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Meaning And Definition

Of “Interview”
 Conversation /

 Eliciting Information

 “An interview is a way

for an employer to see
how organization will
benefit if they hire
Role Of Interviews
 Helps in “Hiring Decision”
 Helps to evaluate the candidate…

 “Multiple rounds”

 Desirable candidate’s are then

selected according to the
Company’s Standards.
Process Of Interviews
Process Of Interviews

Area Manager /
HR Head Of Line Manager /
Round Department Branch Manager
Process Of Interviews
 Job interview has a single candidate meeting with
between one and three persons representing the
 Larger interview panel will often have a specialized
human resources worker.
 Questions are strongly encouraged, not only do
they allow the “Interviewee” to acquire more
information but they also demonstrate the
candidate's strong interest in the position and
Process Of Interviews
 “Simple Job Interviews”
 Eg. Job Interview of Retail Cashier
 “Complex Job Interviews”
 Eg. Job Interview of Lawyer
 “Audition”
 “Assessment Days” includes….
1. Analysis Tasks,
2. Group Activities,
3. Presentation Exercises,
4. Psychometric Testing.
How to Prepare Your Resume??
 A résumé is tailored to fit the job you are
applying for … it is one of the most
important tools that you need in order to
get an interview. Your résumé gives an
employer a quick and general idea about
you as an individual… and hence it is
important to prepare your resume in a
professional manner.
 Few important points to be kept in mind
to prepare your Resume…
Points to Remember while preparing a
copy of your “CV”
1. Career Objective / Job Goal
2. Name
3. Address
4. Telephone No.
5. Email Id
6. Date Of Birth
7. Nationality
8. Languages Known
9. Interests/Activities
10. Related Skills
11. Education Qualification
12. Computer Knowledge / Skills
13. Work Experience
14. Additional Experience
15. References
What Recruiters Look
 Recruiters are looking for demonstrated examples
of the following:
 Leadership ability

 Analytical skills/problem solving capabilities

 Results orientation

 Teamwork

 Strong communications skills

 Creativity

 Interest in and awareness of marketing issues

 Passion for the product/industry/etc.

Interviewers / Recruiter’s
look for… 3c’s
 Confidence

 Credibility

 Competence
“Analyze Yourself”
 Analyze your strengths and skills

 Be able to articulate why you interested in specific position

about company

 Practice before your start….

 Determine exactly what you want to accomplish in the
 Assess your own skills & anticipate potential questions
 Draw from a variety of experiences (school, community,
 Refine your answers
Interview Etiquette’s
Interview Etiquette
“Dress Appropriately Conservatively”
 Women’s Attire
 Solid color, conservative suit
 Coordinated blouse
 Moderate shoes
 Limited jewelry
 Neat, professional hairstyle
 Sparse make-up & perfume
 Manicured nails
 Portfolio or briefcase

 Men’s Attire
 Solid color, conservative suit
 long sleeve shirt
 Conservative tie
 Professional shoes
 Very limited jewelry
 Neat, professional hairstyle
 Remember To Shave
 Neatly trimmed nails
 Portfolio or briefcase
Interview Etiquette
“Punctuality is Essential”
 Be absolutely
punctual for your
 Be on the safe side
and leave early.
 Enter the office
and reception area
approximately 10
minutes early.
Interview Etiquette
“Breathe and stretch”
Interview Etiquette
“Switch Off Your Cell Phone”
 Turn your cell
phone off / silent
mode prior to
 Do not use cell
Phones during
Interview Etiquette
“Firm Shake Hand”
 Shake hand well at
the beginning and
at the end of the
 No Limp
Interview Etiquette
“Maintain Eye Contact”
 Maintain good eye
contact throughout
 Proper eye contact
is just a sign of
respect that you are
paying attention to
them and you are
interested in the
conversation or
topic at hand.
Interview Etiquette
“Sit Down when Asked to Sit”

 As you are invited into the

interviewer’s office wait until he or
she asks you to have a seat before
making yourself comfortable. This
is just the more polite thing to do.
Interview Etiquette
“Come Equipped”
 Bring a notebook or a binder
and some pens to the
interview. Have it handy and
somewhere with easy access.
 “Carry your Resume with
You” - Carry around a
couple copies of your resume
to the interview in case you
get asked for one.
How to Use Nonverbal Communication
to Impress ????

