Logic For Computer Science: Computing

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Logic for Computer Science

Computable & Uncomputable
Time Complexity
Classifying Functions

Coding Phase vs Execution Phase
Table Lookup and TM
Probabilistic Algorithms
Universal TM
Hugely Expressive
Many Courses
Jeff Edmonds Math1090,EECS2001,
Lecture 5.1 York University

One point of formal proofs is

• to prove theorems
• with as few assumptions as possible
about the nature of the objects
we are talking about
• so that we can find a wide range
of strange new objects
• for which the same theorems are true.
Computable Problem
A Computational Problem P states
• for each possible input I
• what the required output P(I) is.
Eg: Sorting

An Algorithm/Program/Machine M is
• a set of instructions
(described by a finite string “M”)
• on a given input I
• follow instructions and
• produces output M(I)
• or runs forever.
Eg: Insertion Sort
Computable Problem
Problem P is
computable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I)
$M,“Machine/Algorithm M  
computes problem P.”
"I, “Machine/Algorithm M  
gives the answer required
by problem P on input I.”
Computable Problem
Problem P is
computable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I)
I am invested in proving that the sentence is true.
I produce a good object when it is a $.
I have a machine M that I claim works.

I am invested in proving that the sentence is false.

Or at least giving the prover as hard of a time as I can.
I produce a worst-case object when it is a ".

Oh yeah, I have an input I for which it does not.

I win if M on input I gives the correct output.

What we have been doing all along.

Computable Problem
Problem P is
computable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I)
I come up with this machine M at
Coding Phase.
Without knowing the input!
It needs a finite description.
• Finite set of instructions
• Finite set of variables
• With finite ranges of values.
Computable Problem
Problem P is
computable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I)
I choose the input I at Execution Phase
after I already know the machine M.
My input can be much bigger
than the machine.
Its computation may require
• a lot more memory to be allocated
• a lot more time.
Computable Problem
Problem P is
computable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I)

Here the P is considered free

because it is not bounded by a quantifier.
Hence, the sentence says something about P.
Computable Problem
Problem P is Problem P is
computable if uncomputable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I) "M, $I, M(I)  P(I)

People tend to struggle with expressing

this in Predicate logic.
Their intuition tends to be wrong.

As such times, it is helpful to know

how to mechanically follow the rules of
formal logic.
Simply take the negation.
Computable Problem
Problem P is Problem P is
computable if uncomputable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I) "M, $I, M(I)  P(I)
Let’s understand this deeply
• P is uncomputable because
– Every machine fails to compute
• M fails to compute P because
– there is an input on which it fails.
• M fails to compute P on I because
– M(I)  P(I)
Computable Problem
Problem P is Problem P is
computable if uncomputable if
$M, "I, M(I)=P(I) "M, $I, M(I)  P(I)
I have a machine M that I claim works.

I find one counter example input I for

which his machine M fails us.
I win if M on input I gives the wrong output

Generally very hard to do.

Computable Problem
Problem P is Problem P is
true computable if uncomputable if true
$M, "I, M(I)=Sorting(I) "M, $I, M(I)  Halting(I)
"I, $M, M(I) = Halting(I)
The order the players go

REALY matters.
If you don’t know if it is true or not,
trust the game.
Computable Problem
Problem P is Problem P is
true computable if uncomputable if true
$M, "I, M(I)=Sorting(I) "M, $I, M(I)  Halting(I)
"I, $M, M(I) = Halting(I) true
I give you an input I.
Given I either
Halting(I) = yes or
Halting(I) = no.

"I, Myes(I) says yes

"I, Mno(I) says no
I don’t know which,
but one of these does the trick.
A tricky one.
Computable Problem
Problem P is
true computable if
How do you express computation in Predicate logic.

