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The Happy Turtle case

Group – 2
Kapoor Niharika Sanjay 0423/57
Ojas Yadav 0373/57
Sambit Roy 0382/57
Abhishek Bandari 0034/57
N Sri Pranav 0366/57
Character analysis of the protagonist…
Debate and analyze her stance to continue with the
Is the Protagonist a risk-averse or risk- consulting business & proprietary tool despite
seeking person? uncertainty due to new government policy.

 Malik has left her cosy corporate job in pursuit

From exhibit 3, we come to know that 56% of The Happy
of her passion and used up all her savings in the
initial year Turtle’s revenue comes from B2C. With more
environmentally conscious customers, it can force
 Malik decided to continue with the consulting companies to adopt eco-friendly practices among their
business as well as the proprietary too even processes. Therefore her stance with continuing with
though the government has come up with new consulting business and the proprietary tool is not only
policies for minimizing plastic waste because of her staunch values but also because there is an
underserved market
 Malik only partnered with vendors and artisans
in the supply chain who held the same values as
hers without compromising on quality even
though it means her product portfolio remains
limited. All these suggest that Malik was indeed
a risk seeking person
Cognitive biases in decision making…
Subtle Bias
Malik was subjected to subtle
biases from vendors and
potential investors as she was the
sole women founder of the
Confirmation Bias Anchoring Bias
Malik faced confirmation bias Malik faced with anchoring bias
when dealing with ria. Although while recruiting a cofounder for
ria’s action resulted in high Cognitive her startup. She weighed too
degree of conflict of interest, she biases much on her past experience
couldn’t fire her right away as she when she had a falling-out with
demonstrated superior the person she offered equity
capabilities in the past stake
Sunk cost bias
The plastic credit system was a
major threat to Malik’s consulting
business. She also had unpleasant
experiences with former clients.
But she didn’t want to waste the
efforts put into making the
consulting business
Aspects of talent management…
Happy Turtle talent management strategy

Flat Structure
Strengths Strengths
Flexibility Ethics
 Faster and more effective  Women empowerment by  Shared sense of ethical
communication, leading to providing flexibility is a value provides better
faster and efficient pioneering trend in best competitive advantage
decision-making practices across industries
 Instils trust within and
 Increases autonomy,  Loyalty and better retention
outside the organization
employee motivation, of talent. Facilitates result
oriented culture, helping  Better brand building and
conformity to company
vision business to thrive gains confidence of
Weaknesses customers
 Encourages power struggle  Unmotivated employees Weaknesses
might exploit the  Time consuming
 Hinder employee retention
opportunity  Can loose talents and
clients due to non-
alignment with values
The circular economy is a cyclical closed-loop
model of production and consumption, which Circular Way
involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, Economy Forward
refurbishing, and recycling existing materials
and products as long as possible.

01 Gradual Expansion of Product portfolio.

• Since they already had a robust supply chain and distribution network
Relevance for products, they should leverage this to introduce more daily use
products as it would help them reduce more plastic from people’s
daily lives.
01 Reduce waste during production processes
• They will be able to attract new investors.

02 Improve lifecycle of plastic products through 02 Target specific sectors for the growth of consulting
alternative consumption. business.
• Instead of venturing into all sectors, target those from which they
03 Reduce the environmental impact of plastics. have most clients as this will help them reduce the sales lead
conversion cycle time as they already had a strong portfolio of clients
in those sectors.
• Hiring process becomes easier as they have to hire experts only for
few selected sectors.
Assuming shoes of the protagonist…

 Reduce focus on the consulting business and concentrate

Product more on portfolio expansion
Diversification  The company was generating enough cash to invest in capital

 Hire someone with experience in Venture capital for making

Recruit partner business pitch
 Focus more on the operational management of the business

 Although Ria demonstrated good work capability in past,

Fire Ria her actions could have serious legal implications for the
 Firing her and getting a replacement will be the best option
Talent strategies in Startups …

1. Internal employees are given preference and trained for a 1. Employees are encouraged to attend gamified training
new role that opens before the external lookout. programs
2. Each employee is allocated 800$ annually to learn a new 2. Every assessment adds points to the employee, which they
life skill, anything from scuba diving to cooking. can later redeem for perks

1. Follow the practice of quarterly reviews 1. 1.Hybrid workplace model gives employees an option to do
2. HRM policies at grab are based on 360° evaluations rather "work from anywhere.“
than through bell curves 2. 2.Encourage existing employees to upskill their analytical
ability by programs like OYO data science academy.

1. 100% product adaptation and indulgence

2. Every employee at curefit is mandated to use the curefit app
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