The Story of A Talking Parrot or A Golden Heart: Group 6 - 10 Ec

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GROUP 6 – 10 EC
In a small but
peaceful village,
there live an old
logger with his
three sons, who
are like chalk
and cheese.
The oldest son is a
gluttonous one, who is
always as hungry as a

The only thing that

matters to him is
food, therefore he
is as fat as a pig.
  In addition, he is also very lazy. He
often makes his two brothers do all
his work while he stays in bed and
sleeps like a log.
The second son is just as cunning
as a fox, and lazy too.
He always thinks of way to persuade his
father to give him work which is as easy
as pie.
The youngest son is,
however, completely
different from his
two brothers.

He is
hardworking, and
very kind, never
refuses to help
  That is why he is always the one
who gets up early to prepare
breakfast, do all the housework,
feed their dog and help his
father cut wood, which makes
him as busy as a bee.
One winter,
the logger
finds a green
parrot, which
is as pale as
a ghost, in his
The parrot is
seriously injured
and needs help.
He then takes
care of the
parrot, feeds it
everyday in the
hopes that it will
be strong again.
This new member of the family really
catches other members' attention. The
oldest son looks at the parrot and
So one day, when his father has
gone out, he catches the parrot. 
The poor parrot could have
become a delicious meal for the
oldest son if the youngest son had
not been there.
The youngest son knocks at the
door, pretending that his father
has come home.
The oldest son then, as quickly as
a flash, puts the parrot back in
the cage and creeps out of his
father room in order not to be
The parrot is safe this time.
The second son one day looks
at the parrot and thinks:
"Never before have I seen such
a charming bird, it is as
beautiful as nature. If I sell
it, it will bring me a fortune."
He then tries to persuade his
father to give him the parrot.
Shortly after that, winter becomes
colder and colder, people can hardly
go out. Food becomes rare and water
all freezes.
Even though his
father does not
agree to sell the
parrot, the
second son still
wants the money.
He then steals
the bird and goes
to town to meet
the rich collector.
The logger finds out that
the parrot has
disappeared, he is as sick
as a parrot to know that
his second son is
responsible for the
missing, so he asks the
oldest son to go after him
and bring the bird back,
but he refuses to go.
He catches up with his brother and gets the parrot
while his brother is busy talking with the collector.
But on his way home, he looks at the parrot and

 "Now you have recovered, that is

very good. But my father is going to
keep you in this cage forever, oh
parrot, do you want to be like that?
Besides, this place is not as safe as
houses, my two brothers will
constantly want to catch you, you will
always be in danger. Oh no, I don't
want that to happen, parrot, I know
what you want, I will set you free."
He opens the cage and the
parrot flies out into the
sky, as freely as a bird. 
Suddenly, it flies back to him and
speaks in a voice as low as the sea.

Immediately, the ice
disappears, spring comes with
flowers and happiness for
everyone in the small village,
thanks to the golden heart of
the youngest son.

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