I needed to do this
in order to prove my incompleteness theorem.
Gödel’s 1929

“TM M halts on input I”

= C, “C is an integer encoding a valid halting computation
for TM M on input I”
 “time t” “a legal TM M step is taken”
= all expressed as a Predicate logic statement.
Time Complexity


Euclid (300 BC)

Time Complexity
Computable Halting

Turing 1936

Time Complexity
Computable Halting



Jack Edmonds 1965

Complexity Halting
Mathematicians’ dream Computable

Brute Force Exp = 2n


Considered Feasible Poly = nc

Slow sorting Quadratic = n2

Fast sorting nlogn
Look at input Linear = n
Binary Search log n
Time does not grow with input. Constant
Time Complexity
2 n n2
e log n
input size
Brute Force
Exp = 2n
Slow sorting Quadratic = n2

Look at input Linear = n

Binary Search log n
Time does not grow with input. Constant
Time Complexity
T(n) 10 100 1,000 10,000
5 5 5 5 5 atom
log n   3 6 9 13 amoeba

n1/2 3 10 31 100 bird

n 10 100 1,000 10,000 human
n log n 30 600 9,000 130,000 my father
n2 100 10,000 106 108 elephant
n3 1,000 106 109 1012 dinosaur
2n 1,024 1030 10300 103000 the universe

Note: The universe contains approximately 1050 particles.

Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable by some algorithm.
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
• Problem P is computable in polynomial time.
• Problem P is computable in exponential time.
• The computational class “Exponential Time"
is strictly bigger than “Polynomial Time”.

A(I)=P(I) means algorithm A gives the required

output for problem P on instance I.
Time(A,I) is the running time of algorithm A
on instance I.
T(n) some function like n2.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is in n2 time.
M, "I, [M(I)=P(I) & Time(M,I)≤|I|
computable n 2]
In addition to getting the answer for P,
the running time is at most n2.
Which n?
Here n is the number of bits |I|
to write down the input.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is in n2 time.
M, "I, [M(I)=P(I) & Time(M,I)≤|I|2]
• Problem P is not computable in n2 time.
M, [If M solves P  M takes > n2 time]
M, "I, [M(I)=P(I)  Time(M,I)>|I|2]
M, ["I M(I)=P(I)  "I Time(M,I)>|I|2]
These are all false for every n3 time problem P.

I design M Make True Make False

Time Complexity
• Problem P is in n2 time.
M, "I, [M(I)=P(I) & Time(M,I)≤|I|2]
• Problem P is not computable in n2 time.
M, [If M solves P  M takes > n2 time]
M, "I, [M(I)=P(I)  Time(M,I)>|I|2]
M, ["I M(I)=P(I)  "I Time(M,I)>|I|2]
These are all false for every n3 time problem P.
Let I´ = 0000000000 and P´ = P(I´)
Let M be the machine that
if (I=I´) return( P´ )
else slowly solves P.
M(I)=P(I) is always true
Time(M,I)>|I|2 is false for I=I´.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is in n2 time.
M, "I, [M(I)=P(I) & Time(M,I)≤|I|2]
• Problem P is not computable in n2 time.
Just negate the above statement!
M, I, M(I)≠P(I) or Time(M,I)>|I|2
Let’s understand this deeply
• P is uncomputable in n2 time because
– Every machine fails to do it.
• M fails to compute P in n2 time because
– there is an input on which it fails
• M fails to compute P on I in n2 time because
– Either the answer is wrong
– the time is too big.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is in n2 time.
M, "I, [M(I)=P(I) & Time(M,I)≤|I|2]
• Problem P is not computable in n2 time.
Just negate the above statement!
M, I, M(I)≠P(I) or Time(M,I)>|I|2)

Let M be any machine.

I find one counter example input I
for which his machine M fails us.
Either because it gives the wrong
answer or takes too much time.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, "I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I)≤ c )
We will say a problem can be computed
in constant time
if the running time
does not “depend” on input.
Gödel’s 1929
grow with
Is this “constant time”? Time
Yes because bounded
by a constant
We write time = O(1).
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, "I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I)≤ c )
 "c
But who chooses the constant c?
As the adversary, I would love to choose it.

No. The time does not have to be bound

by every constant.
Eg, not by c=1.
Being bound by c=1,000,000 would be unfair.
It must be a constant that
does not depend on the input.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M,c "I,c M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I)≤ c )
 "c
But when is the constant c chosen?
I would love to choose it
after I know the input I.

That would be unfair.

Then every input would have different running time.
We want one constant that bounds them all.

Ok. I will choose the c

during the Coding Phase
when I fix the machine M
before I know the input I.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ c)
Ok, lets play the game.

The boss provides that problem P.

