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InfoWar and Spiritual Apocalypse
The Destiny of Mankind

Dr Bill Deagle MD
Human Beings Not Human Doings:

“If we knew what

we were, we would
not do what we
“We are a spiritual
being having a
experience as
Man is a Spirtual Being
We are called to
become Children of
the Most High God
The End of the Age
is the time of the
Spiritual Subtlety
from Demonic ET
Forces is Trying to
Rob Our Heritage
InfoWar or Spiritual Epiphany
We swim in a sea of
knowledge with little
Spirit words give life
and wisdom
Knowledge without
wisdom are the seeds
of death  Spiritual
Fear of The Most High
God is the Begining of
All Knowledge
Signs of Coming Messiah:
1 Global Chaos
2 Moral Decay
3 Culture of Death
4 My Will Be Done
5 Rise of the Matrix
6 Binding Together of
Dark Forces
7 False Temple in
Jerusalem for All
Hela Archeon = All Wisdom &
Knowledge in the Universe
All is rediscovery
To know our God is
our purpose
Relationship to Most
High God displaces all
religions of Babylon
To Shema The Most
High replaces the Law
of the Global MatriXX
Fractal Holographic Universe
Spiral Hierarchy in order of
Virgo supercluster
Supergiant Achernar (diagram)
Proto star and planets RXS
Comet Hale Bop.
Intermediate-sized objects are
to be expected: "dwarf
spherical galaxies" for
This fractal hierarchy means
that other planetary systems
are to be expected everywhere
in the universe and that extra-
terrestrial intelligence is not
just a probability but is
Spiral Galaxies Dr Charles Bruce
Ph.D. Galaxies as Tesla Wheels
Dr Charles Bruce postulated
in 1968 that spiral galaxy
arms are huge lightning
strikes. Recent work in radio
astronomy bears him out.
Flows of electric current in
these flat looped galactic
circuits involves the
movement of ions as indicated
here by the short black lines.
Flatness and spirality in
celestial bodies is
fundamental to the
explanation of their generation
of electricity and their shape.
Planetary Magnetic Fields
As might be
expected of
generators, the
magnetic field
strengths of the
planets is
determined mostly
by their size; less so
by their speed of
Thus those of
Mercury and Pluto
are weak through
small size, and
Venus through very
slow reverse spin.
Aurora Earth Plasma Flow
Plasma flows in at the
earth's north pole but
we do not know what
happens to the current
of trillions of amps.
Could it be the fuel for
continental drift
perhaps via nuclear
Certainly plate
tectonics including the
Atlantic and other
oceanic ridges must
need a lot of energy.
Atom-size Nebula Fractals!
The resemblance of certain
Schroedinger atomic
shapes to planetary
nebulae hints that atoms
are tiny members of the
postulated spiral hierarchy.
Hence ejections may be
expected in atoms as in
galaxies, nebulae etc. See
slides 28, 32.
Excitation of the ground
state flat spiral atoms
would promote electrons
into Scroedinger's three-
dimensional shapes as
illustrated above.
Showing alternation of current with
variation in sunspot area
The solar
reverses its current
flow and the position
of its magnetic poles
every eleven year half-
In galaxies and larger
bodies a clock cycle
will presumably take
aeons, but the smaller
ones are open to
Fractal Universe Theory:
Any theory of the universe has to address the
growing list of new observations listed in the
previous pages.
At the least it should include a mechanism
with the subtlety to make spatial fractals and
the speed and strength to structure the vast
universe we see.
Uniquely electromagnetic energy and its
resultant force has these and other attributes.
Fractal Universe Theory:
It provides a compelling explanation for the
flatness of structures, from atoms to galaxy
The gathering of matter by Z-pinch nicely
explains voids.
The ability to store energy in magnetic fields
and to bring about nuclear fusion is powerful
Fractal Universe Theory:
Many of the intractable problems which
beset cosmology look amenable to an
electronic approach especially
considering the various modes and
frequencies of oscillation.
The universe appears to be fractal,
cyclic and self- regenerating.
Implied is that it is eternal and infinite.
Scalar Gravitonic Holograms:
They propagate at faster-than-light
speed (hence the name
"tachyons"), except when
transmitting scalar information on
electromagnetic carrier waves
Their effect is independent of
distance and time
Their effect is 3 -- 5 times stronger
than that of electromagnetic fields
Scalar Gravitonic Holograms:

They are more fundamental than

magnetic fields
They transmit information as
Boson Tachyon Poly-Dimensional
Hyperspace Fractal Holograms
They do not transmit energy
Scalar Gravitonic Holograms:
They cannot be detected by
conventional instruments for
measuring electric and magnetic
fields, which work by interacting
with electron flow and energy
They pervade all matter and cannot
be shielded against by Faraday
Scalar Gravitonic Holograms:
They represent an area in which matter
and consciousness can interact.
If we assume that, in the area of scalar
information transmission, matter and
consciousness can influence each
other, then we may postulate that
Scalar information transmission creates
"consciousness fields“
That, in similar form i.e. Faith Healing --
have been a part of human life and
experience for millennia.
What is the nature of our universe?

