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Basics of Hematology cell


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Functions of blood

• Transport through the body of

– oxygen and carbon dioxide

– nutrient molecules (glucose, lipids, amino acids)
– ions (e.g., Na+, Ca2+, HCO3−)
– „wastes” and metabolites (e.g., urea)
– hormones
– Heat

• Defense of the body against infections and other foreign materials. All the
WBCs participate in these defenses.

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Composition of the Blood

• LIQUID Plasma Proteins (7%) Hormones

Nutrients, metabolits, bioactive molecules (<1%)
Free Amino acids
Salts (1%)
Water (91-92%)
Erythrocytes (Red Blood Cells) 4-6 *1012/l
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells) 6-15 *109/l
Thrombocytes (platelets = cell parts) 0,2-0,8 *1012/l

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Noncellular components

• Plasma is the straw-colored liquid in which the blood cells are suspended.
Contains coagulation factors. After coagulation it is called serum.
• Composition of blood plasma
– various ions (Na+, Ca2+, HCO3−, etc.)
– proteins (albumins, globulins)
– glucose and traces of other sugars
– amino acids
– other organic acids
– cholesterol and other lipids
– hormones
– urea and other wastes

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Cellular components of blood 1

• Blood is a liquid tissue. Suspended in the watery Plasma are seven

types of cells and cell fragments. (They can be counted in particle
• Red blood cells (RBCs) or Erythrocytes
• Platelets or thrombocytes (PLT)
• five kinds of white blood cells (WBCs) or Leukocytes
3-part counters: RBC, PLT and
Basophils •neutrophils
Monocytes •lymphocytes,

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Cellular components of blood 2

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Main Cellular Parameters

• All of these parameters strongly depend on properties of

the surrounding medium and varies by species!

• Morphology: can be visualized in smears by different staining

methods (microscopy)

• Cell numbers

• Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) of RBC’s

• Packed cell volume of RBC’s

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Red Blood Cells (RBC)

•RBCs form the majority of the blood cells

•Non nucleated in mammals
•Biconcave shape
•Structures on the cell membrane determine
blood group systems
•Contain hemoglobin
•Hemolysis: rupture of cell membranes
followed by destroying the cells
•Hemolytic agents: detergents, pH, osmotic
pressure, drugs, immunsystem etc.
•Reticulocytes (immature red blood cell
forms) in a very few %

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Function of Hemoglobin

• It causes the red color of blood

• has 4 subunits, contains iron

• Main function: oxygen transport

• MCH: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (pg)

• MCHC: Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration (g/l)

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Hematocrit-HCT or Packed Cell Volume-PCV

• Volume of blood in % occupied by cells.

• It can be measured after separation in a centrifuge, or

calculated after cell counting.

• Shows the degree of anemia.



RBCs 40-50%

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Thrombocytes (= Platelets)

•Thrombocytes play an important role in the

cellular part of the hemostasis (in plug forming)
•Non nucleated cells in mammals
•Contain specific granules

Mammalian thrombocytes Avian thrombocytes


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White Blood Cells (WBC) 1 - Granulocytes

Granulocytes are main portion of WBCs in Neutrophil

humans, dogs, cats and horses

Neutrophils Granules don't stain well with
either acidic or basic dyes, therefore, neutral.
The most frequent granulocyte.

Eosinophils: Granules have an affinity for acid

dyes (acidophilic), therefore, stain well with
eosin. Quite rare.

Basophils: Granules have an affinity for basic

dyes (basophilic), therefore, stain well with
hematoxylin. Very rare.

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White Blood Cells (WBC) 2 - Agranulocytes

•Lymphocytes are the main portion of WBCs •Monocytes are the

in ruminants and pigs. B-lymphocytes, T- biggest blood cells
lymphocytes and Nature Killer Cells belong
to this population.


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Production of blood cells (hemopoiesis)

•Differentiation and
maturation from
proliferating stem
cells occurs in the
bone marrow

•Maturation of
lymphocytes in takes
place in the lymphatic
tissue (lymphnods,
spleen, thymus, etc.)

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• Coagulation occurs following tissue injury.

• Self enhancing and self limiting process in order to achieve localized,

but effective reparation

• Several proteins (coagulation factors),Ca2+ and thrombocytes are

involved in the process

• As a result thrombocyte plugs and fibrin clots are formed

• It can be hindered by anticoagulants (EDTA, Heparin, Hirudin, etc.)

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Anomalies in pathological conditions

• Elevated RBC number: compensatorical change in several diseases (heart

failure, respiratoric insufficiency, etc.)

• Decreased RBC number: anemic state caused by bleeding, hemolysis,

metabolic diseases, hemoglobinopathyes

• Decreased hematocrit: bleeding, hemolysis

• Elevated reticulocyte %: regenerative anemia

• Changes in Hemoglobin concentration, MCV and MCHC: anemia

caused by iron or vitamin deficiency or hemoglobinopathies

• Elevated WBC numbers: inflammation, leukemia

• Decreased WBC numbers: immunosuppressive agents and diseases,

bone marrow disfunction

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