I give a TM M and fix the constant c.
Say c=1,000,000,000,000,000,000.
That is so unfair.
Anything can be done in that time!
I will let him have any c he wants,
But this fixed c must work for all inputs.
If he gives a bigger c, I will give him an even bigger input I.
Hee Hee Hee
He must solve my big I in his fixed time c.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ c)
• Problem P is computable in polynomial time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ nc )
We will say a problem can
be computed feasibly
if it can be computed in
polynomial time,
eg n2, n3, n4, … , nc, …

Edmonds (1963) Which c?

During the Coding Phase
I can choose any c want.
But again, I can make I much bigger than your c.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ c)
• Problem P is computable in polynomial time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ |I|
nc )
We will say a problem can
be computed feasibly
if it can be computed in
polynomial time,
eg n2, n3, n4, … , nc, …

Edmonds (1963) Which n?

Here n is the number of bits
to write down the input.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ c)
• Problem P is computable in polynomial time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ |I|c)
• Problem P is computable in exponential time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ 2c|I| )
If a problem requires
exponential time
then it is infeasible.
Edmonds (1963) eg (1.0001)n, 2n, 3n, ….
=20.00014n =21.58n
Any c>0.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ c)
• Problem P is computable in polynomial time.
c´,n0, |I|<n0 or
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ |I|c)+c´)
• Problem P is computable in exponential time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ 2c|I| )
For small inputs I, the time |I|c is small.
The algorithm may have a setup
that takes a long time.
We could fix this by
adding a constant c´ to the time.
Or by not worrying
about inputs smaller than n0.
Or by having c bigger.
Time Complexity
• Problem P is computable in constant time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ c)
• Problem P is computable in polynomial time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ |I|c)
• Problem P is computable in exponential time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ 2c|I| )
• Problem P is not computable in polynomial time.
M, c, I, M(I)≠P(I) or Time(M,I) > |I|c)

Just negate the other.

Time Complexity Computable
There are problems P Exp
that can be solved in exp time P
but not in poly time. Poly

Jack Edmonds 1965

• Problem P is computable in exponential time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ 2c|I| )
• Problem P is not computable in polynomial time.
M, c, I, M(I)≠P(I) or Time(M,I) > |I|c)
P is computable in exp time and
Which P? P is not computable in poly time
 P,
[ M,  c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ 2 c|I|

M, c, I, M(I)≠P(I) or Time(M,I) > |I|c)

Time Complexity Computable
There are problems P Exp
that can be solved in exp time P
but not in poly time. Poly

Jack Edmonds 1965

• Problem P is computable in exponential time.
M, c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ 2c|I| )
• Problem P is not computable in polynomial time.
M, c, I, M(I)≠P(I) or Time(M,I) > |I|c)
• The computational class “Exponential Time"
is strictly bigger than “Polynomial Time”.
 P,
[  M,  c,"I, M(I)=P(I) & (Time(M,I) ≤ 2 c|I|

M, c, I, M(I)≠P(I) or Time(M,I) > |I|c)

Classifying Functions

f(n) = θ(g(n))

f(n) is sandwiched between c1g(n) and c2g(n)

for some sufficiently small c1 (= 0.0001)
Classifying Functions

f(n) = θ(g(n))

For all sufficiently large n

For some definition of “sufficiently large”
Classifying Functions
Proof: $c,n0, "n≥n0, 8n2+1000n ≤ cn2 true
Let c=9 & n0=1000.
Let n be an arbitrary real number
The relation is true.
8n2+1000n ≤ 8n2+n2 = 9n2 = cn2

See there is my single c that

works for all sufficiently large n.
Classifying Functions
Proof: $c,n0, "n≥n0, 8n2+1000n ≤ cn2 true
$c,n0, "n≥n0, 2n ≤ cn false
Let c and n0 be arbitrary eg =10000000
Let n = max(c,n0,3)

The relation is false.

