Chapter Two: Solution of Non-Linear Equation

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Chapter Two

Solution of non-linear equation

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• What is equation? • What is types of equation?

Linear vs. non-linear

Algebraic vs. Transcendental

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• Equations f(x) = 0 is called • Equation f(x)=0 is called

an algebraic equation if the transcendental equation if
corresponding f (x) is a f(x) contains trigonometric,
polynomial. or exponential or logarithmic

• Example 7x2 + x - 8 = 0 is • Examples of transcendental

an algebraic equation. equations are sin x–x = 0

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Numerical solution

• Solving mathematical equations is an important

requirement for various branches of science and
• The field of numerical analysis explores the
techniques that give approximate solutions to such
problems with the desired accuracy.

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Computer based solutions

The major steps involved to solve a given problem using a

computer are:

1. Modeling

2. Choose appropriate numerical method

3. Develop computer algorithm

4. Execution

5. Interpretation of results
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Solution Methods

• There are two types of methods available to find the roots of


Direct Method Indirect Method

It give the exact value of the It is based on concept of
roots successive approximations

Quadratic equation
1. Open methods
2. Bracketing methods

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Bracketing methods Open methods

• It require the limits between • It require the initial

which the root lies estimation of the solution
Examples Examples
1. Bisection method 1. Newton Rahpson method
2. False position method 2. Secant method

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Bisection Method

• It is bracketing methods for finding roots of

an equation
• It is based on the concept of intermediate
value theorem for continuous functions.

What is intermediate value theorem ?

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Algorithm of Bisection method

1. Find a and b in which f(a) and f(b) are opposite signs for the

given equation using trial and error method.

2. Assume initial root as xo = (a+b)/2.

3. If f(x0)is negative, the root lies between a and xo and take the

root as x1 = ( xo +a)/2. Else x1 = ( xo +b)/2.

4. Repeat the above process until any two consecutive values are

equal or the iteration terminated and hence the root is last

iterative value
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Mr. Desalegnare
A. termination criteria ?9
Criterion for termination

4. A convenient criterion is to
compute the percentage error
1. Termination after N steps (N
is defined by;
given, fixed)

2. Termination if(xn+1 - xn ≤Ԑ x n  x n 1
er  x 100 %
(Ԑ> 0 given) xn

3. Termination if f(xn)≤α (α>0 • The computations can be

given). terminated when relative

error becomes less than a
prescribed tolerance.

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1. Find the positive root of x3 – x = 1

correct to four decimal places by
bisection method.

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Bisection Method

Merits of bisection method

• The iteration using bisection method always produces a root

• As iterations are conducted, the length of the interval gets halved. So one

can guarantee the convergence in case of the solution of the equation.

• The Bisection Method is simple to program in a computer.

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Demerits of bisection method
• The convergence of the bisection method is slow as it is simply based on
halving the interval.
• Bisection method cannot be applied over an interval where there is a
• Bisection method cannot be applied over an interval where the function
takes always values of the same sign.
• The method fails to determine complex roots.

• If one of the initial guesses a or b is closer to the exact solution, it will take
larger number of iterations to reach the root

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Find a real root of the following
equations by bisection method.

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Regula Falsi method

• It is bracketing methods • It is based on the

concept of intermediate
value theorem

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Solve for a positive root of x3 -4x+1=0 by and Regula Falsi


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Your Text Here

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Theoretical Exercises

1. What is the difference between algebraic and

transcendental equations?
2. Why we are using numerical iterative methods for solving
3. Based on which principle, the bisection and regula-falsi
method is developed?
4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the
bracketing methods ?

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Newton-Raphson method

• It is an open method
• It has fastest convergence rate
• Let’s consider graph below

Please drive Newton’s Formula.

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Find the positive root of f(x) = 2x3- 3x-6 =0 by Newton –

Raphson method correct to five decimal places.

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The Secant Method

• We have seen that the Newton-Raphson method requires the

evaluation of derivatives of the function and this is not always

possible, particularly in the case of functions arising in

practical problems.

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In the secant method, the derivative at f at xn is approximated

by the formula

f ( xn )  f ( xn  1)
f ' ( xn ) 
xn  xn  1
Then Newton formula becomes

f ( xn )( x n  x n  1 )
x n 1  x n 
f ( xn )  f ( xn  1 )

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Final exercise

Develop MATLAB program of the following root

finding methods
1. Bisection
2. Newton method
3. Secant method

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Thank you

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