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Latin American debt

E A R LY 1 9 8 0 S

Murilo Cavallaro Tambasco RA: 202010133

Luiza Weber RA: 202010125
1929: Great Depression

1930: Import Substitution

1950-80: Latin American Industrialization

• 1973-78: Oil crisis, the prices skyrocketed
 development of OPEC - Organization of
Petroleum Exporting Countries
 Increase in the U.S. inflation rate
• 1979: increase in U.S. interest rates (Fed)
• 1980: Latin American debt crisis sets in
• 1982: declaration of Mexico’s debt moratorium
History and effects of the crisis
• Succession of economic problems that hit the Latin American economies, beginning with
the declaration of a moratorium on the foreign debt in 1982 in Mexico.

• The most serious crisis that has plagued the South American continent.

• This crisis was responsible for the generalized increase in unemployment and the rise in
inflation. The external debt contracted by the economies initiated the domination of the
central countries in relation to the national markets of the underdeveloped countries.
International Monetary Fund

• Neoliberalism

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