2n > n∙n = cn
Classifying Functions
Proof: $c,n0, "n≥n0, 8n2+1000n ≤ cn2 true
$c,n0, "n≥n0, 2n ≤ cn false
"n, $c, 2n ≤ cn

The order the players go

REALY matters.
Classifying Functions
Proof: $c,n0, "n≥n0, 8n2+1000n ≤ cn2 true
$c,n0, "n≥n0, 2n ≤ cn false
"n, $c, 2n ≤ cn true
Let n=10000000

Let c=2n.
The relation is true.
2n ≤ 2nn = cn
Classifying Functions
Theta f(n) = θ(g(n)) f(n) ≈ c g(n)
BigOh f(n) = O(g(n)) f(n) ≤ c g(n)
Omega f(n) = Ω(g(n)) f(n) ≥ c g(n)
Little Oh f(n) = o(g(n)) f(n) << c g(n)
Little Omega f(n) = ω(g(n)) f(n) >> c g(n)

Giving an idea of how fast a function grows

without going into too much detail.
Classifying Functions

3n2 + 7n + 8 = nθ(1)
Polynomial time

$ c1, c2, n0, " n ³ n0 nc1 £ f(n) £ nc2

Classifying Functions

3n n = 2[ log(3) n + log n ]
= 2θ(n)
Exponential time

$ c1, c2, n0, " n ³ n0 2c1n £ f(n) £ 2c2n

Coding Phase vs Execution Phase
$ algorithm A, " input I, A(I)=P(I)
History of Events

P A I A(I)=P(I)

Coding Phase Execution Phase

Does not depend on input. Depends on input.
Compile Time Errors occur here. Run Time Errors occur here
Coding Phase vs Execution Phase
$ algorithm A, " input I, A(I)=P(I)

For more, see Math 1090 slides

Informal Understanding & Informal Proofs
Table Look Up
Input Output
1,1 1

Table lookup is another 1,2 2

1,3 3
model of computation
2,1 2
2,2 4
??? That does 2,3 6
not compute!!! 2,4 8

An algorithm is a finite table

listing input,output pairs.

Given an input it “computes”

by looking up the answer.
If not there, it fails.
Table Look Up
Input Output
1,1 1
1,2 2
1,3 3
2,1 2
2,2 4
2,3 6
Can a Table multiply two arbitrary 2,4 8
integers in one time step?

Sure 24=8 No, 25=?

Table Look Up
Input Output
1,1 1
1,2 2
1,3 3
2,1 2

k,  Table M, x,yk 2,2 4

M multiplies xy. 2,3 6

2,4 8

Sure. I give you a value k.

I give you the multiplication table M of size k2.

I give you x,yk.

My table gives you xy.
Table Look Up
Input Output
1,1 1
1,2 2
1,3 3
2,1 2

 Table M, x,y 2,2 4

M multiplies xy. No
2,3 6
2,4 8

Let M be an arbitrary table.

It better be finite in size.

i.e. can’t list an infinite
number of answers.
Let x,y be a input that does
not have an answer.
Probabilistic Algorithms
Probabilistic Algorithms

Suppose there are n doors.

Half are promised to have prizes.
The algorithm A specifies which doors are opened.
The input I specifies which doors have prizes.
The adversary, knowing your algorithm,
gives you the worst case input.
Probabilistic Algorithms
Problem P is computable if
$A, "I, A(I)=P(I) & Time(A,I) ≤ T =n/2 +1
I have an algorithm A that I claim works.

I know which doors you choose.

My input I puts no prizes
behind the first n/2 doors you look in.
Oh dear.

Probabilistic Algorithms
Remember Quick Sort
Problem P is computable if
$A, "I, A(I)=P(I) & Time(A,I) ≤ T =n2
No. Actually, I am quite mean.
I really do give a worst case input.
My algorithm A specifies to pivot with the middle item.

I know this.
My input I puts the smallest element in the middle.

Oh dear.

Probabilistic Algorithms
Problem P is computable by a random algorithm if
$A, "I, R, AR(I)=P(I)
I have a random algorithm A that I claim works.
My algorithm is to open random doors
hoping to find a prize.
Note that this makes all doors
symmetrically the same.

Probabilistic Algorithms
Problem P is computable by a random algorithm if
$A, "I, R, AR(I)=P(I)
I have a random algorithm A that I claim works.

I know the algorithm A, but not its random coin flips R.

I do my best to give you a worst case input I.
ie which doors have prizes.
Though if we open doors randomly then it does not matter.

Probabilistic Algorithms
Problem P is computable by a random algorithm if
$A, "I, R, AR(I)=P(I)
I have a random algorithm A that I claim works.

I know the algorithm A, but not its random coin flips R.

I do my best to give you a worst case input I.
The random coin flips R are independent of the input.
They determine which doors the algorithm opens.
There are worst case coin flips
but no worst case inputs.

