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Member of Grup 3 :

1. Alfira Adinda Putri

2. A. Tenri Uleng
3. Astrid Puspa Kusuma A.
4. Fakhira Dala Uleng
5. Muh. Ammar Fauzan
6. Widyah Puspa Sari
Teens Should or Shouldn’t
be Allowed to Dating in SHS
Dating is a relationship between 2 humans who has been
falling in love each other. As you see, dating has become
a trend among young people, especially high school
students because in this  age a person started to have an
interest in the opposite sex. Perhaps this phenomenon as
a result of the influence of the  stories romance, novels,
films and song lyrics. Giving the impression that life in
adolescence had to be sprinkled with flowers romance,
romance stories, there should be a fixed pair as a place to
exchange stories and share a sense. Even for some
people, life does not mean it will feel without dating.
Some student’s agree with dating in high
school. They said that the benefits with a dating that
we will get the motivation from her/his
boyfriend/girlfriend so we can make more in the spirit
of learning, we will be more discipline in school. And
of course that we are not punished by teacher,
because if we lazy, we will be punished and surely
embarrassed with our gf/bf. We become more neat
and clean because we always want to look
beautiful  in front of him/her. We will be more quiet
and does not talk much because he's embarrassed
when we see a lot of talk.
And we want to always look well in front of
him so that sometimes we usually to be a good
person. There is  not a few people who are gaining
success and it turns out that he gained success
can not be separated from the support and
motivation given by her/his gf/bf. Beside that,
Young people who date are able to acquire more
relationship experience. Through hanging out with
their significant others and enduring breakups,
they become better communicators. They learn to
compromise with other people and do what’s best
for both parties.
High school dating gives an individual firsthand
experience, which can prevent him or her from
receiving unfair treatment in the future.
On the other hand, there are some student’s disagree
with dating. They said that dating may affect the behavior and
mindset of a person. Additionally dating can actually make us
lazy to learn because only waste of time for dating as a
phoning or texting with a boyfriend. And if your boyfriend is
close to other people, we usually feel jealous. So that we
become lazy to eat, lazy to learn, and lazy to go to  school.
Dating also make us  not having  many friends because of
reasons of jealousy. Dating  is often termed “have” so for a
high school student whose mind is not yet mature, the word
“have” is often misinterpreted, “have” in the sense that high
school kids can sometimes lead to promiscuity and sexual
activity outside of marriage because they think it is going
kisses, hugs , then there was promiscuity, even high school
kids sometimes think that if you do not kiss or hug it has not
been called dating.
Kisses and hugs, this is happening because of youthful
promiscuity easily aroused by things that are sometimes
called “romantic” , most teenagers can not control the passion
and emotion and just think of happiness or pleasure for a
moment until eventually regret, in this case most to be
disadvantaged is women, if it occurs premarital sex
and  women get pregnant, many  men do not want to be
responsible, then there might have been  abortion or even
suicide, and if the men want to marry, if may just in a short
time, then it might happen a divorce because they mentally
are not ready to get married, so dating give continuous
negative effect, although the court does not always end up
with things like that. And also dating can make someone don't
care anymore about their friends, people often call it by "the
world is just for us, you and me"
Beside that, The teens have the false belief that they’ll
get most happiness if they’ll be able to marry his/her
girlfriend/boyfriend. But the fact is that they’re just
trapped in a vicious circle. A girl commits suicide just
because she couldn’t marry the guy she wanted, while
that guy for sure will fall in love with another girl again.
So, sacrificing a beautiful life just for a romantic
relationship is a blunder. Instead, they should focus on
their career, how they can perform their best in
everything they do.
“I’m not against true love. However, being in a
romantic relationship at such a young age is not
rational.” -Dipti Gyawali, Basundhara
So, we should prefer the student achievement
than dating, whether we have not the boyfriend or
not, it doesn’t  a  matter , because if we have
accomplished and gain success , rest assured that
we do not bother to look for a girlfriend because
eventually the people themselves who will come to
us . So in conclusion , whether or not courting it
depends on each of us personally , if the dating  was
able to make us lazy and lear and more
disadvantages than benefits and to avoid things that
are not desirable then we should not be going out
first until the time comes we really ready to live well,
so it does not happen the things we do not want.
But if we assume that the dating we can be
better and can motivate us to make us more
enthusiasm in learning and we can control what
we should do and what we should not do ,
then  dating is fine , but still within reasonable
limits And one thing we should always remember
is “ Do not be excessively  loving boyfriend ,
exceeding your love to God and your parents”.

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