Check and Cause]

1. Replace the Fuser.

2. Replace the Main Control board.

Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Paper Empty
The paper lamp on the operator panel is on even when paper is loaded in
[Description ]
the cassette.
1. Actuator
[Wrong Part]
2. Sensor
1. Bending or deformation of the actuator of the paper sensor.
2. The function of the engine board is defective Perform
[Check and Cause]

1. Replace the defective actuator.

2. Replace the engine board.

Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Cover Open
[Description ] The ERROR lamp is on even when the print cover is closed.

[Wrong Part] 1. Hook Lever in the Front / Jam cover

1. The Hook Lever in the top cover may be defective.

2. Check the connector (Main B’D) and circuit of the cover switch
[Check and Cause] department in the Main Control board.

1. Replace the hook lever, if defective.

2. Check the insertion of the Cover Open S/W Connect.
3. Replace the Main Control board or Cover Open S/W.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Defective motor operation
Main motor is not driving when printing, and paper does not feed into the
[Description ]
printer, resulting 'Jam 0'.
1. Main PBA
[Wrong Part]
2. Motor Harness
1. Motor harness or sub PCB may be defective.

[Check and Cause]

1.Check the motor harness, replace it, if defective.

2. Check 24V in the SMPS
3. Check Front Cover or Jam cover are opened.
3. Replace the Main PBA, if necessary.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error No Power
When system power is turned on, all lamps on the operator panel do not
[Description ]
come on.
[Wrong Part] 1. SMPS

1. Check if the power input and SMPS output are normal.

2. Check the inferiority of LED-Panel on the front-cover if the LED of Pane
[Check and Cause] l
does not appear after normal warmingup.

1. Replace the power supply cord or SMPS.

2. Replace the control board.
3. Replace the LED-panel.
Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error Vertical Line Getting Curved
[Description ] When printing, vertical line gets curved.

1. LSU
[Wrong Part]
2. Main PBA
1. If the supply of +24v is unstable in the Main Control board linking
with LSU
[Check and Cause]

1. Replace LSU.
2. Replace the Main Control board.

Ⅳ. Troubleshooting
Trouble & Solution
Error LSU Error
[Description ] The printing is stop in the fad status, With LSU Error SM Message

1. LSU
[Wrong Part] 2. Main Controller
3. Micro Switch Harness
1. Foreign matter stuck onto the window of internal lenses of LSU mirror
2. Main Controller LSU Part defect
[Check and Cause] 3. Micro Switch Harness

1. Cleaning foreign matter in LSU mirror

2. Replace Main Controller
3. Replace Micro Switch Harness
CLP-300 Series


I. General Specification

II. Process

III. Disassembly

IV. Troubleshooting
Ⅰ. General Specification


I. Understanding the General

specifications of CLP-300.

II. Comprehension of the

feature of major elements.

Ⅰ. General Specification


Feature Printer

Size(WxDxH) 390x344x265mm

Weight(W/O Cution) 13.6 kg

Avg Operation 450 W

Sleep mode 17 W

Operating 48(C)/49(M) db
Standby 35 db
Ⅰ. General Specification


Printing Type Laser

Print Speed Mono 4/16 ppm(A4)

