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Business Case Challenge for

“The Maverick” Season 5

D Santosh, IIM Raipur
Mahi Teja R S, IIM Raipur
Swagat Kumar Dash, IIM Raipur
Executive Summary
 Three Pronged Approach:
 Country Analysis and Industry Analysis in the emerging markets
 FIT Analysis
 Financial Analysis
 As-Is Analysis using SWOT framework to understand and assess the growth opportunities
 Potential emerging markets were identified using PESTEL framework on the below mentioned factors

Country Factors Industry Factors

 GDP Growth  Penetration rate
 Inflation rate  Competition Intensity
 Legal Environment  Scope for new technologies
 Regulatory Environment  Scale of Industry
 Corporate Tax rates  Growth Opportunities

 FIT analysis was performed using the Strategic FIT framework to analyze the fit of target companies in the perspective of Customers,
Products and Competition
 Financial Analysis performed to identify the valuation of the target companies using:
 Discounted Cash Flow method (DCF method)
 Pure play method is used to estimate the Cost of Equity
 Economic Value Added (EVA) method is used for decision making
 Two companies were shortlisted based on Three Pronged Approach with maximum weightage given to the Strategic FIT
 RAT and CAT framework is used to formulate the appropriate Short term and Long term goals

Country wise analysis
  tive Telecom GDP growth Overall
US Telco • Property leasing operations Environment Protection Penetration rate Ranking
• Wireless communication services USA       80%  2.2% 3
NZone • IoT
Communications • Infrastructure Solutions (Towers and Antennas) Argentina        83% 2.9% 1

Namibia        110% 5.1% 2

ASA Towers • Customized Colocation services
• Wireless communication services        75% -0.7% 2
BBA Africa Republic
TeleMo Networks • Infrastructure Solutions (towers and Antennas) (Assumed) 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%

SWOT Analysis for US Telco: Product Market offering to Parent company

Key Growth Driver:

 Strong real  Increase
Increase in
in  Global LTE evolution
 Evolution of
estate asset 
 Very limited demand from  Evolution of
demand from  Increase use of Colocation
Offerings to New Existing New Existing
WTC complementar
complementar Parent Company Product Product Market Market
base global presence WTC
 yy network
network model by TSPs

 Well 
 Lack of Increasing
adoption Technologies
Technologies  Advent of communication
established diversification adoption of
of NZone

 Increase
Increase in
Domestic and 
 Direct effect with Colocation
Colocation technologies like IoT, 5G, Communications
model network
International advancements in model 4G, etc.,
 Venturing sharing,
Tenant Base technology Venturing into
into ASA Towers
growing digital
roaming by
by Key Growth Limiter:
WSPs  Increase in the resource BBA Africa
S W O T sharing
 Increased use od Wi-Fi and TeleMo
Strengt Weakne Opport Networks
hs ss unities Threats Wi Max

Industry Analysis & Integration Short term and Long

As-Is Analysis Target Analysis
Growth Options Challenges term goals
Telecom Industry and Economic Analysis of Target Countries
Criteria USA Argentina Namibia Czech Republic
• Upcoming Elections and • FDI sentiment low due to • Lack of proper regulation • Lot of Bureaucratic
Uncertainty associated previous leftist Government leading to domination of 2 Procedures
Political • High Levels of Regulation • Uncertainty in Regulation Public Sector firms • High Levels of Perceived
• Uncertainty of Spectrum • Lack of transparency in • CRAN evolving slowly to Corruption
auction and constraints Spectrum Auctions fulfill need of telecom
• Forex restrictions regulation
• 4G Penetration- 78% • Recent auction of 4G spectrums • Relatively Technologically • Recent 4G auction
Scope for New • Increasing Wifi Usage and • Only 9% 4G users Backward • Majority of population
technologies and VoLTE and VoWiFi • 84% 3G users • Majority using 2G using 3G
Infrastructure • Increased adoption of IoT • Lack of Tower Infra to support • Mainly owing to duopoly
Related demand market
• Increased usage of Wifi • Lack of Tower Infrastructure and • CRAN working with • Majority of MNOs leasing
based services Data center based colocation Namibian Government to out the telecom towers
Growth • More opportunities for • Average of 1500-2000 new liberalize the Industry to third parties
Opportunities colocation infrastructure towers needed annually to • Greater need for evolution • Rapid Expansion of
• Infrastructure support for accommodate existing demand of Technology and High LTE(22% growth)
IoT • Steps to make available public speed Internet
building rooftops for mobile
Openness/Barrier • EDB Rank 7 [1] • EDB Rank 124 [1] • EDB Rank 101 [1] • EDB Rank 35 [1]