Probabilistic Algorithms
Problem P is computable by a random algorithm if
$A, "I, PrRR, AR(I)=P(I) ≥ 1-2-T
Time(AR,I) ≤ T
Half the doors have prizes.
For each random door, the probability of finding a prize
is ½.

Suppose I open T doors.

The probability of finding no prize is
½½½…½ = 2-T
2-10 ≈ 1/thousand 2-20 ≈ 1/million 2-30 ≈ 1/billion
The probability of finding a prize is
1-2-T. 62
Probabilistic Algorithms
Problem P is computable by a random algorithm if
$A, "I, "R , AR(I)=P(I)
ExpectedR Time(AR,I) =2
Suppose I keep opening doors until I find a prize.
I am guaranteed to succeed.
The expected number of doors I need to open is
(How many times do you expect to flip a coin
until you get a head?)

Universal TM

Universal TM
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”

A Turing Machine
is the simplest model
of computation.

•The current configuration of the machine is specified by

•The finite 0/1 string contained in the tape of cells.
•Which tape cell the head is on.
•A single integer specifying the current state.
• There transition function δ(q,c) = q´,c´,direction

curren char seen next char to left/right

t state state write direction
at head at head for head 65
Universal TM
We both know that my laptop
• given some Java code J
• and some input I
• can run J on I
• and return the result
i.e. Laptop(J,I) = J(I).

Or given the description of a TM M,

Laptop(M,I) = M(I).

A Turing Machine (TM) is a model of computation that can

do anything your laptop can do.
MLaptop(J,I) = J(I).
MLaptop(M,I) = M(I).

Universal TM
MLaptop(M,I) = M(I).
A Universal TM is a TM Muniversal that is given
a description of a TM M and its input I
and simulates this computation.
$ TM Muniversal " inputs Iuniversal = M,I Muniversal (M,I) = M(I).
Predicate Logic Game:
• We construct Muniversal
• The adversary gives us an arbitrary input Iuniversal = M,I
(Adversary knows Muniversal and hence
M can be much bigger than Muniversal)
• Prove Muniversal (M,I) = M(I).
Hugely Expressive
"x, $y, y>x
Predicate logic can only say these stupid things.
Why should I care?
Actually, it is hugely expressive.
• Math: For any mathematical statement you want to understand
and prove, it is best to first write it as a Predicate logic sentence.
• Proof: Sometimes the mechanics of the proof just falls out.
• The next example is really quite amazing!
Hugely Expressive
"x, $y, y>x
All Computation: There is a Predicate logic sentence Compute(J,I,y).
• Over the integers (+,), i.e. of the form "x, $i, (xJ ≤ I+i)

• All variable represent integers.

• Only operations are ,+, ≤, and =. Defined in usual way.
• J, I, & y are free integer variables
ie not bounded by quantifiers.
• Plugging in values makes the sentence true or false.
• eg Big(J) ≡ [J ≥ 1,000,000]
true iff and only J is at least that big.
Hugely Expressive
"x, $y, y>x
All Computation: There is a Predicate logic sentence Compute(J,I,y).
• Over the integers (+,), i.e. of the form "x, $i, (xJ ≤ I+i)
• Every Java program “J”, input “I”, & output “y”
can be encoded as in integers J, I, & y.

“J” ≡ String[] main(String[] I) {

if( I==“How are you” ) {
y = “Fine thanks”
Hugely Expressive
"x, $y, y>x
All Computation: There is a Predicate logic sentence Compute(J,I,y).
• Over the integers (+,), i.e. of the form "x, $i, (xJ ≤ I+i)
• Every Java program “J”, input “I”, & output “y”
can be encoded as in integers J, I, & y.