SPL(Samsung Printer
Print Language

Cold Approx. 45 seconds

Stand by Approx. 14 seconds

Memory 32/64(Network) MB

Resolution Color/Mono 1200 x 1200 dpi

Ⅰ. General Specification

Paper Handling

Main Tray 150 sheets

Bypass N/A

Optional Cassette N/A

Face Down:
Output Capacity
100 sheets/20lb

Win 95,98,200, ME
And Win XP
Ⅰ. General Specification

Color(Y,M,C) 1,000 images
Toner Kit
(5% Coverage) Mono 2,000 images

Waste Toner Tank 10,000 images

Developer 8,000(C)/20,000(M) images

Image Unit
OPC 44,000 images

Fuser 25,000(C)/50,000(M) Sheets

ITB 100,000 images

T2 Roller 100,000 pages

Pick-up Roller 100,000 pages

Ⅰ. General Specification


CLP-300 is Color Laser Printer and its

print speed is 4(C)/16(M) ppm(A4).
Ⅱ. Process


I. Understanding the basic structures

and operating principle of each parts

II. Studying the printing process and

electronic photo process

III. Comprehension of System Layout

Electronic Photo Process
Ⅱ. Process
System Layout



1 Paper Input (Cassette) 2 LSU (Laser Scanning Unit)

3 2nd Transfer Roller 4 Fuser

5 ITB (Intermediate Transfer Belt) 6 1st Transfer Roller

7 OPC (Organic Photo Conductor) 8 Developers (Y, M, C, & K)

9 Toner Kits (Y, M, C, & K)

Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
1. Cassette
Feeding Method : Cassette Type
Feeding Standard : Center Loading
Feeding Capacity : Cassette 150 Sheets(75g/ ㎡ , 20lb Paper Standard)
No Manual Feeder
Paper Detecting Sensor : Photo Sensor (Empty, Registration, Exit)
Paper Size Sensor : None
Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
2. LSU(Laser Scan Unit)
Consisted of LD(Laser Diode) and Polygon Motor Control.

Error Phenomenon

Polygon Motor Error The Rotation of Polygon Motor can not reach stable

Though the rotation of Polygon Motor reach stable,

Hsync Error
the signal of Hsync is not occurred
Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
3. 2nd Transfer Ass’y

The life span: Print over 100,000 sheets (in 15~30 ℃)

Specification: Similar to BigBang(CLP-5XX) Ass’y.

Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
4. Fuser Ass’y
Heat Lamp : New Part - Knuckle Type
Heat Roller : Similar to BigBang.
2 Pressure Roller : One is similar to HummingBird,
the Other is a new added part
comparing with other Fuser
Thermistor – Temperature-Measuring Device

Thermostat – Critical Temperature-Detecting Device

Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
5&6. ITB(Intermediate Transfer Belt) & 1st Transfer Roller

The life span: Print over 100,000 Images

The ITB unit includes 1st Transfer Roller

Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
7&8. OPC(Organic Photo-Conductor) & Developer

The life span: Print over 44,000 Images (Both)

Imagine Unit consists of 4 kinds of Developer , OPC, and Deve. Main Frame
Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
9. Toner Kits
The life span: Color -> 1000 images (5% Coverage Print-Out)
Black -> 2000 images (5% Coverage Print-Out)
Ⅱ. Process
System Layout
Driver Ass’y
It is a power delivery unit by gearing
By driving the motor, it supplies the power to the feeding unit, the fusing unit,
and the distributing unit.

The Main Motor is similar to BigBang Main Motor.

Ⅱ. Process


I. What is the function of paper-senso


II. How long is life of Trans-Roller?

III. What is the function of Thermistor

and Thermostat.
Ⅲ. Disassembly


I. Practicing the skill of

decomposition and assembly.

II. Understanding the basic

structures of major part (Engine,

Ⅲ. Disassembly
Cover Unit
1 Open a Front-Cover and Remove the Imagine Unit.

2 Remove the ITB Unit

1. Pull out the unit toward out side of printer slightly.
2. Lift up the unit gently.
3. Pull out the unit gently.

1 2
Ⅲ. Disassembly
Cover Unit
3 Unscrew 2 screws on the Top Cover and then remove the Top Cover.

4 Unscrew 1 screw on the Right Cover and then

remove the Right Cover after open the Rear Cover .
5 Remove the Left Cover.

3 4

4 5
Ⅲ. Disassembly
Fuser Ass’y

1 Unscrew 4 screws on the Fuser after open the Rear Cover.

2 Push the Holder Shaft Fuser as shown in Picture.

3 Take out the Fuser Ass’y from Printer.

Ⅲ. Disassembly
LSU(Laser Scan Unit)

1 Follow step 1 through step 3 in Cover Unit Disassembly

2 Lift up the LSU Cover(as shown in Picture) and then take out.

3 Remove 4 screws and then take out the LSU.

Ⅲ. Disassembly
HVPS(High Voltage Power Supply)

1 Follow step 1 through step 5 in Cover Unit Disassembly except rem

oving Righ Cover
2 Unscrew 6 screws and then take out the HVPS.

