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Fruits in Qur’an

and Its Tradisional


Kelompok 3 :
 Alifiah Alfaniah Alfattah Putri
Chalifatul Ashilah
Diva Almira Cahyarani
ranked 71st out of 113 countries by The Economist
in 2016 - may be the result of mistakes in the
composition of our staple food ingredients.
So far, we've concentrated too much on serelia
staples like imported rice and wheat, followed by a
few varieties of tubers like cassava and a small
flour extract like sago.


Despite the fact that these fruits are the most
frequently listed in the Qur’an for human food in
the world and in heaven, it is not currently
considered a staple food ingredient.
There are more than 60 verses in the Quran that
discuss these fruits from all sides.

While less than ten verses related to whole grains

consisting of serelia and nuts.
The existence of about 60 verses that discuss these fruits, it is very,
very affirming that in fact our main food ingredients should be
predominantly from fruits, while others complement it - not the other
way around.
Fruits that is called in in Al-Qur'an
1. Qurma (Maryam 25)
2. Grape (Al-Isra'91)
3. Olive (At-Tin 1)
4. Pomegranate (Al-An'am 99)
5. Banana (Al-Waqi'ah 29)
6. Tin (At-Atin 1)

Surah in the Qur’an that uses the word fruit: At-Tin.

One of the fruits
m e n ti o n e d i n t h e Q u r ' a n

"And with it We shall grow for you

gardens of date-palms and vines,
and we will bring forth there with you
gardens of date-palms and vines,
and we shall bring forth there with
you gardens of date-palms and
vines, and There you shall have
abundant fruit, and of them you will
eat." Q.S Al-Mu'minun: 118


Wine is an alcoholic beverage that made from fermentation of fresh

Sir John Malcolm mentioned that grape cultivation flourished in the
Persian empire during the reign of king Jemsheed who invented wine as
a drink by chance.
Wine is a drink produced from fermented fresh grapes. Yeast and sugar
contained in the grapes will produce alcohol and CO2 if the process of
fermented in the open room, then CO2 will immediately evaporate in the
air while alcohol is in the liquid.
Nowadays many countries produce wine, but not all wines were
produced equal with products from France, America, Italy and
Germany, which is a very pleasant wine to drink that has been
recognized and awarded and deserves to be served in the official
Wine can be distinguished into six groups, namely Red Wine,
White Wine, Rose Wine, Sparkling Wine, Sweet Wine, and Fortified
Name and function of Microorganism in Wine

Microorganisms that often play a role in the fermentation of grapes are

from the khamir group of the genus Saccharomyces, Candida, and
Hansenula pichia. The genus Saccharomyces that can be used in
manufacture of wine include Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Saccharomyces
ovifformes, and Saccharomyces fermentati.
Sacharomyces cerevisiae var.ellipsoideus is a strain that can produce
high amounts of alcohol, so it is used in the industry of making
alcohol or wine (Fardiaz, 1989).
This variety is also able to ferment several kinds of sugars including
sucrose, glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose, maltose and
maltotriose (Fardiaz, 1989). Fermentation of ethanol by
Saccharomyces cerevisiae can be done at pH 4–5 with a temperature
of 27–35 0C, this process can occur 35-60 hours.
Factors that affect fermentation of Wine
•• A
  yeast cell species
Based on type of carbohydrates used as a medium
• A yeast cell number
Optimum: 2-5 x cells per ml
• Degree of acidity(pH)
Optimum: 4.5-5.5
• Temperature
Optimum: 25-35
• Oxygen
Optimum: 0,05-0,10 mmHg
The Process of Making "Wine"
• According
 grape juicetotogether
Anonymous (2008) wine fermentation is a process in which
with other ingredients is changed by biochemical
reactions by yeast and produces wine. The ingredients for the
fermentation process are sugar plus yeast which will produce alcohol and
CO2. CO2 will be released from the wine mixture into the air and the
alcohol will remain in the fermenter. If all the fruit sugar has been
converted into alcohol or alcohol has reached about 15%, usually the
fermentation has been completed or stopped. This fermentation reaction
is carried out by yeast, and is used in food production. As shown in the
equation below
C6H12O6 + yeast 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 2ATP
Alcohol produced in the presence of oxygen will undergo further
fermentation by acid-forming bacteria, for example Acetobacter aceti, to
become acetic acid, with the following reaction equation.
Manufacture of Wine Step