Industry Analysis & Integration Short term and Long

As-Is Analysis Target Analysis
Growth Options Challenges term goals
Telecom Industry Factors USA Argentina Organic Growth Avenues:
USA Argen na Namibia Czech Republic Namibia Czech Republic
Key factors for growth prospective in USA:

Telecom Industry Factors

5.0 • Target data center sector due to the growth
Penetra on Rate
4.0 in digital space especially in digital
3 3.0 payments, digital media and gaming
Compe on Scope for new • Target clients with the potential of bringing
1 new technologies like 5G as huge potential
0 1.0 for tower space will come in the near future
0.0 • Increasing the client base in Cloud
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Computing sector [2]
Scale of Industry
Opportuni es Country Factors
Key factors for growth prospective in Canada:
• US Telco already exists in Canada. Canada
wireless penetration rate: 68%
• Argentina is the favorable country in terms of
• Large number of TSPs and cable based
Industry factors as there is sufficient penetration
providers operate in Canada. CAGR: 5%
rate and scope for technological up gradation.
(2010-2015). Hence wireless service
• Namibia comes out to be favorable in terms of
providers can be a target for growth
country factors due to favorable inflation rate and
• Relatively resilient to external economic
GDP growth rate
conditions in Canada
• Czech republic has the least corporate tax rates
• Though the sector is in a lag for past few
among the four countries
years, the advent of newer technologies
• Though USA has good legal conditions and ease of
helping higher data consumption
doing business, the market is saturated and • Number of TSPs is 62 (high number of
technology penetration is high. The future
players) [3]
prospects is in favor of reducing the infrastructure

Industry Analysis & Integration Short term and Long

As-Is Analysis Target Analysis
Growth Options Challenges term goals
FIT analysis using “Strategic FIT” Framework:
Customers Products Competition Level of Strategic fit
TSPs, Radio & TV Property Leasing Operations USA: Cluttered market with
US Telco broadcast companies, many competitors in REIT and PARENT COMPANY
data providers Telecom industry
Predominantly general Retail telecommunication, Major players like Verizon, AT&T Mutually exclusive customers
Communica public and Government Wireless voice & data services, in telecom and products. Not inline
Agencies multimedia services, IoT with the strategic requirement
tions of the parent firm
Wireless Leasing space to wireless Barriers to entry made very high Desired set of products and inline with
Communication service providers, Customized by existing players like Telecom the strategic requirement of the
ASA Towers companies, IT colocation services, High Argentina company to expand in
companies, Cloud speed network deployment, the colocation services and other
computing companies distributed antenna system services
Predominantly general Retail Telecommunication, 3G Highly Regulated environment Mutually exclusive set of customers
BBA Africa public, Corporates and services, Broadband, Internet with only two major players and products. Not inline
other TSPs infrastructure solutions with the strategic requirement
of the parent firm
Telecom Service Integrated data solutions, In- Major Telecom providers Inline with the strategic requirement of
TeleMo Providers building solutions & operating reducing ownership of the parent
Networks towers infrastructure(sale of towers). firm.
Opportunity for growth

