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Global Reporting Initiative

401 - 406

Group 5

Atindra Saha Deep Naik Chandni Patel Dabhi Vipul

MBA06034 MBA06042 MBA06038 MBA06041

Ishan Suyog Deshmukh

Rahul Yogi Birar Shubham
Chapadgaonkar MBA06044
MBA06037 MBA06036
Global Reporting Initiative - Topic Specific Standards

Economic Environmental
Business and
GRI Standards reflect Standards for government both
the economic biodiversity and waste strive to create a
parameters which management are some positive social impact
include standards for of the key aspects of on terms of anti-
competitive behaviour environmental discriminatory norms
and anti-corruption standards and gender
measures inclusiveness
Global Reporting Initiative - An Introduction

Global Reporting initiative is a non-profit organization which produces world’s most

prevalent standards for sustainability reporting.

GRI was founded in 1997 by the United States Based CERES, and Tellus Institute, Boston
in collaboration with UNEP.

GRI network comprises of Board of Directors, stakeholder council, technical advisory

board and a secretariat
GRI 401 - Employment

GRI 401 deals with an organization’s approach to employment, job creation and working
conditions in an organizations’ supply chain. There is some vital information to be
presented in disclosures. The essential components are:

1. 401-1 - Employee hiring and turnover.

2. 401-2 - Benefits provided to full time employees, which are not provided to
temporary and part-time employees.

3. 401-3 – Parental leave by gender.

GRI 401 - The ACC Ltd. approach

Full-time employees of ACC Ltd. Are benefitted from various schemes for education,
health retirement and loans.

Temporary staff also receive market-competitive benefits which are at par with its full-
time counterparts. Senior management staff are hired from within country and non-
management staff are hired at local community levels.

Maternity leaves are provided for women, and mostly return to work. The same is not
available for men.
GRI 402: Labor Management Relations

1. GRI 402 covers an organization’s consultative practices with employees and their
representatives, including its approach to communicating significant operational
2. An organization’s consultation practices are expected to be aligned with relevant
international norms and standards.
3. A minimum period of 15 days to one month is generally provided to employees and
their respective representatives prior to the implementation of operational
4. During 2016, 100% of non management staff shop floor associates and Office
Assistants were covered by collective bargaining agreement which included the
notice period and provisions for consultation and negotiation.
GRI 403 : Occupational Health and Safety

1. Healthy and safe work conditions are recognized as a personality's right and
addressed in authoritative intergovernmental instruments, including those of the
International Labour Organization (ILO), the Organization for Economic Co-operation
and Development (OECD), and also the World Health Organization (WHO).
2. Disclosure 403-1: Occupational health and safety management system
3. Disclosure 403-2: Hazard identification, risk assessment, and incident investigation
4. Disclosure 403-3: Occupational health services
5. The HSIP (Health and safety improvement plan) consisted of engaging with SFAs and
contract workers on management to lead improvements in safety culture.
6. “Click2Health” an online health management system implemented for managing
healthcare and OPD treatments.
GRI 404 : Training and Education

● Addresses the topic of employees’ Education and Training.

● Also includes transition assistance programs and the management of career endings.
● Disclosures in this standard:
1. Average hours of training per employee per hour.
Total of 1,32,762 hours of training imparted at ACC in 2018

2. Programs to upgrade employee skills and transition assistance programs.

Performance Management System and Talent review and Succession planning
Framework at ACC.

3. Percentage of employees getting regular performance and career

development reviews.
6,731 employees received annual performance reviews at ACC in 2018
GRI-405 : Diversity and equal opportunity – The ACC Approach

GRI 405 addresses the topic of an organization’s approach to diversity and equal
opportunity for all at work.
When a company actively promotes diversity and equality at work, it can generate
significant benefits for both the organization and workers.These benefits also flow
through to society normally, as greater equality promotes social stability and supports
further economic development.
Disclosure 405-1: Diversity of governance bodies and employees
Disclosure 405-2: Ratio of basic salary and remuneration of girls to men
ACC Ltd did not report the information classified under GRI 405-1.
ACC Ltd reported the ratio of basic of women to men for management staff and shop floor
associates at 0.95 and 0.97 respectively.
The organization reporte the ratio of basic salaries but there was no definition of
significant locations of operation.
GRI 406 : Non-Discrimination

1. GRI 406 adresses subject of non-discrimination.

2. Discrimination is defined as acts of treating people unequally and on the individual


3. Disclosure 406-1: deals with incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken.

4. According to ILO discrimination can occur on color, sex, age, disablity, HIV & AIDs,
genetic predispositon, and lifestyles.
ACC Ltd’s Steps towards Non-Discrimination

1. The company complied framed rules under Sexual Harassment of Women at

Workplace (Preventon, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
2. A policy in place for Prevention and redressal of sexual harassment with an internal
commitee of four members.
3. A nominated nodal person in each unit to receive and forward complaints to the
4. No complaints relating to incidents of discrimination including sexual harrasement
(GRI 406-1)

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