Be careful of taking out the HVPS because there are 7 High Voltage
Terminal behind HVPS.
Ⅲ. Disassembly
Main Board

1 Follow step 1 through step 4 in Cover Unit Disassembly

2 Unscrew 5 screws and then take out the Main Board after plug out
all the Harness.
Ⅲ. Disassembly
SMPS(Switching Mode Power Supply)

1 Follow step 1 through step 4 in Cover Unit Disassembly

2 Remove the Main Board

3 Unscrew 2 screws and then take out the SMPS after plug out all the
Ⅲ. Disassembly
Drive Ass’y

1 Follow step 1 through step 4 in Cover Unit Disassembly

2 Remove the Main Board

3 Remove the SMPS

4 Unscrew 8 screws and then take out the Drive Ass’y.

Ⅲ. Disassembly
Transfer Roller

1 Open Rear Cover.

2 Pull back the hook, which holds the Roller, like below picture and remove
the Transfer Roller
Ⅲ. Disassembly


I. Can you disassemble and

assemble ML-1610?
Ⅲ. Disassembly


I. Building ability to deal with various

problems raised in the field by

reviewing troubleshooting.

II. Check the solution of each


III. Check the difference of each Jam.

Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
1. Vertical Black Line and Band

Description: 1. Straight thin black vertical lines are shown in the print-out.
2. Dark black vertical bands are shown in the print-out.

Check and Cause Solution

1. Damaged developer roller, 1. Replace the Imaging Unit

deformed Doctor-blade or and test again
cleaning blade in the toner

2. Scratched surface of the 2. Replace the Imaging Unit

charge roller in the toner and test again
3. Replace the 2nd transfer
3. Depression or deformation roller and test again
of the surface of the 2nd
transfer roller.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
2. Vertical White Line

Description: White vertical voids in the image.

Check and Cause Solution

1. Contamination of the window 1. Clean the LSU window with

or internal lenses of LSU recommended cleaner(IPA).
mirror. Clean the window with a clean
2. Foreign object inside the toner cotton swab. If inside of the
cartridge. LSU is contaminated-replace
3. Toner is low in the developer. LSU.
4. The rollers in the fuser is 2. Replace the Imaging Unit.
defective, void occur 3. Replace the Toner Kits.
periodically at the top of a
image. 4. Open the rear cover and check
5. Contamination of the OPC the ribs that correspond to the
Drum. position of the voids. Remove
6. Depression or deformation of if found.
the surface of the 2nd transfer 5. If the problems are not
roller solved, replaced the Imaging
6. Replace the 2nd transfer roller.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
3. Horizontal Black Bands

Description: Dark or blurry horizontal stripes occur in the printing periodically

(These may occurs at regular intervals down the page.)

Check and Cause Solution

1. Bad contacts on the 1. Clean all HV terminals in

Imaging Unit high voltage the Imaging Unit and on the
terminals. set frame. Ensure all toner
or paper dust, particles are

2. The rollers in the Imaging 2. Clean the right Gear that

Unit may be contaminated. has relatively small tooth
gap on the OPC.
1) Charge roller – 37.7 mm
2) Supply roller – 47.5 mm
3) Develop roller – 35.2 mm 3. If the problems are not
4) Transfer roller – 46.2 mm solved, replaced the toner
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
4. Black/White Spot

Description: 1. Dark or blurry spots occur periodically in the printing

2. White spots occur periodically in the printing

Check and Cause Solution

1. OPC drum & rollers in the Develo 1. Replace the Imaging Unit and test
per or chager may be damaged a again
nd contaminated with foreign mat
ter or paper particles.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
5. Light Image

Description: The printed image is light, with no ghost.

Check and Cause Solution

• Develop roller is contaminated • Replace the Imaging Unit and try

or the toner is almost empty. to print out again.

