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Energy balance

Benefits of a Balanced Diet

• A well-balanced diet provides important vitamins, minerals, and
nutrients to keep the body and mind strong and healthy.
• Eating well can also help ward off numerous diseases and health
• as well as help maintain a healthy body weight,
• provide energy,
• allow better sleep,
• and improve brain function. 

Nutrition Rainbow

Colorful plant foods

provide an abundance
of cancer-fighting &
immune boosting
Side Effects of over consumption of tea
• Can stain teeth tea contains acids, tannins, and chromogens.
Together, these three chemicals can prove deadly to any teeth
whitening regimen.
• Hamper absorption of some minerals
• Can raise blood pressure
• The caffeine in the tea is not good for the cardiovascular system.
• Theophylline a chemical in the tea can lead to a dehydrating
effect during digestion, causing constipation. Caffeine is a diuretic
and causes an increase in urine volume.
• Consuming too much of tea can lead to sleep disruption,
restlessness, anxiety and increased heart rate.
Eat the Right Food

• Since different foods have different nutritional

values, it is not possible to obtain all the
nutrients we need from a single food.
According to the Healthy Eating Food Pyramid,
we have to eat a variety of foods among all
food groups as well as within each group in
order to get different nutrients and meet our
daily needs.
Eat the Right Amount

• Neither eating too much nor too little is good

for our health. Every day, we need a specific
amount of nutrients to maintain optimal health.
If we do not eat enough, under-nutrition and
symptoms of deficiency are likely to develop;
while over-nutrition and obesity can be resulted
when we consume an excessive amount of any
type of food. Therefore, we have to eat right
amount of food to stay healthy.
Life expectancy of an average Pakistani is 67 years.
While in Hunza, being 100 years old doesn’t make you
an elderly person. Even at 100, they are surprisingly
strong and sturdy.
Harmful effects of
carbonated drinks

Empty Calories Gain & Obesity : Drinking soft

drinks in the place of other beverages such as
water significantly increases your calorie intake
without providing any nutrients.
• Diabetes: Anything that leads to weight gain increases the
risk of diabetes. And besides contributes to excess pounds,
drinking soda also stresses the body's ability to process sugar
5. Scientists now believe that the sweet stuff may help

explain why the number of Americans with type 2 diabetes

has tripled from 6.6 million in 1980 to 20.8 million today.
Rapidly absorbed carbohydrates like high fructose corn syrup
put more strain on insulin-producing cells. And here is why:
when sugar enters the bloodstream quickly, the pancreas has
to secrete large amounts of insulin for the body to process it.
Soda habit places an unceasing demand on the pancreas to
produce insulin and some scientists believe that this may
ultimately lead for pancreas to be unable to keep up with
the body's need for insulin. Also, insulin itself becomes less
effective at processing sugar. Both these conditions
contribute to the risk of developing diabetes.
Weakened Bones and Risk of
Osteoporosis: Frequent
consumption of soft drinks may
also increase the risk of
osteoporosis, High soda
consumption (particularly cola
in children represents a
significant risk factor for
impaired calcification of
growing bones.
Dental Caries and Erosion: Soda eats up and dissolves the tooth
enamel. Acidic food contributes to the dissolution of the mineral
content of the enamel, making the teeth weaker, more sensitive, and
more susceptible to decay.
Kidney Damage
There is good evidence that specifically cola beverages
can increase the risk of kidney problems, more so than
non-cola sodas.
Researches clearly demonstrated that large quantities
of cola result in enhanced kidney stone formation. If
you're wondering exactly how soft drinks cause kidney
stones, it's because of their acidity and radical mineral
imbalances. Your body must buffer the acidity of soft
drinks with calcium from your own bones. As this
calcium is eliminated through your urine, it slowly
forms kidney stones.
Increased Blood Pressure: Experts have reasons to
believe that overconsumption of fructose, particularly
in the form of soft drinks, leads to an increase in blood
Heartburn: Soft drink consumption is a strong
predictor of heartburn.
Harmful Effects On Liver: Consuming too many soft
drinks increases the risk of liver cirrhosis, the disease
often found in chrinic alcoholics.
• Impaired Digestive System: Soda, no
matter who makes it, is extremely
acidic beverage, with a pH of about 2.5,
about the same as vinegar, but the
sugar content disguises the acidity. To
better understand this number,
consider that battery acid has a pH of 1
and pure water has a pH level of 7. The
phosphoric acid (H3PO4) present in soft
drink competes with the hydrochloric
acid (HCl) of the stomach and affects its
functions. When the stomach
functioning is disturbed, food remains
undigested causing indigestion,
increased gas, and bloating.
Avoiding Added Sugar,
Fat, and Salt

Candy, cookies – lots of

Fruit is naturally sweet.
Also try dried fruit or a
dried fruit & nut mix, a
nutritious high-energy
Soda, fruit punch, sweet
drinks - These drinks are not
in their natural state, highly
processed, high in sugar.

Remember to read labels!


Most of us get too much salt. RDA – 1 teaspoon a day

Excess salt may lead to hypertension

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