Graphical Method

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Graphical Method

Problem 1: solve the following LPP using

Graphical Method

Maximize Z = 40 X1 + 50 X2

Subject to : X1 + 2 X2 < 40
4 X1 + 3 X2 < 120

X1, X2 > 0
Graphical Method - Solution
Step1 : Convert inequalities into equations

X1 + 2X2 = 40 (1)
4X1 + 3X2 = 120 (2)
Graphical Method
Step 2: Find the value for the variable of X1 and X2 for both the equations.

X1 + 2X2 = 40

Put X1=0 in equation (1)

X1 + 2X2 = 40
0 + 2X2 = 40
2X2 = 40
X2 = 40/2
X2 = 20. (X1, X2 ) (0,20)

Put X2 = 0 in equation (1)

X1 + 2X2 = 40
X1 + 2*0 =40
X1=40 (X1, X2 ) (40,0)
Graphical Method
4X1 + 3X2 = 120 (2)

Put X1=0 in equation (2)

4X1 + 3X2 = 120
4*0 + 3X2 = 120
3X2 = 120
X2 = 120/3
X2 = 40. (X1, X2 ) (0,40)

Put X2 = 0 in equation (2)

4X1 + 3X2 = 120
4X1 + 3*0 = 120
X1 = 30 (X1, X2 ) (30,0)
Graphical Method
Step 3: Plot the graph. Point is to be based on the X1 and
X2 values

Equation 1: X1 0 40
X2 20 0

Equation 2: X1 0 30
X2 40 0

Shade the feasible region.

<  Below the line and >  Above the line
A =(0,20)
B  intersects the equations (1) and (2)
C = (30,0)
D = (0,0)
Graphical Method
Step 6: Solve the (1) & (2)equations to get the B corner
point value
X1 + 2X2 = 40 (1)
4X1 + 3X2 = 120 (2)

Eq (1)multiply by 4
4X1 + 8X2 = 160 (3)
4X1 + 3X2 = 120 (2)
(3)-(2) 5X2 = 40

5X2 = 40
X2 = 8
Graphical Method

5X2 = 40
X2 = 8

If X2 = 8 in (3)
4X1 + 8X2 = 160
4X1 + 8(8) = 160
4X1 = 160 – 64
4X1 = 96
X1 = 24

B= (24, 8)
Graphical Method
Step 8: Substitute the value of X1 and X2 into the
objective function and find the optimal solution.
The optimal solution is:
Coordinates (X1, X2) Maximize Z = 40 X1 + 50 X2 Maximum Z
A (0, 20) 40(0) + 50(20) 1000
B (24, 8) 40(24) + 50(8) 1360
C (30,0) 40(30) + 50(0) 1200
D(0,0) 40(0) + 50(0) 0

The maximum value of Z occurs at(24,8)

Hence the optimum solution is
X1 = 24
X2 = 8
Max Z = 1360
Graphical Method
Problem 1: solve the following LPP using
Graphical Method

Maximize Z = 10 X1 + 6 X2

Subject to the Constraints:

5X1 + 3 X2 < 30
X1 + 2X2 < 18

X1, X2 > 0

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