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A Global Laboratory Informatics Company

Making Labs Digital

Product Overview
Logilab Designed for Integrity & Compliance
Our solutions are Designed to meet global regulatory compliance & Data Integrity
Logilab ELN Introduction
A Mature & Proven ELN

Project/ Test/ Task Database Backend

Test /Experiment/Task execution Stores data in a central SQL-Server
Researcher study recording database
Inventory usage

Instrument Interface Integration (LIMS/ERP)

Capture any instrument Integrates with LIMS &
data into ELN from SDMS other systems
Logilab Functional capabilities
Mature & Proven ELN

Web Architecture Database Backend

Logilab ELN is a web based application. Data is stored securely in a secured server
Runs on browser database. There is non need to maintain files

Template based data capture Structured & Unstructured Data

Has built-in template creation tools for ELN has both structured data storage using
data capture in a use friendly manner the spreadsheet & and unstructured
document based data capture and storage

Instrument Data Capture Integrates with any LIMS/ERP/Database

Data from instruments can be captured via Logilab has been designed to integrated with
SDMS external systems like LIMS/ERP or any

Logilab ELN Data Flow

Login Capture Review Approve PUSH

ELN Functional Highlights
Making Labs Paperless

Sample Management Excel Management

Task Management LIMS Integration

Labsheet Templates Project & Workflow

Data Identifiers for

Instrument Integration
& reporting
Template Evaluation Document editor based
& Validation reporting

Metalink® Android App

Labsheet Data
Powerful Dashboard
Knowledge is Power

• Dashboard for quick overview

• Role based dashboards
• Configurable dashboard
• Download as report
• Link to records
• Alerts
ELN Configuration
An End-User configurable ELN

01 02 03 04

Login Sheet/Form/ Template Test


Validate Release Refine Use

05 06 07 08
ELN Configuration
An End-User configurable ELN

Administrator Effort
• Setup Labsheets
• Use Instrument data fields from SDMS
• Use general & other data fields within sheet
• Setup sheet and Test relationship
• Map sheet fields with LIMS Test/Parameters

Lab Sheet, LIMS

Parsed &
Login Form, Design
General fields Mapping
ELN Labsheet Configuration
A User configurable ELN

Tool bar

General & Instrument

parsed fields
ELN Data Capture
End-User Interaction

Lab User Day-to-Day Activity

• LIMS order sync
• ELN task ordering
• Researcher task ordering
• Open Task sheets based on Order ID & Test / Task
• Capture data in sheets (Manual entry & Instrument data)
• Send results to LIMS

Log Sample Open Sheets Capture Data Send to LIMS

Test/Task Ordering
End-User Interaction

LIMS Orders

ELN Orders

Excel Orders
Test Task

ELN Data Capture

 Enter Data any time

 Formula auto calculated
 Instrument data auto populated
 Signature Fields
 Data is Date/time stamped
 Multiple-users can work on
 Data collected is versioned (data
 Mark activity completion
 Send results to LIMS any time
Captured Data
End-User Interaction

Instrument Data Manual Data Entry Calculations Performed

LIMS Mapping
One time configuration

Bookmarking cells in sheet for parameter mapping Mapping sheet cells and LIMS Test Parameters
ELN Data Capture
Simple document editor

 Document type data input

 Insert instrument fields
 Insert tables
 Insert Images
 Insert Charts
 Insert tag fields automatically
 Store documents in a meaningful
User Access, Roles & Rights
Access Controls for better compliance

• User authentication
• Logilab ELN built-in
• Windows ADS
• User Groups
• User rights
• Retire/Activate users
• Import ADS users
• Password Policy
21 CFR Part 11 ready Audit Trail

• 100% audit trail

• User Login/Logoff
• Template
• Versioning of templates
• Data Capture
• Who captured, When
• Versioning of data
• Audi Trail Review
• Export of audit trail
Cross Link
Future proof data management

• Create cross links from

one sheet to another
• Open cross linked
sheet from any sheet

Link from Laboratory Map Sheet

Opens “Daily Lab Inspection” Sheet

Data Analytics & Report Creation
Future proof data management

Design time
• Create data link inside any
• Data link fields can be mapped
to any other sheet

Run time
• Click on data link cells
• Select sheet/orders to be opened
• Select cell/area to copy
• See that data is copied to data
link cells
ELN Reporting – via Document Editor
Office like document editor

 Create MS- Office Documents

 Browser based editing (protect IP
and data integrity)
 Collaborative working on same
document by multiple users
 Automated insertion of data from
ELN sheets
 Protection of non-editable text
 Secure server storage
 Authorised user can download as
office documents
 Integration with email
Logilab SDMS-ELN-LIMS Seamless Integration
Logilab SDMS-ELN- LIMS Integration Data Flow Architecture

Raw File Data SDMS Explorer Serial Data

Tablet UI
RA, Sample, Test ID Middleware
No Serial &
Device Y/N?
Instrument Data
Instrument sends data Integration

Parsing Engine

Instrument Data Parsed Data

Orders (Batch ID, Test, Parameter)
Orders Generated by LIMS

FTP File Orders/Results Results &
Server SQL Database SQL Database Integration

File Results mapped to orders Result for orders

SDMS Explorer
User Interface
Web User Interface
WYSIWYG Template
Thank You

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