Industry Analysis & Integration Short term and Long

As-Is Analysis Target Analysis
Growth Options Challenges term goals
Financial Analysis: Insights:
• DCF method of valuation has been done • As per the financial analysis, TeleMo Networks, Czech Republic has a
• Using Adjusted FFO, cash flows are calculated for DCF valuation positive cash flow from operations for the next 5 years. The cap-ex is in the
• Based on the valuation, Bidding price for the firms has been decided range of 2-3% of the revenues indicating the good condition of the assets
assuming 95% confidence levels • Nzone Communication, USA has the second most value addition to the
• EVA for different available options has been adopted to determine acquirer but this firm shows a constant decrease in its revenue for the next
the firms value addition to the enterprise 5 years. This may be due to the saturated telecom services market
• Based on the EVA the following are the top 3 options considered for • ASA Towers, Argentina was founded in 2012 and it can be categorized as a
further evaluation: startup firm. This is one of the reason for negative cash flow from
operations. But future projections show strong revenue growths
Lowest Highest EVA • Though BBA Africa has a positive cash flow from operations, it’s capital
n Companies bidding price bidding price (in expenditure and depreciation is showing increasing trend. This implies that
(in Millions) (in Millions) Millions) the assets are old and needs maintenance
Nzone, USA 1706 3941 56.9
Proposed M&A Strategy:
1 TeleMo, 2950 6814 125.6 • Target companies: ASA Towers, Argentina and TeleMo Communications,
Czech Czech Republic
• Acquisition Objectives for ASA Towers – To learn the customized
BBA Africa 1730 3995 (3.84)
colocation services and rapid deployment networks
2 TeleMo, 2950 6814 125.6 • Acquisition Objectives for TeleMo Networks – To increase footprints in EU
Czech and tap the potential of LTE growth in Czech republic through Colocation
and rapid deployment services
ASA Tower 5.2 12 (9.6) • Acquisition Strategy – To create Sequential synergy between the two
3 TeleMo, 2950 6814 125.6 acquired companies and parent company through operational excellence
Czech and Technology sharing. Also to adopt the technology for Organic growth
in USA and Canada.

Industry Analysis & Integration Short term and Long

As-Is Analysis Target Analysis
Growth Options Challenges term goals
Integration challenges in ASA Towers, Argentina Integration challenges in TeleMo Networks, Czech Republic
 Czechs are non confrontational and
 Relationship driven culture
CULTURAL CULTURAL often take indirect approach for deals
 Trust is the Key driver
 Image sensitive people
 Slow judicial processes
 Negative GDP growth rate
FINANCIAL  High inflation and volatile environment LEGAL
 Lack of financial accessibility in local
CHALLENGES  Understanding of local policies CHALLENGES
 Integrating the companies at  Bringing synergy between is a
ORGANIZATIONAL operational level ORGANIZATIONAL challenge due to the similar size firms
CHALLENGES  Technology transfer and Knowledge CHALLENGES  Since it is an established firm change
transfer management is a challenge

 Recruit local sales force for local market penetration
 Including Czech leaders in the decision making board
 Clear and transparent communication of goals to the
 Planning effective employee value communication strategies to
increase retention rate
 Appointing acquired company leaders in the decision making
 Formulate engagement programs for key stakeholders to
board to improve trust and get the know how of the business
understand their attitudes and drive communication
 Forming a cross cultural team to build integration in the
 To bring operational synergy, form cross cultural teams to
business and enable knowledge transfer
understand the best practices in both the organization and
 Since the company is new, Organizational performance metric
implement across the companies
systems to be incorporated to measure the synergy

Industry Analysis & Integration Short term and Long

As-Is Analysis Target Analysis
Growth Options Challenges term goals
Time Frame – Short Term Time Frame – Long Term
Focus on Duplicate Integration of Shared Existing Products sold New Products sold
Use of Shared facilities
functions Activities through new channels through new channels
Probability of Success – High Probability of Success – Low
COMPANY Relevan Appropriabl Transferrabl Complimenta Appropriabl Transferrabl
SHORT TERM/LONG t e e ry e e

