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Cyberbullying or cyber harassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means.

Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are also known as online bullying. It has become increasingly
common, especially among teenagers, as the digital sphere has expanded and technology has

Cyber-safety is a pervasive and global problem. It is an international phenomenon that is widely

unregulated. Adolescents all over the world are progressively
becoming technologically savvy and digitally trendy, as
communication through use of cell phones and other hand-held
devices such as iPods and Blackberries, and Internet access
using computers, become part of adolescent lifestyle.
This recent globalization and easy access to the
Cyberbullying refer to minors while cyber harassment and cyberstalking for
adults. The three refers to a similar behaviour that use technology as medium to sow
fear and strip the victim of self-worth and dignity. Stalking though, has an offline
component. On Philippine context, media only refer to these as bullying, hopefully,
when a law is passed,
the terms will be standardised.
A cyber victim is defined as a person who cannot easily defend him or herself
from any form of electronic bullying. A cyber perpetrator is defined as a person who
attempts to gain power and dominance over others with any form of electronic
bullying, the term perpetrator rather than bully because he or she “initiates a certain
action or actions in a specific context, whereas labeling an them as a bully gives the
perception that such an individual is a bad or evil person at all times”
➔ Parental supervision: According to an study The effects that cyberbullying can have on young
performed by the Arizona State University, teenagers people, or anyone that is being a victim of
with a low amount of parental supervision were most cyberbullying, are most of the time negative.
likely to engage in cyberbullying.
➔ Drug and alcohol abuse: It increases aggressive 1. Depression
behavior and bullying behavior.
2. Low Self Esteem
➔ Family conflict: Family issues can cause a teenager
to become a cyber bully. 3. Embarrassments
4. Low Grades
Other causes can be: 5. Suicidal

CYBERBULLYING LAW - Under House Bill 5718

A bill has been filed at the House of Representatives defining and penalizing “cyber-bullying,” or the act of
posting rude, offensive or insulting messages against the victim on the Internet. By penalizing acts of cyber-
bullying, people are encouraged to become responsible netizens and make them accountable for their cyber-
actions, Offensive acts include the following:

➔ Repeatedly sending offensive, rude and insulting message;

➔ Distributing derogatory information about the victim;
➔ Posting or sending offensive photos of the victim, whether these are digitally altered or not, or were taken
with or without consent, with the intention to humiliate and embarrass the victim
➔ Breaking into an email, social networking or any electronic account and using the victim’s virtual identity to
send, upload or distribute embarrassing materials to or about others;
➔ Sharing the victim’s personal information or any embarrassing information, or tricking the victim into
revealing personal or embarrassing information and sharing it to others; and
➔ Repeatedly sending messages that include threats of harm or engaging in online activities that cause fear on
the victim’s safety.
Under House Bill 5718, or the proposed “Anti Cyber-Bullying Act of 2015,” cyber-
bullies shall face a penalty of fines ranging from P50,000 to P100,000, or imprisonment
between six months and six years, or both, at the discretion of the court.

The Republic Act No. 10627 or also known as the Anti Bullying Act of 2013 addresses
this concern among parents, teachers and even students who are considered victims of
bullying. The anti-bullying act ensures that these cases will no longer fall on deaf ears.
● Never reply to anything that has been said or react back to it. Saying something rude or posting offensive
pictures in revenge may even worsen the situation and get you in trouble.
● Never Give Out Your Password.
Even your best friends should not have your password, but your parents should if you’re a teen or younger.
This isn’t because your parents want to invade your privacy. It is because they want to make sure you are
safe. As for the parents: there must be an effort to develop a nurturing relationship that encourages kids and
teens to discuss their concerns.
● Screenshot anything that you think could be Cyber-bullying and keep a record of it on your computer.
● Block and report the assaulting users to a social media platform.
● Talk about it. You may not feel it at the time, but you seriously are not
alone. Talking to someone about bullying helps you seek support, it
documents evidence and will take a huge weight off your shoulders.
● Assess how serious the Cyber-bullying is. If it is some calls from an unknown person, it might be easy just
to report and block that user.
● Report it. If you are facing Cyber-bullying from somebody you go to school or college with, report it to a
teacher. If somebody is threatening you, spreading out your personal information or making you afraid for
yourself, alert the police or any adult that can help you as soon as possible.
● Keep your social media accounts private and do not connect with any unfamiliar person on the social
media. They might have ulterior motives and deceive you about their identity, which can put you and the
people you care about at danger.
● Talk to them. Sometimes, it may be wise to request that a teacher or responsible adult arrange a session of
mediation between the bully and you if you both go to the same
school or college. Mediation may be scary but is often found incredibly
powerful. It is essentially a face-to-face conversation between you and the
bully in a controlled, equal environment.

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