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TS Alexander John Apuang

Allessandria Daphne Bagacina
Alyssa Kristine Realuyo
 Organic compounds composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and
 Provide the major source of energy for the body or as much as
80 to 100% of calories
Classification of Carbohydrates

 Monosaccharides
 Disaccharides
 Polysaccharides

Monosaccharides or Simple Sugars
 Simplest form of carbohydrates
 They are sweet and since they require no
digestion, they can be absorbed directly into
the bloodstream from the small intestine.
Monosaccharides include the ff:

1. Glucose (dextrose) or blood sugar

- is the principal form in which carbohydrates is used
by the body.
- it is abundant in fruits, sweet corn and corn syrups
- it is a moderately sweet sugar found naturally
preformed in few foods but is mainly created in the
body from starch digestion.
- Glucose fuels the work of the body's cells.
- only Glucose can provide energy for the brain, other
nerve cells, and developing RBC.
2. Fructose (levulose)
- is the sweetest of the simple sugars
- it is found in honey, most fruits and some
- it is converted into glucose in the body.

3. Galactose
- It is not found free in foods. It is produced from
lactose by digestion and is converted into glucose.
Disaccharides or Double Sugars
 made up of two monosaccharides
 they are sweet and unlike
monosaccharides, they must be changed
to simple sugars by hydrolysis before
they can be absorbed.
Disaccharides include the ff:

1. Sucrose (ordinary table sugar)

- processed from cane and beet sugar
- it is found in fruits, vegetables, syrups and sweet
food production.
- composed of glucose and fructose
- it is converted into glucose and galactose upon
2. Lactose (milk sugar)
- is found in milk and milk products except cheese
- converted into glucose and galactose in digestion
- less soluble and less sweet than sucrose
- it remains in the intestine longer than other
sugars and encourages the growth of certain useful
3. Maltose
- Not found in free foods. It is produced by
hydrolysis of starch and is converted into glucose
in digestion.
- it occurs in malt products and in germinating
- can be found in certain infant formulas, beer, and
malt beverage products.
- less sweet compared to glucose and sucrose
Polysaccharides/Complex Sugars
composed of many molecules of simple
Polysaccharides include the ff:
1. Starch
- is the most significant polysaccharide in human
- its major food sources include cereal grains,
potatoes and other root vegetables and legumes.
- converted entirely into glucose upon digestion
- requires a longer time to digest
-supplies energy over a longer period of time
2. Dextrins
- not found in free foods
- formed as intermediate products in the breakdown
of starch

3. Cellulose
- forms the framework of plants found in unrefined
grains, vegetables and fruits.
- non-digestible by humans
-main sources are stems, leaves of vegetables, seed
and grain coverings, skins and hulls.
Cellulose can be classified into:
a. Soluble - Found in fruits and legumes, barleys
and oats which delay gastrointestinal transit and
glucose absorption, and lower blood cholesterol.
b. Insoluble - found in wheat brans, corn brans,
whole grain breads, cereals and vegetables which
accelerate gastrointestinal transit, increase fecal
weight, slow down starch hydrolysis and delay
glucose absorption
4. Pectins
- non-digestible, colloidal polysaccharides having a
gel quality
- sources include mostly fruits and are often use as
base for jellies
- it is also used to treat diarrhea as they absorb
toxins and bacteria in the intestine
-they bind cholesterol reducing the amount the
blood can absorb
5. Glycogens (animal starch)
- are formed from glucose and stored in liver and
muscle tissues.
- food sources include mainly meat and sea foods
-they are converted entirely into glucose upon
- the hormones glucagons help the liver convert
glycogen into glucose every time the body needs
Functions of
1. The principal function of carbohydrates is
to serve as a major source of energy for the

2. Carbohydrates exert a protein-sparing


3. The presence of carbohydrates is necessary

for normal fat metabolism.
4. Cellulose and closely related insoluble,
indigestible carbohydrates aid in normal elimination.