ASA Towers, TeleMo Operation and Renting of Y Y N Y Y N

Short Term / High Success
ASA Towers, TeleMo R&D activities Y Y Y Y Y Y
Long Term / Low Success
ASA Towers, TeleMo Diffusion of Technology Y Y Y Y Y Y
and Innovation
Long Term / Low Success
ASA Towers Leasing Space & Y Y Y Y Y Y
Colocation Solutions
Long Term / Low Success Technology

TeleMo Communications Integrated Data & in Y Y Y Y Y Y

building solutions
Long Term / Low Success

Industry Analysis & Integration Short term and Long

As-Is Analysis Target Analysis
Growth Options Challenges term goals

Country wise analysis of Country factors
Growth Inflation Corporate Legal Regulatory Ideal Country Factors
Rate(%) Rate(%) Tax(%) Protection Environment
 High Growth Rate
USA 2.2 1 30 High High  4-7% inflation rate
 Low Corporate Tax
Argentina 2.9 40.6 35 Medium Medium
 High Legal Protection
Namibia 5.1 6.7 34 Low Low  Low Regulatory Environment

Czech Republic -0.7 0.1 19 Low High

Country wise analysis of Telecom Industry factors

Penetratio Existing Scale of Growth Competition
n Rate(%) Technology Industry Opportunities Intensity Ideal Industry Factors
(Majority (On a scale of 5)
Population)  Low Penetration Rate
 Less evolved Technology
USA 80 4G(LTE) 3 2 High  High Scale of Industry
 High Growth opportunities
Argentina 83 3G 4 4 Low
 Low Competition Intensity
Namibia 110 3G 4 2 Medium
Czech Republic 75 3G 2 2 Medium

Financials of NZone Communications, Inc Financials of ASA Towers, Inc
Particulars (Figures in Millions) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Particulars (Figures in Millions) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Revenue 297 336 366 391 407 419 Revenue 12 16 23 36 51 82
Revenue Growth 30% 47% 58% 42% 60%
Revenue Growth   13% 9% 7% 4% 3%
Operating Expenses 16 22 29 40 50 80
Operating Expenses 202 228 249 266 277 285 134 140
As a % of revenue 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% 68% As a % of revenue % % 126% 111% 98% 97%
95.0 108.0 117.0 125.0 130.0 134.0 EBIT -4.00 -6.00 -6.00 -4.00 1.00 2.00
0 0 0 0 0 0 EBITDA -3 -2 -3 -1 10 19
EBITDA 104 117 128 137 142 147 EBITDA Margin -23% -11% -14% -3% 19% 23%
EBITDA Margin 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 35% 17.0
Depreciation 9.00 9.00 11.00 12.00 12.00 13.00 Depreciation 1.00 4.00 3.00 3.00 9.00 0
(Capital Expenditures) 20.8 23.5 25.6 27.4 28.5 29.4 (Capital Expenditures) 4.1 3.9 8.3 11.6 8.7 9.9
(Change in Working Capital) 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 (Change in Working Capital) 1.2 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.6 1.2
FCFF 53.9 60.6 66.9 71.7 74.3 77.2 - -
FCFF -8.30 -6.00 11.60 13.10 0.70 7.90
Economic Value Added (EVA) 45.7 52.1 56.3 60.1 62.5 64.4
Economic Value Added (EVA) -6.7 -7.8 -12.2 -14.2 8.05 -8.6
RESULTS Bid Value (in Millions) RESULTS Bid Value (in Millions)
Cost of Equity 5.56% Highest 3941.13 Cost of Equity 61.58% Highest 11.99
Cost of Debt 2.31% Lowest 1706.42 Cost of Debt 16.25% Lowest 5.19
WACC 4.14% WACC 46.62%
Terminal Value 2456.25 Terminal Value 131.25
Firm Value 2314.57 Firm Value 7.04

Assumptions in Financial Analysis: Assumptions in Financial Analysis:

