Brightstorm by Vashti Hardy - A Book Based Unit Ages 9-11 - Teaching Resources

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Lontown Glossary

Create a glossary containing words and phrases that

help to authenticate the alternative town of Lontown.

Word/Phrase Definition

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With its small single-hulled capsule, the Serenity is
the perfect airship for short-haul travel within the
First Continent. An inverted teardrop shaped
montgolfier with simple but elegant decoration
allows effortless gliding across the sky. The ship is
powered by a standard single engine, connected to a
pair of high-mounted quadrablade fans which sit
above the gold-embossed white hull. Beneath the
blades there is a midmount fan to provide essential
lift to the balloon. Inside the cramped hull is space
for a limited amount of personal cargo and sleeping
quarters for a reduced crew.
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Brightstorm Res 1c
How big is the ship?

What shape is Montgolfier (balloon) like?

How many propellers are there?

What is the hull made of?

What type of fan is there?

Where might the ship fly?

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Brightstorm res 1d
Children’s Perspective Public Perspective
What was Racing to be the first person Trying to win money at whatever
Ernest to get to South Polaris to cost.
Brightstorm expand people’s knowledge
doing on his about the world.

Was Ernest Ernest Brightstorm is a good He is not a good parent as a

Brightstorm a father because he is missed sensible father would have sent
good father? by the children and he has them to boarding school. He has
educated them well, letting let them live in books and
them live in books and use protected them too much from
tools. He had insured the trip the real world. He allowed the
so they’d be looked after. He children to have a scruffy
had arranged for Mistress appearance and “run wild”. He
Poacher to care for him. didn’t follow the rules so left the
children penniless with nowhere
to live.

Was Ernest Yes, he was meticulous at No, he was foolish enough to run
Brightstorm a calculating. out of pitch.
good explorer?
Was Ernest Yes, because bloodlines are No, he is a new explorer and they
Brightstorm not important. He has don’t hold the same values as old
trustworthy? worked hard to be an bloodlines.
explorer against the odds. He stole from another crew and
He is honest and wouldn’t tricked people. He was no better
steal from anybody. than a thief from the poor areas.

How did Ernest They don’t believe he could He and his crew had landed his
Brightstorm have perished as he was too ship and were attacked by wild
perish? well prepared. beasts.
Did Ernest No, he was a good father. He Yes, because he broke the code
Brightstorm had planned everything and stole from another explorer.
deserve to die? meticulously. He was an He was a new family who didn’t
honest person. respect the old ways. They had
already judged him.

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Brightstorm res 2a
An unfortunate event Last night, in York, Mrs
occurred during the Smith found herself knee
changing of the guard this deep in water in her front
morning. A uninvited room when she should
spectator, Humpty- have been sleeping. Once
Dumpty, fell from an again, flood defences in
unusually high position the area have failed.
and was damaged beyond

This week, the worst storm for a decade hit the UK and
caused widespread chaos to road and rail, killed two and
left thousands homeless. Many are asking if Britain is
paying the price of global warming.

Food parcels have been

deployed over the Disaster was narrowly
weekend, to assist avoided this week after
residents of Narnia two brave children
who have been caught escaped from a wicked
up in unexpected witch by shoving her
unseasonal snow. into an oven.

Tragedy struck on Tuesday morning when a married

couple, Mr and Mrs Trotter, were attacked and gobbled
up by an enormous rhinoceros who had escaped from
London Zoo.

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Brightstorm res 2b
Death In The Frozen South
What Really Happened?





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Death In The Frozen South
What Really Happened?
  New-Family explorer Ernest Brightstorm, who was
Who racing to be the first to reach South Polaris. 

  Just after the Last Post in the second continent, in a
Where great frozen forest in the Third Continent.

  Towards the end of the race when the competitors
When were running low on supplies. After a suspect robbery
from competitor Vane.

  Ernest Brightstorm’s ship, Violetta, was found
What abandoned in the frozen forest. Blood stains makes it
appear that the crew had been attacked by great

  He was unprepared and did not follow the explorer’s
Why code, so had to steal and land in dangerous terrain. 

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Brightstorm res 2d
Mean Queen
UnBEElievable – swarms attack!

Big Black Bear Bit

Cat’s all, folks!

Truck by lightning!
Hot POP-erty!
Witch costume will you choose?

Boy Stuck In Well

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Brightstorm resource 2e
Journalist Prompt Cards

Name: Link to story:

Name: Link to story:

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Brightstorm res 3a


Brightstorm Resource3b
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“Serves ‘im right’s what I ses!” the
large woman sniffed, contemptuously.

A concerned member of the public

told us she felt he deserved it.

Captain Vane, age 25, who found the

abandoned ship reported that, “The
crew had seemingly vanished.”

“In the middle of the frozen forest,” the

enigmatic captain shuddered, “we
spied in front of us the spine-chilling
sight of a deserted and abandoned

A spokesperson from the Geographical

Society informed us that investigations
will continue.

“Investigations into the disappearance

will continue,” a spokesperson of the
Geographical Society informed us.
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Brightstorm res 4a

said informed

cackled bellowed

whispered told


giggled stammered

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We found Violetta abandoned
in the frozen wasteland. It was
completely empty—the crew
had disappeared.