• Bad contact caused by dirty • Clean the cartridge and set

terminals on the Imaging Unit contacts. Gently clean dirt from
or set. inside of the set.

• Abnormal output from the • Replace the HVPS if the problem

HVPS. are not solved by the above four
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
6. Dark image or Black

Description: The printed image is dark.

Check and Cause Solution

1. No charge voltage in the 1. Check the state if the

engine board. connector which connects
the engine board and HVPS.

2. Charge voltage fault due to 2. Clean the high voltage

bad contact between charge terminals.
Imaging Unit and set Note : if 1 and 2 do not
contacts. solve the problem persists
replace the HVPS.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
7. Uneven Density

Description: Print Density is uneven between left and right.

Check and Cause Solution

1. The pressure force in the left 1. Replace the left and right bush
and right springs of the 2nd and spring assemblies.
transfer roller is not even, the
springs are damaged, the 2nd
transfer roller is improperly
installed, or the 2nd transfer
roller bushing or holders are
2. Replace Toner Kit and try to
2. Toner is low. print out.

3. The toner level on the 3. Replace the Imaging Unit.

Developing Roller is not even
in the Imaging Unit due to the
damaged blade.
Ⅳ. Printing Problems &Solution
Printing Problems
8. Strain in the Face of the Page

Description: The background on the face of the printed page strained

Check and Cause Solution

1. Toner leakage due to 1. Replace the Imaging Unit.

improperly sealed Imaging

2. Poor Toner cartridge OPC 2. Replace the Imaging Unit.

Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
9. Strains on Back of Page

Description: The back of the page is strained at 46.2 or 75.5 mm intervals.

Check and Cause Solution

1. 2nd Transfer roller is cont 1. Replace the transfer roller if it i

aminated. s contaminated.

2. Pressure roller in Fuseris 2. Disassemble the fuser and clean

contaminated. the Heat Roller and Pressure R
oller. Check and clean the area
between the Heat Roller and th
e Thermistor. (Caution: Take c
are not to deform the rollers)
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Printing Problems – Causes and Solutions
10. Blank Page Print out(1)

Description: Blank page is printed.

Check and Cause Solution

1. Bad ground contacts in 1. Check if the Ground-OPC or

OPC. the OPC Groung.

2. Remove contamination of th
e terminals in the Imaging
Unit and the unit.
Ⅳ. Printing Problems &Solution
Printing Problems
11. Ghost

Description: Ghost occur at 75.4mm intervals of the OPC drum or 27mm

intervals of the developing roller in the whole Printing

Check and Cause Solution

1. Bad contacts caused by contamination 1. Clean all HV contacts. If

from toner particles between high problem persist replace the
voltage terminal in the main body and HVPS.
the one in the HVPS board

2. The life of Imaging Unit is expired. 2. Replace the Imaging Unit

3. 2nd Transfer roller life(100,000 sheets) 3. Check the 2nd transfer roller
has expired. lifetime and replace it.

4. Damaged cleaning blade in the 4. Replace the Imaging Unit

Imaging Unit
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Paper Feeding Problems – Causes and Solutions
1. Wrong Print Position

Description: Printing begins at wrong position on the paper.

Check and Cause Solution

1. Wrong sensor timing caused 1. Replace the defective

by defective feed sensor actuator.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Paper Feeding Problems – Causes and Solutions
2. Jam 0

Description: 1. Paper does not exit from the cassette.

2. Jam-0 occurs when the paper feeds into the printer

Check and Cause Solution

1. Check the Solenoid. 1. Replace the solenoid.

2. Check the cassette knock-
up plate and springs. 2. Repair/replace as required.
3. Check the paper separator
pad. 3. Clean with soft cloth
dampened with
4. Check the pick-up roller for IPA(Isopropyl Alcohol) or
contamination and correct water. Replace if required.
assembly. 4. Clean with soft cloth
dampened with
5. If continuous clusters occur, IPA(Isopropyl Alcohol) or
check all rollers between water. Replace if required.
pick-up and registration 5. Ensure all rollers are clean
sensor. and free to operate
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Paper Feeding Problems – Causes and Solutions
3. Jam 1
Description: 1. Paper is jammed in front of or inside the fuser.
2. Paper is stuck in the exit roller and in the fuser just after
passing through the Actuator-Feed