We live in a Fractal Universe

Everything is Harmonic Holographic
and all is Photon Entangled
The universe is 12 dimensions plus a
parallel 13 copy in hyperspace ante-
reality of the 12
All living things are IR Infrared
Phonon Maser Wave DNA to
biomolecular holographic architecture
How can we understand the history
of our world?
Our world is very old and has been
through many cataclysms
Our current civilization is 6000 years
+ old when modern recording
A nuclear war in Ashurbanipal, India
12,900 years ago – Krypton nuclei in
obsidian glass from a Nuclear War
Have solar cataclysms been a
Yes, mountain forming cannot happen without
periodic very strong gravitonic events that invade
our solar system
Volcanism cannot explain our mountain
formations, continental formation, and polar shifts
Solar Max activity is going to be 30 to 50% higher
in the next 11 years – The Sun is a Tesla Wheel –
The Sun Solar Wind is Negative with the Plasma
Field at the edge of the Solar System is Positive
and arcing occurs when an invading dwarf start
Who has ruled our civilizations?
A supraculture of hybrid hu-mans are the
Iron in Clay and Iron from Daniels book
from Babylon.
Hu = Serpent man
1215 – Magna Carta – Only Hu-Man can
own property i.e. “Serpent Man”
The growth of all brotherhoods, Masonic
and secret societies, all universities, all
governments, all bar associations, all
secret agencies in all countries and all
royality throughout all kingdoms on Earth
Why is there a quickening toward
the end of this age of mankind?
Our science is rapidly approaching the
The growth of the elite power, centralized
by electronic and ID technologies, anti-
aging technologies, and the coming global
Have are at the end of the age of Darkness
– i.e. Science over Spirit and entering the
Age of Spirit over Science – The Age of
Peace and Light.
What is man’s destiny?
The clearest message is the Torah written
by Moses – The Word of the Most High
God of the Universe
Our destiny if the Prayer of the Twelve
Stones as the Children of the Twelve
Tribes of Israel – All Mankind on Earth that
Survive Into the Next Age
Their we will be Sons and Daughters of the
Most High God, living extended lives with
the Earth and across the Galaxy
Why do we die so young?

Seven Pillars of Aging – Toxins,

Telomeres, DNA silencing, Trace
Element Deficiency, ELF pollution,
Free Radicals, Stem Cells, Hormonal
The ancient patriarchs lived 1000 +
Earth years and ‘The Days Were
What are the elements of victory?

We must know our Most High God!