According to studies,
 “Body language” comprises 55% of the
force of any response
 “Verbal content” only provides 7% of
the response
 “Paralanguage, or the intonation” --
pauses and sighs given when answering
-- represents 38% of the emphasis."
How to Use Nonverbal Communication
to Impress???? (Contd…)
Body Language (Do’s &
 Sit up straight, and lean slightly forward in your chair.
 Show your enthusiasm by keeping an interested expression. Nod and
make positive gestures.
 Establish a comfortable amount of personal space between you and the
 Limit your application of colognes and perfumes.
 If you have more than one person interviewing you at once, make sure you
briefly address both people
 Interruptions can happen. If they do, refrain from staring at your
interviewer while they address their immediate business and motion your
willingness to leave if they need privacy.
 Stand up and smile even if you are on a phone interview. Standing
increases your level of alertness and allows you to become more engaged in
the conversation.
 After a few well-thought-out questions and answers with your interviewer,
it's almost over, but don't lose your cool just yet. Make sure your goodbye
handshake is just as confident now as it was going in.
Body Language (Do’s & Don'ts)
 Rub the back of your head or neck.
 Rub or touch your nose. This suggests that you're not being
completely honest, and it's gross.
 Sit with your armed folded across your chest. You'll appear
unfriendly and disengaged.
 Cross your legs and idly shake one over the other. It's distracting
and shows how uncomfortable you are.
 Lean your body towards the door. You'll appear ready to make a
mad dash for the door.
 Slouch back in your seat. This will make you appear disinterested
and unprepared.
 Stare back blankly. This is a look people naturally adapt when they
are trying to distance themselves.
How to Use Nonverbal Communication
to Impress (Contd…)
 Smile and nod (at appropriate
 Be polite and keep an even tone
to your speech. Don't be too
loud or too quiet.
 Do relax and lean forward a
little towards the interviewer so
you appear interested and
 Don't lean back.
 Pay attention, be attentive and
 Listen.
 Don't interrupt.
 Stay calm.
 Not sure what to do with your
Required Prior Interviews”
 To be well prepared for Interview.
 Practice interview

 “Research company and Job”

 Learn about the company
 Gather information

 Know your Resume well. To prepare for most likely

questions that the interviewer would ask.

 Have backup material

 Know what to speak and how to speak

Preparation for Interview
( During Interview)



Get them to like you

“Types of Interviews”
1. Behavioral / Behavioral Event Interview
2. Telephonic Interview
3. Stress Interview
4. Technical Interview
5. The Exploratory or Information Interview
6. The Directed Interview
7. The Undirected Interview
8. The Panel Interview
9. The Group Interview
10. The Sequential Interview
11. Exit Interviews
Interview Goals
Employers Interview Candidate’s
Goals Interview Goals

To hire the best To fully understand the job

candidate for the job Match your skills, experience
and knowledge to the critical
aspects of the job

To assess your To demonstrate that you are

knowledge skills and a good “fit”
Impression During
 Negative Impression – Fearful Person

 Positive Impression – Confident Person

 Impression may not always be correct.

Confident Person
 Comfortable talking

 Will often make a

positive impression

 “Gift Of Gab“ -- in
being able to brag
about themselves,
that they can deceive
the employer.
Fear during Job Interviews
 Nervous
 Anxiety

 Pressure to do

well and impress

the person
interviewing you
Interview Anxiety
 Not being able to
verbalize a good

 Feel anxious and


 Stressed Out

 Worried about making

a mistake or
forgetting something
Overcoming Interview Fear
 There are various ways we could actually
follow in order to remove the Fear of job
interview they are as follows :
1. A Change In Thinking
2. Calming Techniques
3. Preparation before the Interviews
4. Fear of Rejection
5. Let It Go
Top 14 Mistakes… During
1. Lying
2. Slating your current company or
boss / Badmouthing Past Employers
3. Being rude
4. Complaining
5. Talking about people you don't get
on with at work
6. Not being prepared
7. Give the Wrong Answer
8. Talk Too Much
9. Poor Communication Skills
10. Appearing to be too nervous, or too
11. Making a weak first impression
12. Not having researched the company
13. Putting your foot in it an not
14. Fuzzy Facts
Core Values…Recruiter/
Interviewer Looks For….


Types Of Interview
1. Credential Verification Questions
2. Experience Verification Questions
3. Opinion Questions
4. Dumb Questions
5. Math Questions
6. Case Question
7. Behavioral Question
8. Competency Question
Interview Process –
General Questions
1. Tell me about yourself  ?
2. What are your greatest strengths ?
3. What are your greatest weakness ?
4. Tell me about something you did – or failed to do – that
you now feel a little ashamed of ?
Why are you leaving (or did you leave) this position ?
Why should I hire you?
Where do you see yourself five years from now?
Describe your ideal company, location and job.
5. Why do you want to work at our company?
What are your career options right now?
Why have you been out of work so long ?
6. What good books have you read lately?
7. How do you feel about reporting to a younger person (minority,
woman, etc)?
Classic Questions –
Q Describe a situation in which you had a
conflict with another person and how you
resolved it.
Q Give an example of when you successfully
supervised a diverse group of people towards
a difficult goal. What skills did you use?
What did you learn?
Q Describe a situation when you had to give
negative feedback to a co-worker or team
Classic Questions –
 Give an example of how you dealt with a
bad team situation.

 Describe a situation when you were able to

build team spirit in a time of low morale.

 Tell me about the toughest group you ever

had to work with. What made the group so
tough? What did you do?
Different Kinds Of Tests
Performed During Interviews
Clerical and Book Data entry and
Keeping spread sheet skills
tests for speed and
Language Conversational /
Written Exams
Writing Give applicant a
typical work/related
Selling and Give individual a well
Presentation known product & ask
them to prepare and
deliver a sales
presentation to you in
five minutes
preparation time
Personality / Personality /
Temperament Temperament test
Interview Success Factors
 High Energy (But Not overwhelming)
 Team co-ordination

 Professionalism

 High degree of intelligence

 Personal Presence

 Ability to think creatively

 Clear, concise answers

 Be natural in your job interview
 Don’t fear or be arrogant.

 Prepare thoroughly for the interview.

 Present yourself in a positive manner,

avoiding the impression of being nervous.
 Relax, listen thoughtfully and get them to
like you.

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