5. They also supply significant quantities of proteins,

minerals and B vitamins.

6. Lactose remains in theintestine longer than the

other disaccharides and this encourages the growth of
the beneficial bacteria, resulting in a laxative action.
7. Glucose has specific influences: it is
indispensable for the maintenance of the
functional integrity of the nerve tissue and it
is the sole source of energy for the brain.
Sources of
1. Whole grains rich in iron, thiamine, niacin and
other nutrients are important sources of

2. Sweet potatoes and white potatoes are important

contributors to carbohydrates intake from the
vegetable and fruit groups because they are daily
items in many diets.

3. Milk is unique in that it is the only dietary source

of lactose. Each cup contains 12 gm.
4. Sugars and sweets are important sources of
carbohydrates next to breads and cereals, and
cane and beet sugars, honey, maple syrup,
jellies, jams, and candies.
Health Effects
of Starch and
1. Weight Control - fibers rich in complex
carbohydrates tend to be low in fat and added
sugars and can promote weight loss.
2. Heart Disease - high-carbohydrate diets, rich in
whole grains, can protect an individual against
heart disease and stroke
3. Cancer - High carbohydrates diet can help
prevent many types of cancer
4. Diabetes -high-carbohydrate, low-fat diets help
control weight
5. Gastrointestinal Health - dietary fibers enhance
the health of the large intestine
 is a macronutrient that is essential to building
muscle mass.

 found throughout the body—in muscle, bone,

skin, hair, and virtually every other body
part or tissue. 
Our body use protein to build and
repair tissues. You also use protein to
make enzymes, hormones, and other
body chemicals.
Chemically, protein is composed of amino
acids, which are organic compounds made of
carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen or

At least 10,000 different proteins make you

what you are and keep you that way.
‘’feeling full ‘’after a meal,
improved after consuming a
high-protein snack

High protein snacks or meals

showed improved appetite, satiety
and diet quality, and improved
moods in adolescents.
Amino acids
 are the building blocks of proteins

helps the body:

• Grow
• Break down food
• Repair body tissue
• Perform many other body functions
• can also be used as a source of energy by
the body.
Types of Amino Acids

o Essential amino acids

o Non - essential amino acids
o Conditional amino acids
Essential amino acids
 must come from food
 cannot be made by the body

o histidine, o Phenylalanine
o Isoleucine o threonine
o leucine o tryptophan
o lysine o valine
o methionine

 Amino acids that are produced by the body

o Alanine o Glutamine
o arginine o Glycine
o asparagine o Proline
o aspartic acid o Serine
o cysteine o tyrosine.
o glutamic acid
Conditional amino acids
 Conditional amino acids are usually not essential,
except in times of illness and stress.

o Arginine
o Cysteine o Ornithine
o Glutamine o Proline
o Tyrosine o serine
o glycine
Sources of Protein