We must rise to a higher level of spiritual
conciousness – Shema – to Hear and Do
the Will of THE SPIRIT
We are destined to be the Rulers of the
Universe as the children of the Most High
We are to benefit only in the victory of spirit
over all matter, and higher spiritual truth
over all science
Scalar DNA PubMed Reviews:
Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Goldberger AL,
Mantegna RN, Peng CK, Simons M, Stanley HE.
Related Articles, Links Statistical and linguistic
features of DNA sequences.
Fractals. 1995 Jun;3(2):269-84.
PMID: 11539281 [PubMed - indexed for
Havlin S, Buldyrev SV, Bunde
A, Goldberger AL, Ivanov PCh, Peng
CK, Stanley HE.Related Articles, Links Scaling
in nature: from DNA through heartbeats to
Physica A. 1999 Nov 1;273(1-2):46-69. Review.
PMID: 11543356 [PubMed - indexed for
Scalar DNA PubMed Reviews:
Simons MJ, Pellionisz AJ.Related Articles,
Links Genomics, morphogenesis and
biophysics: triangulation of Purkinje cell
Cerebellum. 2006;5(1):27-35.
PMID: 16527761 [PubMed - in process]
He M.Related Articles, Links Genetic
code, attributive mappings and stochastic
Bull Math Biol. 2004 Sep;66(5):965-73.
PMID: 15294414 [PubMed - indexed for
Scalar DNA PubMed Reviews:
Simons MJ, Pellionisz AJ.Related Articles, Links
Genomics, morphogenesis and biophysics:
triangulation of Purkinje cell development.
Cerebellum. 2006;5(1):27-35.
PMID: 16527761 [PubMed - in process]
Fujikawa-Yamamoto K.Related Articles, Links
An hypothesis about genome structures in
mammalian polyploid cells based on a new
concept that genome is fractal of six
Med Hypotheses. 2006;66(2):337-44. Epub 2005
Oct 10.
PMID: 16216435 [PubMed - in process]
Scalar DNA PubMed Reviews:
Costa Lda F, Barbosa MS, Manoel ET, Streicher
J, Muller GB.Related Articles, Links
Mathematical characterization of three-
dimensional gene expression patterns.
Bioinformatics. 2004 Jul 22;20(11):1653-62. Epub
2004 Feb 26.
PMID: 14988120 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Sarkar S, Lee LK, Hart SL, Hailes
HC, Levy SM, Tabor A, Shamlou PA.Related
Articles, Links The fractal structure of
polycation-DNA complexes.
Biotechnol Appl Biochem. 2005 Apr;41(Pt 2):127-
PMID: 15242334 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
DNA Fractal Phonon Maser Cyto-
Holographic Hierarchical Operons
DNA 93% codes for Fractal
Coded DNA resonates with
gravitonic, sound, infrared
light coherent tachyonic
Enzymes, secondary
messengers and cellular
transport is all secondary
to PMCH2O DNA Scalar
Tachyonic Architecture of
Cells, Tissues, Organs,
and Bioconnectedness to
all mankind, all living things
Independent of 3/4D Time-
space Constants
BioPhotonic Entanglement
DNA Phonon Superconductors
DNA phonon sound
scalar waves activate
specific PMO Phonon
Maser Operons
changes activate gene
control for enzymes
Function and structure
of all tissue, organ and
organism are coded in
hierarchical PMO
DNA nA Energy Info Transport
A ladder model for DNA wires: Signatures of phonon-assisted
R. Gutiérrez, S. Mohapatra, D. Porath, and G. Cuniberti
EC IST-FET 38951 Workshop: DNA-based nanowires
2005.10.07-08; Modena, Italy
We have formulated a minimal tight-binding model to study
charge transport in DNA wires in presence of internal vibrational
excitations. We assume that the tunneling charge couples to a
single long-wave length boson mode, e. g. a torsional mode. The
advantage of the model is that the bosonic degrees of freedom
can be eliminated by a canonical transformation; this allows for a
non-perturbative treatment of the electron-phonon interaction.
We further investigate ordered structures as is the case of
Poly(GC) oligomers as well as arbitrary base pair sequences by
modifying appropriately the onsite energies. This latter case is of
interest to make contact with recent experiments on suspended
DNA wires with complex sequence which have shown
unexpectedly high currents of the order of 100-200 nA (H. Cohen
et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 102, 11589 (2005)).
DNA Semiconductor Properties
Figure 1. (a) The double-helix
structure of DNA consists of
two linear strands with four
bases ­guanine (G), cytosine
(C), adenine (A) and thymine
The A bases on one strand
pair up with the
complementary T bases on the
other strand, while G pairs up
with C.
(b) Electron-transfer-rate
experiments have been carried
out on DNA molecules that
have donor and acceptor
groups added at each end. In
experiments, the DNA
molecules are sandwiched
between two metal electrodes.
Charge transfer Boson Scalar along
DNA molecule Figure 2. (a) Charge carriers
hop along the length of the DNA
molecule from one G­C base
pair (black and orange) to the
(b) The relative energies of G­C
and A­T base pairs in this DNA
sequence show that a positively
charged hole has a lower
energy on the G­C sites and
moves from one G­C pair to the
next by coherent tunnelling
through the A­T sites.
The overall motion from the
first base pair to the last is an
incoherent hopping mechanism
in which the charged carrier is
localized along the path.
The total time it takes to move
along the path is the sum of the
times it takes to jump between
individual G­C base pairs, t12 +
t23 +...+ t45.
The process of charge-carrier
hopping in DNA is analogous to
crossing a river by jumping
from one stepping stone to the
Conclusions and Future:

If we Shema the Most High we shall

become a new creature
Our destiny is to be the Sons and
Daughters of the Most High God
The Fractal Universe Reflects the Face
of God from the Cosmos to DNA
His Creative VOICE speaks into
existence all that was, is and will be!

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