 Perpetual Growth rate is equal to Inflation (Conservative estimate)  Perpetual Growth rate is equal to Inflation (Conservative estimate)
 Debt ratio is 0.33 12
Financials of BBA Africa Limited Financials of TeleMo Networks Limited
Particulars (Figures in Millions) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Particulars (Figures in Millions) 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Revenue 79 97 125 164 207 242 Revenue 421 459 491 511 526 542
Revenue Growth   23% 29% 31% 26% 17% Revenue Growth   9% 7% 4% 3% 3%
Operating Expenses 65 85 99 133 176 194 Operating Expenses 278 303 324 337 347 358
As a % of revenue 82% 87% 79% 81% 85% 80% As a % of revenue 66% 66% 66% 66% 66% 66%
14.0 12.0 26.0 31.0 31.0 48.0 143.0 156.0 167.0 174.0 179.0 184.0
EBIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 EBIT 0 0 0 0 0 0
EBITDA 36 42 45 66 87 109 EBITDA 177 193 206 214 221 228
EBITDA Margin 46% 43% 36% 40% 42% 45% EBITDA Margin 42% 42% 42% 42% 42% 42%
22.0 30.0 19.0 35.0 56.0 61.0 Depreciation 34.00 37.00 39.00 40.00 42.00 44.00
Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Capital Expenditures) 8.4 9.2 9.8 10.2 10.5 10.8
(Capital Expenditures) 19 17.5 20.1 27.9 26.9 21.8 (Change in Working Capital) 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1
(Change in Working Capital) 1.5 0.6 0.8 0.9 1 0.8 168.1 183.6 196.0 203.7 210.4 217.1
15.5 23.9 24.1 37.2 59.1 86.4 FCFF 0 0 0 0 0 0
FCFF 0 0 0 0 0 0 107.4 117.1 125.4 130.7 134.4 138.2
10.8 Economic Value Added (EVA)
Economic Value Added (EVA) -9.48 -9.34 -2.42 -6.82 -5.82 3 6 7 4 9 4
RESULTS Bid Value (in Millions) RESULTS Bid Value (in Millions)
Cost of Equity 10.69% Highest 3995.13 Cost of Equity 6.36% Highest 6814.44
Lowest 1729.80 Cost of Debt 3.48% Lowest 2950.50
Cost of Debt 6.32%
WACC 9.25% WACC 5.41%
Terminal Value 3390.52 Terminal Value 4087.16
Firm Value 2346.29 Firm Value 4002.02

Assumptions in Financial Analysis: Assumptions in Financial Analysis:

 Perpetual Growth rate is equal to Inflation (Conservative estimate)  Perpetual Growth rate is equal to Inflation (Conservative estimate)
 Debt ratio is 0.33  Debt ratio is 0.33 13
Bid Options
- Financial Analysis Excel sheet

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3

ASA Towers, Nzone, BBA Africa, Nzone, Telemo,
  USA Namibia   USA Czech
  Nzone, USA Argentina
Enterprise Value 8132.94 Enterprise Value 9788.68
Enterprise Value 5793.70
Bidding Value 2823.78 2862.47 Bidding Value 2823.78 4882.47
Bidding Value 2823.78 8.59 Gain 2082.43
Gain 2446.69
Gain 2961.33
By EVA Approach, 56.85 -3.84 Approach, 56.85 125.59
Approach, 56.85 -9.59 Average EVA Average EVA
Average EVA Net EVA 182.44
Net EVA 53.01
Net EVA 47.26

Option 4 Option 5 Option 6

BBA Africa, ASA Towers, BBA Africa, Telemo, ASA Towers,
  Namibia Argentina   Namibia Telemo, Czech   Czech Argentina
Enterprise Value 5825.41 Enterprise Value 9820.39 Enterprise Value 7481.15
Bidding Value 2862.47 8.59 Bidding Value 2862.47 4882.47 Bidding Value 4882.47 8.59
Gain 2954.35 Gain 2075.45 Gain 2590.09
Approach, -3.84 -9.59 Approach, -3.84 125.59 Approach, 125.59 -9.59
Average EVA Average EVA Average EVA
Net EVA -13.43 Net EVA 121.75 Net EVA 116.00
[1] World Bank
[4] Bloomberg
[5] Euromonitor
[6] Moody’s Rating
[7] CRAN – Communication Regulatory Authority of Namibia report
[8] Ernest and Young report on Global Market Outlook 2016 – Trends in real estate private equity
[9] Tarun Khanna and Krishna Papelu, “Strategies that fit emerging markets”
[10] R Mohammed Ilyas, DK Banwet and Ravi Shankar, “Value Chain Relationship – A strategy Matrix”