Rod removal (Destemming)

Fruit Crushing
 Packaging)
Chemical, Physical and Organoleptic Changes

Based on organoleptic observations of wine there are red and

white, distinctive aromas of wine rather and liquid, and has a
distinctive sour taste of wine because of the result of fermentation of
fresh wine or fresh fruit by microorganisms namely khamir.
Damage to Wine
According to Handoyo (2007), Organoleptic damage to wine can be detected
from color, taste, and smell. The cause of the damage was due to poor
manufacturing, storage, and misrepresentation.
Some other aroma characters that can be used as indicators of wine damage are:
Smell of rotten vegetables
Smell of sulfur
The smell of rotten apples
Smell of rotten eggs
Musty smell
Microbiological damage to wine can be caused by Lactic Acid Bacteria (BAL)
of leuconostoc, pediococcus, and Lactobacillus species.  This type of bacteria
can metabolize sugars, acids, and other elements that are contained in the can
produce some compounds that cause decay. 
That’s all and Thank you
very much for your
Pertanyaan dari Sandy Randan (kelompok 6)
Pertanyaan saya Apakah hanya hasil fermentasi anggur saja yang dapat dijadikan
wine? menurut kalian adakah kemungkinan untuk membuat wine yang tidak
mengandung alkohol? Jika ada bisa berikan penjelasan/pendapat anda bagaimana

Dari defenisi wine, wine adalah minuman beralkohol yang dihasilkan dari fermentasi buah
anggur yang dituang ke dalam tong kayu oak dan diberi ragi biasa disebut yeast) untuk
mendapatkan kadar alkohol yang diinginkan. Komponen wine terdiri dari daging buah anggur,
kulit buah anggur, biji anggur, dan batang anggur. Jadi hanya buah anggur yang dapat dijadikan
Wine tanpa alkohol ada, dengan merk Espora dan diklaim halal dan bersertifikat halal. Menurut
pemasarnya, wine Espora dibuat melalui proses fermantasi yang sama seperti proses
pembuatan wine pada umumnya. Namun, yang membuat Espora ini berbeda dan tidak
mengandung alkohol, yaitu waktu yang diperlukan dalam melakukan fermentasi. Karena
semakin lama di fermentasi, semakin banyak alkohol yang terkandung pada wine. Jadi yang
disaring hanya sari buah yang ada pada anggur.Wine jenis ini memungkinkan dinikmati
vegetarian dan orang sensitif terhadap alkohol. Selain itu, wine non alkohol ini rendah gula.
Sebab, anggur sebagai bahan baku wine dipetik saat masih muda. Makin matang anggur, kadar
gulanya makin banyak.Secara tekstur, wine non alkohol memang tidak sepekat wine pada
umumnya. Teksturnya sangat ringan dengan aroma yang tidak menyengat.
Pertanyaan dari Nurul Inayah (kelompok 4)

Sejauh yang saya tahu, ada banyak anggur yang berbeda panjang penyimpanan
yang berbeda, semakin lama disimpan maka rasanya semakin baik, mengapa
demikian? apa isinya dan bagaimana hal itu dapat mengubah rasa anggur.

Tentu saja dengan teknik penyimpanan yang baik dimana dilakukan pengendalian
suhu, kelembapan, dan kondisi-kondisi lainnya selama penyimpanan. Penyimpanan
ini umum disebut sebagai cellaring (Cellaraiders, 2018). Tidak lupa kualitas awal
anggur yang digunakan sebagai bahan baku juga harus yang terbaik. Produk-produk
wine seperti ini disebut sebagai fine wine. Fine wine atau bahasa sederhananya
"wine mahal" ini dibuat dari anggur merah dengan kadar tannin, keasaman, dan
kadar gula tinggi. Wine dari anggur jenis ini akan terfermentasi perlahan sekali pada
kondisi penyimpanan yang terkontrol dan membentuk rasa, tekstur dan aroma terbaik
bahkan setelah bertahun-tahun/ puluhan tahun. 
Kadar tannin tinggi berfungsi sebagai antioksidan dan memberi tekstur lembut dan
bulat pada produk wine seiring waktu. Keasaman tinggi akan berkurang perlahan.
Jadi, jika di awal kadar keasaman tidak terlalu tinggi maka penyimpanan yang lama
justru berakhir dengan rasa wine yang hambar/ flat.

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