Using the correct punctuation,

Explorer how many ways can you write this
Eudora Vane, speech?
aged 36.

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Brightstorm Res 4c
Compare the similarities and differences in these
two pieces of speech:

“The crew had disappeared,” Vane told us.

Vane told us crew had disappeared.

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Brightstorm Res 4d
Lontown Chronicle
Death in the Frozen South—What Really Happened?

Loads of people went to listen

to a hearing today about what
happened to Ernest
Brightstorm and got a massive
shock because he’d been really
bad and done nasty things realise how horrible he’d been
before he died. until after I’d got up and gone
He was on a big exciting trip and found he’d taken all of our
going to a place called the Third Pitch.” Another bloke who
Continent where nobody’s been Brightstorm’s
worked airship, airship
on Eudora’s Violetta
before. Loads of people are found out that someone had
talking about it and there was a drilled a hole in the side of the
guy who works at the Society airship and taken out all of the
that was saying that he thinks fuel! Everyone thinks
that they’re going to have to Brightstorm must have done it!
stop doing things like this When they got stuff sorted and
because of what he did. went after him, they saw what
There was a really famous nasty things had happened to
Explorer called Eudora Vane and the horrible man. Wild animals
she told everyone that had attacked them and Vane
Brightstorm had been really bad says she thinks they must have
and he’d stolen all of her Pitch died.
when she was just about to go
on the last bit of the race. "I was
just waking up when I heard the
loud rumble of his engines as he
left really early in the morning
before I had even woken up
properly,” Vane said “But I

The Literacy Shed © 2017 Brightstorm Res 5a

Lontown Chronicle
Death in the Frozen South—What Really Happened?
During a hearing at the
Geographic Society today,
people found out that explorer
Ernest Brightstorm had
committed some terrible
crimes before his awful death. told everybody in the hearing.
“But I didn’t realise how
Brightstorm was going on a horrible he’d
journey into the Third been until after I’d got up and
Brightstorm’s airship, Violetta
Continent to try and find out gone and found he’d taken all
more about the unknown of our Pitch.” It was after
place, as it hasn’t been daybreak that chief engineer of
explored before. A person who the Victorious, Mr Wicketts,
works at the society said to our found out that someone had
reporter that they thought drilled a hole in the side of the
Brightstorm’s behaviour was airship and taken out all of the
terrible, and the Society might fuel. It seemed to everyone
not arrange any more listening to her story that
expeditions that far way. Brightstorm must have stolen
During the hearing today, it.
famous and experienced When they had managed to
explorer Eudora Vane, told the sort out the problems, the
panel about an attack on her captain and crew set off and
ship. Somebody had stolen all found out what terrible things
of the Pitch from her craft the had happened to Brightman
Victorious just as she was and his crew. Wild animals had
about to set off on the last bit attacked them and Vane thinks
of the journey. “I was just they must have died.
waking up when I heard the
loud rumble of his engines as
he left really early in the
morning before I had
even woken up properly,” Vane

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Lontown Chronicle
  Death in the Frozen South—What Really Happened?
The public were left stunned today
following the news that the Lontown
Geographical Society have found that
one of their accredited explorers,
Ernest Brightstorm, was involved in
criminal and unsportsman-like
activities in the lead up to his his engines as he left early in the
previously reported grisly death. morning,” Vane told the esteemed
Brightstorm—a self-made new-blood members of the society, “But I did not
explorer with dubious experience— realise that a crime had been
had been taking part in the much- committed until later that day. It was
publicised expedition into the Third after daybreak that chief
Brightstorm’s engineer
airship, Violetta of
Continent; the expedition had been the Victorious, Mr Wicketts, discovered
intended to uncover what lies to the that all of the ship’s fuel had been
south of the great mountains which extracted from a hole bored into the
mark the southernmost point of zeppelin's hull. The only logical
human exploration. However, this conclusion seems to be that the
noble quest to expand our knowledge precious store of Pitch was stolen by
of geography and the very structure of Brightstorm.
this planet has been marred by the It was only after the brave and
unsavoury actions of this maverick resourceful captain and crew had
explorer in the lead up to his death. A battled to overcome this adversity that
Society spokesman told us it is thought they were able to set off and discover
that his actions may also jeopardise the hideous fate of Brightman and his
any future expeditions. crew: they found The Violetta
During the hearing today, evidence abandoned and blood smeared across
was given by eminent and well- the scene, suggesting the scurrilous
renowned explorer Eudora Vane, explorers had been attacked by wild
herself a member of one of the most beasts.
respected explorer families. She gave
evidence of a calculated attack on her
ship, during which all of her precious
Pitch was stolen from her craft the
Victorious on the eve of her final push
to reach South Polaris. “I heard the
rumble of

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Lontown Chronicle

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Brightstorm resource 6a
Orientation Who?



Main body
Time line of main events

What is

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Use evidence from your article to say what we know about
the airship crash.






How is the finding going to affect future trips?

What will happen to Brightstorm’s friends and family next?