Check and Cause Solution

• If the recording paper is • Reassemble the Actuator-

stuck in the exit roller and Feed and spring-Actuator if
in the fuser just after the movement is bad.
passing through the Replace if necessary.
Actuator-Feed, Feed
Actuator may be defective.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Paper Feeding Problems – Causes and Solutions
4. Jam 2
Description: 1. Recording paper is jammed in front of or inside the fuser.
2. Recording paper is stuck in the discharge roller and in the
fuser just after passing through the Actuator-Feed.

Check and Cause Solution

1. If the paper is rolled in the 1. If the paper is stuck in the

Fuser Roller. fuser: disassemble the fuser
- It occurs when the Heat and remove the jammed
Roller or Pressure paper and clean the surface
Roller is seriously of the pressure roller with
contaminated with dry gauze. Check all ribs.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Paper Feeding Problems – Causes and Solutions
6. Paper rolled in the fuser

Description: Paper rolled around fuser rollers or ‘Concertina’ jam

Check and Cause Solution

1. Contamination of the 1. After disassembling the fuse

pressure roller or heat r, clean contamination from
roller. between the heat roller and
the thermistor and also clea
n contamination from the pr
eesure roller. Clean the surf
ace of the rollers with IPA o
r water.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Fusing Problems

The fuser consists of the Heat Lamp, Heat Roller, Pressure Roller, Thermistor, a
nd Thermostat.

Error Phenomenon

In warm-up
-When the Fuser is under 50 ℃ for 45 seconds and more

In ready
- When the Fuser is under 130 ℃ for 10 seconds
Low Heat Error and more

In Printing state
- When the Fuser is under 40 ℃ of target temperature
for 10 seconds and more

Over Heat Error When the set is over 210 ℃ for 4 seconds and more
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Table. Periodic Images according to Rollers

No Roller Period Phenomenon

1 OPC Drum 188.5 mm White and Black Spots

2 Charge Roller 37.7mm Black Spot and line and Periodic Band
3 Supply Roller 47.5mm Periodic Band by little difference of density
4 Developing Roller 26.0mm White Spot, Horizontal black band
5 1st Transfer Roller 32.7mm Ghost, Damaged Image by abnormal tranfer
6 2nd Transfer Roller 57.5mm Ghost, Damaged Image by abnormal tranfer
7 Heat Roller 86.6mm Black Spots or Vertical Black Band

8 Pressure Roller 86.6mm Background

Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting
Consumable Part

You have to change a cartridge on time in order to get good print quality.

Life : Imaging Unit :44,000 images -> 8,000 (Y,M,C) & 20,000(K) images
Toner Kit : 1,000 images(Y,M,C) & 2,000(K) images
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting


I. Do you know differences of Jam 0,

Jam1, and Jam 2?

CLP-300 Series

EP Process
• Printing Process
• What is the Multi-pass process ?
• System Layout
• Understanding of the EP Process
• CLP-300 EP Process
- Charging
- Exposure
- Development
- Transfer 1/ Transfer 2
- Fusing
• Trouble shooting (Image Artifacts)
• Cautions
Printing Process
What is the Multi-pass process ?

Paper path


Cartridge Dev-Y

Dev-M OPC ITB Tandem (Single-pass)

Dev-C CLP600



System Layout

Paper path


Cartridge Dev-Y





Understanding of EP Process
P1: Image
on OPC Blade
ITB Unit

P2: Image
on Media

Media Path



Laser Scanning Unit
CLP-300 EP process
Charging Paper path Exit


• Charging OPC drum by electric charging Toner

roller Cartridge
• Roller resistivity : ~ 10^5 ohm-cm Dev-C
• Applied voltage : -1.1kV Dev-K
• Electric potential of OPC drum : -520V
• OPC coating thickness : 21um
• OPC diameter : Φ60mm
• Non eraser system Cassette