“J” ≡ String[] main(String[] I) {

if( I==“How are you” ) {
y = “Fine thanks”
} J ≡ 53 74 72 … This is base 16
} ≡ 34,535,273,331,794,213,684
Convert this into base 10
Hugely Expressive
"x, $y, y>x
All Computation: There is a Predicate logic sentence Compute(J,I,y).
• Over the integers (+,), i.e. of the form "x, $i, (xJ ≤ I+i)
• Every Java program “J”, input “I”, & output “y”
can be encoded as in integers J, I, & y.
• Compute(J,I,y) is true if and only if
Java program “J” on input “I” outputs “y”.
• Simple enough that we can cover it in 15 minutes.
“J” ≡ String[] main(String[] I) {
if( I==“How are you” ) {
y = “Fine thanks”
} J ≡ 34,535,273,331,794,213,684
“I” ≡ “How are you” I ≡ 671,368,283,086
“y” ≡ “Fine thanks” y ≡ 3,691,576,421
Compute(J,I,y) ≡ false
Hugely Expressive
"x, $y, y>x
All Computation: There is a Predicate logic sentence Compute(J,I,y).
• Over the integers (+,), i.e. of the form "x, $i, (xJ ≤ I+i)
• Every Java program “J”, input “I”, & output “y”
can be encoded as in integers J, I, & y.
• Compute(J,I,y) is true if and only if
Java program “J” on input “I” outputs “y”.
• Simple enough that we can cover it in 15 minutes.
Halting Problem: There is another Halt(J,I) ≡ “J(I) halts”.

The bad news:

• The Halting Problem uncomputable
• Knowing whether “J” on input “I” outputs “y”. uncomputable
• Knowing if Compute(J,I,y) is true uncomputable
• A proof system that completely impossible
captures the integers.
Hugely Expressive
The universal TM slides discusses
having a fixed TM MUniversal such that
MUniversal(J,I) = “J(I)”.

Given a TM M, we will first give a Predicate sentence

ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.

Our desired Predicate sentence is

≡ ComputeM Universal (J,I,y)
≡ MUniversal(J,I)=y
≡ “J(I)=y”
Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”

A Turing Machine
is the simplest model
of computation.

•The current configuration of the machine is specified by

•The finite 0/1 string contained in the tape of cells.
•Which tape cell the head is on.
•A single integer specifying the current state.
• There transition function δ(q,c) = q´,c´,direction

curren char seen next char to left/right

t state state write direction
at head at head for head
Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
Consider the computation of TM M(I):
• It starts in state q1.
• With input I = 0110011 on the tape. We designed M
• Head on first cell. so we can assume
the tape alphabet
A valid computation of a TM is {0,1}
Time state Tape Contents Head
1 12 [0,1,1,0,0,1,1]
2 10112 [1,1,1,0,0,1,1]

t 11012 [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0]
t+1 10102 [0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0]

Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
Consider the computation of TM M(I):
• δ(q1,0) = q1011,1,right Write state names in binary.
• δ(q1011,1) = …
• Halts in state q110.
• With output y = 0011101010 on the tape.
A valid computation of a TM
Time state Tape Contents Head
1 12 [0,1,1,0,0,1,1]
2 10112 [1,1,1,0,0,1,1]

t 11012 [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0]
t+1 10102 [0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0]

Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
Lets encoded this entire computation into a single integer C.
• Gödel needed to invent computation before Turing.
• Gödel used prime numbers in a strange recursive way.
• This is Jeff’s encoding just adds a few more digits.

A valid computation of a TM
Time state Tape Contents Head
1 12 [0,1,1,0,0,1,1] Mark Head
2 10112 [1,1,1,0,0,1,1] with digit 2

t 11012 [0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0]
t+1 10102 [0,0,1,1,1,0,1,1,0]

Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
Lets encoded this entire computation into a single integer C.
• Gödel needed to invent computation before Turing.
• Gödel used prime numbers in a strange recursive way.
• This is Jeff’s encoding just adds a few more digits.

A valid computation of a TM
Time state Tape Contents Head 2
1 12 [2,0,1,1,0,0,1,1] Separate
Mark Head
2 10112 [1,2,1,1,0,0,1,1] with
digit 3,4

t 11012 [0,0,1,1,2,0,0,1,1,0]
t+1 10102 [0,0,1,2,1,1,0,1,1,0]

Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
Lets encoded this entire computation into a single integer C.
• Gödel needed to invent computation before Turing.
• Gödel used prime numbers in a strange recursive way.
• This is Jeff’s encoding just adds a few more digits.

A valid computation of a TM
Time state Tape Contents Head 2
4 1 3 [2,0,1,1,0,0,1,1] Separate blocks
with [,]3,4
4 1011 3 [1,2,1,1,0,0,1,1]

4 1101 3 [0,0,1,1,2,0,0,1,1,0]
4 1010 3 [0,0,1,2,1,1,0,1,1,0]

Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
Lets encoded this entire computation into a single integer C.
• Gödel needed to invent computation before Turing.
• Gödel used prime numbers in a strange recursive way.
• This is Jeff’s encoding just adds a few more digits.

