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Face Recognition

Presented by
 Face recognition is a non-intrusive (outside human body, External) method
 Approaches to face recognition are based on either
 (i) the location and shape of facial attributes, such as the eyes, eyebrows,
nose, lips, and chin and their spatial (Space Placement) relationships
 (ii) the overall (global) analysis of the face image that represents a face as a
two dimensional matrix.
 for any facial recognition system to work well, it should automatically
 (i) Detect presence of a face in the acquired image
 (ii) Locate the face if there is one
 (iii) Recognize the face with any pose and any lighting conditions (under
different ambient conditions)
Challenges of Face Recognition Systems
 identifying a person by taking an input face image and matching with the known face
images in a database is still a very challenging problem. This is due to
1. Variability of human faces under
2. Different operational scenario conditions such as illumination, rotations, expressions,
camera viewpoints, aging, makeup, and eyeglasses.
 These conditions greatly affect the performance of face recognition systems
 To enhance the overall face recognition algorithm performance, numerous new
algorithmic approaches such as
1. Kernel Class-Dependent Feature Analysis (KCFA),
2. Tensorfaces,
3. manifold learning methods,
4. kernel methods,
5. Different Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) variants
Future of Face Recognition
 3D face recognition has gained attention in the face recognition community
due to its inherent capability to overcome some of the traditional problems of
2D imagery such as pose and lighting variation.
 Commercial 3D acquisition devices can obtain a depth map (3D-shape) of the
 These usually require the user to be in very close proximity to the camera;
 additionally some devices will require the user to be still for several seconds
for a good 3D model acquisition.
 In contrast 2D face acquisition can work from a distance and not require
significant user co-operation.
Different Face Recognition Techniques
Face recognition algorithms can be classified into two broad categories according to feature
extraction schemes for face representation:
Feature-based methods
 Properties and geometric relations such as the areas, distances, and angles between the facial
feature points are used as descriptors for face recognition.
 This method includes the location and shape of facial attributes, such as the eyes, eyebrows, nose,
lips, and chin and their spatial relationships.
2. Appearance-based methods
 Appearance-based methods consider the global properties of the face image intensity pattern i.e.
the overall (global) analysis of the face image that represents a face as a two dimensional matrix.
 Typically appearance-based face recognition algorithms proceed by computing basis vectors to
represent the face data efficiently.
 The faces are projected onto these vectors and the projection coefficients can be used for
representing the face images.
 Popular algorithms such as PCA, LDA, ICA, LFA, Correlation Filters, Manifolds and Tensorfaces are
based on the appearance of the face.
All approaches to face recognition have trouble dealing with pose variations. Building image
face mosaics have been introduced to deal with the pose variation problem. Following are some
11 face recognition techniques reported in literature.
Different Face Recognition Techniques
1) Eigen faces (PCA)
 Eigen faces also known as Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
 Steps in PCA
i. find the minimum mean squared error (Variance) linear subspace that maps from the original N -
dimensional data space into an M -dimensional feature space.
Lesser the MSE => smaller is the error => better the estimator
1) By doing this, Eigen faces achieve dimensionality reduction by using the M eigenvectors of the covariance
matrix corresponding to the largest eigenvalues.
2) The resulting basis vectors are obtained by finding the optimal basis vectors that maximize the total
variance of the projected.
3) The optimal basis PCA vectors W are the ones that maximize the following objective function

Where ST denotes the total scatter matrix which contains pixel-wise covariance of the face
data. PCA is good for data representation but not necessarily for class discrimination.
Different Face Recognition Techniques
2) Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Fisher faces
 Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) is more suited for finding projections that best discriminate
different classes.

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