1. Constant Voltage is induced on the OPC by appling high voltage to the electric charging roller
2. Charing method using a rubber roller is ozone free.
3. Charging roller is cleaned with a cleaning roller
4. Residual toner on OPC after T1 process is cleaned by a OPC cleaning blade and collected into w
aste toner tank
CLP-300 EP process
Paper path Exit

• One polygon motor ( 6 facet ) Fuser

• Single beam LD (1ea) Toner

• LD wavelength : 785nm Dev-M OPC ITB

• Polygon motor rpm : 23747.5 Dev-C

• LSU energy : 0.25uJ/cm^2
• OPC exposed potential : -50V


1. The charged OPC is imagewise light-exposed to form an electrostatic latent image.

2. The electrostatic image on the OPC is developed into a visible image with toner particles.
CLP-300 EP process
Laser Scanning Unit
CLP-300 EP process
Development Paper path Exit

• Non-magnetic, single component toner Fuser

• Non-contact development Toner

Cartridge Dev-Y
• Developing bias : DC + AC Dev-M OPC ITB

• AC peak to peak : 1.5 ~ 2.0kV Dev-C

• M/A : 550 ~ 600ug/cm^2
• Q/M : 15 ~ 20uC/g LSU

• Diameter of the roller: Φ10mm

• Resistivity of the Roller: 10^5 ~ 10^6 ohm-cm Cassette

• The velocity ratio of D/R to OPC: 1.2

• Color order : Y -> M -> C -> K
1. The electrostatic image on the OPC is developed into a visible image with toner particles.
2. AC + DC Voltage is being used to develop into visible image on OPC
3. Y, M, C, and K Images are sequentially developed onto OPC and transferred to Intermediate
Transfer Belt (hereafter ITB) to form a color image on ITB.
4. Toner Bottles are used to supply toner into a development unit.
5. To supply toner into the development unit, toner level is measured by toner level sensors.
CLP-300 EP process
Developer (Black)
CLP-300 EP process
Transfer 1
Paper path Exit

• Multi-pass transfer Fuser

• Indirect transfer Toner

• Transfer voltage : 0.5 ~ 2.0kV (controllable) Dev-M OPC ITB

• Roller diameter : Φ14mm Dev-C

• Roller resistivity : ~ 10^7 ohm-cm
• Belt resistivity : 10^9 ~ 10^11 ohm-cm
• Environment sensing by Y-transfer roller
• Transfer unit life : 50K images Transfer Roller

1. A developed Image on OPC is transferred onto ITB by T1 Process

2. To transfer the developed image from OPC to ITB, positive voltage is applied to T1 roller.
3. Four times of T1 process is required to make a color image on ITB, which means multi-pass process
4. ITB has a hole for a base position which is used to generate ITB home sensing signal to syncronise
each monochromatic image.
CLP-300 EP process
ITB Unit
CLP-300 EP process
Transfer 2
Paper path Exit

• Indirect transfer Fuser

• Transfer voltage : 1 ~ 4.0kV (controllable) Toner

Cartridge Dev-Y
• Roller diameter : Φ18.6mm Dev-C

• Roller resistivity : ~ 10^7 ohm-cm Dev-K

• Belt resistivity : 10^9 ~ 10^11 ohm-cm LSU

• Life of transfer unit: 50 K images

Transfer Roller

1. A Color image formed on ITB is transferred to media by T2 process

2. The applied voltage to T2 roller is also positive to transfer color image from ITB to a paper.
3. Residual toner on ITB after T2 process is cleaned by ITB cleaning blade, which is collected to
waste toner tank.
4. T2 Roller is engaged when a color image is being transferred onto media. Otherwise it is
disengaged. Clutch is used for driving T2 Roller engagement and disengagement
CLP-300 EP process
Fusing Paper path Exit

• 3 Roll system Fuser

-> short warm-up time (45sec) Toner

Cartridge Dev-Y
• Post Pressure Roll Dev-M OPC ITB



1. A color Image on media is melted down and fixed into media by fusing process
Trouble Shooting
1. Vertical Black Line and Band
Description: 1. Straight thin black vertical lines occur on the printout
2. Dark black vertical bands occurs on the printout