Resumes of Participants
D.Santosh Mahi Teja R S Swagat Kumar Dash
Year Institute/ School Course/ Board Percentage/ CGPA Year Institute/ School Course/ Board Percentage/ CGPA Year Institute/ School Course/ Board Percentage/ CGPA
2017 IIM Raipur PGP Pursuing 2017 IIM Raipur PGP Pursuing 2017 IIM Raipur PGP Pursuing
2013 PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore B.E (Automobile) 9.23 2010 SASTRA University, Thanjavur B. Tech (E.C.E) 7.68 2014 N ational Institute of Technology Rourkela Mechanical Engineering 9.01
2009 Perks Matriculation H igher Secondary School, Coimbatore Class XII- TN State Board 94.08 2010 Vijay Ratna Junior College, H yderabad Class XII – APBIE 92.90 2010 DAV Public School, Pokhariput Class XII- CBSE 93.4
2008 St. Anthony’s H igh School, Hyderabad Class X – AP State Board 88.16 2008 St Stephens School, D umDum Class X-ICSE 93.14
2007 Perks Matriculation H igher Secondary School, Coimbatore Class X-Matriculation Board 92
Robert Bosch Engineering & § Worked in Field Oriented Control (FOC) commutation development team for BLDC motors used for
§ Performed corporate branding activities of Mahanadi Coalfields Limited as principal sponsor of FIH
§ Handling Channel Sales partners sales, market coverage, dealer manpower capability building Business Solutions Limited Electronic Power Steering.
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited Hockey Champions Trophy
§ Key Account Management (KAM) in the territory through demo trials and loaded trials § Handled hardware testing using motor test bench for BLDC motors. Coal India Limited
12 months § H andpicked from the batch of trainees to be a part of the team responsible for setting up
Assistant Manager–Sales and § Segmenting and Targeting the right customers for the available products and Promoting products § Assisted in Architecture Designing of the H ardware Based Software (H BS) platform in Electronic 9 months
Jun 2014 – Jun 2015 MIN REM(MCL Institute of N atural Resources and Energy Management)
Marketing through BTL activities Power Steering system. July 2014 – May 2015 § Spearheaded the registration of MIN REM under Societies Registration Act, 1860
22 months § Market Penetration for New Products – Identifying the Key customer segments, profiling of customers SUMMER IN TERN SH IP
for new products § Coordinated with people from various departments for preparation of Memorandum and by laws of
August 2013 – June 2015 § Submitted a comprehensive report on Consumer Research & N ew Product Launch” wrt N avratna MINREM and the budget estimate of the institute
§ Responsible for the Customer Satisfaction, repeat purchase of the existing customers and acquiring new
customers Cool Oil & N RAC. SUMMER IN TERN SH IP
SUMMER IN TERN SH IP Emami Ltd § Understanding of Distribution Channels of Emami in Hyderabad and gauge the effectiveness of current
§ Successfully completed a project in the Sales and Circulation Department of Hindustan Newspaper
Post Graduate Internship retail placements,
§ Explored the opportunities for Weld mesh Business – a new Business Vertical planned by Tata Steel across 4 locations- Agra, Mathura, Meerut and Saharanpur
§ Monitor the BTL activities for Navratna brand and make necessary recommendations. § Studied the existing Trade Relations through Survey of more than 200 vendors/ hawkers Improved
Apr 2016 – Jun 2016 HT Media Ltd
§ Conducted field studies at multiple ongoing projects and estimated the demand for the product § Identify the key challenges and opportunities to increase the market presence for NRAC brand and
Postgraduate Internship overall productivity and sales in Daily PCC surveys by focusing on Process streamlining, and effective
§ Closely worked with Structural Consultants, Project Managers and Weld mesh manufacturers to analyzing the feedback from retailers on pricing and promotional activities undertaken. hiring, retention and training strategies
