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• SECTION A:: Deals with Established and office
procedures, Election and VVIPS.
• SECTION B:: land – patta transfer – LAOP.
• SECTION C:: land Acquisition.
• SECTION D:: Deals with law & order, Magisterial
(court/ legal) matters.
• SECTION E:: Examinations / built main tenance.
• SECTION G:: Survey Mathers.
• SECTION I:: Grievance Redressal.
• SECTION J :: Budject, Audit, Reconcillation,
salary,pay fixation.
• SECTION L:: land matters- railways lands,
relinquished lands , Encroachments.
• SECTION H:: Record keeping, Accommodation of
Govt – offices and district. Garette.
• DM:: Natural calamities ,TN hill Ares.
• ART :: Mass contact, Jamabanhi, Namakku name
• DSO:: public distribution system, civil supplies.
• EXISE :: state exise, tasmac managment.
• BC :: BC welfare.
• ADW :: Addisavidar and tribal welfare.
• AD ( P ):: panchayats related Activities.
• AD ( AUDIT ):: Audit and high level committee.
• PA ( SS ):: Small savings.
• PA ( NM ):: school noon meals Related Activities.
• PO (DRDA) :: rural development and panchayats
• A.D ( TP ):: Town panchayats related Activities.

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