Cause Solution

1. Damaged development roller, 1. Replace the developmet unit and te

deformed Doctor-blade or cleaning st again
blade in the imaging unit

2. Scratched or contaminated surface 2. Replace the charging roller and tes

of the charging roller in the t again
imaging unit

3. Depression or deformation of the 3. Replace the transfer roller and test

surface of the transfer roller. again
Trouble Shooting
2. Vertical White Line
Description: White vertical lines in the image.

Cause Solution

1. Contamination of the window or intern 1. Clean the LSU window with recomme
al lenses of LSU. nded cleaner (IPA).

2. If the fuser is demaged, white spots o 2. Clean the window with a clean cotton
ccur periodically. swab. If dust is inside of the LSU, repl
ace it with new one.
3. ITB cleaning blade could touch with IT
B and wipe off a part of image. 3. Open the front cover and check the ri
bs that correspond to the position of t
he the white spots. Remove them if th
ey are founded.

4. Replace ITB unit with new one, and ch

eck if the image artifact is solved.
Ⅳ. Trouble Shooting

Trouble Shooting
3. Horizontal Dark Band or White Band

Description: Dark or blurry horizontal stripes occur on the printout periodically

Cause Solution

1. Bad contacts between the imaging 1. Clean all high voltage terminals in
unit and high voltage terminals. the cartridge and the frame of the
2. The rollers in the toner cartridge
may be contaminated. 2. Please see the periodic table in the
left to identify what sort of unit or
1) Charge roller : 37.7 mm component causes the dark band
2) Supply roller : 36.2 mm or white band and replace it with
3) Develop roller : 26.1 mm new one
4) T2 roller : 57.5 mm
5) T1 roller : 37.7 mm
6) OPC : 188.5 mm
7) Fuser roll : 85.6 mm
Trouble Shooting
4. Black / White Spot
Description: 1. Dark or blurry spots occur periodically in the printing
2. White spots occur periodically in the printing

Cause Solution

1. If colored spots appear on the printout in 1. Observe the surface of OPC drum to find
the interval of 188.5 mm, the OPC drum out if there is dent on it, If so, replace it with
surface is damaged. new one

2. If defects occur in the same position on 2. Observe the surface if the ITB unit to check
each printout, ITB belt could be if there is dent on it. If so, replace it with
damaged new one.

3. If it is non-periodic, there could be a 3. If electric ground is unstable in the tension

problem in the ground path of the roller, non-periodic spots on ITB could be
tension roller of ITB unit observed.
In the case, please reinforce the ground
Trouble Shooting
5. Light Image

Description: The printed image is light, with no ghost.

Cause Solution

1. Toner in the cartage is insufficient 1. Replace Imaging unit with new one and
check if the image artifact can be fixed. If
2. Toner supply to the development so, replace it with new one.
cartridge does not work properly
2. It is necessary to measure the weight of
3. There could be a problem with the toner bottle or development cartridge to
clutch for driving gear of toner bottle. find out what the possible causes are

4. There could be a contamination in the 3. Check Toner sensing level using some
LED and Photo Diode for sensing toner utility program. Serial connector can be
level inside development cartridge. connected into the slot of the main
controller board to check the level of the
toner in each development cartridge.

4. This issue could be critical because toner

bottle is adopted in the first time. Please
consult software engineer to get more
information on this issue
Trouble Shooting
6. Dark Image or Black

Description: The printed image is dark.

Cause Solution

1. No charging voltage in the engine 1. Check electric contacts to the

board. HVPS

2. Regardless of printable image, co

mposite black image is printed on t
he image, there could be a problem
in charging process

3. In the case, it could cause wap jam

in the fuser
Trouble Shooting
7. Uneven Density
Description: Print Density is uneven between left and right.