From plants Animal-based foods

o Poultry
o Nuts and Seeds o dairy foods
o Legumes o Red meat
o Whole Grains o Processed meats
How much protein
do I need?
It is recommended that adults get a minimum of 0.8 grams
of protein for every kilogram of body weight per day,
or just over 7 grams for every 20 pounds of body weight
(National Academy of Medicine).
Adverse effects associated with
long-term high protein/high
meat intake
o disorders of bone and calcium homeostasis
o disorders of renal function
o increased cancer risk
o disorders of liver function
o precipitated progression of coronary artery disease. 
is a macrobiomolecule that is soluble in nonpolar solvents. Non-
polar solvents are typically hydrocarbons used to dissolve
other naturally occurring hydrocarbon lipid molecules that do
not (or do not easily) dissolve in water, including fatty acids,
waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E,
and K), monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, and
phospholipids.Lipids comprise a group of compounds such as
fats, oils, steroids and waxes found in living organisms.
Both prokaryotes and eukaryotes possess lipids,
which play many important roles biologically, such as
membrane formation, protection, insulation, energy
storage, cell division and more. In medicine, lipids
refer to blood fats. Lipids designate fats, oils,
steroids and waxes found in living organisms. Lipids
serve multiple functions across species, for energy
storage, protection, insulation, cell division and other
important biological roles.
Structure of Lipids
Lipids are made of a triglyceride that is made
from the alcohol glycerol, plus fatty acids.
Additions to this basic structure yield great
diversity in lipids. Over 10,000 kinds of lipids
have been discovered so far, and many work with
a huge diversity of proteins for cellular
metabolism and material transport. Lipids are
considerably smaller than proteins.
Examples of Lipids
• Fatty acids are one type of lipid and serve as building blocks for
other lipids as well. Fatty acids contain carboxyl (-COOH) groups
bound to a carbon chain with attached hydrogens. This chain is
water-insoluble. Fatty acids can be saturated or unsaturated.
Saturated fatty acids have single carbon bonds, whereas
unsaturated fatty acids have double carbon bonds. When
saturated fatty acids combine with triglycerides, this results in
solid fats at room temperature. This is because their structure
causes them to pack together tightly. In contrast, unsaturated
fatty acids combined with triglycerides tend to yield liquid oils.
The kinked structure of unsaturated fats yields a looser, more
fluid substance at room temperature.
• Phospholipids are made of a triglyceride with a phosphate
group substituted in for a fatty acid. They can be
described as having a charged head and hydrocarbon tail.
Their heads are hydrophilic, or water-loving, whereas
their tails are hydrophobic or repellant to water.
• Cholesterols arrange into rigid ring structures of five
or six carbon atoms, with hydrogens attached and a
flexible hydrocarbon tail. The first ring contains a
hydroxyl group that extends into water environments
of animal cell membranes. The rest of the molecule,
however, is water insoluble.
• Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are lipids that aid
in membrane fluidity. PUFAs participate in cell signaling
related to neural inflammation and energetic metabolism.
They can provide neuroprotective effects as omega-3
fatty acids, and in this formulation, they are anti-
inflammatory. For omega-6 fatty acids, PUFAs can cause
• Sterols are lipids found in plant membranes. Glycolipids
are lipids linked to carbohydrates and are part of
cellular lipid pools.
• Lipids make up protective barriers. They comprise cell
membranes and some of the structure of cell walls in plants.
• Lipids provide energy storage to plants and animals.
• Phospholipids form the foundation for lipid bilayers, with their
amphipathic nature, that make up cell membranes.
• Lipids also participate in cell division. Dividing cells regulate lipid
content depending on the cell cycle.
• Lipids provide protective barriers for specialized tissues such
as nerves. The protective myelin sheath surrounding nerves
contains lipids.
• Lipids provide the greatest amount of energy from
consumption, having more than twice the amount of energy
as proteins and carbohydrates. The body breaks down fats
in digestion, some for immediate energy needs and others
for storage.
• Lipids give plants the necessary energy for their metabolic
processes and signals between cells.
• In animals, lipids also serve as insulation from the
environment and as protection for vital organs. Lipids
provide buoyancy and waterproofing as well.
• Lipids called ceramides, which are sphingoid-based, perform
important functions for skin health. They help form the
epidermis, which serves as the outermost skin layer that
protects from the environment and prevents water loss.
• Sphingomyelins, made from ceramides, are prevalent in
the nervous system and help motor neurons survive.
• Lipids also play a role in cell signaling. In the central and
peripheral nervous systems, lipids control fluidity of
membranes and aid in electrical signal transmissions.
Lipids help stabilize synapses.
• Lipids are essential for growth, a healthy immune system
and reproduction. Lipids allow the body to store vitamins
in the liver such as the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
• Cholesterol serves as a precursor for hormones such as
estrogen and testosterone. It also makes bile acids, which
dissolve fat.

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