Tata Steel understand the requirement of different stakeholders § Gauging the awareness levels of consumers and factors causing their trial/ repeat purchase. April – May 2016
§ Studied the factors affecting buying behavior of Readers and possible reasons of Hindustan lagging other
Strategy and Marketing § Conducted Competitor analysis in terms of Product and Pricing, Industry analysis to understand the SHORT TERM PROJECTS & IN DUSTRY INTERFACE Hindi Daily newspaper through more than 250 reader surveys
April 2016 – June 2016 barriers to adoption, PESTEL framework to understand the Legal and Technological barriers in the § Recommendations and Steps helped in improving the PO in Agra by 5% and Mathura by 10%
§ H eaded the Events and Promotions Team, which was responsible for developing and executing an
industry effective consumer acquisition strategy for Decathlon Raipur. SH ORT TERM PROJECTS & IN DUSTRY IN TERFACE
Decathlon Sports India Pvt Ltd
§ Recommended the entry strategy for the company in terms of Product, Market and Pricing § Conceptualized and executed several social events across Raipur for spreading brand awareness and MBASkool
Oct 2015 – Dec 2015 § Developed content in Marketing and Strategy for the website’s article section
§ Formulated the Go to Market Strategy for the upcoming weld mesh products enhancing consumer engagement. Content Management Intern § Major articles included ‘The Challenge of Marketing Government Schemes’, ‘ Should education be
§ Collaborated with the sports clubs of various colleges and organized sponsored sports competitions.
LIVE PROJECTS May 2016 marketed?’ and ‘Understanding Crucial Trade Strategies in N ewspaper Sales’
§ Devised strategies for Business development of Print Bindaas by briefing about their product range to PeoplePal § Spearheaded, developed and handled the social media marketing of the leadership based newspaper
Future Brands § Studied the Consumer Buying Behaviour for Deodorants through informal interviews in Raipur Print Bindaas the target market. Brand Ambassador § Played a crucial role in the development and promotion of Brand Ambassador program and Logo
August 2015 – November 2015 § Identify the factors that influence the customer stickiness towards the deodorant brand Aug 2015 – Feb 2016 § Responsible for conducting events and analyzing need assessment of merchandise and printing June-July 2016 design
§ Identify the lifestyle and demographic factors that influence the purchase behaviour of deodorants requirements at various colleges.
Decathlon § Planned and executed the Social media promotions for “Decathlon – Raipur” store opening POSITION S OF RESPON SIBILITY
October 2015 – November 2015 § Promoted the store in social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram Team Coordinator § Ensuring coordination among fellow team members and managing all the administrative aspects
§ Promotional activities resulted in 1500+ footfalls in the first 3 days of Store opening Executive Member § Responsible for conducting Aakash, the biannual entrepreneurial networking meet to connect all the Career Development and § Involved in cold calling corporates of different companies and coordinating drives
Consulting & Entrepreneurship entrepreneurs of Raipur. Placement Office, IIM Raipur § Promoted branding of IIM Raipur as Protocol Officer in 2nd H R Summit and International
POSITION S OF RESPON SIBILITY Conference that saw participation of more than 25 HR professionals in August 2015
Club § Conceptualized and executed promotional activities for the new McDonalds store in Raipur 2015-17
Relationship Chairman - § Promoted Corporate Relations and Branding of IIM Raipur through Industrial visits and Interaction
Aug 2015 - Present § Organized many inter- and intra-college events and competitions. Joint Secretary
