Drawing A Concluding Sentence - 2

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Drawing a Concluding Sentence

1. Paraphrasing the topic sentence:

The concluding sentence repeats the
main idea of the topic sentence in
different words.
2. Summarizing the main points of a
Drawing a Concluding Sentence
My greatest problem in learning English is oral
A. In conclusion, learning to read and write English
is difficult.
B. In conclusion, because I do not speak English
enough, my listening and speaking skills have not
C. In conclusion, everyone should practice speaking
English more.
Drawing a Concluding Sentence
Smoking is unhealthful because it can cause
heart and lung disease; moreover, it is expensive.
A. In brief, buying cigarettes is a bad idea.
B. In conclusion, smoking affects your health,
and it is also a waste of money.
C. Therefore, smoking is a bad habit.
Drawing a Concluding Sentence

In my opinion, college grades are

necessary because they motivate
students to do their homework and
to attend classes regularly.
ÞIn conclusion, college grades are
Þ In conclusion, students should be
graded for their own good.
ÞIn conclusion, college grades are
important because they cause
students to be more serious and to
try harder.
The Concluding Comment
• After the concluding sentence of a
paragraph, you may add a concluding
comment. This sentence is the writer’s
final comment or thought about the
subject of the paragraph. The purpose
of the final comment is to give the
reader something to think about and
to remember about the paragraph.
The Concluding Comment
• With reference to the paragraph
entitled My Roommate Rita, the
concluding comment given by the
writer is If she doesn’t change
some of her ways soon, I am
going to look for another
The following scrambled groups of sentences include a topic sentence, a
concluding sentence, and a concluding comment. Study each group
carefully, and underline the concluding comment sentence in each.

• You can lose weight if you follow these steps.

It will take both time and effort, but the
results will make you happy. Losing weight is
not difficult.
• A working couple should divide home
responsibilities. By sharing the work, they will
have more time for leisure activities. A
husband should be willing to help his wife
with the children, housework, and shopping.
Final Thoughts
If the concluding comment in a paragraph usually
comes after a concluding sentence, the one serving as
the final thoughts of the writer in an essay is the
second part of the concluding paragraph. Here the
writer gives his or her final thoughts on the subject of
the essay. All the ideas in the body of the essay lead
to the writer’s final thoughts in the conclusion.
In conclusion, television provides many hours of good,
free entertainment that the whole family can enjoy.
Þ However, television can also take over our lives if
we do not know when to turn it off. Therefore, we
must not watch television at the expense of other
Þ However, violence on television can have a very
negative effect on children because they cannot
separate make-believe from the real world.
Þ In fact, I like to watch about four hours of television
every night.
In conclusion, smokers on the job
make it uncomfortable for their co-
workers; furthermore, they are less
productive on the job than
• Therefore, smoking is bad for everyone’s
• Therefore, smokers should smoke outside the
workplace only.
• Therefore, if smokers want to get along with
their co-workers and improve their work
performance, they should stop smoking on
the job.

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