A valid computation of a TM
Time state Tape Contents Head 2
4 1 3 20110011
Merge Digits
4 1011 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 1 1

4 1101 3 0011200110
4 1010 3 0012110110

Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
Lets encoded this entire computation into a single integer C.
• Gödel needed to invent computation before Turing.
• Gödel used prime numbers in a strange recursive way.
• This is Jeff’s encoding just adds a few more digits.

An integer C encoding a valid computation of a TM

C = 4132011001141011312110011…
Hugely Expressive
ComputeM(I,y) ≡ “M(I)=y”.
≡  C, “C is an integer encoding
a valid computation for TM M
with input I and output y”

An integer C encoding a valid computation of a TM

C = 4132011001141011312110011…
Hugely Expressive
“The initial config is that
for TM M on input I”
“C is an integer encoding
≡  “time t” “a legal TM
a valid comp for TM M
M step is taken”
with input I and output y” “The final config is halting
with y on tape”
An integer C encoding a valid computation of a TM
C = 4132011001141011312110011…
Hugely Expressive
"indexes i1<j1<k1<i2<j2<k2<i3“where
the i digits are 4s,
 “time steps t” ≡ the j digits are 3s,
the k digits are 2s,
and every digit in between is 0 or 1.”
An integer C encoding a valid computation of a TM
C = 4132011001141011312110011…
i j k i j k
1 1 1 2 2 i
2 3
Hugely Expressive
"indexes i1<j1<k1<i2<j2<k2<i3
Cut out from index i to j.
 “time steps t” ≡

a = C/10# digits to kill =

C = 4132011001141011312110011…
1101 j
We want to kill every digit j and after.
4132/101 = 413
4132/102 = 41
4132/103 = 4
Hugely Expressive
"indexes i1<j1<k1<i2<j2<k2<i3
Cut out from index i to j.
 “time steps t” ≡

a = C/10# digits to kill

= 4132011001141011312110011…
1101 j

We want to kill every digit j and after.

4132/101 = 413
4132/102 = 41
4132/103 = 4
Hugely Expressive
"indexes i1<j1<k1<i2<j2<k2<i3
Cut out from index i to j.
 “time steps t” ≡

b = a/10# digits to zero10# digits to zero

= 4132011001141011312110011…
1101 j

Now we want zero the digits we want.

41320/104104 = 4104 = 40000
Hugely Expressive
"indexes i1<j1<k1<i2<j2<k2<i3
Cut out from index i to j.
 “time steps t” ≡

b = a/10# digits to zero10# digits to zero

= 4132011001141011312110011…
i j

Now we want zero the digits we want.

41320/104104 = 4104 = 40000
Hugely Expressive
"indexes i1<j1<k1<i2<j2<k2<i3
Cut out from index i to j.
 “time steps t” ≡ 1101

= 4132011001141011312110011…
i j

The difference between a and b is

a = 4132011001141011312110011…41101 Which is
b = 4132011001141011312110011…40000 what we
a-b = 1101 want.
Hugely Expressive
"indexes i1<j1<k1<i2<j2<k2<i3
“Cut out state, tape,
 “time steps t” ≡ head, digit at head”
“Cut out next state, tape,
head, digit at old head”
An integer C encoding a valid computation of a TM
C = 4132011001141011312110011…
i j k i j k
1 1 1 2 2 i
2 3

statet = 1101 statet+1 = 1010

tapet = 001100110 tapet+1 = 001110110
digit at headt = 0 digit at old headt+1 = 1
Hugely Expressive
“Cell at head, head position,
“a legal TM and state change according
≡ to M’s finite rules”
M step is taken”
" index i, “if cell has no
head then no change to cell”
An integer C encoding a valid computation of a TM
C = 4132011001141011312110011…
statet = 1101 statet+1 = 1101
tapet = 001100110 tapet+1 = 001110110
digit at headt = 0 digit at old headt+1 = 1
Hugely Expressive

• All Computation: There is a Predicate logic sentence

Compute(J,I,y) ≡ “J(I)=y”, for every computer program J,

ie Compute(J,I,y) is true iff J(I) outputs y.

• Halting Problem: There is another Halt(J,I)Similar
≡ “J(I) proof.
which is not itself computable.

That was cool.

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