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Brightstorm resource 6c
SURPRISES Editing method

Say in head
Rehearse in head to listen to what immediately stands out, which sentences are
you happy with? Unhappy with? Mark anything you think needs to change.

Under breath - mumble

In a muttered voice, begin to FEEL how the piece fits together- are your
sentences varied enough? Are your sentence lengths varied enough? Did you
include short snappy sentences?

Read aloud
Are there unplanned repetitions? Are your tenses accurate? Does it need
anything adding in?

Punctuation power
Look at your use of punctuation, is it accurate? Is it varied enough? Can you show
that you can use punctuation to help clarify meaning?

Read the openers Is there enough variety in your openers? Look at your linking
sentences between paragraphs, are they strong enough? Is there flow? Improve
worrisome words

Improve vocabulary
by checking the quality of your word choices, particularly verbs, adjectives and
adverbs. Can you expand your noun phrases?

Say in head or aloud

Read it through to listen to how it is now sounding? Have you done enough? Has
it improved? What more needs to be done? Could you re-order some sentences
to improve the overall effect?

Emotive and figurative check

Look at your sentence choices, are there similes, metaphors? What about
personification and pathetic fallacy? Have you used powerful verbs and

Share with a friend

Together can you improve your work in any other ways? Does it feel finished?

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I have found the journalistic writing task:




Something I learned in the unit is:

I have been successful at:

I am going to continue to work on:

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Brightstorm resource 8a
Can you find more precise adjectives to
describe the boy’s emotions?

Sad Angry Unhappy Depressed

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n s Hall

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Brightstorm resource 8c
The twin I am considering is:

Significant Event How did they feel? What did they think?





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Brightstorm resource 8d
Compare the thoughts and feelings of Maudie
and Arthur.
Significant Event How did Maudie feel How did Arthur feel
and what did she and what did he
think? think?





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Brightstorm resource 8e
I’m afraid I were led to believe
something erroneous.

I was so wrong.

I was proper off wi’ that.

I was wide of the mark with


I believe I were mistaken.

One misjudged the status quo.

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Brightstorm resource 9a
Dear Diary,
Yesterday I told you that I thought that it’d be impossible
for thing’s to get any worse—I thought we’d reached the
pinnacle of what we could endure; I was so wrong! Today’s
the absolute worst day of my life (ever). It feels like I’ve
been thrown from the highest cliff, only to stand up, brush
myself down and be hit by a charabanc! My world has been
turned upside down: everything familiar has gone, all the
things I cherish have gone, everything of Mum and Dad’s,
all gone. Everything stolen from us without a thought. With
a broken-heart, I have to admit that I’m not sure how—or
even if—me and Maudie are going to get through it. I wish I
were able to turn back time.
A few days ago, I felt my life was all mapped out: Maudie
was destined to graduate from university and become a
world-renowned engineer, I was going to help Dad plan out
the routes of his next daring expedition and we were going
to go on adventures exploring the world, with Dad at helm
and us there with him every step of the way. Before all this
started, we were so happy. I mean, not enthralled to be
spending time with Poacher, but who has everything? Can
you imagine how I felt? When she told us, with that
unsympathetic half-smirk on her stupid face, that he was
gone? “Perished” she called it, like some leftover bit of
food nobody wants. Perished? He’s been ripped away from
us, leaving a dad-shaped hole in the world that no-one,
ever, will be able to fill.

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Diary Writing

Language Feature Example from the text

Adverbials of time,  
place and manner  

vocabulary choices  

Rhetorical questions  

Self-reflection -  
thoughts and  
feelings, emotive
language, 5 senses
Familiar, informal  
language—contractions ,
dialect/ shared jokes

Detailed description  
–Expanded noun phrases,
figurative language:

Subjunctive voice  

Repetition for effect  


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Brightstorm resource 9c
Diary Writing

Language Feature Example from the Effect on the reader

Adverbials of time,  
place and manner  

vocabulary choices  

Rhetorical questions  

thoughts and feelings,  
emotive language, 5 senses

Familiar, informal  
language—contractions ,
dialect/ shared jokes

Detailed description  
Expanded noun phrases,
figurative language:

Subjunctive voice  

Repetition for effect  


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Diary Plan
Language Feature
Important events  

superlatives/ hyperbole

Adverbials of time, place  

and manner  


Rhetorical questions  

Self-reflection: thoughts  
and feelings, emotive  
language, 5 senses
Familiar, informal  
language—contractions ,
colloquialisms/regional dialect/
shared jokes

Detailed description –  
Expanded noun phrases, figurative
/metaphor/pathetic fallacy

Subjunctive voice  

Repetition for effect  


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I am finding the diary writing task:




I feel confident I can:

I can have a go at:

I need some help with:

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What can you:





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Brightstorm resource 8e
What can you:






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Brightstorm resource 8e

During this unit, what have you learned about the similarities
between diary writing and journalism?
Diary Writing Journalism

During this unit, what have you learned about the differences
between diary writing and journalism?
Diary Writing Journalism

Which genre do you prefer?

Diary Writing ` Journalism

Explain why you chose this type of writing.

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Brightstorm Resource 10c

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