Designing Organizations: Prepared by Humaira Iftikhar

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Designing Organizations

Prepared by Humaira iftikhar


 At the end of this session students will be able to

 Describe the nature of organization in health care setting
 Describe the management theories
 Describe the organization structure and its types
 Describe the organization culture.

 An organization is a collection of people working together under a defined structure to

achieve predetermined outcomes using financial, human,and material resources.

 Two or more people working together to achieve something.

 Shared
Traditional Organizational Theories

 Classical Theory
 Humanistic Theory
 System Theory
 Contingency Theory
 Choas Theory
 Complexity Theory
1.Classical Theory

 The classical approach to Organizations focuses almost on the structure of the formal
 The main premise is efficiency through design.

 One designs an organization by subdividing work, specifying tasks to be done,and only

then fitting people into the plan.
Elements of classical Theory

 Classical Theory is built around four elements:

1. Division and specialization of labor
2. Organizational structure
3. Chain of commands
4. Span of control
Division and specialization of labor

 Dividing the work reduces the number of tasks, increase efficiency & improve the Organization’s
 Economically beneficial.

Organizational structure
Organizational structure describe the arrangement of the work group.
 It can be formal or informal
 May be centralized or decentralized
 Varies from simple to complex
Chain of command

The chain of command is the hierarchy of authority and responsibility within the
 Athourity:
 The right or power of supervisor to direct activity.

 Responsibility:
 The obligation to attain objectives or perform certain objectives.

 Types of authority are:

 Line Authority
The relationship among the chief nurse executive,nurse manager,and staff nurse.
 Staff authority
Advisory or support
The relationship between acute care nurse practitioner and nurse manager.
Span of control

 Reffers to number of staff under one manager.

 Tall Organizational structure:

Authority is centralized with many small groups.(complex organization)

 Flat Organizational structure:

Authority is decentralized,with several managers supervising large work groups.(Less complex
2.Humanistic Theory

An approach identified with human relations movement.

Amajor assumption of this theory is that
 People desire social relationships
 Respond to group pressures
 Search for personal fulfillment
This theory was developed as a result of a series of studies conducted by the Western Electric
Company as its Hawthorne Plant in Chicago.
Hawthorne Effect: The tendency for people to perform as expected because of special
3.System Theory

This Theory view productivity as a function of the interaction among;

 Structre
 People
 Technology
 Environment
System can be closed or open.

 Closed systems are self-contained

 An open system interacts both internally and
with its environment
4.Contingency Theory

 This Theory suggest that Organizational performance can be enhanced by matching an

organization’s structure to its environment.

 The environment of healthcare Organization include patients,third party payers and

suppliers of physical facilities, personnel, equipment and pharmaceuticals.
5.Chaos Theory

 Chaos theory suggest that drive to create permanent Organizational structure doomed to fail.

 The Organizational structure should be based on creative and flexible format that can be quickly
adjusted and changed as the Organization’s realities shift.
Organizations are living, self-organizing systems that are complex and self-adaptive

 The life cycle of an organization is fully dependent on its adaptability and response to changes in its
6.Complexity Theory

 Complexity theory originated when scientist noted that random events interfered with

 Patient’s condition change in instant; necessary staff are not available; equipment fails,all
without warning.

 Managing in such circumstances requires considering every aspect of the system as it

interacts and adapts to change.

Various Organizational structure have been utilized over time;

 Functional structure
 Hybrid structure
 Matrix structure
 Parallel structure
1.Functional Structure

In functional Structure employees are grouped in departments by speciality,

 Similar task being performed by the same group
 Similar groups operating out of the same department,
 Similar departments reporting to the same manager.

 Weaknesses;
Functional Structure have several weaknesses;
 Coordination across functions is poor

 Decision making in centralized so overloaded senior manager

 Respond to external environment are slow.

Functional units are uncommon in today’s rapidly changing healthcare environment.

2.Hybrid Structure

When an organization grows ,it topically organizes both self-contained units and functional
units; the result is a hybrid Organization.
It provide simultaneous:
 Coordination within product divisions,
 Can improve association between Corporate and service or product goals,
 Foster adaptation to the environment while still maintaining efficiency.