Industry Relations § Invited eminent speakers from different industrial expertise for knowledge sharing sessions § Developed relationships with more than 50 new corporates on behalf of the institute
SAEPSG Collegiate Chapter § Planned and Organized knowledge sharing sessions by Industry experts Member, Sponsorship Team Placement Committee, NIT RKL § Involved in cold calling corporates of different companies and coordinating recruitment drives
§ Worked in the Sponsorship team of Equinox 2016 to generate sponsorship for the cultural cum
June 2012 – April 2013 Equinox 2016 2014-15 § Promoted the branding of NIT Rourkela in corporate events like Mahindra Ignitors
management fest
§ Executive Member of Career development and Placement office of IIM Raipur AWARDS AN D ACH IEVEMEN TS
Career Development and § Involved in Cold calling corporate offices and co-ordinating drives § Gold Medal Awardee for winning Zonal Level Quiz “Strategia” organized by Business Standard from amongst more than 500 participants
Placement Office, IIM Raipur § Finalist in Lakshya 2015, an IIM Lucknow case study competition on “Marketing and supply chain issues of apples in India” in 2015
§ Acted as Protocol officer and single point of contact for HR in 2nd HR summit and International § Finalist in Anveshan 2012, a national level design competition in Embedded Systems and completed a project for Analog Devices.Inc
July 2015 - Present Conference conducted by IIM Raipur § Gold medal Awardee with Global Rank 40 amongst more than 1 Lakh participants in English and General-Knowledge Proficiency
CERTIFICATION S SKILL SETS Test organized by CIPEL(Central Institute for Proficiency in English Language) in 2007
AWARDS AN D ACHIEVEMEN TS § “International Marketing Management” by Trade & Beyond § MS Office § Runners Up in Zonal Level Mahindra Auto Quiz organized by Mahindra and Mahindra in 2015
§ 1 rank holder in BE-Automobile Engineering and awarded with “Gold Medal”
st § Finalist(in Top 6) in N ITIE Mumbai’s Annual Consulting Competition, Mantrana from amongst more than 150 teams in 2016
§ “Marketing Analytics: Price & Promotion” by EdX § SPSS
§ Finalist (In Top 5) for Lakshya 2015, an IIM Lucknow Case Study Competition which saw a participation of more than 100 teams
§ Best Outgoing Student awardee of Automobile Engineering 2009 – 2013 batch § Google AdWords Certification § C, C+ + § Finalist(in Top 6) in Muddit Vriddhi, the flagship event of Equinox 2016 organized by IIM Raipur from amongst more than 200 teams
§ Winner of Regional finals in Mahindra Auto Quotient 2012, N ational level Auto quizzing competition ACTIVITIES AN D IN TEREST § Second Runners Up in Zonal Level Tata Crucible Quiz organized by Tata Group in 2016
§ Winner of Safety award, Engineering design award and 4-hour endurance race in SAEIN DIA BAJA 2012 and 2013
§ Passed N CC ‘A’ certificate exam with A-grade § Attended workshop on Digital Marketing 101 organized by CMO factory in August 2015 CERTIFICATION S SKILL SETS
§ Certified by KPMG – Green Belt in Six Sigma § Attended “Consulting Decaffeinated” workshop conducted by Backspace Consulting in September 2015 § Google AdWords Certification § SPSS
ACTIVITIES AN D IN TEREST § Participated in N ew Venture Creation workshop in Youth2Business (Y2B) forum conducted by AIESEC, Chennai.
§ Interested in playing football, cricket and watching Formula1. § CMO factory § MS Office
§ Quizzing – Regularly practice and participate in Auto quiz, Playing Badminton, Avid follower of Formula One
P l a c e m e n t @ ii m r a i p u r . a c . i n I N D I A N I N ST I T U T E O F MA N A G E M E N T RA I P U R P H : 0 7 71 - 27 72 0 00 P l a c e m e n t @ i i m r a i p u r . a c . i n I N D I A N I N ST I T U T E O F M A N A G E M E N T RA I P U RP H : 0 7 71 - 27 7 2 00 0
P l a c e m e n t @ i i m r ai p u r . a c . i n I N D I AN I N ST I T U T E O F MA N A G E ME N T R AI P U RP H : 0 7 7 1 - 2 7 7 2 0 0 0



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