Cause Solution

1. The pressure on the transfer roller by 1. Replace the left and right bush and
right and left spring is not even, the spring assemblies.
springs are damaged, the transfer
roller is improperly installed, or the 2. Replace the toner cartridge and try to
transfer roller bushing or holders are print out.
3. Gently shake the toner cartridge and try
2. The toner cartridge has been expired. printing again. If the problem persists,
please replace the toner cartridge.
3. The toner level is too low in the
development cartridge.
Trouble Shooting
8. Background

Description:Light dark background appears in whole area of the printing.

Cause Solution

1. If there is too much toner in a 1. Basically, replace imaging unit with new one,
development cartridge, it check if it could be fixed
could cause background on
the image 2. Check if the weight of development cartridge is
normal and check if the cleaning performance is
2. If cleaning performance is not good in the OPC cleaning
good on OPC, it could cause
background on the printout 3. Please check charging voltage and electric
contacts. If the contacts are unstable, OPC
3. If the applied voltage to the potential could become lowered and make
charging roller is insufficient, background on the printout.
it could cause background
Trouble Shooting
9. Ghosting

Description: Ghosting occurs on the printout in the interval of 26.1 mm or 188.5mm

Cause Solution

1. It could be a problem with 1. Replace imaging unit with new one

development units. and check if it is fixed.

2. The compartment of development 2. There are 2 kinds of ghosting. One

unit could be almost empty. is related to developing unit, the
other is OPC ghosting. We can
1) Development roller : 26.1 mm figure out which component causes
2) OPC Drum : 188.5 mm ghosting on the printout by
checking the period.
Trouble Shooting
10. Stains on the printout

Description: The printout are stained.

Cause Solution

1. Toner leakage due to improperly 1. Replace the imaging unit with new
sealing in development unit. one and check if the issue is
2. There could be toner leakage due
to too much toner inside the
development units.
Trouble Shooting
11. Stains on Back of Page

Description: The back of the page is stained periodically

Cause Solution

1. 57.5 mm: Transfer 2 roller 1. Check the period and replace the part
could be contaminated when it with problem.
s engaged or disengaged.
2. If there is a problem with
2. 85.7 mm: Fuser roll could be disengagement, please check the
contaminated due to cold operation of the clutch of driving T2
offset Roller, and replace it if it is necessary.
Trouble Shooting
12. Blank page Print out

Description: Blank page is printed.

Cause Solution

1. The Aluminum of OPC Drum must 1. Check if there is a problem in OPC

be ground. Otherwise black image ground or make sure that the
is printed. ground contact is not
Trouble shooting
• OPC & Charging roller

– No charging -> Completely solid image

– Over charging -> Low image density, OPC damage
– Charging roller contamination -> Image contamination in repeat
– No OPC cleaning -> Vertical line, Ghosting
– OPC contamination -> Image contamination in repeat
– OPC exposing to white light (or sunlight) -> OPC ghosting
• LSU unit
– LSU off -> No image
– Polygon motor disable -> No image
– LSU window contamination -> Vertical white line

• Toner cartridge
– Low Toner -> Low image density
– Developing roller surface damage
-> Developing roller image defects in repeat
– Low(or empty) toner -> Poor color tone
– No developing voltage input -> No development
• Transfer unit
– No transfer voltage applied -> Faded image
– Too high transfer voltage applied -> Faded image, image deletion
– No belt cleaning -> Vertical line, ghosting
– Transfer belt damaged -> Vertical image defect
• Fusing unit

– Fusing temperature error -> Poor fusing

– High fusing temperature -> Hot offset
– Low fusing temperature -> Cold offset
• OPC unit :
– No sunlight & white light exposure
– No touch (no finger print)
– No OPC cleaning with Acetone or Ethanol

• Development Unit :
– No damage on the roller surface
• ITB (Intermediate Transfer Belt)
– No touch
– No finger print
– No sharp object
– No sunlight
– Use only IPA or Ethanol when cleaning

• Transfer roller
– No hard pressure
– No touch on surface
– No clean by vacuum cleaner

• Charger roller
– No hard pressure
– No touch on surface
– No clean by vacuum cleaner
The end

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