Conflict between top administration and managers.
3.Matrix Structure

 Matrix Structure is unique and complex; it integrates both product and functional
Structures into one overlapping Structure.
 Different manager are responsible for function and product.
 Matrix is appropriate in a highly uncertain environment that changes frequently.
 Dual authority is frustrating and confusing .
 Excellent interpersonal skills are required from the managers .
 A matrix Organization is time consuming due to frequent meetings.
4.Parallel Structure

 It is the result of complex relationship that exist between the formal authority of the
health care Organization and the authorityof its medical staff.




Service_line Structure

 Also called product line or service_integrated Structure.

 More common today .
 Clinical services are organized around patients with specific conditions.
 Respond repidly to the unit’s imidiate needs.

 Potential for repid change in a changing environment.
 Client setisfection is high .
 Coordination across function occurs easily (nursing, dietary,formacy)
 Service goals receive priority.
 DupLication of resources (such ads for new positions)
 Coordination across service categories is difficult (oncology, cardiology and the burn unit)
Shared gvernance

 Is a process for empowering nurses in the practice setting.

 Nursing practice is best determined by nurses.
 Participative decision making is the Hallmark f shared governance.
Ownership of health care Organizations

Healthcare organization differ in ownership,it can be

 Private or government,
 Voluntary (not for profit) or investor owned (for profit)
 Sectarian or non sectarian.
Healthcare settings

Organizations are further divided by settings in which they deliver care.These include;
 Primary care
 Acute care
 Home health care
 Long term care
Complex healthcare arrangements

 Health care Networks

 Interorganizational Relationship
 Diversification
 Managed Healthcare Organizations
 Accountable care organizations
1.Integrated health care Networks

Emerged as organizations struggled to find ways to survive in today’s cost-conscious

environment.Integrated system encompasses a variety of model Organizational Structures,but
certain characteristics are common.Network systems
 Deliver a continuum of care;
 Provide geographic coverage for the Byers of health care services
 Fixed payment for providing health care to all employees of one company.
2.Interorganizational Relationship

 Horizontal integration;
Arrangements between or among organizations that provide the same or similar services.

 Vertical integration;
An arrangement between or among dissimilar but related organizations.

Diversification is the expansion of an organization into new areas.Two types of diversification

are common;
Concentric diversification;
Broadening the types of services currently has available.e.g.achildren’s hospital might open a
day care center.
Conglomerate diversification;
Expansion into new areas that differ from the original product or service.e.g.long term care
facility might purchase a company of medical equipments.
4.Managed Healthcare Organizations

Managed Healthcare system is a system in which a group of providers is responsible for

delivering services through an organized arrangement whith a group of individuals (for
example,all employees of one company)
Diffrent types of managed care organizations exist:
 Health maintenance organization (HMOs)
 Preferred provider Organizations (PPOs)
 Point of service (POS)
Health maintenance Organizations

 HMO provides an agreed-on pakage of health maintenance and treatment services

provided to enrollees at a fixed monthly fee per enrollee,called capitation.patients are
required to choose providers within the network

Preferred provider Organizations

 Managed care Organizations contracts with independent practitioners to provide
enrollees with established discount rates.significant co-payments are required for
obtaining services from a non participating provider.
(A co-payments or copay is a fixed payment for a coverd service)
Point of service (POS)

 POS consider to be an HMO_PPO hybrid.Enrollees may use the network of managed care
providers to go out side the network as they wish.(additional cost in co-payments)
5.Accountable care organization

 Consists of a group of health care provider that provide care to a specified group of
 More flexible than a HMO because consumers are free to choose providers from outside
the network.
Organizational Environment and Culture

 Organizational environment and Organizational culture both describe internal conditions

in the work settings
Characteristics of a healthy work environment that the organization continue to promote are;
 Skilled communication
 True collaboration
 Effective decision making
 Appropriate staffing
 Meaningful recognition
 Authentic leadership..

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